Help for CATCD


 CATCD updates the SSI image catalog with information on systematic
 processing products that are stored on CDROM devices.  Note that
 this supplements program CATPRODUCTS, which is used to update the
 catalog for all other types of products.  CATCD is limited to SSI
 products only, including EDR, REDR, and RAD (radiometric calibration)
 files.  The operation of the program consists solely of reading the
 user-specified parameters, opening the relevant catalog domains (see
 next page), and updating the fields specified.
 For each product, the following fields for different tables are updated or 
 inserted according to user parameters:

  TYPE:  TABLE:         ACTION:     Fields:

  REDR   ssiredr         update    filestatus, modified
         ssioverview     update    redrcddone, modified
         cdproducts      new       srcfilename, srcfileIdx, srcproducttype,
                                   sclkstrtcnt, sclkpartition, srctablename,
                                   cdvolumeid, cdfilepath, cdfilename, 
                                   cdproducttype, modified

  EDR    ssicorrected    update    filestatus, modified
         ssioverview     update    edrcddone, modified
         cdproducts      new       srcfilename, srcfileIdx, srcproducttype,
                                   sclkstrtcnt, sclkpartition, srctablename,
                                   cdvolumeid, cdfilepath, cdfilename,
                                   cdproducts, modified

  RAD    ssiradiometric  update    filestatus, modified
         cdproducts      new       srcfilename, srcfileIdx, srcproducttype,
                                   sclkstrtcnt, sclkpartition, srctablename,
                                   cdvolumeid, cdfilepath, cdfilename, 
                                   cdproducttype, modified

    where ACTION "new" means that a new record is created.


 The command line syntax for CATCD has two forms, the first for EDR/REDR
 input, the second for RAD files:

 CATCD CDROM=cdrom CDDIR=directory CDFILE=filename CDEXTEN=extension    CDVERSN=version TYPE=[REDR|EDR] SCLK=sclk CATSRV=server CATDB=database    CATUSR=username CATPW=password

 CATCD CDROM=cdrom CDDIR=directory CDFILE=filename CDEXTEN=extension    CDVERSN=version TYPE=RAD RADNAME=rad-filename CATSRV=server CATDB=database    CATUSR=username CATPW=password


  Original programmer:   L.W.Kamp  (15-Aug-1991)

  Cognizant programmer:  S. Pohorsky 

  10/7/93  FR 81868  M. O'Shaughnessy--Corrected help information for
                     catalog RADIOMETRIC domain; all field names (except
                     for CD_CAL_DONE) are prefixed by "RAD", "REDR". Put
                     a brief message in the unit test to that effect.

  1/21/95		S.Hwan - ported to UNIX, including dtr->Sybase
			conversion.  Previous FR no longer applicable;
			i.e. we have new Sybase tables and no longer
			use Datatrieve domains.
 10/30/97  FR 87383  S. Pohorsky  - Insure that no VMS version number goes
                     into the catalog filename.  Insure that 
                     producttype has only uppercase alphabetic chars.
                     Put catalog filename in lowercase UNIX syntax.
 08/12/98  RRP       Ported to ANSI_C to close AR-100498. Update cdgen.pdf
                     as per AR-100496.


See Examples:

Cognizant Programmer: