Calabazas Burials
with Accompanying Notes
in the church
in the church
Cemetery & Church
Pauer 1759
Gerstner 1760
Pfefferkorn 1761
Pfefferkorn 1762
Pfefferkorn 1763
Ximeno 1765
Ximeno 1766
Clemente 1773
Clemente 1774
Carrillo 1786
Gutierrez 1814
Gutierrez 1816
Gutierrez 1817


1. IHS, Francisco Pauer buried one person at Calabazas on February 27, 1759.
2. IHS, Miguel Gerstner administered two burials at Calabazas, on March 9, 1760, and January 27, 1761.
3. IHS, Ignacio Pfefferkorn was responsible for six burials between August 30, 1761 and August 2, 1763.  Most of the burials of people who died at Calabazas during Pauer, Gerstner, and Pefferkorn’s time took place at Guevavi, where they were stationed.
4. IHS, Custodio Ximeno was responsible for more burials (18) at Calabazas than any other priest.  These were recorded between August 2, 1763, and January 27, 1766.  He was the last Jesuit to minister at Calabaza and was arrested there during the Jesuit Expulsion in the summer of 1767.
5. Fr. Gaspar Clemente buried the most people (7) in the church at Calabazas between March 4, 1773, and February 19, 1774. It was during or after his administration that Calabazas was abandoned as a mission visita and used soley as headquarters for a livestock ranch for Tumacácori Mission.  From 1774 on, it is referred to in the records as the ranch of Calabazas and the bodies of most people who died there after that were transported to Tumacácori for burial.
6. Fr. Balthasar Carrillo buried one person at Calabazas on April 3, 1786.
7. Fr. Narciso Gutierrez buried eight people at Calabazas -- two in the church and six in the cemetery -- between September 19, 1814 and September 8, 1817.

Following are all the burials recorded at the Mission of Calabazas.  In the Jesuit years many of the people who died were buried at Guevavi.  In the Franciscan years, after Calabazas was abandoned as a mission and used as a stock ranch for the Mission of Tumacácori, most of the people who died there were taken to Tumacácori for burial. The Apache attack of May 4, 1770, is also included, although the bodies of the seven victims were taken to Gueviavi for Burial.


 María Antonia
 (page 175T)

On March 4 of the present year of 1773, María Antonia, wife of Lorenzo, died in the village of Calabazas after having received the Holy Sacrament of Penance.  She was given ecclesiastical burial in the church of the said village and for this truth I signed.
 Fr. Gaspar Clemente (rúbrica)

 (page 176T)

On May 19 of the present year of 1773, Magdalena an unmarried woman, died in the village of Calabazas after having received the Holy Sacraments of Penance and Extreme Unction.  She was given ecclesiastical burial in the church of the said village and for this truth I signed.
 Fr. Gaspar Clemente (rúbrica)

 (page 176T)

On July 11 of the present year of 1773, María died in the village of Calabazas after having received the Holy Sacrament of Penance.  She was the wife of Francisco, Alcalde of the said village,.  She was given ecclesiastical burial in the church, and for this truth I signed.
 Fr. Gaspar Clemente (rúbrica)

 (page 177T)

On October 11 of the present year of 1773, Lazaro died in the village of Calabazas.   He was a Pima Indian from Tucson, a visita of San Xavier, and was married to Catalina. He did not receive the Holy Sacrament of Penance because his death was fairly sudden.  He was given ecclesiastical burial in the church of the said village, and for this truth I signed.
 Fr. Gaspar Clemente (rúbrica)

 (page 177T)

On November 16 of the present year of 1773, Cathalina, wife of Lorenzo, Papago Indians, died in the village of Calabazas without receiving the Holy Sacraments because her death was fairly sudden.  She was given ecclesiastical burial in the church of the said village, and for this truth I signed.
Fr. Gaspar Clemente (rúbrica)

 (page 178T)

On February 15 of the present year of 1774, Ignacio, an unmarried Pima, died in the village of Calabazas after having received the Holy Sacrament of Penance.  He was buried in the church of the said village, and for this truth I signed.
 Fr. Gaspar Clemente (rúbrica)

 Juan Miguel
 (page 178T)

On February 19 of the present year of 1774, Juan Miguel, an unmarried Papago, died in the village of Calabazas.  He did not receive the Holy Sacraments.  He was given ecclesiastical burial in the church of the said village, and for this truth I signed.
 Fr. Gaspar Clemente (rúbrica)

 Josepha Galana
 Widow of Antonio Cruz
 (page 246T)

In the year of Our Lord 1814 on September 19, Josepha Galana, who had been married to Antonio Cruz of Arizpe, returned her soul to God at Calabazas in union and comunion with Our Holy Mother Church.  She confessed to Padre Miguel.  Her body was buried at Calabazas in the church because when she died she was so full of maggots that the body could not be transported, and for this truth I signed as above.
Fr. Narciso Gutierrez (rúbrica)
Minister for His Majesty

 Leandro Rios
 (page 254T)

In the year of Our Lord 1817, on May 27, Leandro Rios, a six-month-old child, son of Ramón Rios and Gertrudis Borboa, in union and communion with Our Holy Mother Church, returned his soul to God in Guevavi.  His body was buried on the twenty-seventh in the church of Calabazas, and for constancy I signed as above.
Fr. Narciso Gutierrez (rúbrica)
Minister for His Majesty


(page 59G)
Valentín of Sopori, gathered to this village, died confessed on February 27, [1759] in Calabazas and was buried in the cemetery. IHS, Francisco Pauer

(page 61G)

Guadalupe, a widow, died on the same day [March 9, 1760] having recieved the Holy Sacraments in the village of San Cayetano [de Calabazas].  She was given an ecclesiastical burial in the cemetery.
IHS, Miguel Gerstner

(page 62G)

Old Manuel died on January 27, [1761], in Calabazas, having received the Sacrament of Penance.  He was given an ecclesiastical burial.
IHS, Miguel Gerstner

Rosa María
(page 62G)

Rosa María was found dead near Calabazas on August 30, [1761].  She was married to Xavier of the same village.  Burial was provided.
IHS, Ignacio Pfefferkorn

(page 63G)

Miguel, a widower, died in receipt of the Sacraments in Calabazas on October 15, [1761].  Ecclesiastical burial was provided.
IHS, Ignacio Pfefferkorn

(page 63G)

Magdalena died in the village of Calabazas on December 30, [1761], having received the Sacraments, and ecclesiastical burial was provided. She was the wife of Miguel, a native of Guevavi.
 IHS, Ignacio Pfefferkorn

(page 63G)

Miguel, who was married to Catalina, died in receipt of the Holy Sacraments in the village of Calabazas on January 11, [1762].  Ecclesiastical burial was provided.
 IHS, Ignacio Pfefferkorn

(page 63G)

Ana died in the village of Calabazas on January 22, [1762]. She was the small child of Andres and María, natives of the said village.   Ecclesiastical burial was provided.
 IHS, Ignacio Pfefferkorn

(page 66G)

The boy Ignacio died crazy in the village of Calabazas on February 18, [1763].  Ecclesiastical burial was provided.
IHS, Ignacio Pfefferkorn

(page 67G)

Nicolás died confessed and anointed with oil in Calabazas on August 2, [1763].  He was Alcalde of the said pueblo and was married to Isabel.   Ecclesiastical burial was provided.
 IHS, Custodio Ximeno

(page 71G)

Michaela died in receipt of the Holy Oils in the village of Calabazas on June 6, 1765.  She was married to Francisco.   Ecclesiastical burial was provided.
 IHS, Custodio Ximeno

Ana María
(page 71G)

Ana María, wife of Andres of the village of Calabazas, received the Holy Oils and died on August 24, 1765.   Ecclesiastical burial was provided.
IHS, Custodio Ximeno

(page 71G)

Manuel, son of Ignacio and María died in Calabazas on October 15, 1765.   Ecclesiastical burial was provided.
IHS, Custodio Ximeno

(page 71G)

Chatarina, wife of Miguel, died suddenly in Calabacas on November 5, 1765.   Ecclesiastical burial was provided.
IHS, Custodio Ximeno

María Nicolasa
(page 71G)

María Nicolasa, the small daughter of Joseph and María, died in Calabazas on November 6, 1765.   Ecclesiastical burial was provided.
IHS, Custodio Ximeno

(page 71G)

Margarita, died in Calabazas on December 20, 1765.   Ecclesiastical burial was provided.
 IHS, Custodio Ximeno

 page 71G)

Juana, wife of Juan Antonio, died in Calabazas on January 6, 1766   Ecclesiastical burial was provided.
IHS, Custodio Ximeno

(page 71G)

Salvador, an unmarried man, died confessed and anointed with oil in Calabazas on January 27, 1766.  Ecclesiastical burial was provided.
 IHS, Custodio Ximeno

María Carmen
(page 72G)

María Carmen, an unmarried lady, died in Calabazas on February 12, 1766.  Ecclesiastical burial was provided.
IHS, Custodio Ximeno

(page 72G)

Ignacio, an unmarried man, died in Calabazas on February, 16, 1766.  Ecclesiastical burial was provided.
IHS, Custodio Ximeno

(page 73G)

María, a widow, died in Calabazas on March 8, 1766.  Ecclesiastical burial was provided.
 IHS, Custodio Ximeno

(page 73G)

Antonio, husband of María, died in receipt of the Sacraments in Calabazas on March 23, 1766. Ecclesiastical burial was provided.
IHS, Custodio Ximeno

(page 73G)

The Fiscal, Agustín, husband of Rosa, died in receipt of the Holy Sacraments in Calabazas on April 15, 1766.  Ecclesiastical burial was provided.
 IHS, Custodio Ximeno

(page 74G)

Antonio, a widower, died suddenly in Calabazas on June 2, 1766.  Ecclesiastical burial was provided.
IHS, Custodio Ximeno

(page 74G)

Xavier, married to María, died confessed in Calabazas on June 7, 1766.  Ecclesiastical burial was provided.
IHS, Custodio Ximeno

(page 74G)

An unmarried woman, María, legitimate daughter of Xavier and Manuela, died confessed and anointed with oil in Calabazas on June 15, 1766.  Ecclesiastical burial was provided.
 IHS, Custodio Ximeno

(page 74G)

Isabel, a widow due to the death of Juan, died anointed with oil in Calabazas on June 17, 1766.  Ecclesiastical burial was provided.
IHS, Custodio Ximeno

José Iturbe
(page 194T)

In the year of Our Lord 1786 on April 3, [José Iturbe] returned his soul to God in the village of Calabazas where he had gone the day before to be cured by the village healers.  His body was buried in the cemetery of the afore-mentioned village.  For this truth I sign on the said day, month, and year as above.
Fr. Balthasar Carrillo (rúbrica)

(page 248T)

In the year of Our Lord 1816, on February 11, an Indian woman of the Yaqui Nation returned her soul to God in Guevavi.  Although I went to hear her confession, I could not talk to her, either in Spanish or Yaqui.  Notwithstanding, she was absolved conditionally.  It is not known if she was married but she lived with a Yaqui called Pablo.  Her body was buried in Calabazas on the twelfth, and for this truth I sign.
Fr. Narciso Gutierrez (rúbrica)
Minister for His Majesty

José Gallardo
(page 248T)

In the year of Our Lord 1816, on February 11, José Gallardo, a widower of seventy years of age who had been married to Juana Piña, returned his soul to God at Guevavi, in union and communion with Our Holy Mother Church, on August 10th.  He confessed to me at nine o’clock that night. He did not receive more of the Sacraments because I was not advised and there was no time.  His body was brought to the ancient village of Calabazas, where it was buried on the eleventh.  For this truth I signed as above.
Fr. Narciso Gutierrez (rúbrica)
Minister for His Majesty

(page 249T)

In the year of Our Lord 1816, on September 17, a Yaqui Indian called José, who came here drifting and living off others, returned his soul to God in Guevavi.  His death was sudden and it is not known from what village he came, if he was married, nor what his last name was.  He was buried in the cemetery at Calabazas on the eighteenth, and I signed on the same day.
 Fr. Narciso Gutierrez (rúbrica)
 Minister for His Majesty

Sicilio Hurtado
(page 250T)

In the year of Our Lord 1816, on November 7, Sicilio Hurtado, a boy of six years, returned his soul to God in Calabazas.  He was the son of Francisco Reyes Hurtado and María Grijalva, a resident married couple of Calabazas.  His body was buried on the eighth in the cemetery, and I signed as above.
Fr. Narciso Gutierrez (rúbrica)
Minister for His Majesty

Francisco Reyes Hurtado
(page 252T)

In the year of Our Lord 1816, on November 28, Francisco Reyes Hurtado, some forty years of age and married to María Grijalva, returned his soul to God in union and communion with Our Holy Mother Church in Calabazas.  He was confessed by Padre Matras and was buried in the cemetery on the twenty-ninth, and I signed as above.
 Fr. Narciso Gutierrez (rúbrica)
 Minister for His Majesty

Mariano Siro
(page 255T)

In the year of Our Lord 1817, on September 6, Mariano Siro, a resident of Arizpe who was some seventy years old and married to Catalina Achuco, or Vallesteros, returned his soul to God suddenly at Guevavi.  For that reason he did not receive any of the Sacraments.  His body was buried in the cemetery at Calabazas on the eighth, and for this truth I signed as above.
 Fr. Narciso Gutierrez (rúbrica)
 Minister for His Majesty


Ignacio, Andres, Rosa, Ana María, María, María, Isabel María
(page 166T)

On May 4 of the present year [1770], the Apaches killed Ignacio, a widower; Andres, a widower; Rosa, a widow; Ana María, a young lady; María, wife of Lorenzo; María, a widow; and Isabel María, all children of the village of Calabazas.  Because of the circumstances, they died without Sacraments.  They were provided ecclesiastical burial in the cemetery of Guevavi, and for this truth I signed.
F. Juan Chrisostomo Gil de Bernabe
Apsotolic Preacher and Minister for His Majesty

All translations from original Spanish mission records were done by Don Garate, Chief of Interpretation/Historian, Tumacácori National Historical Park.

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