Fermilab Today Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Fermilab celebrates its diversity

To celebrate diversity and talent, 12 groups performed in Ramsey Auditorium Friday for Fermilab’s first Diversity Fair. Additional groups had tables with exhibits in the atrium.

Fermilab user Prashant Subbarao performs a Mridangam solo popular in India.

PPD’s Doug Jensen, APC’s Dave Neuffer and visitors Gwen Leyffer and Mady Newfield demonstrate Scottish country dancing.


Directorate’s Michelle Gleason, and visitors Linda Bassler and Lucy Valencia perform bagpipe tunes.

DZero collaborator Tania Moulik wears attire from India and sings a song about her world travels in her native tongue.


Doug Jensen and visitor Mady Newfield demonstrate an Austrian dance.

Deputy Director Young-Kee Kim performs a Korean shaman ritual dance.


Fermilab engineer Tom Zimmerman plays a piano solo.

Fermilab singers perform.


A woman helps with the Russian exhibit at the Diversity Fair.

Fermilab Procurement's Bob Johnson poses in traditional African garb at Friday's Diversity Fair.


Items on display at the Austrailian exhibit.

Veterans Bill Flaherty and Joe Morgan host the veterans exhibit at the Diversity Fair.


Xiaofei Dong performs Tai Chi at Friday's Diversity Fair.

Angela Jostlein and Selitha Raja, dressed in traditional German clothes, visit the Brazilian exhibit at the Diversity Fair.


Items on display at an African diaspora exhibit at the Diversity Fair on Friday.

Two people finish getting their costumes ready at the Korean exhibit.


Gir K. Leung from China plays a PiPa solo.

A woman visits the Mexican booth at Fermilab's Diversity Fair.


To see more Diversity Fair photos, visit the VMS archive.

Fermi National Accelerator - Office of Science / U.S. Department of Energy | Managed by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC.