prev UP NEXT User's Guide to the GNU C++ Class Library

Introduction ************

This manual documents how to install and use the GNU C++ library.

  • Copying GNU Library Public License says how you can copy and share the GNU C++ library.
  • Contributors People who have contributed to GNU C++ library.
  • Installation How to configure, compile and install GNU C++ library
  • Trouble If you have trouble installing GNU C++ library.
  • General Aims, objectives, and limitations of the GNU C++ library
  • Conventions Stylistic conventions
  • OK Support for representation invariants
  • Proto Introduction to container class prototypes
  • Pix Pseudo-indexes
  • Representations How variable-sized objects are represented
  • Expressions Some guidance on programming expression-oriented classes
  • Headers Header files and other support for interfacing C++ to C
  • Builtin Utility functions for builtin types
  • New Library dynamic allocation primitives
  • IOStream The input/output library (istreams and ostreams).
  • Stream obsolete I/O library
  • Obstack Obstacks and their uses.
  • AllocRing A place to store objects for a while
  • String String, SubString, and Regex classes.
  • Integer Multiple precision Integer class.
  • Rational Multiple precision Rational class
  • Complex Complex number class
  • Fix Fixed point proportion classes
  • Bit BitSet and BitString classes
  • Random Random number generators
  • Data SampleStatistic and related classes for data collection
  • Curses CursesWindow class
  • List Lisp-like List prototype
  • LinkList Singly and doubly linked list class prototypes
  • Vector Vector prototypes
  • Plex Plex (adjustable array) prototypes
  • Stack Stack prototypes
  • Queue Queue prototypes
  • Deque Double ended queue prototypes
  • PQ Heap (priority queue) class prototypes
  • Set Set class prototypes
  • Bag Bag class prototypes
  • Map Map (Associative array) prototypes
  • GetOpt C++ class-based version of the GNU/UNIX getopt function
  • Projects Things Still Left to do