[Gor Svenson #6a]

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{Begin page}{Begin handwritten}REJECTED{End handwritten}{Begin page}ORIGINAL MSS. OR FIELD NOTES (Check one)

PUB. Living Lore in New England (Massachusetts)

TITLE Swedish Lobsterman - Gor Svenson {Begin handwritten}[II6A?]{End handwritten}

WRITER Harry Wheeler

DATE 2/17/39 WDS. PP. 3


SOURCES GIVEN (?) Interview

COMMENTS {Begin handwritten}E. Mass. 1938-9{End handwritten} {Begin handwritten}[?]{End handwritten} {Begin handwritten}[paper?]{End handwritten}

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{Begin page}"You believe everything everybody tell you, you go crazy, harr. You know what feller tell me? Feller tell me there's feller over Gloucester is cousin Pope. I don't believe him. If feller over Gloucester cousin Pope, sometime Pope come visit him, have supper. You never hear Pope come over Gloucester. Be in paper Pope come Gloucester. Don't come. Pope could not have cousin, any which. Not married. Won't let.

"Lutheran minister have cousin. Get married, have lots children. Nobody care. I don't care, too. If I go church, minister want get married, have lots children, I don't care. I don't go church, but. In old country I go church, father go church, mother go church, brothers, sisters go church, I go church, either. Not here, but. Sometime feller {Begin page no. 3}say me, "Hey Gor, you don't believe God, harr?" I say, "Sure I believe God." Feller say, "You don't believe church?" I say, "Sure I believe church. Believe Lutheran Church." Feller say, "Why don't you go church, harr?" I do not know why I do not go church. No reason. Bad not go church, I know. I just stop. Maybe sometime I go some more. Maybe sell lots lobsters, make money, buy new suit, new hat, new shoes, go church.

"I go funeral one time Swede feller don't go church. He know he die pretty soon, got cancer, leave letter. Letter say, "Don't believe church. When die. Don't want church. Don't want minister." I go that feller funeral. Just me, his wife, couple more fellers, undertaker. No go church first. No have minister grave. Just stand there put fellow in ground like dead horse, dead dog you like. Wife cry like anything. She church woman. She want have funeral church, have minister grave. But she have promise that feller she would have like he like, not like she like. She cry. Nobody say nothing. No prayer. No speech. Just before they throw in dirt one Swede feller there he cannot stand nobody say nothing. He take off hat, start cry, walk edge grave say, "Please God, we come here bury Albert. Albert good feller, God. Good workman. Good to wife. Good to fellers. You be good to him, please, God." I cry, either."

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