Gordon Innes Johnston

Color picture of Gordon Johnston

(visible, 0.4 to 0.7 microns)

15 micron video still of Gordon Johnston

(15 microns, slightly out of focus, captured off a video tape from a 128x128 QWIP detector array. JPL now has a much better 256x256 array.)

Contact Information:

US Postal Mailing Address:

Gordon Innes Johnston
Office of Earth Science
Mail Code YF
NASA Headquarters
Washington, D.C. 20546-0001

Delivery Address (Express Mail, Commercial Delivery, or Courier):

Gordon Innes Johnston
Office of Earth Science
Mail Code YF
Attn: Receiving & Inspection (Rear of Building)
NASA Headquarters
300 E Street SW
Washington, D.C. 20024-3210


Voice: (202) 358-4685
Fax: (202) 358-2769
Secretary: Marvalyn Sweeny, (202) 358-0261



Current Assignments:

Effective September 14, 1997, I moved to the Program Planning and Development Division of the Office of Earth Science, the NASA Headquarters office responsible for NASA's Earth Science Enterprise.

Before joining the Office of Earth Science in 1997, my assignments were:

Background and Publications

Return to:

Created: June 23, 1994. Last update: June 10, 2002. Please see my Disclaimer and Web Policy page. Maintained by Gordon Johnston.


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