Volume 72 Number 3
Federal Probation

The Development and Validation of a Pretrial Screening Tool

The Best Laid Plans: An Assessment of the Varied Consequences of New Technologies for Crime and Social Controls

The Empirical Status of the Level of Service Inventory

Cognitive Behavioral Intervention with Serious and Violent Juvenile Offenders: Some Historical Perspective

Juvenile Sex Offenders and Sex Offender Legislation: Unintended Consequences

Correlates of Re-arrest among Felony Domestic Violence Probationers


The Development and Validation of a Pretrial Screening Tool

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The Best Laid Plans: An Assessment of the Varied Consequences of New Technologies for Crime and Social Control

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The Empirical Status of the Level of Service Inventory

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*Studies included in Table 1.

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Cognitive Behavioral Intervention with Serious and Violent Juvenile Offenders: Some Historical Perspective

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