SOHO Nov. 12-22, 1998 Timeline

Nov. 12-22, 1998 Timeline

Draft Timeline of Events
Last Updated: 19 November 1998

Disclaimer: All times are estimates.

Station Keeping Burn is BACK On for the 13th...!

Note: If ESR occurs during Leonids, recovery will wait until November 19th.

THURSDAY, November 12th (DOY 316)
Instrument safing activities prior to Maneuver
15:35 - 16:30	SVM Reserved, Beginning of Pass

16:30 - 18:30 	NRT Available

		* LASCO/EIT Preparations
		  - FOT: Ignore sector hang warnings for 30 minutes.
                  - Close C2 and C3 doors, using normal method 
		    (not super closed) ( ~ 30 minutes)
        	  - Load EIT high cadence plan to run until Sunday
                    (45 min)

		* CDS doors close, then to SNOOZE mode 
		  CDS Power will remain ON

		* UVCS requires 1.5 hours of NRT commanding
		  to power down detectors and mechanisms,
		  close the door 90% of the way

18:30 - 19:00   SVM Reserved		    

		* Enable substitution heaters for CDS
                  substitution heater # 62 @ 90% duty cycle
                  substitution heater # 63 @ 60% duty cycle

                  CDS to monitor and adjust duty cycles via OCD
                  as necessary until re-commisioning #3 is started. 
		  (note: on November 14, circuit #62 was
			 reduced to 80% via OCD)

		* Turn UVCS off using TSTOL  U_FL_PWROFF
		  Power on the UVCS substitution heaters:
		  Circuit #84 (TSU) to 70%.  
		  Circuit #85 (REU) to 100%. 

19:00 - 23:30	NRT Available

		* @ ~ 19:00 UT, Close SUMER door
	        * @ ~ 19:30 UT, Switch Submode #5 --> #6 via RPR
		* @ ~ 20:00 UT, MDI Jitter test 
                  3 hours VC2 and NRT

23:30 - 00:00 	SVM Reserved, End of Pass

00:00 		LOS on DSS-16

FRIDAY, November 13th (DOY 317)
Station Keeping and Momentum Management
02:40 - 08:20	Short Contact on DSS-46 

		* Uplink Delayed Command Files for CELIAS
		  STOF safing: CEL981112303.DEL
		  CTOF safing: CEL981113100.DEL

09:00 - 10:55   Short Contact on DSS-66

15:35		AOS on DSS-16

15:35 -	16:50	SVM Reserved
	       	* Start of Pass Activities 
   		* Gyro Cals
                * SWAN safing:
                  ESR flag disable to SWAN and n_fl_llockin

16:50 - 18:30	NRT Available

		* MTOF safing via NRT

18:30 - 22:30	SVM Reserved

		* Transition to RMW

		* Momentum Management

		  - @ 19:40 UT, Hot Backup Begins
                  - FOT to open MDI ISS loop just prior to CSP transition
                    by executing TSTOL m_fl_issopen
                  - Transition RMW to CSP
		  - @ ~ 19:45 - 20:15 UT, Thruster Firing
                  - Transition CSP to RMW Mode

		* Station Keeping

		- Transition RMW to CSP
		- @ 21:00 - 21:20 UT, Thruster Firing
		- Transition CSP to RMW Mode
		- FOT to close MDI ISS loop just after RMW transition
	          by executing TSTOL m_fl_issclos

		* Transition to Normal Mode

22:30 - 07:45 	NRT Available

07:45 - 08:15	SVM Reserved, End of Pass

08:20		LOS on DSS-46

08:55		AOS on DSS-66

08:55 - 09:25	SVM Reserved, Start of Pass

09:25 - 10:25   NRT Available

10:25 - 10:55   SVM Reserved, End of Pass

10:55		LOS on DSS-66

SATURDAY, November 14th (DOY 318)
Instrument Preparation for Leonids.

15:35		AOS on DSS-16

15:35 - 17:00	SVM Reserved

		* Start of Pass Activities

		* Recover CTOF #1: CEL981114101.DEL

		* CEPAC safing

		  1) Run TSTOL procedure h_fl_estandby (duration 7 min).
		     While ESU is in standby mode the following parameters may flag
		     out-of-limits values: HIE+6V, HIE-6V, HIE-12VH, HIE-12VL, 

		  2) Run TSTOL procedure h_fl_eoff (duration 3 min).

		  3) Switch on ESU substitution heater to 40 % duty cycle.

		  4) Run TSTOL procedure h_fl_fstandby (duration 4 min).
		     While EPHIN is in standby mode the following parameters may flag
		     out-of-limits values: H+FGV, HIF+27V

		  5) If LION is not already off:
   		     Run TSTOL procedure h_fl_loff (duration 3 min) before 
		     MDI door closure.

		* Verify LASCO/EIT heater settings before safing tomorrow

		* Recover CTOF #2: CEL981114102.DEL
17:00 - 23:25	NRT Available

23:25 - 23:55	Station Handover (DSS-16 --> DSS-46)

23:55 - 08:15	NRT on DSS-46

07:50 - 08:20	SVM Reserved for End of Pass

08:20		LOS on DSS-46 

SUNDAY, November 15th (DOY 319)
Roll the S/C prior to Leonids

15:30		AOS on DSS-16

15:30 - 19:30	SVM Reserved

		* Spin Gyro
		* Transition and stay in RMW mode until November 19th
		* ~ 18:20 - 18:50, Roll about the X axis from 
		  present position ( ~ +3.9 deg) 
    	   	  to -120 degree roll position 
		* Turn off SSR until November 19th

19:30 - 20:00	NRT-d for LASCO/EIT safing

                * FOT :   Is to ignore sector hang warnings for 30 minutes.
                  FlushQ and Close EIT door (~ 15 min) 

                * NRT :   RCR  l_lcpwofn    - turn off our side of LCL  ( 3 min)

20:00 - 20:30   SVM Reserved for LASCO/EIT safing

        	* FOT :   /KNLPWAFN               - turn off their side of LCL 
                * Turn on EIT/LASCO NONOP HEATERS to preset values.   

20:30 - 21:30	NRT for MDI Safing

		* MDI Safing in NRT
		  Power off the CCD camera, the Image Stabilization
                  System, and all mechanisms including the shutter, 
		  MTM motors, and the PA/CAL wheels. After these subsystems
                  are confirmed to be powered off, the MDI controlled Optics
                  Package heater will be turned on and adjusted to compensate
                  for the decreased thermal input to the Optics Package
		  because of the camera electronics being powered down.

		  As a final step, the MDI front door will be closed after 
                  verifying that the redundant mechanism functions properly.

21:30 - 23:25	Contingency NRT, if needed prior to Handover

		* ~ 15 minute pause at 22:00 for SVM activities
		* Transition to IDLE prior to Handover 

23:25 - 23:55	Station Handover (DSS-16 --> DSS-46)

23:55 - 08:00	NRT Available

		* Transition to MR, before end of pass

08:00 - 08:45	SVM Reserved, End of Pass

08:45		LOS on DSS-46

MONDAY, November 16th (DOY 320)

-  S/C holds in Leonid-safe orientation.  No instrument commanding

13:45 - 16:00	DSS-66
		Set TC watchdog to 10 hours (vice 48 hours)

15:45 - 23:00   DSS-24

TUESDAY, November 17th (DOY 321)
-  Expected peak of Leonid activity @ 19:43 UT +/- 3 hours
   No instrument commanding

01:55 - 08:35	DSS-46
15:25 - 23:40	DSS-16

WEDNESDAY, November 18th (DOY 322)

-  S/C holds in Leonid-safe orientation. No instrument commanding

03:25 - 08:00	DSS-34
15:25 - 23:10	DSS-16
22:55 - 08:10   DSS-46

THURSDAY, November 19th (DOY 323)
S/C Return to Nominal Orientation

15:25  		AOS on DSS-16

15:25 -	23:25	SVM Reserved

 		*  S/C Return to Nominal Orientation

		  - ~ 17:10 UT, Roll back to attitude of -7.0 degress
		      Solar North and start using the RSL tables again
		      (solar north will be per usual and S/C will
		       keep aligned with Solar North)
		  - ~ 18:00 UT, Perform Star Sensor Unit (SSU) Patch 
                    (4 hour duration)
		  - Transition RMW to NM
		  - Transition to High Rate Telemetry
		  - Power on SSR

		  - SWAN Recovery:
		    n_fl_llockout  &  ESR flag enable
		    Uplink delayed command file:  SWA981112101.DEL 

23:25 - 23:55	Station Handover (DSS-16 --> DSS-46)

23:55 - 08:20 	Additional SVM Recovery Time.

08:20		LOS on DSS-46

FRIDAY, November 20th (DOY 324)
Instrument Recovery: SWAN, CELIAS, LASCO/EIT, MDI

15:25 - 17:50	DSS-27 D/L only

19:40		AOS on DSS-16

19:40 - 21:00	SVM Reserved 

		* 19:40 - 20:10, Start of Pass Activities

               	* CELIAS STOF Recovery:
		  Uplink delayed command file: CEL981120301.DEL

		* Stop SSR dump to go to VC2, for ~ 8 hours
		  (transitioning to VC3 for the station handover)

		* 20:30 - 21:00, LASCO/EIT Recovery

	          - FOT : LASCO personnel to MOR
	                  /KNLPWANN               - turn on their side of LCL 
	                  l_cycle_pwr_intr        - use interrupted boot  

21:00 - 23:05  	NRT-s


	           - Check out currents                 (30 min)
	           - Perform a full NRT RCR reboot      (45 min)
	             (l_lcpwofn, l_lcpwaonn, and startups)
                   - Open EIT door 			( 7 min)
	             (FOT :  to ignore sector hang warnings for 30 minutes).

		* MDI

		  Power up the CCD camera, Optics Package mechanisms and 
                  the Image Stabilization System.

		  After the MDI subsystems are verified to be in an acceptable 
		  state, the standard observing sequence will be started while
                  the front door is still closed. A focus test sequence will 
                  be run while the front door is opening and the front window 
                  temperature is changing. 

		  Expected that instrument recovery activities will take less
		  than two hours.  We will need VC2 telemetry for a four hour
                  period to perform the front window focus tests.

		* CELIAS MTOF, Recovery via NRT.

23:05 - 23:35	Station Handover (DSS-16 --> DSS-46)

23:35 - 07:45	NRT Available

07:45 - 08:15	SVM Reserved, End of Pass

08:15 		LOS on DSS-46

SATURDAY, November 21st (DOY 325)
Instrument Recovery (continued): CEPAC, UVCS, CDS

15:15 		AOS on DSS-16

15:15 - 16:00	SVM Reserved, Start of Pass Activities

                * 16:00 - 16:30, CEPAC Recovery

                  1) Switch off ESU substitution heaters.

                  As soon as possible after 1)

                  2) Run TSTOL procedure h_fl_eon_1 (duration 3 min).
                  While ESU is in standby mode the following parameters may flag
                  out-of-limits values: HIE+6V, HIE-6V, HIE-12VH, HIE-12VL, 

                  3) Run TSTOL procedure h_fl_eobs_2 (duration 13 min).

                  4) Run TSTOL procedure h_fl_fobs (duration 4 min).

                  5) Run TSTOL procedure h_fl_lon (duration 3 min).

                *  16:30 - 17:00, UVCS Recovery:

                   - TSTOLS  (15 min)

                   Procedure       Comments
                   X_EXP_PREP_ON   Configures SOHO for UVCS ON condition,
                                   turns off non-op heaters.
                   U_FL_PWRON_PR   Turns UVCS A-Side ON

17:00 - 17:30	UVCS NRT-d  (30 min)

17:30 - 23:00   NRT-s

                * UVCS NRT-s recommission (4 hours)
                * CDS Recovery via NRT.
                  OCD's to control substitution heater settings as needed.

		  (note: OCD to reduce circuit # 62 to 60 % duty cycle)


23:00 - 23:25	Station Handover, DSS-16 --> DSS-46

23:25 - 07:45	NRT Available

07:45 - 08:15 	SVM Reserved for End of Pass

08:15 		LOS on DSS-46

SUNDAY, November 22nd (DOY 326)
Instrument NRT Schedule

08:00 - 15:30	DSS-54 Tracking Pass

15:15		AOS on DSS-24

15:15 - 16:30	SVM Reserved, Start of Pass Activities

16:30 - 22:30	NRT Available

22:30 - 23:00   SVM Reserved for End of Pass

23:00 		LOS on DSS-24

23:55		AOS on DSS-46

23:55 - 00:25   SVM Reserved, Start of Pass Activities

00:25 - 07:50	NRT Available

07:50 - 08:10	SVM Reserved for End of Pass

08:10           LOS on DSS-46

[an error occurred while processing this directive] Last modification: Wednesday, 20-Jan-1999 10:47:38 EST