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Ernst Worrell Photl Ernst Worrell
510 486-6794
Ernst Worrell (Ph.D.) leads the industrial energy assessment work at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Until 1998 he co-lead the energy efficiency group at the Department of Science, Technology and Society of Utrecht University, The Netherlands. He was a visiting scientist at the Center for Energy and Environmental Studies at Princeton University (USA) in 1994-1995, and a visiting professor at the Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil, in 1996. He joined the Environmental Energy Technologies Division of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA, in 1998. His work includes research and evaluation projects in industrial energy efficiency improvement, energy policy, energy and materials, and waste processing. He has experience in multi-national research teams and has lead studies for various governments, European Commission, World Energy Council and the United Nations. He is lead-author of two IPCC special reports (e.g. on Technology Transfer) and the Third Assessment Report. He is (co-) author of over 150 publications. He is Editor-in-Chief of Resources, Conservation and Recycling and associate editor of Energy, the International Journal and editorial board member of Waste Management.

Refereed Publications (Scientific Journals, Books)

1. K. Blok and E. Worrell, "Heat and Electricity Consumption of Large Industrial Consumers in the Netherlands", Heat Recovery Systems & CHP 5 12 pp.407-417 (1992).

2. E. Worrell, J.G. de Beer, K. Blok: "Energy Conservation in the Iron and Steel Industry", in: P.A. Pilavachi (ed.), Energy Efficiency in Process Technology, Elsevier Applied Science, 1993

3. K. Blok, E. Worrell, R.F.A. Cuelenaere, W.C. Turkenburg, "The Cost-Effectiveness of Carbon Dioxide Emission Reduction Achieved by Energy Conservation", Energy Policy, June 1993

4. E. Worrell, K. Blok "Energy Savings in the Nitrogen Fertilizer Industry in the Netherlands", Energy, the International Journal 2 19 pp.195-209 (1994).

5. E. Worrell, R.J.J. van Heijningen, J.F.M. de Castro, J.H.O. Hazewinkel, J.G. de Beer, A.P.C. Faaij and K. Vringer, "New Gross Energy-Requirement Figures for Materials Production", Energy, the International Journal 6 19 pp.627-640 (1994).

6. E. Worrell, R.F.A. Cuelenaere, K. Blok and W.C. Turkenburg, "Energy Consumption of Industrial Processes in the European Union", Energy, the International Journal 11 19 pp.1113-1129 (1994).

7. E. Worrell, J.G. de Beer, A.P.C. Faaij and K. Blok, "Potential Energy Savings in the Production Route for Plastics", Energy Conversion & Management 12 35 pp.1073-1086 (1994).

8. E. Worrell, A.P.C. Faaij, G.J.M. Phylipsen and K. Blok, "An Approach for Analysing the Potential for Material Efficiency Improvement", Resources, Conservation & Recycling 3/4 13 pp.215-232 (1995).

9. E. Worrell, B. Meuleman and K. Blok, "Energy Savings by Efficient Application of Fertilizer", Resources, Conservation & Recycling 3/4 13 pp.233-250 (1995).

10. E. Worrell, "Advanced Technologies and Energy Efficiency in the Iron and Steel Industry in China", Energy for Sustainable Development 4 2 pp.27-40 (1995).

11. J.G. de Beer, E. Worrell, K. Blok, "Sectoral Potentials for Energy Efficiency Improvements in The Netherlands", International Journal of Global Energy Issues 5/6 8 pp.476-491 (1996).

12. E.D. Larson, E. Worrell and J.S. Chen, "Clean Fuels from Municipal Solid Waste for Fuel Cell Buses in Metropolitan Areas", Resources, Conservation & Recycling 4 17 pp.273-298 (1996).

13. G.J.M. Phylipsen, K. Blok and E. Worrell “International Comparisons of Energy Efficiency: Methodologies for the Manufacturing Industry”, Energy Policy 7-8 25 pp.715-725 (1997).

14. E. Worrell, L. Price, N. Martin, J. Farla, and R. Schaeffer, “Energy Intensity in the Iron and Steel Industry: A Comparison of Physical and Economic Indicators”, Energy Policy 7-8 25 pp.727-744 (1997).

15. J.G. de Beer, E. Worrell and K. Blok, “Long

16. A.P.C. Faaij, M.P. Hekkert, E. Worrell, A.J. van Wijk “Optimization of the Final Waste Treatment System in The Netherlands” Resources, Conservation & Recycling 22 pp.47-82 (1998).

17. Jeroen de Beer, Ernst Worrell, Kornelis Blok, “Future Technologies for Energy Efficient Iron and Steelmaking” Annual Review of Energy and the Environment 23 pp.123-205 (1998).

18. M.K. Patel, E. Jochem, P. Radgen, and E. Worrell, “Plastic Streams in Germany – An Analysis of Production, Consumption and Waste Generation,” Resources, Conservation and Recycling 3-4 24 pp.191-215 (1998).

19. Lynn Price, Laurie Michaelis, Ernst Worrell and Marta Khrushch “Sectoral Trends and Driving Forces of Global Energy Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions” Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 3 pp.263-319 (1998).

20. C.A. Hendriks, J-W. Velthuijsen, E. Worrell, and K. Blok, “The Case of Combined Heat and Power in the European Union” in: F. Convery (ed.) “A Guide to Policies for Energy Conservation: The European Experience” Edgar Elgar Publishing Ltd., Cheltenham, Glos, UK, 1998.

21. M.K. Patel, A. Thiess and E. Worrell, “Surfactant Production and Use in Germany: Resource Requirements and CO2 Emissions,” Resources, Conservation and Recycling 1 25 pp.61-78 (1999).

22. M. Patel, E. Jochem, F. Marscheider, and E. Worrell, “CO2 Emissions from Nonenergy Use – Methodological Aspects and a Case Study for Germany,” AMBIO 2 28 pp.175-181 (1999).

23. J-W. Velthuijsen and E. Worrell, “The Economics of Energy,” in: J.C.J.M. van den Bergh (Ed.), Handbook of Environmental and Resource Economics, Edward Elgar Publishers, Cheltenham, UK, 1999.

24. M.P. Hekkert, L.A.J. Joosten, E. Worrell, W.C. Turkenburg, “Reduction of CO2 Emissions by Improved Management of Material and Product Use: the Case of Primary Packaging” Resources, Conservation & Recycling 1-2 29 pp.33-64 (2000).

25. M. Patel, N. von Thienen, E. Jochem, E. Worrell, “Recycling of plastics in Germany” Resources, Conservation & Recycling 1-2 29 pp.65 – 90 (2000).

26. M.P. Hekkert, L.A.J. Joosten and E. Worrell, “Reduction of CO2 Emissions by Improved Management of Material and Product Use: The Case of Transport Packaging,” Resources, Conservation & Recycling 1 30 pp.1-27 (2000).

27. M.P. Hekkert, L.A.J. Joosten, E. Worrell, “Analysis of the Paper and Wood Flow in The Netherlands,” Resources, Conservation & Recycling 1 30 pp.29-48 (2000).

28. L.A.J. Joosten, M.P. Hekkert, E. Worrell, “Assessment of the Plastic Flows in The Netherlands using STREAMS,” Resources, Conservation & Recycling 2 30 pp.135-161 (2000).

29. E. Worrell, R. van Berkel, Z. Fengqi, C. Menke, R. Schaeffer, R. O. Williams, “Technology Transfer of Energy Efficient Technologies in Industry: a Review of Trends and Policy Issues,” Energy Policy 1 29 pp. 9-43 (2000).

30. M. Patel, N. von Thienen, E. Jochem, E. Worrell, “Carbon Use for Synthetic Materials in Germany - Current Situation and Saving Potentials for Energy and CO2,” Resources, Conservation & Recycling 1 31 pp. 9-50 (2000).

31. E. Worrell, N. Martin and L. Price, “Potentials for Energy Efficiency Improvement in the U.S. Cement Industry,” Energy, the International Journal 12 25 pp. 1189-1214 (2000).

32. Ernst Worrell “ Manufacturing” in: John Zumerchik (Ed.), “Macmillan Encyclopedia of Energy” MacMillan Reference USA, New York, NY (2001).

33. M.M. Costa, R. Schaeffer, E. Worrell, “Exergy Accounting of Energy and Materials Flows in Steel Production Systems,” Energy, the International Journal 4 26 pp. 363-384 (2001).

34. E. Worrell, N. Martin and L. Price, “Energy Efficiency and Carbon Dioxide Emissions Reduction Opportunities in the U.S. Iron and Steel Industry,” Energy, the International Journal 5 26 pp.513-536 (2001).

35. Ernst Worrell and Lynn Price, “Policy Scenarios for Energy Efficiency Improvement in industry,” Energy Policy 14 29, pp.1223-1241 (2001).

36. Ernst Worrell, Lynn Price, and Michael Ruth, “Policy Modeling for Energy Efficiency Improvement in U.S. Industry,” Annual Review of Energy and the Environment 26, pp. 117-143 (2001).

37. Ernst Worrell, Lynn Price, Nathan Martin, Chris Hendriks, Leticia Ozawa Meida, Carbon Dioxide Emissions from the Global Cement Industry,” Annual Review of Energy and the Environment 26, pp.203-229 (2001).

38. Tessa Goverse, Marko P. Hekkert, Peter Groenewegen, Ernst Worrell and Ruud E. H. M. Smits, “Wood innovation in the residential construction sector; opportunities and constraints,” Resources, Conservation and Recycling 1 34 pp.53-74 (2001).

39. Christina Galitsky, Nathan Martin, and Ernst Worrell, “Energy Efficiency Opportunities for United States Breweries,” MBAA Technical Quarterly 4 38 pp.189-198 (2001).

40. Marko Hekkert, Dolf Gielen, Ernst Worrell, and Wim Turkenburg “Wrapping Up GHG Emissions: An Assessment of Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Related to Efficient Packaging Use” Journal of Industrial Ecology 1 5 pp.55-75 (2001).

41. Ernst Worrell, Nathan Martin, Lynn Price, Michael Ruth, Neal Elliott, Anna Shipley and Jennifer Thorn, “Emerging Energy Efficient Technologies for Industry” Energy Engineering Journal 2 99 pp.36-55 (2002).

42. L. Price, J. Sinton, E. Worrell, D. Phylipsen, H. Xiulian and L. Ji, “Energy use and Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Steel Production in China” Energy, the International Journal 5 27 pp. 429-446 (2002).

43. D. Phylipsen, K. Blok, E. Worrell, J.d. Beer, “Benchmarking the Energy Efficiency of Dutch Industry: An Assessment of the Expected Effect on Energy Consumption and CO2 Emissions” Energy Policy 8 30 pp 663-679 (2002).

Conference Proceedings

1. W.C. Turkenburg, K. Blok, R.F.A. Cuelenaere, E. Worrell, "Is Large-scale Expansion of Co-generation Capacity feasible in the Netherlands ?", contribution to Energy Economy 1990, Amsterdam, May 1990

2. K. Blok, E. Worrell, R.A.W. Albers, W.C. Turkenburg, "The Cost-effectiveness of Energy Conservation from the point of view of Carbon Dioxide Reduction", contribution to the 13th World Energy Engineering Congress, Atlanta, October 10-12, 1990

3. E. Worrell, J. de Beer, R.F.A. Cuelenaere, K. Blok, "A Tool for the Assessment of Industrial Energy Conservation Policy", Contribution to the 'Symposium on Energy Efficiency Measures in Industry', United Nations - Economic Commission for Europe, Bled, Slovenia, september, 30 - October, 4, 1991

4. A.P.C. Faaij, K. Blok, E. Worrell, "Gasification of Wet Biomass Waste-Streams for Electricity Production", in: D.O. Hall, G. Grassi and H. Scheer (eds.), Biomass for Energy and Industry, Proceedings 7th E.C. Conference, Ponte Press, Bochum, Germany,1994 (pp.393-403).

5. R.J.J. van Heijningen, J.F.M. de Castro, E. Worrell, J.H.O. Hazewinkel, H.J.M. Kruijdenberg, "The Energy Content of materials: State-of-the-art in the Netherlands", in: Workshop on Recycling of Materials; Energy-Saving and Designs for Recycling, Utrecht/Bilthoven, NOH-report 9419, May 1994

6. J.G. de Beer, E. Worrell and K. Blok, "Energy Efficiency Improvement on the Long Term: Case Study Paper and Board Industry", Proc. of the 2nd European Congress on Economics and Management of Energy in Industry, ECEMEI, Lisbon, Portugal (1994).

7. K. Blok, G.J.M. Phylipsen, A.P.C. Faaij and E. Worrell, "Energy Efficiencies of Industrial Processes and Electricity Production in European and Non-European Countries",in: C.J. Jepma (ed.) The Feasibility of Joint Implementation, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands (1995).

8. J.G. de Beer, E. Worrell and K. Blok, "Long Term Energy Efficiency Improvement" in: S. Zwerver, R.S.A.R. van Rompaey, M.T.J. Kok and M.M. Berk (eds.) "Climate Change Research Evaluation and Policy Implications" Elsevier (Studies in Environmental Science 65), Amsterdam, pp.1082-1086 (1995).

9. G.J.M. Phylipsen, E. Worrell and K. Blok, "Energy Efficiency Improvement in Industrial Sectors: International Comparisons" in: S. Zwerver, R.S.A.R. van Rompaey, M.T.J. Kok and M.M. Berk (eds.) "Climate Change Research Evaluation and Policy Implications" Elsevier (Studies in Environmental Science 65), Amsterdam, pp.1087-1092 (1995).

10. D. Phylipsen, E. Worrell and K. Blok, "Parameters Affecting Energy Consumption in the Petrochemical Industry", Proceedings ECEEE 1995 Summer Study, June 2-6,1995, Manlieu, France (1995).

11. J.G. de Beer, K. Blok and E. Worrell, "Long Term Energy Efficiency Improvements in the Iron and Steel Industry", Proceedings ECEEE 1995 Summer Study, June 2-6,1995, Manlieu, France (1995).

12. E. Worrell, R. Smit, D. Phylipsen, K. Blok, F. van der Vleuten and J. Jansen, "International Comparison of Energy Efficiency Improvement in the Cement Industry", Proceedings ACEEE 1995 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry (Volume II), (pp.123-134).

13. J.G. de Beer, E. Worrell and K. Blok, "Long Term Energy Efficiency Improvement in the Ammonia Industry", paper presented at ACEEE 1995 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry, Grand Island, New York, August 1-4, 1995.

14. M.D. Levine, N. Martin, L. Price and E. Worrell, "Efficient Use of Energy Utilizing High Technology - Summary of Findings" Paper presented at the World Energy Conference, Tokyo, October 1995.

15. L.K. Price, N.C. Martin, M.D. Levine and E. Worrell, "Industrial Energy Use and Energy Efficiency in Developing Countries", Proc. Industrial Energy Technology Conference, Houston, TX, April 17-18, 1996.

16. M.D. Levine, L.K. Price, N.C. Martin and E. Worrell, "Energy and Energy Efficiency in Buildings: A Global Analysis", Proceedings 1996 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Vol. 9 “Energy and Environmental Policy”, Asilomar, CA, USA, 1996.

17. E. Worrell, M.D. Levine, L.K. Price, N.C. Martin, R. van den Broek and K. Blok, "Potentials and Policies to Improve the Efficiency of Energy Consumption", in: E.W.A. Lingeman (ed.) “Economy - Energy - Entropy”, Proceedings of the Europhysics Study Conference, Geneva, 10-13 May 1996. European Physics Society, Geneva, Switzerland, 1996, pp.51-67.

18. A.P.C. Faaij, M. Hekkert, E. Worrell, A. van Wijk - “Optimization of the Final Waste Treatment System of The Netherlands” in: Proceedings of the 9th European Bio-Energy Conference, P. Chartier, G.L. Ferrero, U.M. Henius, S. Hultberg, J. Sachau, M. Wijnblad, eds. Pergamon Press, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1996.

19. Ernst Worrell, Jacco Farla, Lynn Price, Nathan Martin, and Roberto Schaeffer, International Energy Efficiency Comparisons and Policy Implications in the Iron and Steel Industry”; in: “Sustainable Energy Opportunites for a Greater Europe” Proceedings of the 1997 ECEEE Summer Study, 9-14 June 1997, Šplinder v Mlýn, Czech Republic.

20. L. Price, N. Martin, E. Worrell, J. Farla, and R. Schaeffer, “Energy Efficiency in the United States Iron and Steel Industry: An International Perspective”, in: Proceedings 1997 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry, ACEEE, Washington DC, 1997, pp.115-124.

21. E. Worrell and C. Moore, “Energy Efficiency and Advanced Technologies in the Iron and Steel Industry” in: Proceedings 1997 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry, ACEEE, Washington DC, 1997, pp.135-146.

22. H.A. Fine, J. Molburg, V. Gorsevski, J. Briskin, E. Worrell, L. Price and N. Martin, “Pollution Prevention at a Profit in the Production of Iron and Steel”, in: Proceedings 1997 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry, ACEEE, Washington DC, 1997, pp.515-526.

23. J.C.M. Farla, K. Blok, and E. Worrell, “Monitoring of Energy Efficiency Improvements in The Netherlands, 1980-1994" in: “International Energy Markets, Competition and Policy” Proceedings 18th Annual North American Conference USAEE/IAEE, September 7-10, 1997, San Francisco, CA, pp.121-130.

24. E. Worrell Energy Efficient Technologies in the Cement and Steel Industry - Experiences in Developing Countries” Proceedings Workshop on Technology Transfer and Innovation in the Energy Sector, STAP, GEF, UNEP, 19-20 January 1998, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

25. E. Worrell, J. de Beer, and K. Blok, “Evaluating Potentials for Energy Efficiency Improvement: Experiences with Bottom Up Modelling in The Netherlands” Proceedings 1998 Seoul Conference on Energy Use in Manufacturing: Energy Savings and CO2 Mitigation Policy Analysis, Seoul, Korea, 19-20 may 1998, Korea Energy Economics Institute/Korea Resource Economics Association (pp.45-59).

26. G.J.M. Phylipsen, E. Worrell and K. Blok, “Energy Efficiency Indicators for the Industrial Sector and an Example of their Use in Policymaking”, Proceedings 1998 Seoul Conference on Energy Use in Manufacturing: Energy Savings and CO2 Mitigation Policy Analysis, Seoul, Korea, 19-20 may 1998, Korea Energy Economics Institute/Korea Resource Economics Association (pp.113-132).

27. C.A. Hendriks, E Worrell, L. Price, N. Martin, D. de Jager K. Blok, and P. Riemer, “Emission Reduction of Greenhouse Gases from the Cement Industry,” Proceedings Fourth International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, August 30 – September 2, 1998, Interlaken, Switzerland.

28. L. Price, E. Worrell, M.D. Levine, M. Khrushch, “Sectoral Trends and Driving Forces of Global Energy Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Focus on Industry and Buildings” Proceedings Second International Specialty Conference: Climate Change: Science, Policy, and Mitigation/Adaptation Strategies, Air & Waste Management Association, October 13-15, 1998, Washington, DC.

29. Ernst Worrell, Nathan Martin, Lynn Price, “Energy Efficiency Opportunities in Electric Arc Steelmaking,” Proceedings 56th Electric Furnace Conference, New Orleans, LA, November 15-18, 1998.

30. L. Ozawa, N. Martin, E. Worrell, L. Price, C. Sheinbaum, “New Trends in Industrial Energy Efficiency in Mexico: Iron and Steel Industry,” Proceedings of the International Association for Energy Economics, Volume 22 (1999).

31. G.J.M. Phylipsen, L. Price, E. Worrell, and K. Blok, “Industrial Energy Efficiency in Light of Climate Change Negotiations,” Proceedings 1999 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry, ACEEE Washington, DC, pp.193-208.

32. M. Khrushch, E. Worrell, L. Price, N. Martin and D. Einstein, “Carbon Emissions Reduction Potential in the U.S. Chemicals, Pulp and Paper Industries by Applying CHP Technologies,” Proceedings 1999 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry, ACEEE Washington, DC, pp.515-528.

33. L. Price, E. Worrell, D. Phylipsen, “Energy Use and Carbon Dioxide Emissions in Energy-Intensive Industries in Key Developing Countries,” Proceedings Earth Technologies Forum, September 27-29, Washington, DC, pp.83-95.

34. J.A. Laitner, J.G. Koomey, E. Gummerman, E. Worrell, “Re-estimating the Annual Energy Outlook 2000 Forecast Using Updated Assumptions about the Internet Economy”, paper presented at: Eastern Economics Association Conference, Crystal City, Virginia, March 24, 2000.

35. J.A. Laitner, J.G. Koomey, E. Gummerman, E. Worrell, “Re-estimating the Annual Energy Outlook 2000 Forecast Using Updated Assumptions about the Internet Economy,” Proceedings Earth Technologies Forum, Washington, DC, October 30th- November 1st, 2000, pp.72-80.

36. Ernst Worrell, Nathan Martin, Lynn Price, Michael Ruth, Neal Elliott, Anna Shipley and Jennifer Thorn, “Emerging Energy-Efficient Technologies for Industry,” Proceedings Earth Technologies Forum, Washington, DC, October 30th- November 1st, 2000, pp.119-131.

37. Ernst Worrell, Nathan Martin, Norma Anglani, Dan Einstein, Marta Khrushch, Lynn Price, “Opportunities to Improve Energy Efficiency in the U.S. Pulp and Paper Industry,” Proceedings Paper Machine Technology, February 7-8, 2001, Lanaken, Belgium.

38. Ernst Worrell and Lynn Price, “Barriers and Opportunities: A Review of Selected Successful Energy-Efficiency Programs,” Proceedings 2001 Industrial Energy Technology Conference, Houston, TX, May 1-4, 2001.

39. Ernst Worrell, Nathan Martin, Lynn Price, Michael Ruth, Neal Elliott, Anna Shipley, and Jennifer Thorn, “Emerging Energy-Efficient Technologies for Industry,” Proceedings 2001 Industrial Energy Technology Conference, Houston, TX, May 1-4, 2001.

40. Michael Ruth, Ernst Worrell and Lynn Price, “A Process-Step Benchmarking Approach to Energy Use at Industrial Facilities: Examples from the Iron and Steel and Cement Industry,” Proc. 2001 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry, Tarrytown, NY, July 24-27th, 2001, pp. 149-160.

41. Nathan Martin, Ernst Worrell and Lynn Price, “Energy Efficiency Opportunities for the U.S. Cement Industry,” Proc. 2001 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry – Volume 1, Tarrytown, NY, July 24-27th, 2001, pp. 385-398.

42. Ernst Worrell, Nathan Martin, Lynn Price, Michael Ruth, Neal Elliott, Anna Shipley, and Jennifer Thorn, “Emerging Energy-Efficient Technologies for Industry,” Proc. 2001 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry – Volume 1, Tarrytown, NY, July 24-27th, 2001, pp. 457-470.

43. Dan Einstein, Ernst Worrell and Marta Khrushch, “Steam Systems in Industry: Energy Use and Energy Efficiency Improvement Potentials,” Proc. 2001 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry – Volume 1, Tarrytown, NY, July 24-27th, 2001, pp. 535-548.

44. John A. Laitner, Michael Ruth, and Ernst Worrell, “Incorporating the Productivity Benefits into the Assessment of Cost Effective Energy Savings Potential Using Conservation Supply Curves,” Proc. 2001 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry – Volume 1, Tarrytown, NY, July 24-27th, 2001, pp. 597-608.

45. Bryan Lehman and Ernst Worrell, “Electricity Production from Natural Gas Pressure Recovery Using Expansion Turbines,” Proc. 2001 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry – Volume 2, Tarrytown, NY, July 24-27th, 2001, pp. 43-54.

46. Lynn Price, Ernst Worrell, Jonathan Sinton, and Jiang Yun, “Industrial Energy Efficiency Policy in China,” Proc. 2001 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry – Volume 2, Tarrytown, NY, July 24-27th, 2001, pp. 237-250.

47. Ernst Worrell and Lynn Price, “Potential Impacts of Energy Efficiency Policies in the U.S. Industry: Results from the Clean Energy Futures Study,” Proc. 2001 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry – Volume 2, Tarrytown, NY, July 24-27th, 2001, pp. 275-288.

Other Scientific Publications

1. E. Worrell, E. Nieuwlaar, W. van Gool, "De mogelijkheden van kolenvergassing in Nederland", Rapport in opdracht van ESC/ECN, Project Energiekunde, Utrecht University, June 1989

2. E. Worrell, E. Nieuwlaar, W. van Gool, "Kolenreiniging", Rapport in opdracht van ESC/ECN, Project Energiekunde, Utrecht University, June 1989

3. E. Worrell, K. Blok, "De milieu-effecten van de Novem energieprogramma's", Rapport in opdracht van Novem, Vakgroep Natuurwetenschap & Samenleving, Utrecht University, November 1989

4. M. Oltheten, K. Uittien, M. Geerts, K. Blok, E. Worrell, "Warmtekaart-onderzoek, Rapportage fase 1", Rapport in opdracht van Sep, Centrum voor Energiebesparing en schone technologie, Delft, 1990

5. K. Blok, E. Worrell, R.A.W. Albers, R.F.A. Cuelenaere, "Data on Energy Conservation Techniques for the Netherlands", Rapport in opdracht van VROM, Vakgroep Natuurwetenschap & Samenleving, Utrecht University, April 1990

6. E. Worrell, "Organische basischemie" in: A.M.J. Gilden (ed.), "Deelstudies Energiebesparing 2000-2010. Het broeikaseffect, erop of eronder", Stichting Natuur en Milieu/Milieudefensie, May 1990

7. R. van Duin, H. Blonk, K. Blok, E. Worrell, "Verkenning van de mogelijke bijdrage van het afvalstoffenbeleid aan een CO2-reductieplan, Bureau B&G, Rotterdam, September 1990

8. E. Worrell, K. Blok, "Thermische verwerking met hoog rendement van geselecteerde afvalstoffen" en K. Blok, E. Worrell, "Verhoogde recycling van papier en karton", Werkdocumenten IV en VI van het rapport "Reductie van de kooldioxide-uitstoot via het afvalstoffenbeleid", Ministerie VROM, Leidschendam, October 1990

9. E. Worrell, K. Blok, "Energy and Materials, the Relationship of Materials use and Energy Conservation", in: P. Groenewegen, "Materiaaltechnologie en milieu, een verkennende studie", Rapport in opdracht van Adviesgroep Materialen, Amsterdam, 1991

10. E. Worrell, R.F.A. Cuelenaere, K. Blok, "Het potentieel van energiebesparing in de zware industrie in de Europese Gemeenschap", Rapport in opdracht van VROM, Vakgroep Natuurwetenschap & Samenleving, Utrecht University, September 1991

11. K. Blok, E. Worrell, B. Slager, "Sustainable Resource Management: Options to Produce Materials from Renewable Resources", Rapport in opdracht van RMNO, RMNO, Rijswijk, January 1992

12. R.J.J. van Heijningen, J.F.M de Castro, E. Worrell (ed.), "Energiekentallen in relatie tot preventie en hergebruik van afvalstromen", Rapport in opdracht van Nationaal Onderzoeks Programma Hergebruik van Afvalstoffen, Utrecht/Bilthoven, February 1992

13. A. Faaij, K. Blok, E. Worrell, "Vergassing van natte biomassa-afvalstromen", Rapport in opdracht van Provincie Noord-Holland, Vakgroep Natuurwetenschap & Samenleving, Utrecht University, June 1992

14. E. Worrell, J.G. de Beer, R.F.A. Cuelenaere, K. Blok., "ICARUS, The Potential for Energy Conservation in the Netherlands up to the Year 2000", Rapport in opdracht van VROM, Vakgroep Natuurwetenschap & Samenleving, Utrecht University, June 1992

15. A.J.M. van Wijk, W. Gilijamse, E. Worrell, "Analyse van de warmtevoorziening: Een programmastudie voor het SYRENE onderzoeksprogramma", Rapport in opdracht van Novem, Vakgroep Natuurwetenschap & Samenleving, Utrecht University, 1992

16. R.J.J. van Heijningen, J.F.M de Castro, E. Worrell, J.H.O. Hazewinkel (ed.), "Meer energiekentallen in relatie tot preventie en hergebruik van afvalstromen", Rapport in opdracht van Nationaal Onderzoeks Programma Hergebruik van Afvalstoffen, Utrecht/Bilthoven, December 1992

17. E. Worrell, "Het potentieel voor energiebesparing in Nederland, in: J. Weerdenburg (ed.), Energie in de toekomst: een brandende kwestie, Studium Generale reeks 9209, Utrecht University, Utrecht, December 1992

18. E. Worrell, J.G. de Beer, "Industrial Process Data Descriptions (For the EMS Study)", Rapport in opdracht van ESC/ECN, Vakgroep Natuurwetenschap & Samenleving, Universiteit Utrecht, March 1993

19. J.G. de Beer, E. Worrell, K. Blok, "Energiebesparing in de Nederlandse industrie op de lange termijn", Rapport in opdracht van ESC/ECN, Vakgroep Natuurwetenschap & Samenleving, Utrecht University, July 1993

20. J.G. de Beer, E. Worrell, K. Blok, R.F.A. Cuelenaere, "ICARUS 2.1, Het potentieel voor energiebesparing in Nederland tot 2000 en 2010", Rapport in opdracht van RIVM, Vakgroep Natuurwetenschap & Samenleving, Utrecht University, July 1993

21. M.T. van Wees, J.G. de Beer, E. Worrell (eds.), "Energiebesparing en ICARUS (Verslag van de workshop gehouden op 18 juni 1993)", Vakgroep Natuurwetenschap & Samenleving, Utrecht University, July 1993

22. J.G. de Beer, E. Worrell, K. Blok, "Energy Conservation in the Paper and Board Industry on the Long Term", Rapport in opdracht van ESC/ECN, Vakgroep Natuurwetenschap & samenleving, Utrecht University, December 1993

23. J.W. Velthuijsen, E. Worrell, "Barriers for Industrial Energy Efficiency Improvement: Quantitative Assessment and Policy Implications", in: F.J. Convery (ed.), Energy Conservation - Opportunities not Taken, Report commissioned by the Commission of the European Community (DG-XII), Environmental Insitute, University College Dublin, December 1993

24. J.H.O. Hazewinkel, R.J.J. van Heijningen, J.F.M. de Castro, A.P.C. Faaij, E. Worrell, B.Jubitana, "Energiekentallen voor ketens", rapport in opdracht van Ministerie van VROM, Den Haag, 1994

25. A. van Wijk, B. Meuleman. J. de Beer, K. Blok, W. Turkenburg and E. Worrell, "Sustainable Energy System, Technologies to reduce the CO2 emission", report commissioned by World Wildlife Fund- The Netherlands, Dept. of Science, Technology & Society, Utrecht University, June 1994.

26. E. Worrell, "Potentials for Improved Use of Industrial Energy and Materials", Ph.D. Thesis, Utrecht University, June 1994.

27. R.W. Smit, J.G. de Beer, E. Worrell and K. Blok, "Long Term Industrial Energy Efficiency Improvement: Technology Descriptions" report commissioned by Novem, Dept. of Science, Technology & Society, Utrecht University, October 1994.

28. J.G. de Beer, M.T. van Wees, E. Worrell and K. Blok, "ICARUS-3, The Potential of Energy Efficiency Improvement in The Netherlands from 1990 to 2000 and 2015", report commissioned by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Dept. of Science, Technology & Society, Utrecht University, November 1994.

29. L.G. Hein, E. Worrell and J.G. de Beer, "Besparingen Industrieel Warmtegebruik", rapport in opdracht van CE, Dept. of Science, Technology & Society, Utrecht University, December 1994.

30. N. Martin, E. Worrell, L. Schipper and K. Blok, "Workshop Proceedings International Comparisons of Energy Efficiency", March 6-9, 1994, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory/Utrecht University (1994).

31. M.D. Levine, N. Martin, L. Price and E. Worrell, "Efficient Use of Energy Utilizing High Technology: An Assessment of Energy Use in Industry and Buildings", World Energy Council, London, UK, September 1995.

32. E. Worrell, "Energy Efficient Technologies in the Iron and Steel Industry", Appendix in: M.D. Levine, N. Martin, L. Price and E. Worrell, "Efficient Use of Energy Utilizing High Technology: An Assessment of Energy Use in Industry and Buildings", World Energy Council, London, UK, September 1995.

33. E. Worrell, K. Blok, J.G. de Beer and G.J.M. Phylipsen, "Energy Efficiency Improvement in the European Heavy Industry" Appendix in: M.D. Levine, N. Martin, L. Price and E. Worrell, "Efficient Use of Energy Utilizing High Technology: An Assessment of Energy Use in Industry and Buildings", World Energy Council, London, UK, September 1995.

34. E.D. Larson, E. Worrell and J.S. Chen, "Clean Fuels from Municipal Solid Waste for Tranportation in New York City" (PU/CEES Report 293), Center for Energy and Environmental Studies, Princeton University, January 1996.

35. E. Worrell, "Energy Efficiency in Industry: Sector-Specific Technologies", in: K. Blok, W.C. Turkenburg, W. Eichhammer, U. Farinelli and T.B. Johansson (eds.), "Overview of Energy RD&D Options for a Sustainable Future", European Commission, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg, 1996.

36. C.A. Hendriks, J-W. Velthuijsen, E. Worrell and K. Blok, “Regulation and Energy Conservation: the Case of Combined Heat and Power in the European Union - Situation and Prospects”, Dept. of Science, Technology & Society, Utrecht University (Report 96034), February 1995.

37. G.J.M. Phylipsen, J. Nyboer, J.T. Olivier, A. Pape, E. Worrell and K. Blok, Proceedings of the Workshop on Methodologies for International Comparisons of Industrial Energy Efficiency, held in Vancouver, BC, April 1-2, 1996. Dept. Of Science, Technology & Society, Utrecht University / CIEEDAC, Simon Fraser University, Utrecht/Vancouver.

38. E. Worrell, J-W. Bode, and J. De Beer, “Analysing Research and technology Development Strategies: The ‘ATLAS’ Project, Energy Efficient Technologies in Industry”, Dept. of Science, Technology & Society, Utrecht University (Report 97001), January 1997.

39. E. Worrell, M.D. Levine, L.K. Price, N.C. Martin, R. van den Broek and K. Blok, "Potentials and Policy Implications of Energy and Material Efficiency Improvement", Department for Policy Coordination and Sustainable Development, United Nations, New York, April 1997.

40. Kornelis Blok, Ernst Worrell, and Andre Faaij, “CO2 Emission Reduction Technologies for Oil Exporting Countries”, Dept. of Science, Technology & Society, Utrecht University (Report 97027), May 1997.

41. Hans Oonk, Jasper Vis, Ernst Worrell, Andre Faaij, Jan-Willem Bode, “The MethaHydro-Proces - Preliminary Design and Cost Evaluation” TNO Institute of Environmental Sciences, Energy Research and Process Innovation, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands (Report TNO-MEP-R97/214), June 1997.

42. P.G.M. Boonekamp, J.C.M. Farla, P. Kroon, M. Menkveld, E. Schol, and E. Worrell, Energy Use Indicators for The Netherlands, Dutch Contribution to the IEA/OECD Programme on Indicators”, ECN (Report C-97-035), Petten, The Netherlands, June 1997.

43. M.P. Hekkert, L.A.J. Joosten and E. Worrell “Packaging Tomorrow, Modeling the Material Input for European Packaging in the 21st Century”, Dept. of Science, Technology & Society, Utrecht University, The Netherlands, January 1998.

44. M.P. Hekkert and E. Worrell, “Technology Characterisation for Natural Organic Materials, Input data Western European MARKAL” Dept. Of Science, Technology & Society, Utrecht University, The Netherlands, January 1998.

45. J.W. Bode, E. Worrell, P.H.G. Berkhout, D. Giesberger, A.H. Paape, and J.W. Velthuijsen, “Onderzoek naar Effecten van de Regulerende Energiebelasting bij Bedrijven, Stand van Zaken einde 1997", Stichting voor Economisch Onderzoek, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Mei 1998.

46. G.J.M. Phylipsen, K. Blok and E.Worrell, “Handbook on International Comparisons of Energy Efficiency in the Manufacturing Industry” Dept. of Science, Technology & Society, Utrecht University, The Netherlands, April 1998.

47. G.J.M. Phylipsen, K. Blok, E. Worrell, “Benchmarking the Energy Efficiency of the Dutch Energy-Intensive Industry; A Preliminary Assessment of the Effect on Energy Consumption and CO2 Emissions”, Dept. of Science, Technology & Society, Utrecht University, The Netherlands, 1998.

48. Farla, J., E. Worrell, L. Hein, K. Blok, “Actual Implementation of Energy Conservation Measures in the Manufacturing Industry, 1980-1994,” Dept. of Science, Technology and Society, Utrecht University, The Netherlands, 1998.

49. Frede Hvelplund and Ernst Worrell, “Sida-Supported Programme within the African Energy Policy Research Network,” Sida Evaluation 99/5, Swedish International Development Corporation Agency, Stockholm, Sweden, February 1999.

50. N. Martin, E. Worrell, A. Sandoval, J-W. Bode and D. Phylipsen (eds.), “Industrial Energy Efficiency Policies: Understanding Success and Failure,” Berkeley, CA: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, November 1998 (LBNL-42368).

51. C.A. Hendriks, E. Worrell, L. Price, N. Martin and L. Ozawa Meida, “The Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from the Cement Industry,” IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme, Cheltenham, United Kingdom (Report PH3/7), May 1999.

52. E. Worrell, N. Martin, L. Price, “Energy Efficiency and Carbon Emissions Reduction Opportunities in the U.S. Iron and Steel Sector,” Berkeley, CA: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, July 1999 (LBNL-41724).

53. N. Martin, E. Worrell, and L. Price, “Energy Efficiency and Carbon Dioxide Emissions Reduction Opportunities in the U.S. Cement Industry,” Berkeley, CA: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, July 1999 (LBNL-44182).

54. Ernst Worrell, Dian Phylipsen, Dan Einstein, Nathan Martin, “Energy Use and Energy Intensity of the U.S. Chemical Industry,” Berkeley, CA: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL-44314).

55. N. Martin, N. Anglani, D. Einstein, M. Khrushch, E. Worrell, L.K. Price, “Opportunities to Improve Energy Efficiency and Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the U.S. Pulp and Paper Industry,” Berkeley, CA: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL-46141).

56. Ernst Worrell, “Energy Efficiency,” Chapter 5 in “Material for Decision-Makers on Sustainable Energy Strategies,” UNDP Initiative for Sustainable Energy (UNISE), New York, NY: United Nations Development Programme.

57. E. Worrell, Contributing Author to: B. Metz, O.R. Davidson, J-W. Martens, S.N.M. van Rooijen and L. Van Wie McGregory (eds.), 2000. Special Report on Emissions Scenarios: Special Report of Working Group III of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press.

58. E. Worrell, M. Levine (Coordinating Lead Authors), “Industry,” Chapter 9 in: B. Metz, O.R. Davidson, J-W. Martens, S.N.M. van Rooijen and L. Van Wie McGregory (eds.), 2000. Methodological and Technological Issues in Technology Transfer, Special Report of Working Group III of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press.

59. E. Worrell (lead author), “Energy End-Use Efficiency,” Chapter 6 (E. Jochem, coordinating lead author) in: “World Energy Assessment, Energy and the Challenge of Sustainability” UNDP/UNDESA/WEC, New York, NY, September 2000, pp.173-218

60. N. Martin, E. Worrell, M. Ruth, L. Price, R.N. Elliott, A.M. Shipley, J. Thorne, Emerging Energy-Efficient Industrial Technologies,” Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory/American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, Berkeley, CA/Washington, DC (LBNL-46990).

61. L. Price, E. Worrell, N. Martin, B. Lehman, J. Sinton, “China's Industrial Sector in an International Context” Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, May 2000 (LBNL-46237).

62. M. Ruth, E. Worrell, and L. price, “Evaluating Clean Development Mechanism projects in the Cement Industry Using a Process-Step Benchmarking Procedure,” Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, July 2000 (LBNL-45346).

63. Lynn Price, Dian Phylipsen and Ernst Worrell, “Energy Use and Carbon Dioxide Emissions in the Steel Sector in Key Developing Countries,” Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, April 2001 (LBNL-46987).

88. Joseph Eto, Jonathan Koomey, Bryan Lehman, Nathan Martin, Evan Mills, Carrie Webber and Ernst Worrell, “Scoping Study on Trends in the Economic Value of Electricity Reliability to the U.S. Economy, Berkeley: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 2001 (LBNL-47911).

89. Nicole Kranz and Ernst Worrell, “Effects of a Shortened Depreciation Schedule on the Investment Costs for Combined Heat and Power Systems,” Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, November 2001 (LBNL-49518).

90. Jayant Sathaye, Lynn Price, Ernst Worrell, Michael Ruth, Roberto Schaeffer, Márcio Macedo Costa, Yanjia Wang, Joyashree Roy, Sarmistha Das, Harald Winkler, Randall Spalding-Fecher, Yaw Afrane-Okese, Ogunlade Davidson. “Multi-Project Baselines For Evaluation Of Industrial Energy-Efficiency And Electric Power Projects” Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, 2001 (LBNL-48242).

Professional Publications

1. E. Worrell, E. Nieuwlaar, W. van Gool, "Industriële toepassing van kolengas in Nederland", Energiespectrum, January 1991

2. A. Faaij, K. Blok, E. Worrell, "GFT-Vergassing goedkoper ?", Duurzame Energie, 5, november 1992, pp.27-29

3. E. Worrell, J. de Beer, K. Blok, "ICARUS: A Tool for the Assessment of Energy Conservation Policy", Change 15, July 1993

4. E. Worrell, K. Blok, N. Martin and L. Schipper, "International Comparisons of Energy Efficiencies", Change 24 pp.16-18 (March 1995).

5. E. Worrell, J.G. de Beer and K. Blok, "Abatement of CO2 Emissions by Energy Efficiency Improvement", Industry and Environment 1 17 pp.32-35 (1994).

6. E. Worrell, J.G. de Beer, "Energy Savings in the Nitrogen Fertilizer Industry", Fertiliser Industry Annual Review 18 pp.123-132 (1995).

7. Ernst Worrell, Nathan Martin, Lynn Price, “Energy Efficiency Opportunities in Electric Arc Steelmaking,” Iron and Steelmaker 1 26 pp.25-32 (1999).

8. E. Worrell, Book Review “Europe’s Environment: The Second Assessment,” Resources, Conservation & Recycling 4 27 pp.347-348 (1999).

9. E. Worrell, Book Review “Klimaatonderzoek, Eindrapportage eesrte fase Nationaal Onderzoek Programma Mondiale Luchtverontreiniging en Klimaatverandering (NOP-1) 1989-1995” Milieu 5 14 pp.282-283 (1999) (in Dutch).

10. Ernst Worrell, “Editorial”, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 1 28 pp.1-2 (2000).

11. Ernst Worrell, Book Review “Industrial Transformation Science Plan, IHDP Report No. 12,” Resources, Conservation & Recycling 1 31 pp.105-106 (2000).

12. Ernst Worrell, Book Review “The environment, sustainable development and public policies,” Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 1 32 pp. 83-84 (2001).

13. Ernst Worrell, Book Review “Waste Materials in Construction,” Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 2 33 pp. 147-149 (2001).

E. Worrell, N. Martin and L. Price, "Potentials for Energy Efficiency Improvement in the U.S. Cement Industry," Energy, the International Journal 12 25 pp. 1189-1214 (2000).


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