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GPS Information

GPS Processing Manual

About GPS

Guide to GPS processing under gp

W. H. Prescott
Last update of text: 1997 May 02
(Listings updated more frequently)

Table of Contents


gp is a set of Unix scripts and programs for processing Global Positioning System (GPS) data. The system is designed to handle both "continuous" and "campaign" style GPS observations with a minimum of operator effort. The system is implemented on a Unix platform. The actual processing is carried out with the GIPSY software (E-mail to GIPSY). gp is an interface to GIPSY.

This manual assumes some familiarity with GIPSY processing and with the Unix operating system.

We are currently using GIPSY-OASIS II, Release 4. GIPSY is a product of JPL and inquiries about the use of GIPSY should be directed to them. We run the software on a SUN Sparc 10, Model 712 under the Solaris 2.4 operating system.

The automatic processing carries out the following steps:
  1. Retrieve data from various internal and external archives
  2. Retrieve IGS orbits
  3. Clean data
  4. Process with GIPSY (IGS orbits, fiducial-free, ambiguities resolved).
  5. Store results and intermediate processing info on archive.
  6. Update directory of archive contents.
  7. Transform results into ITRF94.
  8. Compute vectors for all stations.
  9. Update plot and data archives of all previous results for each vector.
  10. Move plots and data to a public WWW area.
  11. Update the WWW page listing the available stations.
(Table of Contents)

Running solutions I

In order to initiate gp processing the operator needs to specify two things: The stations to be processed and the date to be processed.

Specifying the stations:

Create a file (named CampaignsToProcess) containing a list of the campaigns you want to include in each solution. e.g.

See Behind the scenes for details on how the processing determines which stations to include.

Specifying the date: Command line method:

Execute the command
gp.queue 19950522

All processing is done in daily batches, however several days can be initiated at the same time. They will be processed one at a time. To initiate processing for several days:
List all the dates on the command line
gp.queue 19950522 19950523 19950524"

Specifying the date: "DatesToRun" method:

Create a file called "DatesToRun" including all the desired dates:

e.g. DatesToRun
Then execute the command:

(Table of Contents)

Viewing results

Graphical and digital versions of the results are written to a series of World Wide Web (WWW) pages. Currently these are stored on

The plots are time histories of the change in position of one station relative to a second station. For each station pair the plot file contains a plot for the length, north, east and up components of the vector connecting the two stations. The data files contain the same information in digital format. (See the file formats at the end of Behind the scenes).

(Table of Contents)

Checking the solution

At the conclusion of processing there should be a file named yyyymmdd.log for each day that was run where yyyymmdd is the day that was processed (e.g. 19960525). In addition there will be a subdirectory named yyyymmdd for each day that failed to complete normally. Upon normal completion the day subdirectory contents are put away and the directory is deleted.

The day log file is also put away automatically and can be deleted when it is not needed for handy reference.
  • Look at plots and data on the Web pages;
  • Check the day log files (yyyymmdd.log in the directory you started in). See that CLEAN/NINJA ran normally. The number of output epochs should be about 10% of input epochs.
  • Log file should start with:
    "gp.driver: Processing started:"
    and end with:
    "gp.driver: Finished Thu Dec 7 23:23:11 PST 1995" (for example)
    If the words "stopped" or "terminated" appear, the job ended abnormally.
  • Check to see that day directories disappeared. If so, the script thought the job was successful.
  • In day directory (if still there) vi GetLog to see what remote stations were available. You should have at least 4 of the following 6 stations: algo, dra0, fair, gold, kokb, yell. You can also check this in the day log file. The available tracking stations will be listed under: "Converting _z to .Z for UNIX uncompress"
(Table of Contents)

Running solutions II

There are actually two ways to run solutions with gp: gp.queue is designed for running multiple days with default options. The user has no way to control the options. For each day, gp.queue creates a day directory, changes to that directory, calls gp.driver; and then deletes the day directory when gp.driver is finished.

In contrast gp.driver is designed to run a single day and allows a number of options. gp.driver operates entirely within the working directory of the process that calls it. The most commonly used gp.driver options are -d to set the date and -r ("rerun"). "gp.driver -r" looks for existing qm files and runs a solution for all qm files that it finds. It skips entirely the data retrieval and gp.clean steps.

Other options allow control of the decimation interval, the number of iterations through the cycle slip and outlier detection loops, whether fiducials are fixed, and some others. Note: Not all options are functioning at this time.

For a complete list of options, execute the command "gp.driver -H" or "gp.driver -help". Alternatively, the user can look at the procedure gp.CommandLine which handles command line processing.

gp.driver has three ways of determining the status of its various flags and switches. Listed in priority order these are:

    Command line options
    Contents of ProcessFlags and SaveObsDate
    Defaults stored in gp.CommandLine
With each run, gp.driver writes or rewrites a file called "ProcessFlags" containing the current values of all switches. All command line options override any previous values stored in an old ProcessFlags. For flags not specified on the command line, gp.driver looks for a existing ProcessFlags file and reads the values from it. If gp.driver fails to find a ProcessFlags file, it uses default values for all options not specified on the command line.

A consequence of this is that repeated runs of the same job can be accomplished simply by executing the unadorned command
Settings from the previous run will be read from ProcessFlags and used.

"SaveObsDate" is a file that stores the date being processed in a number of required formats. The point of SaveObsDate is that the creation of this file is the only place where any date manipulation is done. All the other routines get their date information from this file. This file is created by CreateObsDateFile called from gp.driver if the -d yyyymmdd option is included. Without the -d option, gp.driver looks for an existing SaveObsDate file. If neither a -d option, nor an existing SaveObsDate file is found, gp.driver terminates with an error.

The software also looks for a file called "StationsToExclude". If this file exists, it is read DeleteStations and qm files for the corresponding stations are deleted.

(Table of Contents)

Post Processing

The end product of the processing up to this point is a file (stacov) containing X-Y-Z coordinates of all stations in the solutions in a non-fiducial reference frame (i.e. in no reference frame).

The non-fiducial stacov file is the end product of the "operational" processing. From that point on, the processing is experimental, and subject to frequent revision. The following is a description of the post-processing currently (1997/04/15) in use.

gp.results controls the post processing. The non-fiducial stacov file is transformed into a reference frame by applying a 7 parameter Helmert Transformation. The current reference frame is ITRF94 which is by design consistent with the NUVEL-NNR1A plate motion model.

Parameters of the Helmert transformation are chosen (by the GIPSY routine transform) to minimize the misfit at a selected set of stations (referred to for convenience as "reference" stations). The reference stations generally include:
In addition, the reference stations may include some subset of the local stations. After transforming the positions into the reference framework, the X-Y-Z positions of the stations are saved (gp.UpdateXYZ) in
Residuals to the transformation process are saved (gp.UpdateRes) in

gp.results then calls gp.www.NEU which looks at each station included in current campaigns. For each, gp.www.NEU:

Steps to obtain a "final" solution for a net:

  1. Delete the file /attic/GPSdata/postprocess/itrf/NetName/gp.stacov
  2. Create a list of stacovs for NetName (grep NetName /attic/SolutionList > Stacovs.NetName)
  3. Create new xyz files (RebuildXYZFiles -s Stacovs.NetName)
  4. Generate new reference stacov files for the net (gp.www.NEU NetName)
  5. In the directory /attic/GPSdata/postprocess/NetName, change itrf94.xxxx.stacov.0 filenames to itrf94.xxxx.stacov for all stations with "good" positions and velocities (RenameITRFStacov0 & RenameITRFStacovX are useful for this)
  6. In same directory, run MergeITRFStacovs to generate gp.stacov
  7. Recreate the xyz files (RebuildXYZFiles -n -s Stacovs.NetName -c NetName) using only the local stations.
  8. Run gp.www.NEU NetName to regenerate plots
Note: About RebuildXYZFiles options:
-n option suppresses inclusion of the "tracking" gp.stacov file
-s option specifies the file containing the list of stacovs to be used in rebuilding the xyz files
-c option specifies which gp.stacov files to use. Program always looks for those that are part of the stacov filename. In addition it adds those specified on the -c option.

(Table of Contents)

Reference Frames

During post-processing the non-fiducial solution is transformed into some "reference frame". This reference frame is defined as follows. The base for it is the collection of positions and velocities in the file:
To this, the software adds any positions and velocities found in files with the name
where xxx is one of the campaigns being processed. itrf94/gp.stacov is always present. The others may or may not be available.

The xxx/gp.stacov files are built from xxx/itrf94.yyyy.stacov.n files written by
CommonMode, where xxx is the campaign, yyyy is the station, and n is a integer indicating the segment (0, unless there is an entry in the /attic/GPSdata/postprocess/offsets directory for this station, in which case there will be multiple files for the station). When campaign xxx is processed by CommonMode, a file is written for each yyy station. It is then necessary for the user to review these files. Those that have reliable positions and velocities are renamed from
xxx/itrf94.yyyy.stacov.n to xxx/itrf94.yyyy.stacov. Then MergeITRFStacovs is run in the xxx directory to produce a gp.stacov from all the itrf94.yyyy.stacov files.

(Table of Contents)

Behind the scenes

The following paragraphs provide a brief summary of the processing carried out by gp. For details, the scripts themselves should be consulted. (Note: The script listings can be automatically updated with gp.UpdateManual and consequently are likely to stay more current than this discussion.)

Processing is initiated with either gp.queue or gp.driver. gp.queue checks to insure that adequate disk space exists, then sequentially initiates processing for each of the dates supplied to it (on the command line or in DatesToRun). For each date, gp.queue creates a day directory named yyyymmdd, changes to that directory and calls gp.driver with a -d yyyymmdd option, directing all of the output to the file, yyyymmdd.log. Upon return from gp.driver, gp.queue either calls gp.SaveLogFile to delete the day directory (if the run was successful) or calls gp.DeleteDebris to delete the large .nio files (if the run failed for any reason). gp.driver can also be executed directly, in which case other options are available (see the source for gp.CommandLine or execute gp.driver -h).


gp.driver first calls gp.CommandLine which reads and/or creates a ProcessFlags file and then stores the options specified on the command line. Command line options take precedence over flags in the process flags file and gp.CommandLine will overwrite any existing flags in the ProcessFlags file with the current values from the command line. Command line options include: setting the decimation interval; toggling between fiducial free (the default) and fiducial fixed solutions; requesting a rerun (which uses existing qm files), and others. For a complete discussion type gp.driver -h or consult the gp.CommandLine script.

gp.driver controlls all the real work in the processing. It carries out six main activities, each done by a separate subroutine: retrieves rinex data and igs orbit data. It looks first in the local archive. If the data are not found in the local archive, and if the stations are labeled remote in the CampaignList, then the script looks for the data on remote archives (CDDIS, TOBA, and BODHI). (Since we save local copies of remote data that we have used in the past, stations labeled remote may be found locally.) renames the rinex files in the GIPSY preferred JPL format. The rinex files are cleaned and decimated with GIPSY programs, ninja, clockprep, and/or phaseedit producing individual .qm files. IGS orbits in sp3 format are converted to ECI format. Note that processing is skipped when the -r option is selected in gp.driver. The rinex and igs orbit files are stored to the local archive (with local naming conventions). automatically updates the GIPSY files, sta_pos, sta_svec, and sta_id.

Between the and gp.solve steps, gp.driver merges the individual qm files into a single qmfile.


gp.solve is pretty much standard GIPSY processing. It calls in sequence, qregres, preprefilter, prefilter, filter, smapper, postfit, and postbreak. This loop is repeated until postbreak finds no new cycle slips, or until a loop limit is reached. The default loop limit is 5 iterations, which has thus far been adequate for most cases. The loop limit can be specifed with an option (-sl) on the call to gp.driver. If more than 200 new cycle slips are found on any iteration, the program exits with an error.


gp.edit looks for outliers in the postfit.nio file, removes existing outliers, calls smapper, and then repeats until no outliers remain, or until a loop limit is reached. The default loop limit is 5 iterations, which has thus far been adequate for most cases. The loop limit can be specifed with an option (-el) on the call to gp.driver. If more than 200 outliers are found on any iteration, the program exits with an error.

Between the gp.edit and gp.amb steps, gp.driver splits the single qmfile into individual qm files.


Once all outliers have been removed, gp.amb is called to fix the integer ambiguities. gp.amb calls the GIPSY routines, amb_nml, ambigon2, and smapper.


gp.results runs several GIPSY routines to generate and manipulate the solution. First it generates a .stacov file with the GIPSY routine stacov. If sufficient (>4) tracking stations are present, gp.results calculates the vectors between all the pairs of stations in the current solution, and adds a record to the appropriate LNEV file. These vectors (LNEV) are added to a cumulative time-tagged file (.lnev) of all vectors for the station pair. The original .lnev file is stored on /attic, a local archive.

gp.results saves the names of the campaigns in a file called /attic/CampaignsToWeb. Under the control of a cron file, gp.www is run daily. gp.www then generates plots of the entire lnev files, and a copy of the .lnev file and the .gif file are copied to a Web server ( Plotting is done with GMT. Ghostscript is used to convert the .ps output from GMT to a .gif file.

The last major activity of gp.driver is to save the results and some of the intermediate files to the local archive. keeps the qm files, the log files, the postfit.nio file and the stacov file. is the last step in the processing. After calling, gp.driver terminates. If the processing had been initiated by gp.driver, processing stops. If processing has been initiated by gp.queue, contol returns control to gp.queue. At this point gp.queue, changes from the day directory to its original working directory, copies the yyyymmdd.log file to this working directory and either deletes the day directory or deletes large files from it. The former, if processing terminated normally, and the latter of it did not. Then gp.queue goes on to process any other days requested.

About error termination

The scripts attempt to trap errors and pass them up the chain of calls so that the log file will contain a sequence of abnormal termination messages. Three scripts use an error exit status code to signal a normal (but perhaps undesirable state). For all others, a non-zero exit status is an indicator that something unexpected went wrong and will trigger a chain of error exit messages. The three exceptions are: gp.CheckForOutliers, gp.CheckForNewSlips, and gp.CountTrack.

Miscellaneous comments on the processing:

  • All working files generated by the processing are stored in a subdirectory of the starting directory named yyyymmdd.
  • During each run, cleaned copies of the individual qmfiles writeover the starting qmfiles.
  • Processing terminates if there are more than 200 cycle slips or more than 200 outliers.
  • LNEV files are updated if there four or more tracking stations included.
  • The scripts read CampaignsToInclude, and generate a listing (GetLog) of all the stations to be processed. Examination of GetLog is a quick way to see what stations were requested, and for which stations the script found data (marked "have").
  • The script looks first for rinex files on the local archive (/attic/...).
  • If stations are labeled "remote" in GetLog, the script looks for their data on various external archives:[GPSDATA.YYdoy.YYN][GPSDATA.YYdoy.YYN]
  • Processing results stored on the local archive (/attic/...) are tagged with a prefix derived from the Campaigns processed (Consequently it is possible to have multiple solutions for a given day, although they would have to be generated separately). _
  • The stacov file is Helmert transformed to agree with ITRF94 coordinates at some subset of ALBH, ALGO, DRAO, FAIR, GOLD, KOKB, NLIB, PIE1, RCM5, WES2 and YELL (See Post Processing for more detail).
In addition to various GIPSY standard files (e.g. sta_pos), gp uses a number of specially named files:

Stored in the working directory: Stored in the archive:
  • /attic/CampaignList contains a list of campaigns and their member four-character codes.
  • /attic/NameTrans contains a translation table converting various name forms into a standard set of four-character codes.
  • /attic/DataList contains a listing of the raw, rinex and solution files in the /attic archive. It is automatically updated during the gp processing.
  • /attic/StationList contains a listing of the four-character codes, the expanded name and, sometimes, the coordinates.
The archive /attic/GPSdata contains all of the observation dependent files associated with GPS data:
  • /attic/GPSdata/solutions/lnev - a collection of files containing vector components as a function of time for all station pairs. (Obsolete - replaced by xyz files).
  • /attic/GPSdata/postprocess/xyz - a collection of files containing vector components as a function of time for all stations.
  • /attic/GPSdata/postprocess/res - a collection of files containing residuals to the helmert transformation from non-fiducial stacov file to ITRF xyz file.
  • /attic/GPSdata/postprocess/offsets - a collection of files containing times at which there is a discontinuity in the time series.
  • /attic/GPSdata/postprocess/badpts - a collection of files indicating known outliers (CommonMode ignores these points for most purposes).
  • /attic/GPSdata/postprocess/itrf - a collection of directories, one for each campaign, containing reference stacov files.
  • /attic/GPSdata/raw - all of the online raw GPS data files.
  • /attic/GPSdata/rinex - all of the online rinex GPS data files.
  • /attic/GPSdata/intermediate - Various files produced in the processing (log files, qm files, postfit.nio).
  • /attic/GPSdata/solutions - Files containing the final coordinates and their variance-covariances (GIPSY stacov, GAMIT h-files, and Bernese output files).

DataList (Tab delimited)
DayID Code SessID Sta HI StartDate StartTime DOY EndDate EndTime Raw Rinex Solution Interval EQHRs RecTyp Firmware Software Latitude Longitude Comment
19950821 brib a Briones 0.0000 95/08/21 00:00 233 95/08/21 23:59 bbriba95.233 brib19950821ao bard.95aug21.stacov.fixed 30 n/a ASHTECH Z-XII3 1C01 Gipsy n/a n/a n/a
19950821 carr a CarrPGGA 0.588000 95/08/21 00:00 233 95/08/21 23:59 n/a carr19950821ao bard.95aug21.stacov.fixed 30 n/a ROGUE SNR-8000 95.03.08 Gipsy n/a n/a n/a
19950821 casa a CasaTrk 0.163000 95/08/21 00:00 233 95/08/21 23:59 n/a casa19950821ao bard.95aug21.stacov.fixed 30 n/a ROGUE SNR-8000 95.03.08 Gipsy n/a n/a n/a
19950821 chab a ChabBARD 0.0020 95/08/21 00:00 233 95/08/21 23:59 bchaba95.233 chab19950821ao bard.95aug21.stacov.fixed 30 n/a ASHTECH Z-XII3 1E00 Gipsy n/a n/a n/a

StationList (Tab delimited)
brib Briones Not_Available -2681173.031 -4265460.548 3898551.895 0 0 0 NA
bric Brick Brick_1949_USCGS -2288107.5 -4562251.636 3814615.711 NA NA NA 8-Jul-93
brin Brink2 Brink_2_1967_USC&GS -2414401.527 -4710204.124 3548085.63 NA NA NA 25-Dec-94
brot Brothers Brothers_1989_GPS_ORDOT -2347121.849 -3968720.271 4394153.909 0 0 0 4-Dec-94
bru2 Brush2 Brush_2_1978_NGS -2699876.163 -4359072.661 3781086.928 NA NA NA 25-Dec-94
brwn Brown Brown_5131_VA1913_USGS -2356463.863 -4621509.768 3700883.495 0 0 0 18-Mar-94

CampaignList (Tab delimited)
Alaska 1zzz local
Alaska 4224 local
Alaska ahki local
Alaska alik local
Alaska augu local
Bard brib local
Bard carr remote
Bard casa remote
Track algo remote
Track drao remote
Track fair remote
Track gold remote
Track kokb remote
Track yell remote
"local" tells the script that the data only exist on local archives.
"remote" means it can be on either local or remote archives.

Sample LNEV Contents:
ALGOBRIB 95jul16 95 197 95.5394 3660821.1508 0.0023 130224.5791 0.0013 -3504916.9490 0.0026 -1048909.0700 0.0028
ALGOBRIB 95jul21 95 202 95.5530 3660821.1483 0.0027 130224.5762 0.0013 -3504916.9386 0.0030 -1048909.0966 0.0048
ALGOBRIB 95jul30 95 211 95.5777 3660821.1427 0.0026 130224.5641 0.0012 -3504916.9335 0.0029 -1048909.0957 0.0046
The fields are Station 1/Station 2, Date, Year, Day Number, Decimal Year,
Length, Standard Deviation of Length, North, Std. Dev. of North, East, Std. Dev. of East, and Vertical, Std. Dev. of Vertical.

(Table of Contents)


This manual describes the system as it is implemented at the U.S. Geological Survey in Menlo Park, California. To implement the processing on another system, several steps would be required:
  1. Setting up the various files and directories required;
  2. Modifying some of the scripts to point to different places;
  3. Modifying some of the scripts to deal with different naming conventions.
We keep all of the local source code (as distinguished from scripts and programs distributed with GIPSY) in a directory called /goa/local. Most gp scripts are found in /goa/local/gp_dir, but gp also calls some scripts in /goa/local/util_dir, /goa/local/get_dir, and probably some others. in addition to the templates distributed with GIPSY, the scripts make use of some local templates stored in /goa/local/templates.

All of the procedures in gp are written in csh or perl. (The underlying GIPSY programs are written in csh, perl and fortran.)

Porting the software will require creation of a set of specially named files: CampaignList, DataList, StationList, NameTrans. See the section (Behind the scenes) for a brief discussion of some of these files.

(Table of Contents)

Manual sources

This manual can currently be found at:

(Table of Contents)

Backup Tape Info

Instructions for restoring from backup tapes.

# cd /cellar1 (for example. Pick a place with lots of space)
# ufsrestore i
ufsrestore > add ./DataList
ufsrestore > ls
.gmtcommands bard2/
19951124/ bard3/
19951124.log bard_bad/
BS3_gp_solution_files/ bard_good/
CampaignList bard_output/
CampaignsToWeb bin/
*DataList geoddata/
DataList.postRename lib/
DataList.preRename lost+found/
GPSdata/ mac/
StationList mapdata/
StationList% orbitdata/
StationList.old rinex_trans/
TableOfGoodBardSolutions vax_source/
Testwp2.dir/ welcome.msg

ufsrestore > extract
You have not read any volumes yet.
Unless you know which volume your file(s) are on you should start
with the last volume and work towards the first.
Specify next volume #: 1
set owner/mode for '.'? [yn] y
ufsrestore >
To restore from a backup tape that has more than one backup set
on it, for example, from a tape with /cellar1 and /cellar2, and you
want something from /cellar2, do this to skip past the cellar1 backup:

picard-m !? ufsrestore ifs /dev/rmt/0hn 2 <-- THIS SKIPS TO THE 2nd BACKUP SET
ufsrestore > ls
CampaignList DataList NameTrans StationList
Closet_dump_logs/ GPSdata/ SolutionList restoresymtable

ufsrestore > ls GPSdata/rinex/1992
9201/ 9203/ 9205/ 9207/ 9209/ 9211/
9202/ 9204/ 9206/ 9208/ 9210/ 9212/

ufsrestore > add GPSdata/rinex/1992/9210
ufsrestore > ls
CampaignList DataList NameTrans StationList
Closet_dump_logs/ *GPSdata/ SolutionList restoresymtable

ufsrestore > extract
You have not read any volumes yet.
Unless you know which volume your file(s) are on you should start
with the last volume and work towards the first.
Specify next volume #: 1
set owner/mode for '.'? [yn] y
ufsrestore > quit

To restore all of the files on the GPSdata raid array:

hayford-m !? ufsrestore ifs /dev/rmt/0hn 7 <-- This skips to the 7th backup set,
ufsrestore > ls the one for GPSdata
backups/ inc_dump.Attic.990201
bin/ intermediate/
full_dump.Attic.990203 level3_dump.Attic.990202
full_dump.Slash.990129 lost+found/
full_dump.Slash.990201 postprocess/
full_dump.Slash.990202 raw/
full_dump.Slash.990203 rinex/
inc_dump.Attic.990129 solutions/

ufsrestore > add raw
ufsrestore > add backups
ufsrestore > add bin
ufsrestore > add full*
ufsrestore > add inc*
ufsrestore > add lev*
ufsrestore > add pos*
ufsrestore > add intermediate
ufsrestore > add rinex
ufsrestore > add solutions
ufsrestore > ls
*backups/ *inc_dump.Attic.990201
*bin/ *intermediate/
*full_dump.Attic.990203 *level3_dump.Attic.990202
*full_dump.Slash.990129 lost+found/
*full_dump.Slash.990201 *postprocess/
*full_dump.Slash.990202 *raw/
*full_dump.Slash.990203 *rinex/
*inc_dump.Attic.990129 *solutions/

ufsrestore > extract
You have not read any volumes yet.
Unless you know which volume your file(s) are on you should start
with the last volume and work towards the first.
Specify next volume #: 1
set owner/mode for '.'? [yn] y
ufsrestore > quit
(Table of Contents)

Contact the author

Send comments or questions to:

(Table of Contents)


Alphabetical Procedure List

(Table of Contents)

Logical Procedure List

(Table of Contents)

Web page by:w
Will Prescott

Procedure lists and source code last updated: