Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development
Vol. 39 No. 1, January/February 2002
Pages 13 - 20

Comparison of cycling kinetics during recumbent bicycling in subjects with and without diabetes

Karen L. Perell, PhD; Scott Gregor, MS; Gene Kim, BS; Sirintorn Rushatakankovit, BS; AM Erika Scremin, MD; Seymour Levin, MD; Robert Gregor, PhD

VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System--West Los Angeles Healthcare Center, Los Angeles, CA; UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA; School of Medicine, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN; Department of Physical Therapy, Mount St. Mary's College, Los Angeles, CA; Department of Health and Performance Sciences, The Georgia Institute of Technology, GA

Abstract :We compared recumbent bicycle kinetics in diabetic peripheral neuropathy and nondiabetic men (nine per group). 3D kinematic and force pedal data in a linked-segment model were used. The generalized muscle moment (GMM) patterns were similar between the two groups except for (1) decreased maximum knee flexor moment, (2) increased minimum knee flexor GMM, and (3) maximum hip extensor GMM by the diabetic subjects. Similar to the walking support moment, a summation moment immutable pattern was observed, although the groups accomplished it differently. The diabetic group utilized the hip during the power phase and the knee during the recovery phase. The nondiabetic group utilized both joints together during both phases. Differences in ankle GMM were not observed, suggesting further research using the recumbent bicycle as an exercise modality for diabetic peripheral neuropathy patients to enhance ankle range of motion and strength, commonly observed walking deficits.

Key Words: bicycling, biomechanics, diabetes, peripheral neuropathy.

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