GR@PPA --GRace At Proton Proton and proton Anti-proton collisions

Last updated: Wed Jul 27 19:37:49 CDT 2005



Frame of GR@PPA : version 2.76

Matrix Elements : proc. list v2.76

Boson(s) + n jets (n=0,1,2,3,4) processes:
W + 0 jet Z + 0 jet WW + 0 jet ZZ + 0 jet ZW + 0 jet
W + 1 jet Z + 1 jet WW + 1 jet ZZ + 1 jet ZW + 1 jet
W + 2 jets Z + 2 jets WW + 2 jets ZZ + 2 jets ZW + 2 jets
W + 3 jets Z + 3 jets

W + 4 jets Z + 4 jets

Note : The bosons are decayed into fermions in ME calculations. The notation of "Z" expresses Z/gamma* interferences.

Heavy Flavor production processes:
tt + 0 jet (6-body) tt + 1 jets (7-body)
bbbb (Higgs2,QCD2) bbbb (ELWK2, QCD2)
bbbb (QCD4) bbbb (ELWK4)

QCD n jets production processes:
QCD 2 jets QCD 3 jets QCD 4 jets

How to install/run

This program works on Unix/Linux systems. After downloading the "Frame of GR@PPA" (top of this page), on your working directory,

~% tar xzvf GR@PPA-2.76.tgz

Install the "Matrix Element" that you want to use. For example, let's install "W + 1 jet" and "W + 2 jets" processes at the same time. Again, download those sources of the matrix elements from the above. Then,

~% cd GR@PPA-2.76/
~% tar xzvf matrix_w1j_v1.03.tgz
~% tar xzvf matrix_w2j_v1.03.tgz

Type "Config.perl", which is the configuration script to set up the Makefile and kinematics and so on.

~% Config.perl

You will see that your processes of "W + 1 jet" and "W + 2 jets" are correctly configured. If you met any error messages, check the proc.list in top directory of "GR@PPA-2.76/" whether the downloaded Matrix Elements are really included in this proc.list. If not, this version of the GR@PPA frame does not correspond to those processes. In this case, please update the "Frame of GR@PPA" to the newer one.

Edit "Makefile" in top directory of "GR@PPA-2.76/". If you use PDF library or showering Monte Carlo of PYTHIA or HERWIG, point out the locations in "Makefile". Also, you may want to change the compiler (and options) although the "Config.perl" script looks for the location of the compilers.

Also, check the "inc/define.h" to use PDF library and the output (unweighted) event data format. The default settings are to use PYTHIA-PDF which is already hardcoded in the PYTHIA source, and LHA format(hep-hp/0109068) which was proposed on Les Houches 2001 WS. We also have an old style data format which is only available to use PYTHIA.6.1, but it is obsolete.

After editting the "Makefile" and "inc/define.h", compile your matrix elements at first.

~% make w1j
~% make w2j

Then, compile "BASES/SPRING" integration library, "chanel library, and kinematic library.

~% make integ
~% make kinem

Install those library into "GR@PPA-2.76/lib/" directory.

~% make install

The command "make example" makes the Makefiles in each "GR@PPA-2.76/example/". If you want to use PYTHIA, the example program can be found in "GR@PPA-2.76/example/pythia/" directory.

~% make example
~% cd example/pythia/

Finally, select the process identification number (LPRUP(1)) according to the LHA format in "upinit.F". In this case, we need to set 101 for "W + 1 jet" or 102 for "W + 2 jets". The beam energy or kinematical cuts are controlled in this file. The other parameters related to the process specific parameters are set in "grcpar.F". All details about the parameters are described in our paper (in preparetion) and GR@PPA_All Online Manual for v2.65.

The main program is pysample.F when we use PYTHIA, which just produces 100 events. Then, make and run it.

~% make
~% ./pysample

Note that once you make the integration files after the numerical integration with the option "IBSWRT = 0", you need not to make this file again when you make the unweighted events again with the same parameters.

Bench mark cross section

Tevatron : CM = 1.96 TeV (p pbar collision), CTEQ5L,
Cuts : pT > 8 GeV, |eta| < 3.0, DeltaR > 0.4 for jets, no cut for lepton,
other parameters are default one. (See details for the bases-log file.)

(unit pb)
N jets 0 1 2 3 4
W(enu) + 2040(1) log 696.0(6) log 237.2(3) log 77.8(1) log 27.12(6) log
Z(ee) + 1222(2) log 174.9(3) log 57.8(1) log 17.26(3) log log
W+(enu)W-(enu) + 0.1091(2) log 0.06031(9) log 0.03145(9) log

Z(ee)Z(ee) + 0.004932(7) log 0.002295(3) log 0.000895(1) log

Z(ee)W(enu) + 0.01785(3) log 0.01040(2) log 0.00461(1) log

LHC : CM = 14 TeV (p p collision), CTEQ5L,
Cuts : pT > 20 GeV, |eta| < 3.0, DeltaR > 0.4 for jets, no cut for lepton,
other parameters are default one. (See details for the bases-log file.)

(unit pb)
N jets 0 1 2 3 4
W(enu) + 17892(12) log 3949(3) log 1607(2) log 682(2) log 316(1) log
Z(ee) + 7208(12) log 609(1) log 278.0(5) log 105.1(3) log 64.0(4) log
W+(enu)W-(enu) + 1.425(4) log 0.906(2) log 2.68(3) log

Z(ee)Z(ee) + 0.04489(7) log 0.01825(3) log 0.00974(1) log

Z(ee)W(enu) + 0.1867(3) log 0.4493(8) log 0.367(1) log

CPU test

(unit H:M:Sec)
Process Fortran Compiler Integ. time (H:M:Sec) Evt.Gen. time (Sec/evts.) Efficiency
Integ./Evt.Gen. Log files
W(enu)+0jet g77
intel 8.0
0: 0: 4.88
0: 0: 1.80
69.618 (integ.) (evt.gen.)
(integ.) (evt.gen.)
W(enu)+1jet g77
intel 8.0
0: 0:51.81
0: 0:19.15
19.891 (integ.) (evt.gen.)
(integ.) (evt.gen.)
W(enu)+2jets g77
intel 8.0
1.731 (integ.) (evt gen.)
(integ.) (evt gen.)
W(enu)+3jets g77
intel 8.0
14: 3:46.35
0.283 (integ.) (evt gen.)
(integ.) (evt gen.)

Questions : Soushi Tsuno
e-mail :
ex. : 2310 (FNAL office)
telephone: +81-86-251-7817 (Okayama, Japan)
facsimile: +81-86-251-7830