Contact Information

Modeling Group

Voeikov Main Geophysical Observatory (MGO)

AMIP Representative(s)

End of Contact Information

Experimental Implementation

Simulation Period

Earth Orbital Parameters

The AMIP II specifications are approximated as follows: the obliquity and the longitude of perihelion depend on date according to Montenbruck and Pfleger (1993). Their average values are correspondingly 23.441 and 102.7 degrees. The eccentricity is 0.016715.
Montenbruck, O. and T. Pfleger, 1993: Astronomija s personalneim kompjuterom. Izdatelstvo Mir, Moskva, 280 pp. (English translation, 1994: Astronomy on the Personal Computer. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 2nd edition).


As recommended for AMIP II, a realistic calendar with leap years in 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, and 1996 is used.

Radiative Boundary Conditions

Wang, W.-C., X.-Z Liang, M.P. Dudek, D. Pollard, S.L. Thompson, 1995: Atmospheric ozone as a climate gas. Atm. Res., 37, 247-256.

AFGL, 1986: AFGL Atmospheric Constituent Profiles (0-120 km). AFGL-TR-86-0110, Environmental Research Papers, 954.

Fabian, P., 1989: Proposed Reference Models for CO2 and Halogenated Hydrocarbons. In: Reference Models of Trace Species. MAP Handbook, 31, 99-108.

WCRP, 1986: A preliminary cloudless standard atmosphere for radiation computation. WCP, 112, World Meteorological Organization, 62 pp.

Ocean Surface Boundary Conditions

The AMIP II sea surface temperature (SST) and sea ice boundary conditions are those derived by Taylor et al. (1997)  from observational data of Fiorino (1997). Fractional values of sea ice less than 0.05 are set to zero.  If sea ice is present,  the AMIP II SSTs are not used for calculating the radiative and turbulent fluxes from the underlying ocean; instead, a value of -1.8 deg C (the melting temperature of sea ice) is prescribed.

Orography/Land-Sea Mask

Hoskins, B.J., 1980: Representation of the earth's topography using spherical harmonics. Mon. Wea. Rev., 108, 111-115.

Atmospheric Mass

The global-average value of model surface pressure is 982.15 hPa. This value, which corresponds to the dry + wet mass of the atmosphere remains unchanged throughout the model run.


Procedure for spin-up of the model to quasi-equilibrium at the nominal starting time of 00Z 1 January 1979.

Computer/Operating System

The AMIP II experiment was run on a PC 600MHz Pentium 3  using 1 processor, under a version of LINUX.

Computational Performance

To simulate 1 day, the AMIP II experiment required about 2.6 minutes.

Model Output Description

Calculation of Standard Output Variables

         The following fields are available at model levels:

Boer, G.J., 1986: A comparison of mass and energy budgets from two FGGE datasets and a GCM., Mon. Wea. Rev., 114, 885-902.

Hess, G. D., R.A. Colman and B.J. McAvaney, 1995: On computing screen temperatures, humidities and anemometer-height winds in large-scale models.  Aust. Met. Mag., 44, 139-145.

Potter, G. L., J. M. Slingo, J.-J. Morcrette, and L. Corsetti, 1992: A modeling perspective on cloud radiative forcing. J. Geophys. Res, 97, 20,507-20,518.

Trenberth, K. E., J. C. Berry and L. E. Buja, 1993: Vertical Interpolation and Truncation of Model-Coordinate Data. NCAR Tech.Note. NCAR/TN-396+STR, 54 pp.

Sampling Procedures

Monthly means are calculated by accumulating model diagnostics (at every time step or every 6 hours, depending on  AMIP II Guidelines) over each day of the calendar month, then dividing by the number of days in that month.

Interpolation Procedures

 Trenberth, K. E., J. C. Berry and L. E. Buja, 1993: Vertical Interpolation and Truncation of Model-Coordinate Data. NCAR  Tech.Note. NCAR/TN-396+STR, 54 pp.

Output Data Structure/Format/Compression

Model Characteristics

AMIP II Model Designation

MGO MGOAM2 (T30L14) 2001

Model Lineage

The model is descended from MGO AMIP92 (T30L14), used in AMIP I.

Differences From Most Similar AMIP I Model (to be completed as needed)

Note, for each of the following model properties, only differences from the most similar AMIP I model need be described--you may omit mention of properties that are the same. Please cite references (including information on author(s), year, title, journal name/report series number, volume number, and page numbers) wherever these are relevant to describing a particular model difference. For guidance, consult the current AMIP I model summary documentation at World Wide Web address

Model Documentation

Key documentation of model features is provided by  Shneerov at al. 2001, Shneerov et al. 1999 and Shneerov at al. 1997 and related reference citations.

Shneerov, B. E., V. P. Meleshko, A.P. Sokolov, D. A. Sheinin, V. A. Lyubanskaya, P. V. Sporyshev, V. A. Matyugin, V. M. Kattsov, V. A. Govorkova and T. V. Pavlova, 1997: MGO Global Atmosphere General Circulation and Upper Layer Ocean Model.Trudy GGO (MGO Proc.), No 544, 3-123 (in Russian).

Shneerov, B. E., V. P. Meleshko, P. V. Sporyshev,  V. A. Matyugin, T. V. Pavlova, V.M. Gavrilina and V.A. Govorkova, 1999: MGO Atmospheric Global Circulation Model: Current state. Trudy GGO (MGO Proc.), No 547, 15-36 (in Russian).

Shneerov, B. E., V. P. Meleshko, V. A. Matyugin, P. V. Sporyshev, T. V. Pavlova, S. V. Vavulin, I. M. Shkol'nik, V. A. Zubov, V. M. Gavrilina and V. A. Govorkova, 2001: The up-tu-date version of the MGO global model of general circulation of the atmosphere (version MGO-2). Trudy GGO (MGO Proc.), No 550, 3-43 (in Russian).

Numerical/Computational Properties

Horizontal Representation

Horizontal Resolution

Vertical Domain

Vertical Representation

Vertical Resolution

Time Integration Scheme(s)


Dynamical/Physical Properties

Equations of State


Del4 horizontal diffusion is applied to vorticity, divergence, potential temperature and specific humidity on sigma surfaces for all spectral wave numbers (cf. Laursen and Eliasen 1989).
Stability-dependent vertical diffusion of atmospheric momentum, temperature and specific humidity is modeled (cf. Louis 1979)

Laursen L. and E. Eliasen, 1989: On the effects of the damping mechanisms in an atmospheric general circulation model. Tellus, V. 41A., pp. 385-400.        

Louis, J.-F., 1979: A parametric model of vertical eddy fluxes in the atmosphere. Bound. Layer Meteor, 17, 187-202.

Gravity Wave Drag



Shneerov, B. E., V. P. Meleshko, A.P. Sokolov, D. A. Sheinin, V. A. Lyubanskaya, P. V. Sporyshev, V. A. Matyugin, V. M. Kattsov, V. A. Govorkova and T. V. Pavlova, 1997: MGO Global Atmosphere General Circulation and Upper Layer Ocean Model.Trudy GGO (MGO Proc.), No 544, 3-123 (in Russian).

Shneerov, B. E., V. P. Meleshko, V. A. Matyugin, P. V. Sporyshev, T. V. Pavlova, S. V. Vavulin, I. M. Shkol'nik, V. A. Zubov, V. M. Gavrilina and V. A. Govorkova, 2001: The up-tu-date version of the MGO global model of general circulation of the atmosphere (version MGO-2). Trudy GGO (MGO Proc.), No 550, 3-43 (in Russian).

Rozanov, E.V. and Frolkis V.A., 1988: Method of radiation fluxes calculation in the near infrared range. Trudy GGO (MGO Proc.), No. 516, 61-71 (in Russian).

Karol, I.L. (ed)., 1986: Radiative-Photochemical Atmospheric Models. Gidrometeoizdat, Leningrad, 192 pp (in Russian).

Roberts, R.E., J.A. Selby, and L.M. Biberman, 1976: Infrared continuum absorption by atmospheric water vapor in the 8-12 micron window.


  • A Tiedtke mass flux scheme (Tiedtke, 1989) is used for simulation of deep, shallow and mid-level convection. It is assumed that cumulus clouds embedded in the large-scale environment, have a common cloud base but different heights of tops due to different entrainment and detrainment rates. They are defined by upward and downward mass fluxes and by their thermal properties as dry static energy, moisture and cloud water content. Penetrative convection takes place  when a deep layer of conditional instability and large-scale moisture convergence occur. 
  • Shallow convection is largely through surface evaporation as the contributions from large-scale convergence are small or negative. Midlevel convection occurs in the free atmosphere due to advection in the warm sectors of extratropical cyclones. The entrainment/detrainment rates are 0.0001 m-1  for penetrative and midlevel convection, and 0.0003 m-1 for shallow convection.
  • Relevant references:
Tiedtke, M., 1989: A comprehensive mass flux scheme for cumulus parameterization in large-scale models. Mon.Wea.Rev.,117,1779-1800.

Cloud Formation

  • Cloud prediction scheme is based on the algorithm originally suggested by Slingo (1987). Cloud fraction is determined from diagnostic relations. Within each layer of the middle and upper troposphere, cloud fraction depends on the relative humidity, whose threshold values are a function of height. In the low troposphere, the cloud fraction depends on the relative humidity, vertical motion and static stability (cf. Hack et al. 1993). The convective cloud fraction depends on convective precipitation rate. Cf. Shneerov et al. (2001) for further details.
  • The cloud ice/water path for ice and mixed phase clouds is determined from the assumption that moist air rises adiabatically in the cloud layer (cf. Betts and Harshvardhan 1987). For the water clouds, the path is determined from empirical relations based on the analysis of satellite observation separately for oceans and land (cf. Tselioudis et al. 1992). Cf. Shneerov et al. (1997, 2001) for further details. See also Radiation.
  • Relevant references:
Slingo, J.M., 1987: The development and verification of a cloud prediction model for the ECMWF model. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 113, 899-927.

Hack, J.J., B.A. Boville, B.P. Briegleb, J.T. Kiehl, P.J. Rash and D.L. Williamson, 1993: Description of the NCAR Community Climate Model (CCM2). Tech. Note NCAR/TN-382+STR. Nat. Center for Atmos. Res., Boulder, Colorado, 108 pp.

Betts, A.K. and Hardshvardhan, 1987: Thermodynamic constraint on the cloud liquid water feedback in climate models. J. Geophys. Res., 92, 8483-8485.

Tselioudis, G., W.B. Rossow and D. Rind, 1992: Global patterns of cloud optical thickness variation with temperature. J. Climate, 5, 1484-1495.


  • Large-scale precipitation forms when the local relative humidity exceeds 100 percent. Convective precipitation depends on a parameter which specifies conversion rate of cloud droplets into rain droplets. The parameter is currently set to 0.0002. Subsequent evaporation of precipitation is not simulated. See also Snow Cover.

Planetary Boundary Layer

Sea Ice

Snow Cover

Surface Characteristics

Relevant references

Hageman, S., Botzet, M., Dumenil, L. and Machenhauer, B., 1999: Derivation of global GCM boundary conditions from 1 km land use satellite data. MPI Report No.289, 1-34.

Briegleb, B.P., Minnis, P., Ramanathan, V., and Harrison, E., 1986: Comparison of regional clear-sky albedos inferred from satellite observations and model computations. J. Climate Appl. Meteor., Vol.25, 214-226.

Claussen M., Lohmann U., Roeckner E., 1994: A global data set of land-surface parameters.
Max-Planck-Institut fur Meteorologie. Report No.135, 23 p.

Viterbo, P. and A.C.M.Beljaars. 1995: An improved land surface parameterization scheme in the ECMWF model and its validation. J. Climate, Vol. 8. P. 2716-2748.

Louis, J.F. (ed.), 1984: ECMWF forecast model physical parameterisation. Research Manual No. 3, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, Reading, England.

Charnock, H., 1955: Wind stress on a water surface. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 81, 639-640.

Ariel, N.Z., A.V. Murashova, 1981: Computing the adjusted nomograms for resistance coefficients of heat and moisture exchange above the sea. Trudy GGO (MGO Proc.). No 454, 9-23 (in Russian).

Zilitinkevich, S.S., 1970: Dynamics of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer. Gidrometeoizdat, Leningrad, 292 pp (in Russian).

Wilson, M.F., and A. Henderson-Sellers, 1985: A global archive of land cover and soils data sets for use in general circulation models. Int. J. Climatology, 5, 119-143.

Wilson, C.A., and J.F.B. Mitchell, 1987: A doubled CO2 climate sensitivity experiment with a global climate model including a simple ocean. J. Geophys. Res., 92, 13315-13343.

Surface Fluxes

Land Surface Processes

Relevant references

Shneerov, B. E., V. P. Meleshko, V. A. Matyugin, P. V. Sporyshev, T. V. Pavlova, S. V. Vavulin, I. M. Shkol'nik, V. A. Zubov, V. M. Gavrilina and V. A. Govorkova, 2001: The up-tu-date version of the MGO global model of general circulation of the atmosphere (version MGO-2). Trudy GGO (MGO Proc.), No 550, 3-43 (in Russian).

Meleshko, V.P., A.P. Sokolov, D.A. Sheinin, V.A. Lyubanskaya, P.V. Sporyshev, V.A. Matyugin, B.E. Shneerov, V.A. Govorkova, and V.M. Kattsov, 1991: An atmospheric general circulation/mixed layer ocean model for climate studies and long range weather forecasts. Meteorologia i Hydrologia, 5. (In Russian, with English translation also available.)

Claussen M., Lohmann U., Roeckner E., 1994: A global data set of land-surface parameters.
Max-Planck-Institut fur Meteorologie. Report No.135, 23 p.

Patterson K.A.,1990: A global distribution of total and total-available soil wa-ter-holding capacities
M.S. thesis. Dept. of Geography, University of Delaware. 119 p.

Viterbo, P. and A.C.M.Beljaars. 1995: An improved land surface parameterization scheme in the ECMWF model and its validation. J. Climate, Vol. 8. P. 2716-2748.

Dümenil, L., Todini E.,1992: A rainfall-runoff scheme for use in the Hamburg climate model / Ed.O'Kane. Advances in theoretical hydrology, a tribute to James Dooge, V.1 of European Geophysical Society on Hydrological Sciences. Elsevier, Amsterdam. P. 129-157

Roeckner E., K.Arpe, L.Bengtsson, M.Christoph, M.Claussen, L.Dumenil, M.Esch,
M.Giorgetta, U.Schlese, U.Schulzweida. 1996: The Atmospheric General Circulation Model ECHAM-4: Model Description and Simulation of Present-day Climate. Report MPI No. 218. 90 p.

Sellers, P.J., Y. Mintz, Y. C. Sud, and A. Dalcher, 1986: A simple Biosphere Model (SiB)
for use within general circulation models. J. Atmos. Sci., 43, 505-531.

Last update 19 December 2003