The U.S. Census Bureau
Table 2.  Local Government Finances by Type of Government and State: 2001 - 02
(Dollar amounts are in thousands.  For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see note below table.  Revised October 2005)
Description North Dakota
County Municipal Township Special District School District
government government government government government
amount amount amount amount amount
1 2 3 4 5
                    Revenue1 309,488 525,657 28,312 148,626 783,001
               General revenue1 308,558 447,308 27,593 144,579 783,001
Intergovernmental revenue1 121,985 100,643 8,835 63,626 403,363
     From federal government 10,190 26,849 228 53,124 43,454
     From state government 102,118 68,975 8,607 6,512 350,270
     From local government1 9,677 4,819 X 3,990 9,639
General revenue from own sources   186,573 346,665 18,758 80,953 379,638
    Taxes   127,187 143,235 10,494 30,459 300,081
          Property 117,057 73,574 10,393 29,860 300,081
          Sales and gross receipts   7,457 61,165 47 - -
               General sales   7,448 51,447 - - -
               Selective sales 9 9,718 47 - -
                    Motor fuel - - - - -
                    Alcoholic beverage - - - - -
                    Tobacco products - - - - -
                    Public utilities   9 5,257 39 - -
                    Other selective sales   - 4,461 8 - -
          Individual income   - - - - -
          Corporate income   - - - - -
          License taxes 2 - - - -
            Motor vehicle license   2 - - - -
          Other taxes   2,671 8,496 54 599 -
     Charges and miscellaneous general  revenue   59,386 203,430 8,264 50,494 79,557
          Current charges   16,269 102,977 972 37,386 42,175
               Education   - - - - 42,175
                    Institutions of higher education   - - - - -
                    School lunch sales (gross) - - - - 18,375
               Hospitals   - - - 285 -
               Highways   410 1,451 - - -
               Air transportation (airports)   )                            29 8,023 - 3,078 -
               Parking facilities   7 2,108 8 - -
               Sea and inland port facilities   - - - - -
               Natural resources   - - - 5,778 -
               Parks and recreation   174 9,687 3 18,860 -
               Housing and community development   - 1 - 6,506 -
               Sewerage   - 29,390 257 279 -
               Solid waste management   284 32,708 415 516 -
               Other charges   15,365 19,609 289 2,084 -
          Miscellaneous general revenue   43,117 100,453 7,292 13,108 37,382
               Interest earnings   26,801 23,924 1,127 3,007 8,356
               Special assessments   1,261 43,841 149 1,054 -
               Sale of property   78 1,002 3 1,628 -
               Other general revenue   14,977 31,686 6,013 7,419 29,026
               Other than general revenue 930 78,349 719 4,047 -
Utility revenue 930 70,642 719 4,047 -
     Water supply   930 58,308 719 4,047 -
     Electric power   - 10,875 - - -
     Gas supply   - 282 - - -
     Transit   - 1,177 - - -
Liquor store revenue   - - - - -
Insurance trust revenue   - 7,707 - - -
     Unemployment compensation   - - - - -
     Employee retirement   - 7,707 - - -
     Workers' compensation   - - - - -
     Other insurance trust revenue   - - - - -
                Expenditure1 301,265 538,186 26,795 149,395 757,969
     Intergovernmental expenditure1 7,927 1,518 3,240 2,082 3,221
     Direct expenditure   293,338 536,668 23,555 147,313 754,748
          Current operations   238,125 309,958 21,900 103,785 691,915
          Capital outlay   34,736 179,139 1,642 40,104 56,414
               Construction   20,752 163,321 1,320 30,777 30,525
               Other capital outlay   13,984 15,818 322 9,327 25,889
          Assistance and subsidies   1,088 - - - -
          Interest on debt   19,389 40,358 13 3,424 6,419
          Insurance benefits and repayments - 7,213 - - -
          Exhibit: Salaries and wages   101,591 128,379 6,824 35,732 430,624
Direct expenditure by function 293,338 536,668 23,555 147,313 754,748
     Direct general expenditure   292,312 445,367 22,828 143,735 754,748
          Capital outlay   34,586 158,777 1,541 39,887 56,414
          Other direct general expenditure    e                       257,726 286,590 21,287 103,848 698,334
          Education services:          
               Education   357 - - - 748,329
                       Capital outlay   2 - - - 56,414
                   Higher education   - - - - -
                        Capital outlay   - - - - -
                   Elementary & secondary   357 - - - 748,329
                        Capital outlay   2 - - - 56,414
                   Other education   - - - - -
               Libraries   1,389 7,740 26 - -
          Social services and income maintenance:          
               Public welfare   37,211 750 - - -
                    Cash assistance payments 1,088 - - - -
                    Vendor payments   2,430 - - - -
                    Other public welfare   33,693 750 - - -
               Hospitals   100 10 - 3 -
                    Capital outlay   - - - - -
               Health   12,639 7,779 23 3,485 -
               Social insurance administration    - - - - -
               Veterans' services   - - - - -
               Highways   79,165 54,346 16,287 - -
                    Capital outlay   9,601 22,585 1,235 - -
               Air transportation (airports) 446 28,898 - 22,891 -
               Parking facilities   1 2,468 14 - -
               Sea and inland port facilities   - 60 - - -
               Transit subsidies   - - - - -
          Public safety:          
               Police protection   21,049 41,964 250 - -
               Fire protection   79 19,189 259 6,751 -
               Correction   22,888 177 - - -
                    Capital outlay   11,475 - - - -
               Protective inspection and regulation   gulation                  1,813 2,435 - - -
          Environment and housing:          
               Natural resources   19,441 60 - 19,877 -
                    Capital outlay   6,713 - - 846 -
               Parks and recreation   2,197 29,676 185 49,696 -
                    Capital outlay   87 11,816 62 11,907 -
               Housing and community development    pment                     2,649 9,094 38 36,598 -
               Sewerage   1 30,559 226 183 -
                    Capital outlay   1 14,934 25 161 -
               Solid waste management   211 32,201 430 708 -
                    Capital outlay   - 3,009 9 - -
          Governmental administration:          
               Financial administration   13,756 16,193 1,654 - -
               Judicial and legal   11,608 2,887 16 - -
               General public buildings 7,381 7,578 97 - -
               Other governmental administration    ation                     8,250 7,337 26 - -
          Interest on general debt   19,181 34,602 13 3,409 6,419
          General expenditure, n.e.c.:          
               Miscellaneous commercial activities   - - - - -
               Other and unallocable   30,500 109,364 3,284 134 -
     Utility expenditure 1,026 84,088 727 3,578 -
               Capital outlay   150 20,362 101 217 -
          Water supply   1,026 69,808 727 3,578 -
          Electric power   - 8,617 - - -
          Gas supply   - 255 - - -
          Transit   - 5,408 - - -
     Liquor store expenditure   - - - - -
     Insurance trust expenditure - 7,213 - - -
          Unemployment compensation   - - - - -
          Employee retirement   - 7,213 - - -
          Workers' compensation   - - - - -
          Other insurance trust   - - - - -
               Debt outstanding   266,711 726,003 5,118 66,198 167,853
Short-term    683 79 - 1,142 10,900
Long-term    266,028 725,924 5,118 65,056 156,953
     Full faith and credit   23,735 305,420 5,118 14,944 156,953
     Nonguaranteed   242,293 420,504 - 50,112 -
Long-term debt by purpose:          
     Public debt for private purposes   oses                    227,925 102,145 - - -
     Education   - - - - 156,953
     Utilities   5,139 104,213 - 295 -
     Other   32,964 519,566 5,118 64,761 -
Long-term debt issued   11,585 119,359 162 15,744 65,805
Long-term debt retired   20,959 78,396 108 10,263 11,942
                Cash and security holdings   423,002 670,671 31,880 64,245 278,872
Insurance trust funds   - 149,476 - - -
     Unemployment compensation    - - - - -
     Employee retirement   - 149,476 - - -
     Workers' compensation   - - - - -
     Miscellaneous   - - - - -
Other than insurance trust funds   ds                      423,002 521,195 31,880 64,245 278,872
     By purpose:          
          Offsets to debt   229,241 173,313 - 4,739 9,644
          Bond funds   8,572 29,149 - 3,082 82,697
          Other   185,189 318,733 31,880 56,424 186,531
1 Duplicative intergovernmental transactions are excluded.
Abbreviations and symbols:  -  zero or rounds to zero;  (NA)   not available;  (X)   not applicable
