[VxW] GPF, stack problems?

wiktor wiktorn at poczta.fm
Thu Apr 17 11:16:26 PDT 2003

I experience strange problem.

My method used to give General Protection Fault.
I tried to solve it out.
Now ended up with some stupid code (below), but no GPF!

When I remove the magic line. It gives GPF again.
Where is the trick?
How to track it?
Does the magic line causes stack to be in some state which doesn't ive GPF?
The problem lies in VxSim, Tornado or my code?

I'd be very thankful for any helpful suggestions.


Please note that oEvent is never used!!!

       CServiceEvent oEvent = static_cast<CServiceEvent&>(*a_event);
// magic line

       if ( true ==  state().handleEvent( *this, *a_event )  )
        cout << "xxx" << endl << flush;

        delete a_event;

        return true;

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