Annotation of /home/cljanss/src/SC/src/lib/chemistry/qc/basis/ for ./mpqc.vmon.0018

    1                                                             //
    2                                                             // --- implementation of the PetiteList class
    3                                                             //
    4                                                             // Copyright (C) 1996 Limit Point Systems, Inc.
    5                                                             //
    6                                                             // Author: Edward Seidl <>
    7                                                             // Maintainer: LPS
    8                                                             //
    9                                                             // This file is part of the SC Toolkit.
   10                                                             //
   11                                                             // The SC Toolkit is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   12                                                             // it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
   13                                                             // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
   14                                                             // any later version.
   15                                                             //
   16                                                             // The SC Toolkit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   17                                                             // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   18                                                             // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
   19                                                             // GNU Library General Public License for more details.
   20                                                             //
   21                                                             // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
   22                                                             // along with the SC Toolkit; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
   23                                                             // the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
   24                                                             //
   25                                                             // The U.S. Government is granted a limited license as per AL 91-7.
   26                                                             //
   28                                                             #ifdef __GNUC__
   29                                                             #pragma implementation
   30                                                             #endif
   32                                                             #include <stdio.h>
   34                                                             #include <util/misc/formio.h>
   35                                                             #include <chemistry/molecule/localdef.h>
   37                                                             #include <chemistry/qc/basis/basis.h>
   38                                                             #include <chemistry/qc/basis/integral.h>
   39                                                             #include <chemistry/qc/basis/petite.h>
   40                                                             #include <chemistry/qc/basis/shellrot.h>
   42                                                             using namespace std;
   44                                                             ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   46                                                             PetiteList::PetiteList(const Ref<GaussianBasisSet> &gbs,
   47                                                                                    const Ref<Integral>& ints) :
   48                                                               gbs_(gbs),
   49                                                               ints_(ints)
   50                                                             {
   51                                                               init();
   52                                                             }
   54                                                             PetiteList::~PetiteList()
   55                                                             {
   56                                                               if (p1_)
   57                                                                 delete[] p1_;
   59                                                               if (lamij_)
   60                                                                 delete[] lamij_;
   62                                                               if (nbf_in_ir_)
   63                                                                 delete[] nbf_in_ir_;
   65                                                               if (atom_map_) {
   66                                                                 for (int i=0; i < natom_; i++)
   67                                                                   delete[] atom_map_[i];
   68                                                                 delete[] atom_map_;
   69                                                               }
   71                                                               if (shell_map_) {
   72     1     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     for (int i=0; i < nshell_; i++)
   73     1     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0       delete[] shell_map_[i];
   74                                                                 delete[] shell_map_;
   75                                                               }
   77                                                               natom_=0;
   78                                                               nshell_=0;
   79                                                               ng_=0;
   80                                                               nblocks_=0;
   81                                                               nirrep_=0;
   82                                                               p1_=0;
   83                                                               atom_map_=0;
   84                                                               shell_map_=0;
   85                                                               lamij_=0;
   86                                                               nbf_in_ir_=0;
   87                                                             }
   89                                                             void
   90                                                             PetiteList::init()
   91                                                             {
   92                                                               int i;
   94                                                               // grab references to the Molecule and BasisSet for convenience
   95                                                               GaussianBasisSet& gbs = *gbs_.pointer();
   96                                                               Molecule& mol = *gbs.molecule().pointer();
   98                                                               // create the character table for the point group
   99                                                               CharacterTable ct = mol.point_group()->char_table();
  101                                                               // initialize private members
  102                                                               c1_=0;
  103                                                               ng_ = ct.order();
  104                                                               natom_ = mol.natom();
  105                                                               nshell_ = gbs.nshell();
  106                                                               nirrep_ = ct.nirrep();
  108                                                               // if point group is C1, then zero everything
  109                                                               if (ng_==1) {
  110                                                                 c1_=1;
  111                                                                 nblocks_=1;
  113                                                                 p1_=0;
  114                                                                 atom_map_=0;
  115                                                                 shell_map_=0;
  116                                                                 lamij_=0;
  117                                                                 nbf_in_ir_=0;
  118                                                                 return;
  119                                                               }
  121                                                               // allocate storage for arrays
  122                                                               p1_ = new char[nshell_];
  123                                                               lamij_ = new char[i_offset(nshell_)];
  125                                                               atom_map_ = new int*[natom_];
  126                                                               for (i=0; i < natom_; i++)
  127     0     0     0     1     0     0     0     0     0     0     atom_map_[i] = new int[ng_];
  129                                                               shell_map_ = new int*[nshell_];
  130                                                               for (i=0; i < nshell_; i++)
  131     1     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     shell_map_[i] = new int[ng_];
  133                                                               // set up atom and shell mappings
  134                                                               double np[3];
  135     0     0     0     1     0     0     0     0     0     0   SymmetryOperation so;
  137                                                               // loop over all centers
  138                                                               for (i=0; i < natom_; i++) {
  139                                                                 SCVector3 ac(mol.r(i));
  141                                                                 // then for each symop in the pointgroup, transform the coordinates of
  142                                                                 // center "i" and see which atom it maps into
  143                                                                 for (int g=0; g < ng_; g++) {
  144                                                                   so = ct.symm_operation(g);
  146                                                                   for (int ii=0; ii < 3; ii++) {
  147                                                                     np[ii] = 0;
  148                                                                     for (int jj=0; jj < 3; jj++)
  149     1     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0           np[ii] += so(ii,jj) * ac[jj];
  150                                                                   }
  152     0     0     0     0     1     0     0     0     0     0       atom_map_[i][g] = mol.atom_at_position(np, 0.05);
  153                                                                   if (atom_map_[i][g] < 0) {
  154                                                                     ExEnv::out() << "ERROR: Symmetry operation " << g << " did not map atom "
  155                                                                          << i+1 << " to another atom:" << endl;
  156                                                                     ExEnv::out() << indent << "Molecule:" << endl;
  157                                                                     ExEnv::out() << incindent;
  158                                                                     mol.print();
  159                                                                     ExEnv::out() << decindent;
  160                                                                     ExEnv::out() << indent << "attempted to find atom at" << endl;
  161                                                                     ExEnv::out() << incindent;
  162                                                                     ExEnv::out() << indent << np[0] << " " << np[1] << " " << np[2] << endl;
  163                                                                     abort();
  164                                                                   }
  165                                                                 }
  167                                                                 // hopefully, shells on equivalent centers will be numbered in the same
  168                                                                 // order
  169                                                                 for (int s=0; s < gbs.nshell_on_center(i); s++) {
  170                                                                   int shellnum = gbs.shell_on_center(i,s);
  171     1     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0       for (int g=0; g < ng_; g++) {
  172     1     0     3     0     5     0     0     0     0     0         shell_map_[shellnum][g] = gbs.shell_on_center(atom_map_[i][g],s);
  173                                                                   }
  174     1     0     1     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     }
  175                                                               }
  177                                                               memset(p1_,0,nshell_);
  178                                                               memset(lamij_,0,i_offset(nshell_));
  180                                                               // now we do p1_ and lamij_
  181     1     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0   for (i=0; i < nshell_; i++) {
  182                                                                 int g;
  184                                                                 // we want the highest numbered shell in a group of equivalent shells
  185                                                                 for (g=0; g < ng_; g++)
  186                                                                   if (shell_map_[i][g] > i)
  187                                                                     break;
  189                                                                 if (g < ng_)
  190                                                                   continue;
  192                                                                 // i is in the group P1
  193     0     0     1     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     p1_[i] = 1;
  195     1     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     for (int j=0; j <= i; j++) {
  196     1     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0       int ij = i_offset(i)+j;
  197                                                                   int nij = 0;
  199                                                                   // test to see if IJ is in the group P2, if it is, then set lambda(ij)
  200                                                                   // equal to the number of equivalent shell pairs.  This number is
  201                                                                   // just the order of the group divided by the number of times ij is
  202                                                                   // mapped into itself
  203                                                                   int gg;
  204     0     0     2     0     0     0     0     0     0     0       for (gg=0; gg < ng_; gg++) {
  205     1     0     3     2     2     1     0     0     0     0         int gi = shell_map_[i][gg];
  206     1     0     0     1     0     1     0     0     0     0         int gj = shell_map_[j][gg];
  207     7     0     3     2     2     0     0     0     0     0         int gij = ij_offset(gi,gj);
  208     0     0     1     0     1     0     0     0     0     0         if (gij > ij)
  209                                                                       break;
  210     1     0     1     0     1     0     0     0     0     0         else if (gij == ij)
  211     2     0     3     2     0     1     0     0     0     0           nij++;
  212     1     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0       }
  214                                                                   if (gg < ng_)
  215                                                                     continue;
  217     7     0     5     2     5     2     0     0     0     0       lamij_[ij] = (char) (ng_/nij);
  218     0     0     1     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     }
  219     1     0     0     0     1     0     0     0     0     0   }
  221                                                               // form reducible representation of the basis functions
  222                                                               double *red_rep = new double[ng_];
  223                                                               memset(red_rep,0,sizeof(double)*ng_);
  225                                                               for (i=0; i < natom_; i++) {
  226                                                                 for (int g=0; g < ng_; g++) {
  227                                                                   so = ct.symm_operation(g);
  228     1     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0       int j= atom_map_[i][g];
  230                                                                   if (i!=j)
  231                                                                     continue;
  233     0     0     0     0     1     0     0     0     0     0       for (int s=0; s < gbs.nshell_on_center(i); s++) {
  234                                                                     for (int c=0; c < gbs(i,s).ncontraction(); c++) {
  235                                                                       int am=gbs(i,s).am(c);
  237                                                                       if (am==0)
  238                                                                         red_rep[g] += 1.0;
  239                                                                       else {
  240                                                                         ShellRotation r(am,so,ints_,gbs(i,s).is_pure(c));
  241                                                                         red_rep[g] += r.trace();
  242                                                                       }
  243                                                                     }
  244     2     0     0     1     1     1     0     0     0     0       }
  245                                                                 }
  246                                                               }
  248                                                               // and then use projection operators to figure out how many SO's of each
  249                                                               // symmetry type there will be
  250                                                               nblocks_ = 0;
  251                                                               nbf_in_ir_ = new int[nirrep_];
  252                                                               for (i=0; i < nirrep_; i++) {
  253                                                                 double t=0;
  254                                                                 for (int g=0; g < ng_; g++)
  255                                                                   t += ct.gamma(i).character(g)*red_rep[g];
  257     0     0     2     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     nbf_in_ir_[i] = ((int) (t+0.5))/ng_;
  258                                                                 if (ct.gamma(i).complex()) {
  259                                                                   nblocks_++;
  260                                                                   nbf_in_ir_[i] *= 2;
  261                                                                 } else {
  262                                                                   nblocks_ += ct.gamma(i).degeneracy();
  263                                                                 }
  264                                                               }
  266                                                               delete[] red_rep;
  267                                                             }
  269                                                             RefSCDimension
  270                                                             PetiteList::AO_basisdim()
  271                                                             {
  272                                                               if (c1_)
  273                                                                 return SO_basisdim();
  275                                                               RefSCDimension dim = new SCDimension(gbs_->nbasis(),1);
  276                                                               dim->blocks()->set_subdim(0, gbs_->basisdim());
  277                                                               return dim;
  278                                                             }
  280                                                             RefSCDimension
  281                                                             PetiteList::SO_basisdim()
  282                                                             {
  283                                                               int i, j, ii;
  285                                                               // grab a reference to the basis set
  286                                                               GaussianBasisSet& gbs = *gbs_.pointer();
  288                                                               // create the character table for the point group
  289                                                               CharacterTable ct = gbs.molecule()->point_group()->char_table();
  291                                                               // ncomp is the number of symmetry blocks we have
  292                                                               int ncomp=nblocks();
  294                                                               // saoelem is the current SO in a block
  295                                                               int *nao = new int [ncomp];
  296                                                               memset(nao,0,sizeof(int)*ncomp);
  298                                                               if (c1_)
  299                                                                 nao[0] = gbs.nbasis();
  300                                                               else {
  301                                                                 for (i=ii=0; i < nirrep_; i++) {
  302                                                                   int je = ct.gamma(i).complex() ? 1 : ct.gamma(i).degeneracy();
  303                                                                   for (j=0; j < je; j++,ii++)
  304                                                                     nao[ii] = nbf_in_ir_[i];
  305     0     0     0     0     1     0     0     0     0     0     }
  306                                                               }
  308                                                               RefSCDimension ret = new SCDimension(gbs.nbasis(),ncomp,nao);
  309                                                               delete[] nao;
  311                                                               for (i=ii=0; i < nirrep_; i++) {
  312                                                                 Ref<MessageGrp> grp = MessageGrp::get_default_messagegrp();
  313                                                                 int np=grp->n();
  314     2     0     0     1     0     0     0     0     0     0     int *subblksize = new int[np];
  315     0     0     1     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     int nbas=(c1_) ? gbs.nbasis() : nbf_in_ir_[i];
  316                                                                 for (j=0; j < np; j++) {
  317     1     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0       if (j < nbas%np)
  318                                                                     subblksize[j] = nbas/np + 1;
  319                                                                   else
  320                                                                     subblksize[j] = nbas/np;
  321                                                                 }
  323                                                                 int je = ct.gamma(i).complex() ? 1 : ct.gamma(i).degeneracy();
  324                                                                 for (j=0; j < je; j++,ii++) {
  325                                                                   char lab[24];
  326                                                                   sprintf(lab,"irrep %s comp %d", ct.gamma(i).symbol(), j);
  327                                                                   ret->blocks()->set_subdim(ii, new SCDimension(nbas, np, subblksize));
  328                                                                 }
  330                                                                 delete[] subblksize;
  331                                                               }
  333                                                               return ret;
  334                                                             }
  336                                                             void
  337                                                             PetiteList::print(ostream& o, int verbose)
  338                                                             {
  339                                                               int i;
  341                                                               o << node0 << indent << "PetiteList:" << endl << incindent;
  343                                                               if (c1_) {
  344                                                                 o << node0 << indent << "is c1\n" << decindent;
  345                                                                 return;
  346                                                               }
  348                                                               if (verbose) {
  349                                                                 o << node0
  350                                                                   << indent << "natom_ = " << natom_ << endl
  351                                                                   << indent << "nshell_ = " << nshell_ << endl
  352                                                                   << indent << "ng_ = " << ng_ << endl
  353                                                                   << indent << "nirrep_ = " << nirrep_ << endl << endl
  354                                                                   << indent << "atom_map_ =" << endl << incindent;
  356                                                                 for (i=0; i < natom_; i++) {
  357                                                                   o << node0 << indent;
  358                                                                   for (int g=0; g < ng_; g++)
  359                                                                     o << node0 << scprintf("%5d ",atom_map_[i][g]);
  360                                                                   o << node0 << endl;
  361                                                                 }
  363                                                                 o << node0 << endl << decindent
  364                                                                   << indent << "shell_map_ =" << endl << incindent;
  365                                                                 for (i=0; i < nshell_; i++) {
  366                                                                   o << node0 << indent;
  367                                                                   for (int g=0; g < ng_; g++)
  368                                                                     o << node0 << scprintf("%5d ",shell_map_[i][g]);
  369                                                                   o << node0 << endl;
  370                                                                 }
  372                                                                 o << node0 << endl << decindent
  373                                                                   << indent << "p1_ =" << endl << incindent;
  374                                                                 for (i=0; i < nshell_; i++)
  375                                                                   o << node0 << indent << scprintf("%5d\n",p1_[i]);
  377                                                                 o << node0 << decindent
  378                                                                   << indent << "lamij_ =" << endl << incindent;
  379                                                                 for (i=0; i < nshell_; i++) {
  380                                                                   o << node0 << indent;
  381                                                                   for (int j=0; j <= i; j++)
  382                                                                     o << node0 << scprintf("%5d ",lamij_[i_offset(i)+j]);
  383                                                                   o << node0 << endl;
  384                                                                 }
  385                                                                 o << node0 << endl << decindent;
  386                                                               }
  388                                                               CharacterTable ct = gbs_->molecule()->point_group()->char_table();
  389                                                               for (i=0; i < nirrep_; i++)
  390                                                                 o << node0 << indent 
  391                                                                   << scprintf("%5d functions of %s symmetry\n",
  392                                                                               nbf_in_ir_[i], ct.gamma(i).symbol());
  393                                                             }
  395                                                             // forms the basis function rotation matrix for the g'th symmetry operation
  396                                                             // in the point group
  397                                                             RefSCMatrix
  398                                                             PetiteList::r(int g)
  399                                                             {
  400                                                               // grab a reference to the basis set
  401                                                               GaussianBasisSet& gbs = *gbs_.pointer();
  403                                                               SymmetryOperation so =
  404                                                                 gbs.molecule()->point_group()->char_table().symm_operation(g);
  406                                                               RefSCMatrix ret = gbs.matrixkit()->matrix(gbs.basisdim(), gbs.basisdim());
  407                                                               ret.assign(0.0);
  409                                                               // this should be replaced with an element op at some point
  410                                                               if (c1_) {
  411                                                                 for (int i=0; i < gbs.nbasis(); i++)
  412                                                                   ret.set_element(i,i,1.0);
  413                                                                 return ret;
  415                                                               } else {
  416                                                                 for (int i=0; i < natom_; i++) {
  417                                                                   int j = atom_map_[i][g];
  419                                                                   for (int s=0; s < gbs.nshell_on_center(i); s++) {
  420                                                                     int func_i = gbs.shell_to_function(gbs.shell_on_center(i,s));
  421                                                                     int func_j = gbs.shell_to_function(gbs.shell_on_center(j,s));
  423                                                                     for (int c=0; c < gbs(i,s).ncontraction(); c++) {
  424                                                                       int am=gbs(i,s).am(c);
  426                                                                       if (am==0) {
  427                                                                         ret.set_element(func_j,func_i,1.0);
  428                                                                       } else {
  429                                                                         ShellRotation rr(am,so,ints_,gbs(i,s).is_pure(c));
  430                                                                         for (int ii=0; ii < rr.dim(); ii++)
  431                                                                           for (int jj=0; jj < rr.dim(); jj++)
  432                                                                             ret.set_element(func_j+jj,func_i+ii,rr(ii,jj));
  433                                                                       }
  435                                                                       func_i += gbs(i,s).nfunction(c);
  436                                                                       func_j += gbs(i,s).nfunction(c);
  437                                                                     }
  438                                                                   }
  439                                                                 }
  440                                                               }
  441                                                               return ret;
  442                                                             }
  444                                                             /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  446                                                             // Local Variables:
  447                                                             // mode: c++
  448                                                             // c-file-style: "ETS"
  449                                                             // End: