Fermilab Computing Division

How to get a DOEGrids Certificate for
Fermilab Hosts or Services (Grid and Web)


Restricted Access


Getting a host/service certificate involves using OpenSSL to generate a certificate request and a private key which you then provide to DOEGrids via its website. You will need to protect your private key from access by other users. DOEGrids will generate a certificate and ... If the certificate is for a service, you will need to import the certificate into your service application and configure it; these steps are application-dependent. If it is for a host, instructions are provided in the OSG CE Install Guide.

Get Certificates for Grid Host/Services using Globus Toolkit (Linux)

Instructions for participants in FermiGrid are available in the FermiGrid User Install Guide and the FermiGrid Administration Guide.

Instructions for participants in Open Science Grid are available in the OSG CE Install Guide. In particular, see the section Configure the Public Key Infrastructure. These instructions assume that the OSG CE package (based on the Virtual Data Toolkit, VDT) is installed on your machine. The only required package for getting host/service certificates, however, is the Globus Toolkit, which is packaged with VDT.

See the Fermilab Grid Access Control Policy.

Get Certificates for Web Host/Services (UNIX/Linux and Windows)

In order to request a web host certificate from the DOEGrids CA, a certificate request must be generated using a recent version of OpenSSL. Version 0.9.7a or later of OpenSSL are known to work successfully with DOEGrids. 

OpenSSL is already available in Fermi Linux. In Linux, the OpenSSL version can be checked with the command:

openssl version

If OpenSSL is not installed on your system, use "yum install openssl" to do so.

For Microsoft Windows, a command-line version of OpenSSL is available in any of a few ways:

  1. As part of Cygwin, if you have installed the cygwin tools and specified inclusion of OpenSSL.
  2. As part of the Windows KCA and command line Kerberos utilities,  Get Cert
  3. As part of the Fermi Kerberos Client-only for Windows/Cygwin, which can be found at: ftp://ftp.fnal.gov/pub/fnal-kerberos-clientonly/current/FNAL-kerberos-clientonly-cygwin.zip
  4. Install a native OpenSSL command-line utility for Windows, which can be downloaded from: Win32 OpenSSL  (Shining Light Productions) or from the local Security Tools repository at Native OpenSSL for Windows

For options 2 and 3, you will need to modify the PATH system environment variable to add the directory with the tools and libraries to the search path for commands.

In all cases, for both Windows and Linux (the remainder of the instructions are OS-independent), you will also need a configuration file to be passed to the OpenSSL command. One of several versions of this text file can be downloaded for this purpose (configuration files for  hosts with 2 or more DNS names were modified on  October 9, 2007 as the DOEGrids CA no longer accepts requests with multiple Common Names (CNs) in the Distringuished Name so now a single CN with a regular expression must be used for multi-homed systems):

Now you're ready to run the openssl command to generate the certificate request. We'll assume that the configuration file is named doegrids-host-ssl.conf, and that it's in the current directory (from which you'll execute the command), and that your fully-qualified domain name is nonesuch.fnal.gov. To generate a certificate request given these specifics, the OpenSSL command would look like:

openssl req -new -keyout nonesuch.key -nodes -out nonesuch.req -config doegrids-host-ssl.conf

This command writes the certificate request to the file nonesuch.req in the current directory. It also writes the private key into the file nonesuch.key.

Save the .req file so that you can reuse it when your first certificate expires and it's time to request a new host/service cert. Currently these certificates are not renewable.

You MUST protect the private key (e.g., nonesuch.key) from access by other users. We recommend that you copy the file to a floppy or other storage device which you store in a safe and secure place, and then delete the file from your computer.

Here is an example of the screen output generated by this command:

Loading 'screen' into random state - done
Generating a 1024 bit RSA private key
writing new private key to 'nonesuch.key'
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
into your certificate request.
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
For some fields there will be a default value,
If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
Level 0 DomainComponent [org]:
Level 1 DomainComponent [doegrids]:
Level 0 DomainComponent [org]:
Level 1 DomainComponent [doegrids]:
Certificate category [Services]:
Name (e.g., foo.bar.com) []:nonesuch.fnal.gov

You MUST select the default by pressing Enter in response to all the prompts except for the Name prompt where you enter the fully-qualified domain node name (nonesuch.fnal.gov in this example). You will also want to print to screen the generated certificate request (e.g., nonesuch.req) using the command:

openssl req -text -in nonesuch.req

or open it in a text editor in order to verify that the Subject is correct and then to select the Base64-encoded certificate request that is between the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE lines for copying. Be sure to include the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE lines in the copied text..

Certificate Request:
        Version: 0 (0x0)
        Subject: DC=org, DC=doegrids, OU=Services, CN=nonesuch.fnal.gov
        Subject Public Key Info:
            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
            RSA Public Key: (1024 bit)
                Modulus (1024 bit):
                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
     Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption

  • Now go to the DOEGrids home page and click on the Certificate Service under the Service Links in the left-hard frame on the page. This will take you to the DOEGrids Certificates Services page.
  • From there, make sure the Enrollment tab is active, and select "Grid or SSL Server" from the left-hand menu.

  • Paste the copied text (again, from BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST to END CERTIFICATE REQUEST, inclusive) into the large text entry box labelled PKCS #10 Request. This box displays instructions to Paste the PKCS #10 request into this text area.
  • Make up and enter a Challenge Phase password which will be required for renewing the certificate. You'll need to remember it, so save it in a safe place.
  • Enter your name as the server administrator, your e-mail address and phone number in the specified fields.
  • In the Affiliation pull down menu, select FNAL (FNAL is usually correct for FNAL-owned servers).
  • In the comments block, please describe the purpose of the certificate being requested as well as your Fermilab Division and department or experiment to assist the personnel who will assess and approve your certificate request.
  • Upon submission, your request will be forwarded to the appropriate CA per the affiliation you selected.
  • After your request has been accepted and signed by DOEGrids (it may take a few hours), you will receive an email with a link to retrieve your newly signed certificate.
  • Navigate to the URL given in the email message.
  • Scroll down the web page to the 'Installing this certificate in a server' section.
  • Separately, create a new text file on your system into which you will copy your certificate contents. (It will become the pem file which you will import.)
  • Select and copy the contents from the section 'Base 64 encoded certificate' starting with the
    -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- header and ending with the
    -----END CERTIFICATE----- footer. Be sure to include the header and footer.



  • Paste this contents into your new text file.
  • Open the key file, e.g., nonesuch.key, in an editor. Select all the text in this file, including the lines BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY and END RSA PRIVATE KEY.



  • Paste this text into the end of the new text file file into which you previously pasted the certificate from the DOEGrids website. The new file should now look similar to this:


For assistance contact helpdesk@fnal.gov.
Information compiled and maintained by Computer Security Team ; last modified by FJN on October 10, 2007.
(Address comments about page to the Computer Security Team.)