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TGeant3 Class Reference

#include <TGeant3.h>

Inheritance diagram for TGeant3:

TGeant3f77 TGeant3TGeo List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 TGeant3 ()
 TGeant3 (const char *title, Int_t nwgeant=0)
virtual ~TGeant3 ()
virtual void LoadAddress ()
virtual Bool_t IsRootGeometrySupported () const
void GeomIter ()
Int_t CurrentMaterial (Float_t &a, Float_t &z, Float_t &dens, Float_t &radl, Float_t &absl) const
Int_t NextVolUp (Text_t *name, Int_t &copy)
Int_t CurrentVolID (Int_t &copy) const
Int_t CurrentVolOffID (Int_t off, Int_t &copy) const
const char * CurrentVolName () const
const char * CurrentVolOffName (Int_t off) const
const char * CurrentVolPath ()
Int_t VolId (const Text_t *name) const
Int_t MediumId (const Text_t *name) const
Int_t IdFromPDG (Int_t pdg) const
Int_t PDGFromId (Int_t pdg) const
const char * VolName (Int_t id) const
Double_t Xsec (char *reac, Double_t energy, Int_t part, Int_t mate)
void TrackPosition (TLorentzVector &xyz) const
void TrackPosition (Double_t &x, Double_t &y, Double_t &z) const
void TrackMomentum (TLorentzVector &xyz) const
void TrackMomentum (Double_t &px, Double_t &py, Double_t &pz, Double_t &etot) const
Int_t NofVolumes () const
Int_t NofVolDaughters (const char *volName) const
const char * VolDaughterName (const char *volName, Int_t i) const
Int_t VolDaughterCopyNo (const char *volName, Int_t i) const
Int_t VolId2Mate (Int_t id) const
Double_t TrackTime () const
Double_t TrackCharge () const
Double_t TrackMass () const
Double_t TrackStep () const
Double_t TrackLength () const
Int_t TrackPid () const
Bool_t IsNewTrack () const
Bool_t IsTrackInside () const
Bool_t IsTrackEntering () const
Bool_t IsTrackExiting () const
Bool_t IsTrackOut () const
Bool_t IsTrackDisappeared () const
Bool_t IsTrackStop () const
Bool_t IsTrackAlive () const
Int_t NSecondaries () const
Int_t CurrentEvent () const
TMCProcess ProdProcess (Int_t isec) const
Int_t StepProcesses (TArrayI &proc) const
void GetSecondary (Int_t isec, Int_t &ipart, TLorentzVector &x, TLorentzVector &p)
Bool_t SecondariesAreOrdered () const
void StopTrack ()
void StopEvent ()
void StopRun ()
Double_t MaxStep () const
void SetMaxStep (Double_t maxstep)
void SetMaxNStep (Int_t maxnstp)
Int_t GetMaxNStep () const
void ForceDecayTime (Float_t time)
Bool_t SetCut (const char *cutName, Double_t cutValue)
Bool_t SetProcess (const char *flagName, Int_t flagValue)
const char * GetPath ()
const char * GetNodeName ()
Bool_t DefineParticle (Int_t pdg, const char *name, TMCParticleType mcType, Double_t mass, Double_t charge, Double_t lifetime)
Bool_t DefineParticle (Int_t pdg, const char *name, TMCParticleType mcType, Double_t mass, Double_t charge, Double_t lifetime, const TString &, Double_t, Int_t, Int_t, Int_t, Int_t, Int_t, Int_t, Int_t, Int_t, Bool_t, Bool_t=kFALSE, const TString &="", Int_t=0, Double_t=0.0, Double_t=0.0)
Bool_t DefineIon (const char *name, Int_t Z, Int_t A, Int_t Q, Double_t excEnergy, Double_t mass)
virtual TString ParticleName (Int_t pdg) const
virtual Double_t ParticleMass (Int_t pdg) const
virtual Double_t ParticleCharge (Int_t pdg) const
virtual Double_t ParticleLifeTime (Int_t pdg) const
virtual TMCParticleType ParticleMCType (Int_t pdg) const
virtual Int_t CurrentMedium () const
virtual Int_t GetMedium () const
virtual Double_t Edep () const
virtual Double_t Etot () const
virtual void Material (Int_t &kmat, const char *name, Double_t a, Double_t z, Double_t dens, Double_t radl, Double_t absl, Float_t *buf=0, Int_t nwbuf=0)
virtual void Material (Int_t &kmat, const char *name, Double_t a, Double_t z, Double_t dens, Double_t radl, Double_t absl, Double_t *buf, Int_t nwbuf)
virtual void Mixture (Int_t &kmat, const char *name, Float_t *a, Float_t *z, Double_t dens, Int_t nlmat, Float_t *wmat)
virtual void Mixture (Int_t &kmat, const char *name, Double_t *a, Double_t *z, Double_t dens, Int_t nlmat, Double_t *wmat)
virtual void Medium (Int_t &kmed, const char *name, Int_t nmat, Int_t isvol, Int_t ifield, Double_t fieldm, Double_t tmaxfd, Double_t stemax, Double_t deemax, Double_t epsil, Double_t stmin, Float_t *ubuf=0, Int_t nbuf=0)
virtual void Medium (Int_t &kmed, const char *name, Int_t nmat, Int_t isvol, Int_t ifield, Double_t fieldm, Double_t tmaxfd, Double_t stemax, Double_t deemax, Double_t epsil, Double_t stmin, Double_t *ubuf, Int_t nbuf)
virtual void Matrix (Int_t &krot, Double_t thex, Double_t phix, Double_t they, Double_t phiy, Double_t thez, Double_t phiz)
virtual void SetRootGeometry ()
Bool_t GetTransformation (const TString &volumePath, TGeoHMatrix &mat)
Bool_t GetShape (const TString &volumePath, TString &shapeType, TArrayD &par)
Bool_t GetMaterial (const TString &volumeName, TString &name, Int_t &imat, Double_t &a, Double_t &z, Double_t &den, Double_t &radl, Double_t &inter, TArrayD &par)
Bool_t GetMedium (const TString &volumeName, TString &name, Int_t &imed, Int_t &nmat, Int_t &isvol, Int_t &ifield, Double_t &fieldm, Double_t &tmaxfd, Double_t &stemax, Double_t &deemax, Double_t &epsil, Double_t &stmin, TArrayD &par)
virtual Quest_tQuest () const
virtual Gcbank_tGcbank () const
virtual Gclink_tGclink () const
virtual Gccuts_tGccuts () const
virtual Gcmore_tGcmore () const
virtual Gcmulo_tGcmulo () const
virtual Gcmate_tGcmate () const
virtual Gctpol_tGctpol () const
virtual Gcnum_tGcnum () const
virtual Gcsets_tGcsets () const
virtual Gcopti_tGcopti () const
virtual Gctlit_tGctlit () const
virtual Gcvdma_tGcvdma () const
virtual Gcvolu_tGcvolu () const
virtual Gckine_tGckine () const
virtual Gcflag_tGcflag () const
virtual Gctmed_tGctmed () const
virtual Gcphys_tGcphys () const
virtual Gcphlt_tGcphlt () const
virtual Gcking_tGcking () const
virtual Gckin2_tGckin2 () const
virtual Gckin3_tGckin3 () const
virtual Gctrak_tGctrak () const
virtual Int_t * Iq () const
virtual Int_t * Lq () const
virtual Float_t * Q () const
virtual Ertrio_tErtrio () const
virtual Eropts_tEropts () const
virtual Eroptc_tEroptc () const
virtual Erwork_tErwork () const
virtual Trcom3_tTrcom3 () const
virtual Ptopts_tPtopts () const
virtual void Gpcxyz ()
virtual void Ggclos ()
virtual void Gfile (const char *filename, const char *option="I")
virtual void Glast ()
virtual void Gprint (const char *name)
virtual void Grun ()
virtual void Gtrig ()
virtual void Gtrigc ()
virtual void Gtrigi ()
virtual void Gwork (Int_t nwork)
virtual void Gzinit ()
virtual void Gfmate (Int_t imat, char *name, Float_t &a, Float_t &z, Float_t &dens, Float_t &radl, Float_t &absl, Float_t *ubuf, Int_t &nbuf)
virtual void Gfmate (Int_t imat, char *name, Double_t &a, Double_t &z, Double_t &dens, Double_t &radl, Double_t &absl, Double_t *ubuf, Int_t &nbuf)
virtual void Gfpart (Int_t ipart, char *name, Int_t &itrtyp, Float_t &amass, Float_t &charge, Float_t &tlife) const
virtual void Gppart (Int_t ipart=0)
virtual void Gftmed (Int_t numed, char *name, Int_t &nmat, Int_t &isvol, Int_t &ifield, Float_t &fieldm, Float_t &tmaxfd, Float_t &stemax, Float_t &deemax, Float_t &epsil, Float_t &stmin, Float_t *buf=0, Int_t *nbuf=0)
virtual void Gptmed (Int_t numed)
virtual void Gftmat (Int_t imate, Int_t ipart, char *chmeca, Int_t kdim, Float_t *tkin, Float_t *value, Float_t *pcut, Int_t &ixst)
virtual Float_t Gbrelm (Float_t z, Float_t t, Float_t cut)
virtual Float_t Gprelm (Float_t z, Float_t t, Float_t cut)
virtual void Gmate ()
virtual void Gpart ()
virtual void Gsckov (Int_t itmed, Int_t npckov, Float_t *ppckov, Float_t *absco, Float_t *effic, Float_t *rindex)
virtual void Gsdk (Int_t ipart, Float_t *bratio, Int_t *mode)
virtual void Gsmate (Int_t imat, const char *name, Float_t a, Float_t z, Float_t dens, Float_t radl, Float_t absl)
virtual void Gfang (Float_t *p, Float_t &costh, Float_t &sinth, Float_t &cosph, Float_t &sinph, Int_t &rotate)
virtual void Gsmixt (Int_t imat, const char *name, Float_t *a, Float_t *z, Float_t dens, Int_t nlmat, Float_t *wmat)
virtual void Gspart (Int_t ipart, const char *name, Int_t itrtyp, Double_t amass, Double_t charge, Double_t tlife)
virtual void Gstmed (Int_t numed, const char *name, Int_t nmat, Int_t isvol, Int_t ifield, Float_t fieldm, Float_t tmaxfd, Float_t stemax, Float_t deemax, Float_t epsil, Float_t stmin)
virtual void Gstpar (Int_t itmed, const char *param, Double_t parval)
virtual void SetCerenkov (Int_t itmed, Int_t npckov, Float_t *ppckov, Float_t *absco, Float_t *effic, Float_t *rindex)
virtual void SetCerenkov (Int_t itmed, Int_t npckov, Double_t *ppckov, Double_t *absco, Double_t *effic, Double_t *rindex)
virtual void DefineOpSurface (const char *name, EMCOpSurfaceModel model, EMCOpSurfaceType surfaceType, EMCOpSurfaceFinish surfaceFinish, Double_t sigmaAlpha)
virtual void SetBorderSurface (const char *name, const char *vol1Name, int vol1CopyNo, const char *vol2Name, int vol2CopyNo, const char *opSurfaceName)
virtual void SetSkinSurface (const char *name, const char *volName, const char *opSurfaceName)
virtual void SetMaterialProperty (Int_t itmed, const char *propertyName, Int_t np, Double_t *pp, Double_t *values)
virtual void SetMaterialProperty (Int_t itmed, const char *propertyName, Double_t value)
virtual void SetMaterialProperty (const char *surfaceName, const char *propertyName, Int_t np, Double_t *pp, Double_t *values)
virtual void Gfkine (Int_t itra, Float_t *vert, Float_t *pvert, Int_t &ipart, Int_t &nvert)
virtual void Gfvert (Int_t nvtx, Float_t *v, Int_t &ntbeam, Int_t &nttarg, Float_t &tofg)
virtual Int_t Gskine (Float_t *plab, Int_t ipart, Int_t nv, Float_t *ubuf=0, Int_t nwbuf=0)
virtual Int_t Gsvert (Float_t *v, Int_t ntbeam, Int_t nttarg, Float_t *ubuf=0, Int_t nwbuf=0)
virtual void Gphysi ()
virtual void Gdebug ()
virtual void Gekbin ()
virtual void Gfinds ()
virtual void Gsking (Int_t igk)
virtual void Gskpho (Int_t igk)
virtual void Gsstak (Int_t iflag)
virtual void Gsxyz ()
virtual void Gtrack ()
virtual void Gtreve ()
virtual void GtreveRoot ()
virtual void Grndm (Float_t *rvec, Int_t len) const
virtual void Grndmq (Int_t &is1, Int_t &is2, Int_t iseq, const Text_t *chopt)
virtual void Gdxyz (Int_t it)
virtual void Gdcxyz ()
virtual void Gdtom (Float_t *xd, Float_t *xm, Int_t iflag)
virtual void Gdtom (Double_t *xd, Double_t *xm, Int_t iflag)
virtual void Glmoth (const char *iudet, Int_t iunum, Int_t &nlev, Int_t *lvols, Int_t *lindx)
virtual void Gmedia (Float_t *x, Int_t &numed)
virtual void Gmtod (Float_t *xm, Float_t *xd, Int_t iflag)
virtual void Gmtod (Double_t *xm, Double_t *xd, Int_t iflag)
virtual void Gsdvn (const char *name, const char *mother, Int_t ndiv, Int_t iaxis)
virtual void Gsdvn2 (const char *name, const char *mother, Int_t ndiv, Int_t iaxis, Double_t c0i, Int_t numed)
virtual void Gsdvs (const char *name, const char *mother, Float_t step, Int_t iaxis, Int_t numed)
virtual void Gsdvs2 (const char *name, const char *mother, Float_t step, Int_t iaxis, Float_t c0, Int_t numed)
virtual void Gsdvt (const char *name, const char *mother, Double_t step, Int_t iaxis, Int_t numed, Int_t ndvmx)
virtual void Gsdvt2 (const char *name, const char *mother, Double_t step, Int_t iaxis, Double_t c0, Int_t numed, Int_t ndvmx)
virtual void Gsord (const char *name, Int_t iax)
virtual void Gspos (const char *name, Int_t nr, const char *mother, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Int_t irot, const char *konly="ONLY")
virtual void Gsposp (const char *name, Int_t nr, const char *mother, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Int_t irot, const char *konly, Float_t *upar, Int_t np)
virtual void Gsposp (const char *name, Int_t nr, const char *mother, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Int_t irot, const char *konly, Double_t *upar, Int_t np)
virtual void Gsrotm (Int_t nmat, Float_t theta1, Float_t phi1, Float_t theta2, Float_t phi2, Float_t theta3, Float_t phi3)
virtual void Gprotm (Int_t nmat=0)
virtual Int_t Gsvolu (const char *name, const char *shape, Int_t nmed, Float_t *upar, Int_t np)
virtual Int_t Gsvolu (const char *name, const char *shape, Int_t nmed, Double_t *upar, Int_t np)
virtual void Gsatt (const char *name, const char *att, Int_t val)
virtual void Gfpara (const char *name, Int_t number, Int_t intext, Int_t &npar, Int_t &natt, Float_t *par, Float_t *att)
virtual void Gckpar (Int_t ish, Int_t npar, Float_t *par)
virtual void Gckmat (Int_t itmed, char *natmed)
virtual Int_t Glvolu (Int_t nlev, Int_t *lnam, Int_t *lnum)
virtual void Gsbool (const char *, const char *)
virtual void DefaultRange ()
virtual void InitHIGZ ()
virtual void Gdopen (Int_t view)
virtual void Gdclose ()
virtual void Gdelete (Int_t view)
virtual void Gdshow (Int_t view)
virtual void Gdopt (const char *name, const char *value)
virtual void Gdraw (const char *name, Double_t theta=30, Double_t phi=30, Double_t psi=0, Double_t u0=10, Double_t v0=10, Double_t ul=0.01, Double_t vl=0.01)
virtual void Gdrawc (const char *name, Int_t axis=1, Float_t cut=0, Float_t u0=10, Float_t v0=10, Float_t ul=0.01, Float_t vl=0.01)
virtual void Gdrawx (const char *name, Float_t cutthe, Float_t cutphi, Float_t cutval, Float_t theta=30, Float_t phi=30, Float_t u0=10, Float_t v0=10, Float_t ul=0.01, Float_t vl=0.01)
virtual void Gdhead (Int_t isel, const char *name, Double_t chrsiz=0.6)
virtual void Gdman (Double_t u0, Double_t v0, const char *type="MAN")
virtual void Gdspec (const char *name)
virtual void DrawOneSpec (const char *name)
virtual void Gdtree (const char *name, Int_t levmax=15, Int_t ispec=0)
virtual void GdtreeParent (const char *name, Int_t levmax=15, Int_t ispec=0)
virtual void WriteEuclid (const char *filnam, const char *topvol, Int_t number, Int_t nlevel)
virtual void SetABAN (Int_t par=1)
virtual void SetANNI (Int_t par=1)
virtual void SetAUTO (Int_t par=1)
virtual void SetBOMB (Float_t bomb=1)
virtual void SetBREM (Int_t par=1)
virtual void SetCKOV (Int_t par=1)
virtual void SetClipBox (const char *name, Double_t xmin=-9999, Double_t xmax=0, Double_t ymin=-9999, Double_t ymax=0, Double_t zmin=-9999, Double_t zmax=0)
virtual void SetCOMP (Int_t par=1)
virtual void SetCUTS (Float_t cutgam, Float_t cutele, Float_t cutneu, Float_t cuthad, Float_t cutmuo,Float_t bcute, Float_t bcutm,Float_t dcute, Float_t dcutm,Float_t ppcutm, Float_t tofmax, Float_t *gcuts=0)
virtual void InitGEANE ()
virtual void SetClose (Int_t iclose, Float_t *pf, Float_t dstrt, Float_t *w1, Float_t *w2, Float_t *p1, Float_t *p2, Float_t *p3, Float_t *cl)
virtual void GetClose (Float_t *p1, Float_t *p2, Float_t *p3, Float_t *len)
virtual void SetECut (Float_t gcalpha)
virtual void SetDCAY (Int_t par=1)
virtual void SetDEBU (Int_t emin=1, Int_t emax=999, Int_t emod=1)
virtual void SetDRAY (Int_t par=1)
virtual void SetERAN (Float_t ekmin=1.e-5, Float_t ekmax=1.e4, Int_t nekbin=90)
virtual void SetHADR (Int_t par=1)
virtual void SetKINE (Int_t kine, Float_t xk1=0, Float_t xk2=0, Float_t xk3=0, Float_t xk4=0, Float_t xk5=0, Float_t xk6=0, Float_t xk7=0, Float_t xk8=0, Float_t xk9=0, Float_t xk10=0)
virtual void SetLOSS (Int_t par=2)
virtual void SetMULS (Int_t par=1)
virtual void SetMUNU (Int_t par=1)
virtual void SetOPTI (Int_t par=2)
virtual void SetPAIR (Int_t par=1)
virtual void SetPFIS (Int_t par=1)
virtual void SetPHOT (Int_t par=1)
virtual void SetRAYL (Int_t par=1)
virtual void SetSTRA (Int_t par=0)
virtual void SetSWIT (Int_t sw, Int_t val=1)
virtual void SetTRIG (Int_t nevents=1)
virtual void SetUserDecay (Int_t ipart)
virtual Bool_t SetDecayMode (Int_t pdg, Float_t bratio[6], Int_t mode[6][3])
virtual void Vname (const char *name, char *vname)
virtual void InitLego ()
virtual void Ertrgo ()
virtual void Ertrak (const Float_t *x1, const Float_t *p1, const Float_t *x2, const Float_t *p2, Int_t ipa, Option_t *chopt)
virtual void Eufill (Int_t n, Float_t *ein, Float_t *xlf)
virtual void Eufilp (const Int_t n, Float_t *ein, Float_t *pli, Float_t *plf)
virtual void Eufilv (Int_t n, Float_t *ein, Char_t *namv, Int_t *numv, Int_t *iovl)
virtual void Trscsd (Float_t *pc, Float_t *rc, Float_t *pd, Float_t *rd, Float_t *h, Float_t ch, Int_t ierr, Float_t spu, Float_t *dj, Float_t *dk)
virtual void Trsdsc (Float_t *pd, Float_t *rd, Float_t *pc, Float_t *rc, Float_t *h, Float_t *ch, Int_t *ierr, Float_t *spu, Float_t *dj, Float_t *dk)
virtual void Trscsp (Float_t *ps, Float_t *rs, Float_t *pc, Float_t *rc, Float_t *h, Float_t *ch, Int_t *ierr, Float_t *spx)
virtual void Trspsc (Float_t *ps, Float_t *rs, Float_t *pc, Float_t *rc, Float_t *h, Float_t *ch, Int_t *ierr, Float_t *spx)
virtual void SetALTDEDX (Int_t par=1)
virtual void SetUserDecayProductStableMinLifetime (Double_t lifetime=1.E-15)
Double_t GetUserDecayProductStableMinLifetime () const
virtual void FinishGeometry ()
virtual void BuildPhysics ()
virtual void Init ()
virtual void ProcessEvent ()
virtual Bool_t ProcessRun (Int_t nevent)
virtual void AddParticlesToPdgDataBase () const
virtual void SetColors ()
void SetTrack (Int_t done, Int_t parent, Int_t pdg, Float_t *pmom, Float_t *vpos, Float_t *polar, Float_t tof, TMCProcess mech, Int_t &ntr, Float_t weight, Int_t is)

Public Attributes

 ERTRIO common structure.

 EROPTS common structure.

 EROPTC common structure.

 ERWORK common structure.

Protected Types

enum  {
  kTRIG = BIT(14), kSWIT = BIT(15), kDEBU = BIT(16), kAUTO = BIT(17),
  kABAN = BIT(18), kOPTI = BIT(19), kERAN = BIT(20)

Protected Member Functions

TMCProcess G3toVMC (Int_t iproc) const
void DefineParticles ()
Int_t TransportMethod (TMCParticleType particleType) const
TString ParticleClass (TMCParticleType particleType) const
TMCParticleType ParticleType (Int_t itrtyp) const
 TGeant3 (const TGeant3 &)
TGeant3operator= (const TGeant3 &)
Float_t * CreateFloatArray (Float_t *array, Int_t size) const
Float_t * CreateFloatArray (Double_t *array, Int_t size) const
Int_t NextKmat () const
void G3Material (Int_t &kmat, const char *name, Double_t a, Double_t z, Double_t dens, Double_t radl, Double_t absl, Float_t *buf=0, Int_t nwbuf=0)
void G3Mixture (Int_t &kmat, const char *name, Float_t *a, Float_t *z, Double_t dens, Int_t nlmat, Float_t *wmat)
void G3Medium (Int_t &kmed, const char *name, Int_t nmat, Int_t isvol, Int_t ifield, Double_t fieldm, Double_t tmaxfd, Double_t stemax, Double_t deemax, Double_t epsil, Double_t stmin, Float_t *ubuf=0, Int_t nbuf=0)
Int_t G3Gsvolu (const char *name, const char *shape, Int_t nmed, Float_t *upar, Int_t np)
void G3Gsposp (const char *name, Int_t nr, const char *mother, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Int_t irot, const char *konly, Float_t *upar, Int_t np)
Int_t GetIonPdg (Int_t z, Int_t a, Int_t i=0) const
Int_t GetSpecialPdg (Int_t number) const

Protected Attributes

Int_t fNextVol
char fPath [512]
Int_t * fZiq
Int_t * fZlq
 Good Old IQ of Zebra.

Float_t * fZq
 Good Old LQ of Zebra.

 Good Old Q of Zebra.

 QUEST common structure.

 GCBANK common structure.

 GCLINK common structure.

 GCCUTS common structure.

 GCMORE common structure.

 GCMULO common structure.

 GCMATE common structure.

 GCTPOL common structure.

 GCNUM common structure.

 GCSETS common structure.

 GCOPTI common structure.

 GCTLIT common structure.

 GCVDMA common structure.

 GCVOLU common structure.

 GCKINE common structure.

 GCFLAG common structure.

 GCTMED common structure.

 GCPHYS common structure.

 GCPHLT common structure.

 GCKING common structure.

 GCKIN2 common structure.

 GCKIN3 common structure.

 GCTRAK common structure.

 GCCHAN common structure.

char(* fVolNames )[5]
 PTOPTS common structure.

TObjArray fMedNames
 Names of geant volumes as C++ chars.

Int_t fNG3Particles
 Names of geant medias as TObjString.

Int_t fNPDGCodes
TArrayI fPDGCode
TGeoMCGeometry * fMCGeo
Bool_t fImportRootGeometry
Bool_t fStopRun
Double_t fUserDecayProductStableMinLifetime

Private Member Functions

Int_t ConvertVolumePathString (const TString &volumeName, Int_t **lnam, Int_t **lnum)
 TRCOM3 common structure.

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum [protected]

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 1188 of file TGeant3.h.

01188        {kTRIG = BIT(14),
01189         kSWIT = BIT(15),
01190         kDEBU = BIT(16),
01191         kAUTO = BIT(17),
01192         kABAN = BIT(18),
01193         kOPTI = BIT(19),
01194         kERAN = BIT(20)
01195   };

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TGeant3::TGeant3  ) 

Definition at line 1119 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References geant3.

01120   : TVirtualMC(),
01121     fNG3Particles(0),
01122     fNPDGCodes(0),
01123     fPDGCode(),
01124     fMCGeo(0),
01125     fImportRootGeometry(kFALSE),
01126     fStopRun(kFALSE),
01127 //sk:begin Modified S. Kasahara 2007/09/06 Add member to configure user decay
01128     fUserDecayProductStableMinLifetime(1.E-15)
01129 //sk:end
01130 {
01131   //
01132   // Default constructor
01133   //
01134    geant3 = this;
01135 }

TGeant3::TGeant3 const char *  title,
Int_t  nwgeant = 0

Definition at line 1138 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fggperp, fginvol, fglvolu, fgmedia, fgtmany, fgtmedi, fgtnext, fgtonly, fNG3Particles, fNPDGCodes, fPDGCode, g3cinit, g3gperp, g3init, g3invol, g3lvolu, g3media, g3tmany, g3tmedi, g3tnext, g3zebra, g3zinit, geant3, gtonlyg3(), InitGEANE(), and LoadAddress().

01139   : TVirtualMC("TGeant3",title, kFALSE),
01140     fNG3Particles(0),
01141     fNPDGCodes(0),
01142     fPDGCode(),
01143     fMCGeo(0),
01144     fImportRootGeometry(kFALSE),
01145     fStopRun(kFALSE),
01146 //sk:begin Modified S. Kasahara 2007/09/06 Add member to configure user decay
01147     fUserDecayProductStableMinLifetime(1.E-15)
01148 //sk:end
01149 {
01150   //
01151   // Standard constructor for TGeant3 with ZEBRA initialization
01152   //
01154 #ifdef STATISTICS
01155    statfile = new TFile("stat.root","recreate");
01156    stattree = new TTree("stat","stat tree");
01157    stattree->Branch("statcode",&statcode,"statcode/I");
01158    stattree->Branch("statsame",&statsame,"statsame/I");
01159    stattree->Branch("statpath",statpath,"statpath/C");
01160    stattree->Branch("oldvect",oldvect,"oldvect[6]/D");
01161    stattree->Branch("oldsafety",&oldsafety,"oldsafety/D");
01162    stattree->Branch("oldstep",&oldstep,"oldstep/D");
01163    stattree->Branch("snext",&statsnext,"statsnext/D");
01164    stattree->Branch("safety",&statsafety,"statsafety/D");
01165 #endif
01167   geant3 = this;
01169   if(nwgeant) {
01170     g3zebra(nwgeant);
01171     g3init();
01172     g3zinit();
01173   } else {
01174     g3cinit();
01175   }
01176   //
01177   // Load Address of Geant3 commons
01178   LoadAddress();
01179   //
01180   // Zero number of particles
01181   fNG3Particles = 0;
01182   fNPDGCodes=0;
01184   // Set initial size to fPDGCode table
01185   fPDGCode.Set(100);
01187   //set pointers to tracker functions
01188   fginvol = g3invol;
01189   fgtmedi = g3tmedi;
01190   fgtmany = g3tmany;
01191   fgtonly = gtonlyg3;
01192   fgmedia = g3media;
01193   fglvolu = g3lvolu;
01194   fgtnext = g3tnext;
01195   fggperp = g3gperp;
01197   InitGEANE();
01198 }

TGeant3::~TGeant3  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1201 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fVolNames.

01202 {
01203   if(fVolNames) {
01204     delete [] fVolNames;
01205     fVolNames=0;
01206   }
01207 }

TGeant3::TGeant3 const TGeant3  )  [inline, protected]

Definition at line 1196 of file TGeant3.h.

01196 : TVirtualMC() {}

Member Function Documentation

void TGeant3::AddParticlesToPdgDataBase  )  const [virtual]

Definition at line 1352 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References GetIonPdg(), and GetSpecialPdg().

Referenced by DefineParticles().

01353 {
01355 //
01356 // Add particles to the PDG data base
01358     TDatabasePDG *pdgDB = TDatabasePDG::Instance();
01360     const Double_t kAu2Gev=0.9314943228;
01361     const Double_t khSlash = 1.0545726663e-27;
01362     const Double_t kErg2Gev = 1/1.6021773349e-3;
01363     const Double_t khShGev = khSlash*kErg2Gev;
01364     const Double_t kYear2Sec = 3600*24*365.25;
01365 //
01366 // Bottom mesons
01367 // mass and life-time from PDG
01368 //
01369 // Done by default now from Pythia6 table!
01370 //
01371 //
01372 // Ions
01373 //
01375   if ( !pdgDB->GetParticle(GetIonPdg(1,2)) )
01376     pdgDB->AddParticle("Deuteron","Deuteron",2*kAu2Gev+8.071e-3,kTRUE,
01377                        0,3,"Ion",GetIonPdg(1,2));
01379   if ( !pdgDB->GetParticle(GetIonPdg(1,3)) )
01380     pdgDB->AddParticle("Triton","Triton",3*kAu2Gev+14.931e-3,kFALSE,
01381                        khShGev/(12.33*kYear2Sec),3,"Ion",GetIonPdg(1,3));
01383   if ( !pdgDB->GetParticle(GetIonPdg(2,4)) )
01384     pdgDB->AddParticle("Alpha","Alpha",4*kAu2Gev+2.424e-3,kTRUE,
01385                        khShGev/(12.33*kYear2Sec),6,"Ion",GetIonPdg(2,4));
01387   if ( !pdgDB->GetParticle(GetIonPdg(2,3)) )
01388     pdgDB->AddParticle("HE3","HE3",3*kAu2Gev+14.931e-3,kFALSE,
01389                        0,6,"Ion",GetIonPdg(2,3));
01391 // Special particles
01392 //
01393   if ( !pdgDB->GetParticle(GetSpecialPdg(50)) )
01394     pdgDB->AddParticle("Cherenkov","Cherenkov",0,kFALSE,
01395                        0,0,"Special",GetSpecialPdg(50));
01397   if ( !pdgDB->GetParticle(GetSpecialPdg(51)) )
01398     pdgDB->AddParticle("FeedbackPhoton","FeedbackPhoton",0,kFALSE,
01399                        0,0,"Special",GetSpecialPdg(51));
01401 }

void TGeant3::BuildPhysics  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1346 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References Gphysi().

01347 {
01348   Gphysi();
01349 }

Int_t TGeant3::ConvertVolumePathString const TString &  volumeName,
Int_t **  lnam,
Int_t **  lnum

TRCOM3 common structure.

Definition at line 6998 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References Error.

Referenced by GetShape(), and GetTransformation().

06999                                                                  {
07000     // Parses the TString volumePath into an array of volume names 
07001     // (4 character long limit) and copy numbers in a form used
07002     // by Geant3.
07003     // Inputs:
07004     //   TString& volumePath  The volume path to the specific volume
07005     //                        for which you want the matrix. Volume name
07006     //                        hierarchy is separated by "/" while the
07007     //                        copy number is appended using a "_".
07008     // Outputs:
07009     //   Int_t lnam           An integer array, created by this routine,
07010     //                        containing the 4 character long volume names.
07011     //   Int_t lnum           An integer array, created by this routine,
07012     //                        containing the copy numbers.
07013     // Return:
07014     //   The size of the arrays lnam an lnum, the number of volumes down
07015     //   the geometry tree. Note, These arrays are allocated within this
07016     //   routine, but must be deleted outside of this routine.
07017     Int_t i,j=0,k=0,ireturn,ichar,*inam;
07018     Char_t *buf,**levels,**copies,nam[4];
07020     inam = (Int_t*)nam; // Setup to convert character string to integer.
07021     buf = new Char_t[volumePath.Length()+1];
07022     for(i=0;i<volumePath.Length();i++) {
07023         if(volumePath[i]!=' ')buf[j++] = volumePath[i]; // remove blanks
07024         if(volumePath[i]=='/') k++;
07025     } // end for i
07026     buf[j] = '\0';
07027     if(buf[j-1]=='/') {k--; buf[j-1]='\0';}// if path ends with '/' ignore 
07028                                             // it, remove it.
07029     levels = new Char_t*[k];
07030     copies = new Char_t*[k];
07031     (*lnam) = new Int_t[k]; // Allocate Geant3 volume name array
07032     (*lnum) = new Int_t[k]; // Allocate Geant3 copy number array
07033     ireturn = k;
07034     ichar = j;
07035     k = 0;
07036     j = 0;
07037     for(i=0;i<ichar;i++) {
07038         if(buf[i]=='/'){ 
07039             levels[k++] = &(buf[i+1]);
07040             buf[i] = '\0'; // Terminate this sub string.
07041         } // end if == '/'
07042         if(buf[i]=='_'){
07043             copies[j++] = &(buf[i+1]);
07044             buf[i] = '\0'; // Terminate this sub string.
07045         } // end if =='_'
07046     } // end for i
07047     if(k!=j){ // Error, different number of copy numbers and volume names.
07048         // clean up everything.
07049         delete[] buf;
07050         delete[] levels;
07051         delete[] copies;
07052         delete[] (*lnam);
07053         delete[] (*lnum);
07054         (*lnam) = 0;
07055         (*lnum) = 0;
07056         Error("ConvertVolumePathString","Different number of volume names %d"
07057               " and copy numbers %d in volumePath:%s",k,j,volumePath.Data());
07058         return 0;
07059     } // end if k!=j
07060     for(i=0;i<k;i++){
07061         *inam = 0;
07062         (*lnum)[i] = atoi(copies[i]);
07063         for(j=0;j<4;j++) {
07064             if(levels[i][j] == 0) break; // If at end of string exit loop
07065             nam[j] = levels[i][j];
07066         } // end for j
07067         (*lnam)[i] = *inam;
07068     } // end for i
07069     // clean up all but lnam and lnum
07070     delete[] buf;
07071     delete[] levels;
07072     delete[] copies;
07073     return ireturn; // return the size of lnam and lnum. 
07074 }

Float_t * TGeant3::CreateFloatArray Double_t *  array,
Int_t  size
const [protected]

Definition at line 6496 of file TGeant3.cxx.

06497 {
06498 // Converts Double_t* array to Float_t*,
06499 // !! The new array has to be deleted by user.
06500 // ---
06502   Float_t* floatArray;
06503   if (size>0) {
06504     floatArray = new Float_t[size];
06505     for (Int_t i=0; i<size; i++)
06506       if (array[i] >= FLT_MAX ) 
06507         floatArray[i] = FLT_MAX/100.;
06508       else      
06509         floatArray[i] = array[i];
06510   }
06511   else {
06512     //floatArray = 0;
06513     floatArray = new Float_t[1];
06514   }
06515   return floatArray;
06516 }

Float_t * TGeant3::CreateFloatArray Float_t *  array,
Int_t  size
const [protected]

Definition at line 6472 of file TGeant3.cxx.

Referenced by Gdtom(), Gfmate(), Gmtod(), Gsposp(), Gsvolu(), TGeant3TGeo::ImportMaterial(), TGeant3TGeo::Material(), Material(), TGeant3TGeo::Medium(), Medium(), TGeant3TGeo::Mixture(), Mixture(), and SetCerenkov().

06473 {
06474 // Converts Double_t* array to Float_t*,
06475 // !! The new array has to be deleted by user.
06476 // ---
06478   Float_t* floatArray;
06479   if (size>0) {
06480     floatArray = new Float_t[size];
06481     for (Int_t i=0; i<size; i++)
06482       if (array[i] >= FLT_MAX ) 
06483         floatArray[i] = FLT_MAX/100.;
06484       else      
06485         floatArray[i] = array[i];
06486   }
06487   else {
06488     //floatArray = 0;
06489     floatArray = new Float_t[1];
06490   }
06491   return floatArray;
06492 }

Int_t TGeant3::CurrentEvent  )  const

Definition at line 2401 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGcflag, and Gcflag_t::idevt.

02402 {
02403   //
02404   // Number of the current event
02405   //
02406   return fGcflag->idevt;
02407 }

Int_t TGeant3::CurrentMaterial Float_t &  a,
Float_t &  z,
Float_t &  dens,
Float_t &  radl,
Float_t &  absl

Definition at line 1210 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References Gcmate_t::a, Gcmate_t::absl, Gcmate_t::dens, fGcmate, Gcmate_t::radl, and Gcmate_t::z.

01212 {
01213   //
01214   // Return the parameters of the current material during transport
01215   //
01216   z     = fGcmate->z;
01217   a     = fGcmate->a;
01218   dens  = fGcmate->dens;
01219   radl  = fGcmate->radl;
01220   absl  = fGcmate->absl;
01221   return 1;  //this could be the number of elements in mixture
01222 }

Int_t TGeant3::CurrentMedium  )  const [virtual]

Definition at line 3006 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGctmed, and Gctmed_t::numed.

Referenced by GetMedium().

03007 {
03008   //
03009   // Return the number of the current medium
03010   //
03011 //#ifdef WITHROOT
03012 //  Int_t imed = 0;
03013 //  TGeoNode *node = gGeoManager->GetCurrentNode();
03014 //  if (!node) imed = gGeoManager->GetTopNode()->GetVolume()->
03015 //                                                 GetMedium()->GetId();
03016 //  else       imed = node->GetVolume()->GetMedium()->GetId();
03017   //printf("==GetMedium: ROOT id=%i  numed=%i\n", imed,fGctmed->numed);
03018 //#endif
03019   return fGctmed->numed;
03020 }

Int_t TGeant3::CurrentVolID Int_t &  copy  )  const

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 1405 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGclink, fGcvolu, fZiq, Gclink_t::jvolum, Gcvolu_t::lvolum, Gcvolu_t::names, Gcvolu_t::nlevel, and Gcvolu_t::number.

01406 {
01407   //
01408   // Returns the current volume ID and copy number
01409   //
01410   Int_t i, gname;
01411   if( (i=fGcvolu->nlevel-1) < 0 ) {
01412     Warning("CurrentVolID","Stack depth only %d\n",fGcvolu->nlevel);
01413   } else {
01414     gname=fGcvolu->names[i];
01415     copy=fGcvolu->number[i];
01416     i=fGcvolu->lvolum[i];
01417     if(gname == fZiq[fGclink->jvolum+i]) return i;
01418     else Warning("CurrentVolID","Volume %4s not found\n",(char*)&gname);
01419   }
01420   return 0;
01421 }

const char * TGeant3::CurrentVolName  )  const

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 1445 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGclink, fGcvolu, fVolNames, fZiq, Gclink_t::jvolum, Gcvolu_t::lvolum, Gcvolu_t::names, and Gcvolu_t::nlevel.

01446 {
01447   //
01448   // Returns the current volume name
01449   //
01450   Int_t i;
01451   if( (i=fGcvolu->nlevel-1) < 0 ) {
01452     Warning("CurrentVolName","Stack depth %d\n",fGcvolu->nlevel);
01453     return 0;
01454   }
01455   Int_t gname=fGcvolu->names[i];
01456   i=fGcvolu->lvolum[i];
01457   if(gname == fZiq[fGclink->jvolum+i]) return fVolNames[i-1];
01458   else Warning("CurrentVolName","Volume %4s not found\n",(char*) &gname);
01459   return 0;
01460 }

Int_t TGeant3::CurrentVolOffID Int_t  off,
Int_t &  copy

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 1424 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGclink, fGcvolu, fZiq, Gclink_t::jvolum, Gcvolu_t::lvolum, Gcvolu_t::names, Gcvolu_t::nlevel, and Gcvolu_t::number.

01425 {
01426   //
01427   // Return the current volume "off" upward in the geometrical tree
01428   // ID and copy number
01429   //
01430   Int_t i, gname;
01431   if( (i=fGcvolu->nlevel-off-1) < 0 ) {
01432     Warning("CurrentVolOffID","Offset requested %d but stack depth %d\n",
01433             off,fGcvolu->nlevel);
01434   } else {
01435     gname=fGcvolu->names[i];
01436     copy=fGcvolu->number[i];
01437     i=fGcvolu->lvolum[i];
01438     if(gname == fZiq[fGclink->jvolum+i]) return i;
01439     else Warning("CurrentVolOffID","Volume %4s not found\n",(char*)&gname);
01440   }
01441   return 0;
01442 }

const char * TGeant3::CurrentVolOffName Int_t  off  )  const

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 1463 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGclink, fGcvolu, fVolNames, fZiq, Gclink_t::jvolum, Gcvolu_t::lvolum, Gcvolu_t::names, and Gcvolu_t::nlevel.

01464 {
01465   //
01466   // Return the current volume "off" upward in the geometrical tree
01467   // ID, name and copy number
01468   // if name=0 no name is returned
01469   //
01470   Int_t i;
01471   if( (i=fGcvolu->nlevel-off-1) < 0 ) {
01472     Warning("CurrentVolOffName",
01473             "Offset requested %d but stack depth %d\n",off,fGcvolu->nlevel);
01474     return 0;
01475   }
01476   Int_t gname=fGcvolu->names[i];
01477   i=fGcvolu->lvolum[i];
01478   if(gname == fZiq[fGclink->jvolum+i]) return fVolNames[i-1];
01479   else Warning("CurrentVolOffName","Volume %4s not found\n",(char*)&gname);
01480   return 0;
01481 }

const char * TGeant3::CurrentVolPath  ) 

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 1484 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References GetPath().

01485 {
01486 // Return the path in geometry tree for the current volume
01487 // ---
01489   return GetPath();
01490 }

void TGeant3::DefaultRange  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1225 of file TGeant3.cxx.

01226 {
01227   //
01228   // Set range of current drawing pad to 20x20 cm
01229   //
01230 }

Bool_t TGeant3::DefineIon const char *  name,
Int_t  Z,
Int_t  A,
Int_t  Q,
Double_t  excEnergy,
Double_t  mass

Definition at line 2106 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References DefineParticle(), and GetIonPdg().

02108 {
02109 //
02110 // Set a user defined ion.
02111 // ---
02113   // Define pdgEncoding
02114   //
02115   Int_t pdg = GetIonPdg(Z, A);
02116   Int_t pdgMax = pdg + 9;
02118   // Find isomer number which is not yet used
02119   while (TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle(pdg) &&
02120          pdg < pdgMax)
02121       pdg++;
02122   if (TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle(pdg)) {
02123       Fatal("SetIon", "All isomer numbers are already used");
02124       return kFALSE;
02125   }
02127   // Particle properties
02128         // excitation energy not used by G3
02129   if (mass < 1e-09) mass = 0.9382723 * A;
02130      // approximative mass if not specified by user
02131   Double_t charge = Q;
02132   TMCParticleType partType = kPTIon;
02133   Double_t lifetime = 1.e20;
02135   // Call DefineParticle now
02136   return DefineParticle(
02137            pdg, name, partType, mass, charge, lifetime,
02138            "nucleus", 0.0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, kTRUE);
02139 }

void TGeant3::DefineOpSurface const char *  name,
EMCOpSurfaceModel  model,
EMCOpSurfaceType  surfaceType,
EMCOpSurfaceFinish  surfaceFinish,
Double_t  sigmaAlpha

Definition at line 3611 of file TGeant3.cxx.

03614 {
03616    Warning("DefineOpSurface", 
03617            "Not applicable in Geant3 - setting is ignored.");
03618 }   

Bool_t TGeant3::DefineParticle Int_t  pdg,
const char *  name,
TMCParticleType  mcType,
Double_t  mass,
Double_t  charge,
Double_t  lifetime,
const TString &  ,
Double_t  ,
Int_t  ,
Int_t  ,
Int_t  ,
Int_t  ,
Int_t  ,
Int_t  ,
Int_t  ,
Int_t  ,
Bool_t  ,
Bool_t  = kFALSE,
const TString &  = "",
Int_t  = 0,
Double_t  = 0.0,
Double_t  = 0.0

Definition at line 2055 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References Error, fNG3Particles, fNPDGCodes, fPDGCode, Gspart(), IdFromPDG(), ParticleClass(), and TransportMethod().

02065 {
02066 //
02067 // Set a user defined particle
02068 // Function is ignored if particle with specified pdg
02069 // already exists and error report is printed.
02070 // ---
02072   // Check if particle with specified pdg already exists
02073   // in TGeant3
02074   if (IdFromPDG(pdg) > 0) {
02075     Error("SetParticle", "Particle already exists.");
02076     return kFALSE;
02077   }
02079   // Check if particle type is known to Geant3
02080   Int_t itrtyp = TransportMethod(mcType);
02081   if (itrtyp < 0) {
02082     Error("SetParticle", "Unknown particle transport.");
02083     return kFALSE;
02084   }
02086   // Add particle to Geant3
02087   Gspart(fNG3Particles++, name, itrtyp, mass, charge, lifetime);
02089   // Add particle to TDatabasePDG
02090   // (if it does not yet exist here)
02091   if (!TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle(pdg))
02092     TDatabasePDG::Instance()
02093       ->AddParticle(name, name, mass, kTRUE, 0, charge*3,
02094                     ParticleClass(mcType).Data(), pdg);
02096   // Resize fPDGCode table if needed
02097   if ( fNPDGCodes >= fPDGCode.GetSize() ) 
02098     fPDGCode.Set( fPDGCode.GetSize() + 100);                 
02100   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++] = pdg;
02102   return kTRUE;
02103 }

Bool_t TGeant3::DefineParticle Int_t  pdg,
const char *  name,
TMCParticleType  mcType,
Double_t  mass,
Double_t  charge,
Double_t  lifetime

Definition at line 2043 of file TGeant3.cxx.

Referenced by DefineIon().

02045 {
02046 // Old function definition, now replaced with more arguments
02048   TVirtualMC::DefineParticle(pdg, name, type, mass, charge, lifetime);
02050   return false;
02051 }                        

void TGeant3::DefineParticles  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1514 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References AddParticlesToPdgDataBase(), fNG3Particles, fNPDGCodes, fPDGCode, GetIonPdg(), GetSpecialPdg(), Gpart(), Gsdk(), and Gspart().

Referenced by Init().

01515 {
01516   //
01517   // Define standard Geant 3 particles
01518   Gpart();
01519   //
01520   // Load standard numbers for GEANT particles and PDG conversion
01521   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=-99;   //  0 = unused location
01522   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=22;    //  1 = photon
01523   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=-11;   //  2 = positron
01524   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=11;    //  3 = electron
01525   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=12;    //  4 = neutrino e
01526   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=-13;   //  5 = muon +
01527   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=13;    //  6 = muon -
01528   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=111;   //  7 = pi0
01529   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=211;   //  8 = pi+
01530   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=-211;  //  9 = pi-
01531   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=130;   // 10 = Kaon Long
01532   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=321;   // 11 = Kaon +
01533   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=-321;  // 12 = Kaon -
01534   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=2112;  // 13 = Neutron
01535   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=2212;  // 14 = Proton
01536   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=-2212; // 15 = Anti Proton
01537   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=310;   // 16 = Kaon Short
01538   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=221;   // 17 = Eta
01539   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=3122;  // 18 = Lambda
01540   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=3222;  // 19 = Sigma +
01541   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=3212;  // 20 = Sigma 0
01542   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=3112;  // 21 = Sigma -
01543   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=3322;  // 22 = Xi0
01544   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=3312;  // 23 = Xi-
01545   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=3334;  // 24 = Omega-
01546   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=-2112; // 25 = Anti Neutron
01547   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=-3122; // 26 = Anti Lambda
01548   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=-3222; // 27 = Anti Sigma -
01549   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=-3212; // 28 = Anti Sigma 0
01550   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=-3112; // 29 = Anti Sigma +
01551   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=-3322; // 30 = Anti Xi 0      
01552   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=-3312; // 31 = Anti Xi +
01553   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=-3334; // 32 = Anti Omega +
01556   Int_t mode[6];
01557   Int_t kz, ipa;
01558   Float_t bratio[6];
01560   fNG3Particles = 33;
01562   /* --- Define additional particles */
01563   Gspart(fNG3Particles++,"OMEGA(782)",3,0.782,0.,7.836e-23);// 33 = OMEGA(782)
01564   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=223;   // 33 = Omega(782)
01566   Gspart(fNG3Particles++,"PHI(1020)",3,1.019,0.,1.486e-22);// 34 = PHI(1020)
01567   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=333;   // 34 = PHI (1020)
01569   Gspart(fNG3Particles++, "D +", 4, 1.8693, 1., 1.040e-12);      // 35 = D+        // G4DMesonPlus
01570   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=411;   // 35 = D+
01572   Gspart(fNG3Particles++, "D -", 4, 1.8693, -1., 1.040e-12);     // 36 = D-        // G4DMesonMinus
01573   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=-411;  // 36 = D-
01575   Gspart(fNG3Particles++, "D 0", 3, 1.8645, 0., 0.415e-12);      // 37 = D0        // G4DMesonZero
01576   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=421;   // 37 = D0
01578   Gspart(fNG3Particles++,"ANTI D 0",3,1.8645,0.,0.415e-12);      // 38 = Anti D0   // G4AntiDMesonZero
01579   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=-421;  // 38 = D0 bar
01582   fNG3Particles++;
01583   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=-99;  // 39 = unassigned
01585   fNG3Particles++;
01586   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=-99;  // 40 = unassigned
01588   fNG3Particles++;
01589   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=-99;  // 41 = unassigned
01591   Gspart(fNG3Particles++, "RHO +", 4, 0.768, 1., 4.353e-24);  // 42 = Rho+
01592   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=213;   // 42 = RHO+
01594   Gspart(fNG3Particles++, "RHO -", 4, 0.768, -1., 4.353e-24); // 43 = Rho-
01595   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=-213;   // 43 = RHO-
01597   Gspart(fNG3Particles++, "RHO 0", 3, 0.768, 0., 4.353e-24);  // 44 = Rho0
01598   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=113;   //  44 = RHO0
01600 //
01601 // Ions
01603   fNG3Particles++;
01604   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=GetIonPdg(1, 2); // 45 = Deuteron
01606   fNG3Particles++;
01607   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=GetIonPdg(1, 3); // 46 = Triton
01609   fNG3Particles++;
01610   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=GetIonPdg(2, 4); // 47 = Alpha
01612   fNG3Particles++;
01613   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=0;               // 48 = geantino mapped to rootino
01615   fNG3Particles++;
01616   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=GetIonPdg(2, 3); // 49 = HE3
01618   fNG3Particles++;
01619   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=GetSpecialPdg(50); // 50 = Cherenkov
01620 // special
01621   Gspart(fNG3Particles++, "FeedbackPhoton", 7, 0., 0.,1.e20 );
01622   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=GetSpecialPdg(51); // 51 = FeedbackPhoton
01623 //
01625   Gspart(fNG3Particles++, "Lambda_c-", 4, 2.28646, +1., 2.06e-13);
01626   // Gspart(fNG3Particles++, "Lambda_c+", 4, 2.28646, +1., 0.200e-12); // G4LambdacPlus
01627   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=4122;         //52 = Lambda_c+
01629   Gspart(fNG3Particles++, "Lambda_c-", 4, 2.28646, -1., 2.06e-13);
01630   // Gspart(fNG3Particles++, "Lambda_c-", 4, 2.2849, -1., 0.200e-12);  // G4AntiLamdacPlus
01631   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=-4122;        //53 = Lambda_c-
01633   Gspart(fNG3Particles++, "D_s+", 4, 1.9682, +1., 0.490e-12);       // G4DsMesonPlus * booklet (July 2006): lifetime=0.500e-12  
01634   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=431;          //54 = D_s+
01636   Gspart(fNG3Particles++, "D_s-", 4, 1.9682, -1., 0.490e-12);       // G4DsMesonMinus * booklet: lifetime=0.500e-12
01637   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=-431;         //55 = D_s-
01639   Gspart(fNG3Particles++, "Tau+", 5, 1.77699, +1., 290.6e-15);      // G4TauPlus *
01640   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=-15;          //56 = Tau+
01642   Gspart(fNG3Particles++, "Tau-", 5, 1.77699, -1., 290.6e-15);      // G4TauMinus *
01643   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]= 15;          //57 = Tau-
01645   Gspart(fNG3Particles++, "B0",     3, 5.2794, +0., 1.532e-12);     // G4BMesonZero
01646   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=511;          //58 = B0
01648   Gspart(fNG3Particles++, "B0 bar", 3, 5.2794, -0., 1.532e-12);     // G4AntiBMesonZero
01649   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=-511;         //58 = B0bar
01651   Gspart(fNG3Particles++, "B+",     4, 5.2790, +1., 1.638e-12);     // G4BMesonPlus *
01652   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=521;          //60 = B+
01654   Gspart(fNG3Particles++, "B-",     4, 5.2790, -1., 1.638e-12);     // G4BMesonMinus *
01655   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=-521;         //61 = B-
01657   Gspart(fNG3Particles++, "Bs",     3, 5.3675, +0., 1.466e-12);     // G4BsMesonZero
01658   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=531;          //62 = B_s
01660   Gspart(fNG3Particles++, "Bs bar", 3, 5.3675, -0., 1.466e-12);     // G4AntiBsMesonZero
01661   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=-531;         //63 = B_s bar
01663   Gspart(fNG3Particles++, "Lambda_b",     3, 5.624, +0., 1.24e-12);
01664   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=5122;         //64 = Lambda_b
01666   Gspart(fNG3Particles++, "Lambda_b bar", 3, 5.624, -0., 1.24e-12);
01667   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=-5122;        //65 = Lambda_b bar
01669   Gspart(fNG3Particles++, "J/Psi",       3, 3.096916, 0., 7.6e-21);   // G4JPsi
01670   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=443;          // 66 = J/Psi
01672   Gspart(fNG3Particles++, "Psi Prime",   3, 3.686,   0., 0.);
01673   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=20443;        // 67 = Psi prime
01675   Gspart(fNG3Particles++, "Upsilon(1S)", 3, 9.46037, 0., 0.);
01676   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=553;          // 68 = Upsilon(1S)
01678   Gspart(fNG3Particles++, "Upsilon(2S)", 3, 10.0233, 0., 0.);
01679   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=20553;        // 69 = Upsilon(2S)
01681   Gspart(fNG3Particles++, "Upsilon(3S)", 3, 10.3553, 0., 0.);
01682   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=30553;        // 70 = Upsilon(3S)
01684   Gspart(fNG3Particles++, "Anti Neutrino (e)",       3, 0., 0., 1.e20);
01685   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=-12;          // 71 = anti electron neutrino
01687   Gspart(fNG3Particles++, "Neutrino (mu)",           3, 0., 0., 1.e20);
01688   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=14;           // 72 = muon neutrino
01690   Gspart(fNG3Particles++, "Anti Neutrino (mu)", 3, 0., 0., 1.e20);
01691   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=-14;          // 73 = anti muon neutrino
01693   Gspart(fNG3Particles++, "Neutrino (tau)",     3, 0., 0., 1.e20);
01694   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=16;           // 74 = tau neutrino
01696   Gspart(fNG3Particles++, "Anti Neutrino (tau)",3, 0., 0., 1.e20);
01697   fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=-16;          // 75 = anti tau neutrino
01699 /* --- Define additional decay modes --- */
01700 /* --- omega(783) --- */
01701     for (kz = 0; kz < 6; ++kz) {
01702         bratio[kz] = 0.;
01703         mode[kz] = 0;
01704     }
01705     ipa = 33;
01706     bratio[0] = 89.;
01707     bratio[1] = 8.5;
01708     bratio[2] = 2.5;
01709     mode[0] = 70809;
01710     mode[1] = 107;
01711     mode[2] = 908;
01712     Gsdk(ipa, bratio, mode);
01713 /* --- phi(1020) --- */
01714     for (kz = 0; kz < 6; ++kz) {
01715         bratio[kz] = 0.;
01716         mode[kz] = 0;
01717     }
01718     ipa = 34;
01719     bratio[0] = 49.;
01720     bratio[1] = 34.4;
01721     bratio[2] = 12.9;
01722     bratio[3] = 2.4;
01723     bratio[4] = 1.3;
01724     mode[0] = 1112;
01725     mode[1] = 1610;
01726     mode[2] = 4407;
01727     mode[3] = 90807;
01728     mode[4] = 1701;
01729     Gsdk(ipa, bratio, mode);
01730 /* --- D+ --- */
01731     /*
01732     for (kz = 0; kz < 6; ++kz) {
01733         bratio[kz] = 0.;
01734         mode[kz] = 0;
01735     }
01736     ipa = 35;
01737     bratio[0] = 25.;
01738     bratio[1] = 25.;
01739     bratio[2] = 25.;
01740     bratio[3] = 25.;
01741     mode[0] = 80809;
01742     mode[1] = 120808;
01743     mode[2] = 111208;
01744     mode[3] = 110809;
01745     Gsdk(ipa, bratio, mode);
01746     */
01747 /* --- D- --- */
01748     /*
01749     for (kz = 0; kz < 6; ++kz) {
01750         bratio[kz] = 0.;
01751         mode[kz] = 0;
01752     }
01753     ipa = 36;
01754     bratio[0] = 25.;
01755     bratio[1] = 25.;
01756     bratio[2] = 25.;
01757     bratio[3] = 25.;
01758     mode[0] = 90908;
01759     mode[1] = 110909;
01760     mode[2] = 121109;
01761     mode[3] = 120908;
01762     Gsdk(ipa, bratio, mode);
01763     */
01764 /* --- D0 --- */
01765     /*
01766     for (kz = 0; kz < 6; ++kz) {
01767         bratio[kz] = 0.;
01768         mode[kz] = 0;
01769     }
01770     ipa = 37;
01771     bratio[0] = 33.;
01772     bratio[1] = 33.;
01773     bratio[2] = 33.;
01774     mode[0] = 809;
01775     mode[1] = 1208;
01776     mode[2] = 1112;
01777     Gsdk(ipa, bratio, mode);
01778     */
01779 /* --- Anti D0 --- */
01780     /*
01781     for (kz = 0; kz < 6; ++kz) {
01782         bratio[kz] = 0.;
01783         mode[kz] = 0;
01784     }
01785     ipa = 38;
01786     bratio[0] = 33.;
01787     bratio[1] = 33.;
01788     bratio[2] = 33.;
01789     mode[0] = 809;
01790     mode[1] = 1109;
01791     mode[2] = 1112;
01792     Gsdk(ipa, bratio, mode);
01793     */
01794 /* --- rho+ --- */
01795     for (kz = 0; kz < 6; ++kz) {
01796         bratio[kz] = 0.;
01797         mode[kz] = 0;
01798     }
01799     ipa = 42;
01800     bratio[0] = 100.;
01801     mode[0] = 807;
01802     Gsdk(ipa, bratio, mode);
01803 /* --- rho- --- */
01804     for (kz = 0; kz < 6; ++kz) {
01805         bratio[kz] = 0.;
01806         mode[kz] = 0;
01807     }
01808     ipa = 43;
01809     bratio[0] = 100.;
01810     mode[0] = 907;
01811     Gsdk(ipa, bratio, mode);
01812 /* --- rho0 --- */
01813     for (kz = 0; kz < 6; ++kz) {
01814         bratio[kz] = 0.;
01815         mode[kz] = 0;
01816     }
01817     ipa = 44;
01818     bratio[0] = 100.;
01819     mode[0] = 809;
01820     Gsdk(ipa, bratio, mode);
01821     /*
01822 // --- jpsi ---
01823     for (kz = 0; kz < 6; ++kz) {
01824         bratio[kz] = 0.;
01825         mode[kz] = 0;
01826     }
01827     ipa = 113;
01828     bratio[0] = 50.;
01829     bratio[1] = 50.;
01830     mode[0] = 506;
01831     mode[1] = 605;
01832     Gsdk(ipa, bratio, mode);
01833 // --- upsilon ---
01834     ipa = 114;
01835     Gsdk(ipa, bratio, mode);
01836 // --- phi ---
01837     ipa = 115;
01838     Gsdk(ipa, bratio, mode);
01839     */
01840 //
01841     AddParticlesToPdgDataBase();
01842 }

void TGeant3::DrawOneSpec const char *  name  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 4850 of file TGeant3.cxx.

04851 {
04852   //
04853   //  Function called when one double-clicks on a volume name
04854   //  in a TPavelabel drawn by Gdtree.
04855   //
04856 }

Double_t TGeant3::Edep  )  const [virtual]

Definition at line 3092 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References Gctrak_t::destep, and fGctrak.

03093 {
03094   //
03095   // Return the energy lost in the current step
03096   //
03097   return fGctrak->destep;
03098 }

virtual Eroptc_t* TGeant3::Eroptc  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 799 of file TGeant3.h.

References fEroptc.

00799 {return fEroptc;}

virtual Eropts_t* TGeant3::Eropts  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 798 of file TGeant3.h.

References fEropts.

00798 {return fEropts;}

void TGeant3::Ertrak const Float_t *  x1,
const Float_t *  p1,
const Float_t *  x2,
const Float_t *  p2,
Int_t  ipa,
Option_t *  chopt

Definition at line 5462 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References ertrak, PASSCHARD, and PASSCHARL.

05465 {
05466   //************************************************************************
05467   //*                                                                      *
05468   //*          Perform the tracking of the track from point X1 to          *
05469   //*                    point X2                                          *
05470   //*          (Before calling this routine the user should also provide   *
05471   //*                    the input informations in /EROPTS/ and /ERTRIO/   *
05472   //*                    using subroutine EUFIL(L/P/V)                     *
05473   //*                 X1       - Starting coordinates (Cartesian)          *
05474   //*                 P1       - Starting 3-momentum  (Cartesian)          *
05475   //*                 X2       - Final coordinates    (Cartesian)          *
05476   //*                 P2       - Final 3-momentum     (Cartesian)          *
05477   //*                 IPA      - Particle code (a la GEANT) of the track   *
05478   //*                                                                      *
05479   //*                 CHOPT                                                *
05480   //*                     'B'   'Backward tracking' - i.e. energy loss     *
05481   //*                                        added to the current energy   *
05482   //*                     'E'   'Exact' calculation of errors assuming     *
05483   //*                                        helix (i.e. path-length not   *
05484   //*                                        assumed as infinitesimal)     *
05485   //*                     'L'   Tracking up to prescribed Lengths reached  *
05486   //*                     'M'   'Mixed' prediction (not yet coded)         *
05487   //*                     'O'   Tracking 'Only' without calculating errors *
05488   //*                     'P'   Tracking up to prescribed Planes reached   *
05489   //*                     'V'   Tracking up to prescribed Volumes reached  *
05490   //*                     'X'   Tracking up to prescribed Point approached *
05491   //*                                                                      *
05492   //*                Interface with GEANT :                                *
05493   //*             Track parameters are in /CGKINE/ and /GCTRAK/            *
05494   //*                                                                      *
05495   //*          ==>Called by : USER                                         *
05496   //*             Authors   M.Maire, E.Nagy  ********//*                   *
05497   //*                                                                      *
05498   //************************************************************************
05499   ertrak(x1,p1,x2,p2,ipa,PASSCHARD(chopt) PASSCHARL(chopt));
05500 }

void TGeant3::Ertrgo  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 5453 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References ertrgo.

05454 {
05455   //
05456   // Perform the tracking of the track Track parameters are in VECT
05457   //
05458   ertrgo();
05459 }

virtual Ertrio_t* TGeant3::Ertrio  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 797 of file TGeant3.h.

References fErtrio.

00797 {return fErtrio;}

virtual Erwork_t* TGeant3::Erwork  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 800 of file TGeant3.h.

References fErwork.

00800 {return fErwork;}

Double_t TGeant3::Etot  )  const [virtual]

Definition at line 3101 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGctrak, and Gctrak_t::getot.

03102 {
03103   //
03104   // Return the total energy of the current track
03105   //
03106   return fGctrak->getot;
03107 }

void TGeant3::Eufill Int_t  n,
Float_t *  ein,
Float_t *  xlf

Definition at line 5502 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References Eropts_t::erleng, Ertrio_t::errin, fEropts, fErtrio, and Ertrio_t::nepred.

05502                                                      {
05504 // C.    ******************************************************************
05505 // C.    *                                                                *
05506 // C.    *    User routine to fill the input values of the commons :      *
05507 // C.    *               /EROPTS/, /EROPTC/ and /ERTRIO/ for CHOPT = 'L'  *
05508 // C.    *         N     Number of predictions where to store results     *
05509 // C.    *         EIN   Input error matrix                               *
05510 // C.    *         XLF   Defines the tracklengths which if passed the     *
05511 // C.    *                      result should be stored                   *
05512 // C.    *                                                                *
05513 // C.    *                                                                *
05514 // C.    *    ==>Called by : USER (before calling ERTRAK)                 *
05515 // C.    *       Author    M.Maire, E.Nagy  *********                     *
05516 // C.    *                                                                *
05517 // C.    ******************************************************************
05518    for(Int_t i=0;i<15;i++) fErtrio->errin[i]=ein[i]; 
05519    const Int_t mxpred=10;
05520    if (n<mxpred) {
05521       fErtrio->nepred=n;
05522     } else {
05523      fErtrio->nepred=mxpred;
05524    } 
05525    for(Int_t i=0;i<15;i++) fErtrio->errin[i]=ein[i]; 
05526    for(Int_t i=0;i<fErtrio->nepred;i++) fEropts->erleng[i]=xlf[i]; 
05527 //  eufill(n,ein,xlf);
05528 }

void TGeant3::Eufilp const Int_t  n,
Float_t *  ein,
Float_t *  pli,
Float_t *  plf

Definition at line 5530 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References Eropts_t::erpli, Eropts_t::erplo, Ertrio_t::errin, fEropts, fErtrio, and Ertrio_t::nepred.

05532 {
05533   //    ******************************************************************
05534   //    *                                                                *
05535   //    *    User routine to fill the input values of the commons :      *
05536   //    *               /EROPTS/, /EROPTC/ and /ERTRIO/ for CHOPT = 'P'  *
05537   //    *         N     Number of predictions where to store results     *
05538   //    *         EIN   Input error matrix (in the 'Plane' system )      *
05539   //    *         PLI   Defines the start plane                          *
05540   //    *                      PLI(3,1) - and                            *
05541   //    *                      PLI(3,2) - 2 unit vectors in the plane    *
05542   //    *         PLF   Defines the end plane                            *
05543   //    *                      PLF(3,1,I) - and                          *
05544   //    *                      PLF(3,2,I) - 2 unit vectors in the plane  *
05545   //    *                      PLF(3,3,I) - point on the plane           *
05546   //    *                                   at intermediate point I      *
05547   //    *                                                                *
05548   //    *    ==>Called by : USER (before calling ERTRAK)                 *
05549   //    *       Author    M.Maire, E.Nagy  *********                     *
05550   //    *                                                                *
05551   //    ******************************************************************
05552    for(Int_t i=0;i<15;i++) fErtrio->errin[i]=ein[i]; 
05553    const Int_t mxpred=10;
05554    if (n<mxpred) {
05555       fErtrio->nepred=n;
05556     } else {
05557      fErtrio->nepred=mxpred;
05558    } 
05559    for(Int_t i=0;i<6;i++) fEropts->erpli[i]=pli[i]; 
05561    for (Int_t j=0;j<n;j++) {
05562      for(Int_t i=0;i<9;i++) {
05563        fEropts->erplo[i+12*j]=plf[i+12*j]; 
05564      }
05565      TVector3 v1(fEropts->erplo[0+12*j],fEropts->erplo[1+12*j],fEropts->erplo[2+12*j]);
05566      TVector3 v2(fEropts->erplo[3+12*j],fEropts->erplo[4+12*j],fEropts->erplo[5+12*j]);
05567      TVector3 v3=v1.Cross(v2);
05568      fEropts->erplo[9]=v3(0);
05569      fEropts->erplo[10]=v3(1);
05570      fEropts->erplo[11]=v3(2);
05571    }
05574 }

void TGeant3::Eufilv Int_t  n,
Float_t *  ein,
Char_t *  namv,
Int_t *  numv,
Int_t *  iovl

Definition at line 5575 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References Ertrio_t::errin, fEropts, fErtrio, Eropts_t::iovler, Eropts_t::nameer, Ertrio_t::nepred, and Eropts_t::numver.

05577 {
05579   //    ******************************************************************
05580   //    *                                                                *
05581   //    *    User routine to fill the input values of the commons :      *
05582   //    *               /EROPTS/, /EROPTC/ and /ERTRIO/ for CHOPT = 'V'  *
05583   //    *         N     Number of predictions where to store results     *
05584   //    *         EIN   Input error matrix                               *
05585   //    *        CNAMV  Volume name of the prediction                    *
05586   //    *        NUMV   Volume number (if 0 = all volumes)               *
05587   //    *        IOVL   = 1  prediction when entering in the volume      *
05588   //    *               = 2  prediction when leaving the volume          *
05589   //    *                                                                *
05590   //    *    ==>Called by : USER (before calling ERTRAK)                 *
05591   //    *       Author    M.Maire, E.Nagy  *********                     *
05592   //    *                                                                *
05593   //    ******************************************************************
05595   for(Int_t i=0;i<15;i++) fErtrio->errin[i]=ein[i]; 
05596    const Int_t mxpred=15;
05597    if (n<mxpred) {
05598       fErtrio->nepred=n;
05599     } else {
05600      fErtrio->nepred=mxpred;
05601    } 
05603    for(Int_t i=0;i<fErtrio->nepred;i++) {
05604      fEropts->nameer[i]=*((int*)namv);
05605      fEropts->iovler[i]=iovl[i];
05606      fEropts->numver[i]=numv[i];
05607    }
05608 }

void TGeant3::FinishGeometry  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 6294 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References Ggclos(), and SetColors().

Referenced by ggclos(), and Init().

06295 {
06296   //
06297   // Finalize geometry construction
06298   //
06300   //Close the geometry structure
06301   if (gDebug > 0) printf("FinishGeometry, calling ggclos\n");
06302   Ggclos();
06305   //  gROOT->GetListOfBrowsables()->Add(gGeoManager);
06306   if (gDebug > 0) printf("FinishGeometry, calling SetColors\n");
06308   //Create the color table
06309   SetColors();
06310   if (gDebug > 0) printf("FinishGeometry, returning\n");
06311 }

void TGeant3::ForceDecayTime Float_t  time  ) 

Definition at line 2649 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References Gcphys(), Gcphys_t::sumlif, and TrackMomentum().

02650 {
02651     //
02652     // Force the decay time of the current particle
02653     //
02654     TLorentzVector p;
02655     TrackMomentum(p);
02656     Gcphys()->sumlif = time / p.Beta() / p.Gamma()  * 2.99792458e10;
02657 }

void TGeant3::G3Gsposp const char *  name,
Int_t  nr,
const char *  mother,
Double_t  x,
Double_t  y,
Double_t  z,
Int_t  irot,
const char *  konly,
Float_t *  upar,
Int_t  np

Definition at line 4269 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3sposp, PASSCHARD, PASSCHARL, and Vname().

Referenced by Gsposp().

04272 {
04273   //
04274   //      Place a copy of generic volume NAME with user number
04275   //      NR inside MOTHER, with its parameters UPAR(1..NP)
04276   //
04277   TString only = konly;
04278   only.ToLower();
04279   Bool_t isOnly = kFALSE;
04280   if (only.Contains("only")) isOnly = kTRUE;
04281   char vname[5];
04282   Vname(name,vname);
04283   char vmother[5];
04284   Vname(mother,vmother);
04286   Float_t fx = x;
04287   Float_t fy = y;
04288   Float_t fz = z;
04289   g3sposp(PASSCHARD(vname), nr, PASSCHARD(vmother), fx, fy, fz, irot,
04290          PASSCHARD(konly), upar, np PASSCHARL(vname) PASSCHARL(vmother)
04291          PASSCHARL(konly));
04292 }

Int_t TGeant3::G3Gsvolu const char *  name,
const char *  shape,
Int_t  nmed,
Float_t *  upar,
Int_t  np

Definition at line 4352 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3svolu, PASSCHARD, PASSCHARL, and Vname().

Referenced by Gsvolu().

04354 {
04355   //
04356   //  NAME   Volume name
04357   //  SHAPE  Volume type
04358   //  NUMED  Tracking medium number
04359   //  NPAR   Number of shape parameters
04360   //  UPAR   Vector containing shape parameters
04361   //
04362   //  It creates a new volume in the JVOLUM data structure.
04363   //
04364   Int_t ivolu = 0;
04365   char vname[5];
04366   Vname(name,vname);
04367   char vshape[5];
04368   Vname(shape,vshape);
04370   g3svolu(PASSCHARD(vname), PASSCHARD(vshape), nmed, upar, npar, ivolu
04371          PASSCHARL(vname) PASSCHARL(vshape));
04373   return ivolu;
04374 }

void TGeant3::G3Material Int_t &  kmat,
const char *  name,
Double_t  a,
Double_t  z,
Double_t  dens,
Double_t  radl,
Double_t  absl,
Float_t *  buf = 0,
Int_t  nwbuf = 0

Definition at line 2669 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGclink, fZiq, fZlq, g3smate, Gclink_t::jmate, PASSCHARD, and PASSCHARL.

Referenced by TGeant3TGeo::ImportMaterial(), TGeant3TGeo::Material(), and Material().

02672 {
02673   //
02674   // Defines a Material
02675   //
02676   //  kmat               number assigned to the material
02677   //  name               material name
02678   //  a                  atomic mass in au
02679   //  z                  atomic number
02680   //  dens               density in g/cm3
02681   //  absl               absorption length in cm
02682   //                     if >=0 it is ignored and the program
02683   //                     calculates it, if <0. -absl is taken
02684   //  radl               radiation length in cm
02685   //                     if >=0 it is ignored and the program
02686   //                     calculates it, if <0. -radl is taken
02687   //  buf                pointer to an array of user words
02688   //  nbuf               number of user words
02689   //
02690   Int_t jmate=fGclink->jmate;
02691   kmat=1;
02692   Int_t ns, i;
02693   if(jmate>0) {
02694     ns=fZiq[jmate-2];
02695     kmat=ns+1;
02696     for(i=1; i<=ns; i++) {
02697       if(fZlq[jmate-i]==0) {
02698         kmat=i;
02699         break;
02700       }
02701     }
02702   }
02703   Float_t fa = a;
02704   Float_t fz = z;
02705   Float_t fdens = dens;
02706   Float_t fradl = radl;
02707   Float_t fabsl = absl;
02709   g3smate(kmat,PASSCHARD(name), fa,  fz, fdens, fradl, fabsl, buf,
02710          nwbuf PASSCHARL(name));
02711 }

void TGeant3::G3Medium Int_t &  kmed,
const char *  name,
Int_t  nmat,
Int_t  isvol,
Int_t  ifield,
Double_t  fieldm,
Double_t  tmaxfd,
Double_t  stemax,
Double_t  deemax,
Double_t  epsil,
Double_t  stmin,
Float_t *  ubuf = 0,
Int_t  nbuf = 0

Definition at line 2866 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGclink, fMedNames, fZiq, fZlq, g3stmed, Gclink_t::jtmed, PASSCHARD, and PASSCHARL.

Referenced by TGeant3TGeo::FinishGeometry(), TGeant3TGeo::Medium(), and Medium().

02870 {
02871   //
02872   //  kmed      tracking medium number assigned
02873   //  name      tracking medium name
02874   //  nmat      material number
02875   //  isvol     sensitive volume flag
02876   //  ifield    magnetic field
02877   //  fieldm    max. field value (kilogauss)
02878   //  tmaxfd    max. angle due to field (deg/step)
02879   //  stemax    max. step allowed
02880   //  deemax    max. fraction of energy lost in a step
02881   //  epsil     tracking precision (cm)
02882   //  stmin     min. step due to continuous processes (cm)
02883   //
02884   //  ifield = 0 if no magnetic field; ifield = -1 if user decision in guswim;
02885   //  ifield = 1 if tracking performed with g3rkuta; ifield = 2 if tracking
02886   //  performed with g3helix; ifield = 3 if tracking performed with g3helx3.
02887   //
02888   Int_t jtmed=fGclink->jtmed;
02889   kmed=1;
02890   Int_t ns, i;
02891   if(jtmed>0) {
02892     ns=fZiq[jtmed-2];
02893     kmed=ns+1;
02894     for(i=1; i<=ns; i++) {
02895       if(fZlq[jtmed-i]==0) {
02896         kmed=i;
02897         break;
02898       }
02899     }
02900   }
02901   Float_t ffieldm = fieldm;
02902   Float_t ftmaxfd = tmaxfd;
02903   Float_t fstemax = stemax;
02904   Float_t fdeemax = deemax;
02905   Float_t fepsil  = epsil;
02906   Float_t fstmin =  stmin;
02907   g3stmed(kmed, PASSCHARD(name),nmat,isvol,ifield,ffieldm,ftmaxfd,fstemax,
02908           fdeemax, fepsil, fstmin, ubuf, nbuf PASSCHARL(name));
02910   fMedNames.AddAtAndExpand(new TObjString(name), kmed);           
02911 }

void TGeant3::G3Mixture Int_t &  kmat,
const char *  name,
Float_t *  a,
Float_t *  z,
Double_t  dens,
Int_t  nlmat,
Float_t *  wmat

Definition at line 2769 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGclink, fZiq, fZlq, g3smixt, Gclink_t::jmate, PASSCHARD, and PASSCHARL.

Referenced by TGeant3TGeo::ImportMaterial(), TGeant3TGeo::Mixture(), and Mixture().

02771 {
02772   //
02773   // Defines mixture OR COMPOUND IMAT as composed by
02774   // THE BASIC NLMAT materials defined by arrays A,Z and WMAT
02775   //
02776   // If NLMAT > 0 then wmat contains the proportion by
02777   // weights of each basic material in the mixture.
02778   //
02779   // If nlmat < 0 then WMAT contains the number of atoms
02780   // of a given kind into the molecule of the COMPOUND
02781   // In this case, WMAT in output is changed to relative
02782   // weights.
02783   //
02785   Int_t jmate=fGclink->jmate;
02786   kmat=1;
02787   Int_t ns, i;
02788   if(jmate>0) {
02789     ns=fZiq[jmate-2];
02790     kmat=ns+1;
02791     for(i=1; i<=ns; i++) {
02792       if(fZlq[jmate-i]==0) {
02793         kmat=i;
02794         break;
02795       }
02796     }
02797   }
02798   g3smixt(kmat,PASSCHARD(name),a,z,Float_t(dens),nlmat,wmat PASSCHARL(name));
02799 }

TMCProcess TGeant3::G3toVMC Int_t  iproc  )  const [protected]

Definition at line 2502 of file TGeant3.cxx.

Referenced by ProdProcess(), and StepProcesses().

02503 {
02504   //
02505   // Conversion between GEANT and TMC processes
02506   //
02508   const TMCProcess kPG2MC1[30] = {
02509     kPTransportation, kPMultipleScattering, kPEnergyLoss, kPMagneticFieldL, kPDecay,
02510     kPPair, kPCompton, kPPhotoelectric, kPBrem, kPDeltaRay,
02511     kPAnnihilation, kPHadronic, kPHCElastic, kPEvaporation, kPNuclearFission,
02512     kPNuclearAbsorption, kPPbarAnnihilation, kPNCapture, kPHIElastic, 
02513     kPHInhelastic, kPMuonNuclear, kPTOFlimit, kPPhotoFission, kPNoProcess, 
02514     kPRayleigh, kPNoProcess, kPNoProcess, kPNoProcess, kPNull, kPStop};
02516   const TMCProcess kPG2MC2[9] = {
02517       kPLightAbsorption, kPLightScattering, kStepMax, kPNoProcess, kPCerenkov,
02518       kPLightReflection, kPLightRefraction, kPSynchrotron, kPNoProcess};
02520   TMCProcess proc=kPNoProcess;
02521   if(0<iproc && iproc<=30) proc= kPG2MC1[iproc-1];
02522   else if(101<=iproc && iproc<=109) proc= kPG2MC2[iproc-100-1];
02524   //sk:begin
02525   // Modified 2007/10/23 S. Kasahara to print error message when failure
02526   // to find matching VMC process for input G3 process code.
02527   if ( proc == kPNoProcess ) {
02528     cerr << "* TGeant3::G3toVMC failed to find matching TMCProcess "
02529          << "for G3 iproc " << iproc << "!*" << endl;
02530   }
02531   //sk:end
02533   return proc;
02534 }

Float_t TGeant3::Gbrelm Float_t  z,
Float_t  t,
Float_t  cut

Definition at line 3385 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3brelm.

03386 {
03387   //
03388   // To calculate energy loss due to soft muon BREMSSTRAHLUNG
03389   //
03390   return g3brelm(z,t,bcut);
03391 }

virtual Gcbank_t* TGeant3::Gcbank  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 768 of file TGeant3.h.

References fGcbank.

00768 {return fGcbank;}

virtual Gccuts_t* TGeant3::Gccuts  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 770 of file TGeant3.h.

References fGccuts.

00770 {return fGccuts;}

virtual Gcflag_t* TGeant3::Gcflag  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 782 of file TGeant3.h.

References fGcflag.

00782 {return fGcflag;}

virtual Gckin2_t* TGeant3::Gckin2  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 787 of file TGeant3.h.

References fGckin2.

00787 {return fGckin2;}

virtual Gckin3_t* TGeant3::Gckin3  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 788 of file TGeant3.h.

References fGckin3.

00788 {return fGckin3;}

virtual Gckine_t* TGeant3::Gckine  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 781 of file TGeant3.h.

References fGckine.

00781 {return fGckine;}

virtual Gcking_t* TGeant3::Gcking  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 786 of file TGeant3.h.

References fGcking.

00786 {return fGcking;}

void TGeant3::Gckmat Int_t  itmed,
char *  natmed

Definition at line 4588 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3ckmat, PASSCHARD, and PASSCHARL.

Referenced by gckmat().

04589 {
04590   //
04591   // Check the parameters of a tracking medium
04592   //
04593   g3ckmat(itmed, PASSCHARD(natmed) PASSCHARL(natmed));
04594 }

void TGeant3::Gckpar Int_t  ish,
Int_t  npar,
Float_t *  par

Definition at line 4579 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References gckpar.

Referenced by WriteEuclid().

04580 {
04581   //
04582   // Check the parameters of a shape
04583   //
04584   gckpar(ish,npar,par);
04585 }

virtual Gclink_t* TGeant3::Gclink  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 769 of file TGeant3.h.

References fGclink.

Referenced by PTGuiRollG3::Cut(), TGeant3TGeo::GetMaterial(), GetMaterial(), TGeant3TGeo::GetMedium(), GetMedium(), GetShape(), and PTGuiRollG3::RollMaterials().

00769 {return fGclink;}

virtual Gcmate_t* TGeant3::Gcmate  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 773 of file TGeant3.h.

References fGcmate.

00773 {return fGcmate;}

virtual Gcmore_t* TGeant3::Gcmore  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 771 of file TGeant3.h.

References fGcmore.

00771 {return fGcmore;}

virtual Gcmulo_t* TGeant3::Gcmulo  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 772 of file TGeant3.h.

References fGcmulo.

00772 {return fGcmulo;}

virtual Gcnum_t* TGeant3::Gcnum  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 775 of file TGeant3.h.

References fGcnum.

Referenced by PTGuiRollG3::RollMaterials(), and PTGuiRollG3::RollMedia().

00775 {return fGcnum;}

virtual Gcopti_t* TGeant3::Gcopti  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 777 of file TGeant3.h.

References fGcopti.

00777 {return fGcopti;}

virtual Gcphlt_t* TGeant3::Gcphlt  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 785 of file TGeant3.h.

References fGcphlt.

00785 {return fGcphlt;}

virtual Gcphys_t* TGeant3::Gcphys  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 784 of file TGeant3.h.

References fGcphys.

Referenced by ForceDecayTime().

00784 {return fGcphys;}

virtual Gcsets_t* TGeant3::Gcsets  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 776 of file TGeant3.h.

References fGcsets.

00776 {return fGcsets;}

virtual Gctlit_t* TGeant3::Gctlit  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 778 of file TGeant3.h.

References fGctlit.

00778 {return fGctlit;}

virtual Gctmed_t* TGeant3::Gctmed  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 783 of file TGeant3.h.

References fGctmed.

00783 {return fGctmed;}

virtual Gctpol_t* TGeant3::Gctpol  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 774 of file TGeant3.h.

References fGctpol.

00774 {return fGctpol;}

virtual Gctrak_t* TGeant3::Gctrak  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 789 of file TGeant3.h.

References fGctrak.

Referenced by StepProcesses().

00789 {return fGctrak;}

virtual Gcvdma_t* TGeant3::Gcvdma  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 779 of file TGeant3.h.

References fGcvdma.

00779 {return fGcvdma;}

virtual Gcvolu_t* TGeant3::Gcvolu  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 780 of file TGeant3.h.

References fGcvolu.

Referenced by GetShape(), and GetTransformation().

00780 {return fGcvolu;}

void TGeant3::Gdclose  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 4649 of file TGeant3.cxx.

04650 {
04651   //
04652   //  It closes the currently open view bank; it must be called after the
04653   //  end of the drawing to be stored.
04654   //
04655 }

void TGeant3::Gdcxyz  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 3944 of file TGeant3.cxx.

03945 {
03946   //
03947   // Draw the position of the current track
03948   //
03949 }

void TGeant3::Gdebug  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 3797 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3debug.

Referenced by gdebug().

03798 {
03799   //
03800   // Debug the current step
03801   //
03802   g3debug();
03803 }

void TGeant3::Gdelete Int_t  view  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 4622 of file TGeant3.cxx.

04623 {
04624   //
04625   //  IVIEW  View number
04626   //
04627   //  It deletes a view bank from memory.
04628   //
04629 }

void TGeant3::Gdhead Int_t  isel,
const char *  name,
Double_t  chrsiz = 0.6

Definition at line 4796 of file TGeant3.cxx.

Referenced by gdhead().

04797 {
04798   //
04799   //  Parameters
04800   //  +
04801   //  ISEL   Option flag  D=111110
04802   //  NAME   Title
04803   //  CHRSIZ Character size (cm) of title NAME D=0.6
04804   //
04805   //  ISEL =
04806   //   0      to have only the header lines
04807   //   xxxxx1 to add the text name centered on top of header
04808   //   xxxx1x to add global detector name (first volume) on left
04809   //   xxx1xx to add date on right
04810   //   xx1xxx to select thick characters for text on top of header
04811   //   x1xxxx to add the text 'EVENT NR x' on top of header
04812   //   1xxxxx to add the text 'RUN NR x' on top of header
04813   //  NOTE that ISEL=x1xxx1 or ISEL=1xxxx1 are illegal choices,
04814   //  i.e. they generate overwritten text.
04815   //
04816 }

void TGeant3::Gdman Double_t  u0,
Double_t  v0,
const char *  type = "MAN"

Definition at line 4819 of file TGeant3.cxx.

Referenced by gdman().

04820 {
04821   //
04822   //  Draw a 2D-man at position (U0,V0)
04823   //  Parameters
04824   //  U      U-coord. (horizontal) of the center of man' R
04825   //  V      V-coord. (vertical) of the center of man' R
04826   //  TYPE   D='MAN' possible values: 'MAN,WM1,WM2,WM3'
04827   //
04828   //   CALL GDMAN(u,v),CALL GDWMN1(u,v),CALL GDWMN2(u,v),CALL GDWMN2(u,v)
04829   //  It superimposes the picture of a man or of a woman, chosen among
04830   //  three different ones, with the same scale factors as the detector
04831   //  in the current drawing.
04832   //
04833 }

void TGeant3::Gdopen Int_t  view  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 4632 of file TGeant3.cxx.

Referenced by gdopen().

04633 {
04634   //
04635   //  IVIEW  View number
04636   //
04637   //  When a drawing is very complex and requires a long time to be
04638   //  executed, it can be useful to store it in a view bank: after a
04639   //  call to DOPEN and the execution of the drawing (nothing will
04640   //  appear on the screen), and after a necessary call to DCLOSE,
04641   //  the contents of the bank can be displayed in a very fast way
04642   //  through a call to DSHOW; therefore, the detector can be easily
04643   //  zoomed many times in different ways. Please note that the pictures
04644   //  with solid colors can now be stored in a view bank or in 'PICTURE FILES'
04645   //
04646 }

void TGeant3::Gdopt const char *  name,
const char *  value

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 4669 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References Vname().

Referenced by gdopt().

04670 {
04671   //
04672   //  NAME   Option name
04673   //  VALUE  Option value
04674   //
04675   //  To set/modify the drawing options.
04676   //     IOPT   IVAL      Action
04677   //
04678   //     THRZ    ON       Draw tracks in R vs Z
04679   //             OFF (D)  Draw tracks in X,Y,Z
04680   //             180
04681   //             360
04682   //     PROJ    PARA (D) Parallel projection
04683   //             PERS     Perspective
04684   //     TRAK    LINE (D) Trajectory drawn with lines
04685   //             POIN       " " with markers
04686   //     HIDE    ON       Hidden line removal using the CG package
04687   //             OFF (D)  No hidden line removal
04688   //     SHAD    ON       Fill area and shading of surfaces.
04689   //             OFF (D)  Normal hidden line removal.
04690   //     RAYT    ON       Ray-tracing on.
04691   //             OFF (D)  Ray-tracing off.
04692   //     EDGE    OFF      Does not draw contours when shad is on.
04693   //             ON  (D)  Normal shading.
04694   //     MAPP    1,2,3,4  Mapping before ray-tracing.
04695   //             0   (D)  No mapping.
04696   //     USER    ON       User graphics options in the ray tracing.
04697   //             OFF (D)  Automatic graphics options.
04698   //
04700   char vname[5];
04701   Vname(name,vname);
04702   char vvalue[5];
04703   Vname(value,vvalue);
04704   //g3dopt(PASSCHARD(vname), PASSCHARD(vvalue) PASSCHARL(vname)
04705   //    PASSCHARL(vvalue));
04706 }

void TGeant3::Gdraw const char *  name,
Double_t  theta = 30,
Double_t  phi = 30,
Double_t  psi = 0,
Double_t  u0 = 10,
Double_t  v0 = 10,
Double_t  ul = 0.01,
Double_t  vl = 0.01

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 4709 of file TGeant3.cxx.

Referenced by gdraw().

04712 {
04713   //
04714   //  NAME   Volume name
04715   //  +
04716   //  THETA  Viewing angle theta (for 3D projection)
04717   //  PHI    Viewing angle phi (for 3D projection)
04718   //  PSI    Viewing angle psi (for 2D rotation)
04719   //  U0     U-coord. (horizontal) of volume origin
04720   //  V0     V-coord. (vertical) of volume origin
04721   //  SU     Scale factor for U-coord.
04722   //  SV     Scale factor for V-coord.
04723   //
04724   //  This function will draw the volumes,
04725   //  selected with their graphical attributes, set by the Gsatt
04726   //  facility. The drawing may be performed with hidden line removal
04727   //  and with shading effects according to the value of the options HIDE
04728   //  and SHAD; if the option SHAD is ON, the contour's edges can be
04729   //  drawn or not. If the option HIDE is ON, the detector can be
04730   //  exploded (BOMB), clipped with different shapes (CVOL), and some
04731   //  of its parts can be shifted from their original
04732   //  position (SHIFT). When HIDE is ON, if
04733   //  the drawing requires more than the available memory, the program
04734   //  will evaluate and display the number of missing words
04735   //  (so that the user can increase the
04736   //  size of its ZEBRA store). Finally, at the end of each drawing (with 
04737   //  HIDE on), the program will print messages about the memory used and
04738   //  statistics on the volumes' visibility.
04739   //  The following commands will produce the drawing of a green
04740   //  volume, specified by NAME, without using the hidden line removal
04741   //  technique, using the hidden line removal technique,
04742   //  with different line width and color (red), with
04743   //  solid color, with shading of surfaces, and without edges.
04744   //  Finally, some examples are given for the ray-tracing. (A possible
04745   //  string for the NAME of the volume can be found using the command DTREE).
04746   //
04747 }

void TGeant3::Gdrawc const char *  name,
Int_t  axis = 1,
Float_t  cut = 0,
Float_t  u0 = 10,
Float_t  v0 = 10,
Float_t  ul = 0.01,
Float_t  vl = 0.01

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 4750 of file TGeant3.cxx.

Referenced by gdrawc().

04752 {
04753   //
04754   //  NAME   Volume name
04755   //  CAXIS  Axis value
04756   //  CUTVAL Cut plane distance from the origin along the axis
04757   //  +
04758   //  U0     U-coord. (horizontal) of volume origin
04759   //  V0     V-coord. (vertical) of volume origin
04760   //  SU     Scale factor for U-coord.
04761   //  SV     Scale factor for V-coord.
04762   //
04763   //  The cut plane is normal to caxis (X,Y,Z), corresponding to iaxis (1,2,3),
04764   //  and placed at the distance cutval from the origin.
04765   //  The resulting picture is seen from the the same axis.
04766   //  When HIDE Mode is ON, it is possible to get the same effect with
04767   //  the CVOL/BOX function.
04768   //
04769 }

void TGeant3::Gdrawx const char *  name,
Float_t  cutthe,
Float_t  cutphi,
Float_t  cutval,
Float_t  theta = 30,
Float_t  phi = 30,
Float_t  u0 = 10,
Float_t  v0 = 10,
Float_t  ul = 0.01,
Float_t  vl = 0.01

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 4772 of file TGeant3.cxx.

Referenced by gdrawx().

04775 {
04776   //
04777   //  NAME   Volume name
04778   //  CUTTHE Theta angle of the line normal to cut plane
04779   //  CUTPHI Phi angle of the line normal to cut plane
04780   //  CUTVAL Cut plane distance from the origin along the axis
04781   //  +
04782   //  THETA  Viewing angle theta (for 3D projection)
04783   //  PHI    Viewing angle phi (for 3D projection)
04784   //  U0     U-coord. (horizontal) of volume origin
04785   //  V0     V-coord. (vertical) of volume origin
04786   //  SU     Scale factor for U-coord.
04787   //  SV     Scale factor for V-coord.
04788   //
04789   //  The cut plane is normal to the line given by the cut angles
04790   //  cutthe and cutphi and placed at the distance cutval from the origin.
04791   //  The resulting picture is seen from the viewing angles theta,phi.
04792   //
04793 }

void TGeant3::Gdshow Int_t  view  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 4658 of file TGeant3.cxx.

04659 {
04660   //
04661   //  IVIEW  View number
04662   //
04663   //  It shows on the screen the contents of a view bank. It
04664   //  can be called after a view bank has been closed.
04665   //
04666 }

void TGeant3::Gdspec const char *  name  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 4836 of file TGeant3.cxx.

Referenced by gdspec().

04837 {
04838   //
04839   //  NAME   Volume name
04840   //
04841   //  Shows 3 views of the volume (two cut-views and a 3D view), together with
04842   //  its geometrical specifications. The 3D drawing will
04843   //  be performed according the current values of the options HIDE and
04844   //  SHAD and according the current SetClipBox clipping parameters for that
04845   //  volume.
04846   //
04847 }

void TGeant3::Gdtom Double_t *  xd,
Double_t *  xm,
Int_t  iflag

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 3975 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References CreateFloatArray(), and Gdtom().

03976 {
03977   //
03978   //  Computes coordinates XM (Master Reference System
03979   //  knowing the coordinates XD (Detector Ref System)
03980   //  The local reference system can be initialized by
03981   //    - the tracking routines and GDTOM used in GUSTEP
03982   //    - a call to GSCMED(NLEVEL,NAMES,NUMBER)
03983   //        (inverse routine is GMTOD)
03984   //
03985   //   If IFLAG=1  convert coordinates
03986   //      IFLAG=2  convert direction cosines
03987   //
03989   Float_t* fxd = CreateFloatArray(xd, 3);
03990   Float_t* fxm = CreateFloatArray(xm, 3);
03992   Gdtom(fxd, fxm, iflag) ;
03994   for (Int_t i=0; i<3; i++) {
03995      xd[i] = fxd[i]; xm[i] = fxm[i];
03996   }
03998   delete [] fxd;
03999   delete [] fxm;
04000 }

void TGeant3::Gdtom Float_t *  xd,
Float_t *  xm,
Int_t  iflag

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 3958 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3dtom.

Referenced by gdtom(), and Gdtom().

03959 {
03960   //
03961   //  Computes coordinates XM (Master Reference System
03962   //  knowing the coordinates XD (Detector Ref System)
03963   //  The local reference system can be initialized by
03964   //    - the tracking routines and GDTOM used in GUSTEP
03965   //    - a call to GSCMED(NLEVEL,NAMES,NUMBER)
03966   //        (inverse routine is GMTOD)
03967   //
03968   //   If IFLAG=1  convert coordinates
03969   //      IFLAG=2  convert direction cosines
03970   //
03971   g3dtom(xd, xm, iflag);
03972 }

void TGeant3::Gdtree const char *  name,
Int_t  levmax = 15,
Int_t  ispec = 0

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 4859 of file TGeant3.cxx.

Referenced by gdtree().

04860 {
04861   //
04862   //  NAME   Volume name
04863   //  LEVMAX Depth level
04864   //  ISELT  Options
04865   //
04866   //  This function draws the logical tree,
04867   //  Each volume in the tree is represented by a TPaveTree object.
04868   //  Double-clicking on a TPaveTree draws the specs of the corresponding 
04869   //  volume.
04870   //  Use TPaveTree pop-up menu to select:
04871   //    - drawing specs
04872   //    - drawing tree
04873   //    - drawing tree of parent
04874   //
04875 }

void TGeant3::GdtreeParent const char *  name,
Int_t  levmax = 15,
Int_t  ispec = 0

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 4878 of file TGeant3.cxx.

04879 {
04880   //
04881   //  NAME   Volume name
04882   //  LEVMAX Depth level
04883   //  ISELT  Options
04884   //
04885   //  This function draws the logical tree of the parent of name.
04886   //
04887 }

void TGeant3::Gdxyz Int_t  it  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 3936 of file TGeant3.cxx.

03937 {
03938   //
03939   // Draw the points stored with Gsxyz relative to track it
03940   //
03941 }

void TGeant3::Gekbin  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 3806 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3ekbin.

Referenced by gekbin().

03807 {
03808   //
03809   //       To find bin number in kinetic energy table
03810   //       stored in ELOW(NEKBIN)
03811   //
03812   g3ekbin();
03813 }

void TGeant3::GeomIter  ) 

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 1316 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGcvolu, fNextVol, and Gcvolu_t::nlevel.

01317 {
01318   //
01319   // Geometry iterator for moving upward in the geometry tree
01320   // Initialize the iterator
01321   //
01322   fNextVol=fGcvolu->nlevel;
01323 }

void TGeant3::GetClose Float_t *  p1,
Float_t *  p2,
Float_t *  p3,
Float_t *  len

Definition at line 5109 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References Gcmore_t::cleng, fGcmore, len, Gcmore_t::p1, Gcmore_t::p2, and Gcmore_t::p3.

05110 {
05111   p1[0] = fGcmore->p1[0];
05112   p1[1] = fGcmore->p1[1];
05113   p1[2] = fGcmore->p1[2];
05114   p2[0] = fGcmore->p2[0];
05115   p2[1] = fGcmore->p2[1];
05116   p2[2] = fGcmore->p2[2];
05117   p3[0] = fGcmore->p3[0];
05118   p3[1] = fGcmore->p3[1];
05119   p3[2] = fGcmore->p3[2];
05120   len[0] = fGcmore->cleng[0];
05121   len[1] = fGcmore->cleng[1];
05122   len[2] = fGcmore->cleng[2];
05123 }

Int_t TGeant3::GetIonPdg Int_t  z,
Int_t  a,
Int_t  i = 0
const [protected]

Definition at line 7085 of file TGeant3.cxx.

Referenced by AddParticlesToPdgDataBase(), DefineIon(), and DefineParticles().

07086 {
07087 // Acording to
07088 //
07090   return 1000000000 + 10*1000*z + 10*a + i;
07091 }  

Bool_t TGeant3::GetMaterial const TString &  volumeName,
TString &  name,
Int_t &  imat,
Double_t &  a,
Double_t &  z,
Double_t &  den,
Double_t &  radl,
Double_t &  inter,
TArrayD &  par

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 6873 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References Gclink(), Gfmate(), Iq(), Gclink_t::jmate, Gclink_t::jtmed, Gclink_t::jvolum, Lq(), Q(), and VolId().

06876                                                                         {
06877     // Returns the Material and its parameters for the volume specified
06878     // by volumeName.
06879     // Note, Geant3 stores and uses mixtures as an element with an effective
06880     // Z and A. Consequently, if the parameter Z is not integer, then
06881     // this material represents some sort of mixture.
06882     // Inputs:
06883     //   TString& volumeName  The volume name
06884     // Outputs:
06885     //   TSrting   &name       Material name
06886     //   Int_t     &imat       Material index number
06887     //   Double_t  &a          Average Atomic mass of material
06888     //   Double_t  &z          Average Atomic number of material
06889     //   Double_t  &dens       Density of material [g/cm^3]
06890     //   Double_t  &radl       Average radiation length of material [cm]
06891     //   Double_t  &inter      Average interaction length of material [cm]
06892     //   TArrayD   &par        A TArrayD of user defined parameters.
06893     // Return:
06894     //   kTRUE if no errors
06895     Int_t i,volid,jma,nbuf;
06896     Float_t af,zf,densf,radlf,interf;
06897     Float_t *ubuf;
06898     Char_t *ch,namec[20] = {20*'\0'};
06900     volid = VolId(volumeName.Data());
06901     if(volid==0) return kFALSE; // Error
06902     if(volid>0){ // Get Material number, imat.
06903         Int_t imed = (Int_t) (this->Q()[this->Lq()[
06904                                             this->Gclink()->jvolum-volid]+4]);
06905         Int_t jtm  = this->Lq()[this->Gclink()->jtmed-imed];
06906         imat = (Int_t)(this->Q()[jtm+6]);
06907     } else {
06908         i = this->Gclink()->jvolum + volid;
06909         Int_t jdiv  = this->Lq()[i];
06910         Int_t ivin  = (Int_t) (this->Q()[jdiv+2]);
06911         i = this->Gclink()->jvolum - ivin;
06912         Int_t jvin  = this->Lq()[i];
06913         Int_t idmed = (Int_t)(this->Q()[jvin+4]);
06914         i = this->Gclink()->jtmed-idmed;
06915         Int_t jtm   = this->Lq()[i];
06916         imat = (Int_t)(this->Q()[jtm+6]);
06917     } // end if-else
06918     nbuf = jma = this->Lq()[this->Gclink()->jmate-imat];
06919     ubuf = new Float_t[nbuf];
06920     Gfmate(imat,namec,af,zf,densf,radlf,interf,ubuf,nbuf);
06921     // Problem with getting namec back from Gfmate, get it from 
06922     // the Zebra bank directly.
06923     ch = (char *)(this->Iq()+jma+1);
06924     for(i=0;i<20;i++) if(ch[i]!=' ') namec[i] = ch[i];
06925     name = namec;
06926     name = name.Strip();
06927     //
06928     par.Set(nbuf);
06929     for(i=0;i<nbuf;i++) par.AddAt(((Double_t)ubuf[i]),i);
06930     delete[] ubuf;
06931     a      = (Double_t) af;
06932     z      = (Double_t) zf;
06933     dens   = (Double_t) densf;
06934     radl   = (Double_t) radlf;
06935     inter  = (Double_t) interf;
06936     return kTRUE;
06937 }

Int_t TGeant3::GetMaxNStep  )  const

Definition at line 2660 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGctrak, and Gctrak_t::maxnst.

02661 {
02662   //
02663   // Maximum number of steps allowed in current medium
02664   //
02665   return fGctrak->maxnst;
02666 }

Bool_t TGeant3::GetMedium const TString &  volumeName,
TString &  name,
Int_t &  imed,
Int_t &  nmat,
Int_t &  isvol,
Int_t &  ifield,
Double_t &  fieldm,
Double_t &  tmaxfd,
Double_t &  stemax,
Double_t &  deemax,
Double_t &  epsil,
Double_t &  stmin,
TArrayD &  par

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 6939 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References Gclink(), Gftmed(), Gclink_t::jtmed, Gclink_t::jvolum, Lq(), Q(), and VolId().

06943                                        {
06944     // Returns the Medium and its parameters for the volume specified
06945     // by volumeName.
06946     // Inputs:
06947     //   TString& volumeName  The volume name.
06948     // Outputs:
06949     //   TString  &name       Medium name
06950     //   Int_t    &nmat       Material number defined for this medium
06951     //   Int_t    &imed       The medium index number
06952     //   Int_t    &isvol      volume number defined for this medium
06953     //   Int_t    &iflield    Magnetic field flag
06954     //   Double_t &fieldm     Magnetic field strength
06955     //   Double_t &tmaxfd     Maximum angle of deflection per step
06956     //   Double_t &stemax     Maximum step size
06957     //   Double_t &deemax     Maximum fraction of energy allowed to be lost
06958     //                        to continuous process.
06959     //   Double_t &epsil      Boundary crossing precision
06960     //   Double_t &stmin      Minimum step size allowed
06961     //   TArrayD  &par        A TArrayD of user parameters with all of the
06962     //                        parameters of the specified medium.
06963     // Return:
06964     //   kTRUE if there where no errors
06965     Int_t i,volid,nbuf;
06966     Float_t fieldmf,tmaxfdf,stemaxf,deemaxf,epsilf,stminf;
06967     Float_t *buf;
06968     Char_t namec[25] = {25*'\0'};
06970     volid = VolId(volumeName.Data());
06971     if(volid==0) return kFALSE; // Error
06972     if(volid>0){ // Get Material number, imat.
06973         imed = (Int_t)(this->Q()[this->Lq()[this->Gclink()->jvolum-volid]+4]);
06974     } else {
06975         Int_t jdiv  = this->Lq()[this->Gclink()->jvolum + volid];
06976         Int_t ivin  = (Int_t) (this->Q()[jdiv+2]);
06977         Int_t jvin  = this->Lq()[this->Gclink()->jvolum - ivin];
06978         imed = (Int_t)(this->Q()[jvin+4]);
06979     } // end if-else
06980     nbuf = this->Lq()[this->Gclink()->jtmed-imed];
06981     buf  = new Float_t[nbuf];
06982     Gftmed(imed,namec,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldmf,tmaxfdf,stemaxf,deemaxf,
06983            epsilf,stminf,buf,&nbuf);
06984     name = namec;
06985     name = name.Strip();
06986     par.Set(nbuf);
06987     for(i=0;i<nbuf;i++) par.AddAt(((Double_t)buf[i]),i);
06988     delete[] buf;
06989     fieldm = (Double_t) fieldmf;
06990     tmaxfd = (Double_t) tmaxfdf;
06991     stemax = (Double_t) stemaxf;
06992     deemax = (Double_t) deemaxf;
06993     epsil  = (Double_t) epsilf;
06994     stmin  = (Double_t) stminf;
06995     return kTRUE;
06996 }

Int_t TGeant3::GetMedium  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 3023 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References CurrentMedium().

Referenced by TGeant3TGeo::GetMedium().

03024 {
03025   //
03026   // Return the number of the current medium
03027   // Deprecated function - replaced with CurrentMedium()
03028   //
03030   Warning("GetMedium", 
03031           "Deprecated function - use CurrentMedium() instead");
03033   return CurrentMedium();
03034 }

const char * TGeant3::GetNodeName  ) 

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 3077 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGcvolu, fPath, Gcvolu_t::names, Gcvolu_t::nlevel, and Gcvolu_t::number.

03078 {
03079 // Get name of current G3 node
03080    Int_t i=fGcvolu->nlevel-1;
03081    if (i<0) return "";
03082    Int_t gname = fGcvolu->names[i];
03083    Int_t copy = fGcvolu->number[i];
03084    char name[10];
03085    memcpy(name, &gname, 4);
03086    name[4] = 0;
03087    sprintf(fPath, "%s_%d", name, copy);
03088    return fPath;
03089 }

const char * TGeant3::GetPath  ) 

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 3050 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGcvolu, fPath, Gcvolu_t::names, Gcvolu_t::nlevel, and Gcvolu_t::number.

Referenced by CurrentVolPath(), gmedia(), and gtmedi().

03051 {
03052 // Get current path inside G3 geometry
03053    Int_t i,j;
03054    if ((i=fGcvolu->nlevel-1)<0) {
03055       Warning("GetPath", "level null");
03056       return fPath;
03057    }
03058    fPath[0] = '/';
03059    char name[10];
03060    char *namcur = fPath+1;
03061    Int_t gname, copy;
03062    Int_t nch=0;
03063    for (j=0; j<i+1; j++) {
03064       gname = fGcvolu->names[j];
03065       copy = fGcvolu->number[j];
03066       memcpy(name, &gname, 4);
03067       name[4]=0;
03068       sprintf(namcur, "%s_%d/", name, copy);
03069       nch = strlen(fPath);
03070       namcur = fPath+nch;
03071    }
03072    fPath[nch-1]=0;
03073    return fPath;
03074 }

void TGeant3::GetSecondary Int_t  isec,
Int_t &  ipart,
TLorentzVector &  x,
TLorentzVector &  p

Definition at line 2538 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGckin3, fGcking, Gcking_t::gkin, Gckin3_t::gpos, Gcking_t::ngkine, and Gcking_t::tofd.

02540 {
02541   //
02542   // Get the parameters of the secondary track number isec produced
02543   // in the current step
02544   //
02545   Int_t i;
02546   if(-1<isec && isec<fGcking->ngkine) {
02547     ipart=Int_t (fGcking->gkin[isec][4] +0.5);
02548     for(i=0;i<3;i++) {
02549       x[i]=fGckin3->gpos[isec][i];
02550       p[i]=fGcking->gkin[isec][i];
02551     }
02552     x[3]=fGcking->tofd[isec];
02553     p[3]=fGcking->gkin[isec][3];
02554   } else {
02555     printf(" * TGeant3::GetSecondary * Secondary %d does not exist\n",isec);
02556     x[0]=x[1]=x[2]=x[3]=p[0]=p[1]=p[2]=p[3]=0;
02557     ipart=0;
02558   }
02559 }

Bool_t TGeant3::GetShape const TString &  volumePath,
TString &  shapeType,
TArrayD &  par

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 6818 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References ConvertVolumePathString(), Gclink(), Gcvolu(), Glvolu(), Gclink_t::jvolum, Lq(), Gcvolu_t::lvolum, Gcvolu_t::nlevel, and Q().

06819                                       {
06820     // Returns the shape and its parameters for the volume specified
06821     // by the path volumePath. The format of the path volumePath is as 
06822     // follows (assuming ALIC is the Top volume)
06823     // "/ALIC_1/DDIP_1/S05I_2/S05H_1/S05G_3". Here ALIC is the top most
06824     // or master volume which has only 1 instance of. Of all of the daughter
06825     // volumes of ALICE, DDIP volume copy #1 is indicated. Similarly for
06826     // the daughter volume of DDIP is S05I copy #2 and so on.
06827     // Inputs:
06828     //   TString& volumePath  The volume path to the specific volume
06829     //                        for which you want the matrix. Volume name
06830     //                        hierarchy is separated by "/" while the
06831     //                        copy number is appended using a "_".
06832     // Outputs:
06833     //   TString &shapeType   Shape type
06834     //   TArrayD &par         A TArrayD of parameters with all of the
06835     //                        parameters of the specified shape.
06836     // Return:
06837     //   A logical indicating whether there was an error in getting this
06838     //   information
06839     const Int_t nshapes = 16;
06840     const Char_t *vname[nshapes] = {"BOX","TRD1","TRD2","TRAP","TUBE","TUBS",
06841                                    "CONE","CONS","SPHE","PARA","PGON","PCON",
06842                                    "ELTU","HYPE","GTRA","CTUB"};
06843     Int_t volid,i,k,jv0,ishape,npar,*lnam=0,*lnum=0;
06844     Float_t *qpar;
06846     k=ConvertVolumePathString(volumePath,&lnam,&lnum);//Creates lnam, and lnum
06847     if(k<=0) { // Error from Convert volumePathString.
06848         delete[] lnam;
06849         delete[] lnum;
06850         return kFALSE;
06851     } // end if k<=0
06852     this->Gcvolu()->nlevel = 0;
06853     i = this->Glvolu(k,lnam,lnum);
06854     delete[] lnam;
06855     delete[] lnum;
06856     if(i!=0) {// error
06857         par.Set(0);
06858         return kFALSE;
06859     } // end if i!=1
06860     volid = this->Gcvolu()->lvolum[this->Gcvolu()->nlevel-1];
06861     jv0 = this->Lq()[this->Gclink()->jvolum-volid];
06862     ishape = (Int_t)(this->Q()[jv0+2]);
06863     if(ishape<1||ishape>nshapes) return kFALSE; // error unknown shape
06864     npar   = (Int_t)(this->Q()[jv0+5]);
06865     qpar   = (this->Q())+jv0+7;
06866     par.Set(npar); // Resize TArrayD
06867     for(i=0;i<npar;i++) par.AddAt((Double_t)qpar[i],i);
06868     shapeType = vname[ishape-1];
06869     shapeType = shapeType.Strip();
06870     return kTRUE;
06871 }

Int_t TGeant3::GetSpecialPdg Int_t  number  )  const [protected]

Definition at line 7094 of file TGeant3.cxx.

Referenced by AddParticlesToPdgDataBase(), and DefineParticles().

07095 {
07096 // Numbering for special particles
07098   return 50000000 + number;
07099 }                

Bool_t TGeant3::GetTransformation const TString &  volumePath,
TGeoHMatrix &  mat

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 6729 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References ConvertVolumePathString(), Gcvolu(), Glvolu(), Gcvolu_t::grmat, Gcvolu_t::gtran, Gcvolu_t::nlevel, and s().

06729                                                                            {
06730     // Returns the Transformation matrix between the volume specified
06731     // by the path volumePath and the Top or mater volume. The format
06732     // of the path volumePath is as follows (assuming ALIC is the Top volume)
06733     // "/ALIC_1/DDIP_1/S05I_2/S05H_1/S05G_3". Here ALIC is the top most
06734     // or master volume which has only 1 instance of. Of all of the daughter
06735     // volumes of ALICE, DDIP volume copy #1 is indicated. Similarly for
06736     // the daughter volume of DDIP is S05I copy #2 and so on.
06737     // Inputs:
06738     //   TString& volumePath  The volume path to the specific volume
06739     //                        for which you want the matrix. Volume name
06740     //                        hierarchy is separated by "/" while the
06741     //                        copy number is appended using a "_".
06742     // Outputs:
06743     //  TGeoHMatrix &mat      A matrix with its values set to those
06744     //                        appropriate to the Local to Master transformation
06745     // Return:
06746     //   A logical value if kFALSE then an error occurred and no change to
06747     //   mat was made.
06748     Int_t i,n,k,*lnam=0,*lnum=0;
06749     // Default rotation matrix, Unit
06750     Double_t m[9] = {1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0};
06751     Double_t s[3] = {1.0,1.0,1.0}; // Default scale, Unit
06752     Double_t t[3] = {0.0,0.0,0.0}; // Default translation, none.
06754     k =ConvertVolumePathString(volumePath,&lnam,&lnum);//Creates lnam, and lnum
06755     if(k<=0) { // Error from Convert volumePathString.
06756         delete[] lnam;
06757         delete[] lnum;
06758         return kFALSE;
06759     } // end if k<=0
06760     if(k==1){// only one volume listed, must be top most, return unit..
06761         delete[] lnam;
06762         delete[] lnum;
06763         mat.SetRotation(m);
06764         mat.SetTranslation(t);
06765         mat.SetScale(s);
06766         return kTRUE;
06767     } // end if k==1
06768     this->Gcvolu()->nlevel = 0;
06769     i = this->Glvolu(k,lnam,lnum);
06770     n = this->Gcvolu()->nlevel -1;
06771     delete[] lnam; // created in ConvertVolumePathString.
06772     delete[] lnum; // created in ConvertVolumePathString.
06773     if(i!=0) return kFALSE; // Error
06774     mat.SetScale(s); // Geant scale always 1.
06775     if(!((this->Gcvolu()->grmat[n][9])==0.0)) { // not Unit matrix
06776         for(i=0;i<9;i++) m[i] = (Double_t) this->Gcvolu()->grmat[n][i];
06777     } // end if
06778     mat.SetRotation(m);
06779     for(i=0;i<3;i++) t[i] = (Double_t) (this->Gcvolu()->gtran[n][i]);
06780     mat.SetTranslation(t);
06781     return kTRUE;
06782 }/*

Double_t TGeant3::GetUserDecayProductStableMinLifetime  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 1089 of file TGeant3.h.

References fUserDecayProductStableMinLifetime.

void TGeant3::Gfang Float_t *  p,
Float_t &  costh,
Float_t &  sinth,
Float_t &  cosph,
Float_t &  sinph,
Int_t &  rotate

Definition at line 7077 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3fang.

07079 {
07081   g3fang(p, costh, sinth, cosph, sinph, rotate );
07082 } 

void TGeant3::Gfile const char *  filename,
const char *  option = "I"

Definition at line 3116 of file TGeant3.cxx.

Referenced by gfile().

03117 {
03118   //
03119   //    Routine to open a GEANT/RZ data base.
03120   //
03121   //    LUN logical unit number associated to the file
03122   //
03123   //    CHFILE RZ file name
03124   //
03125   //    CHOPT is a character string which may be
03126   //        N  To create a new file
03127   //        U  to open an existing file for update
03128   //       " " to open an existing file for read only
03129   //        Q  The initial allocation (default 1000 records)
03130   //           is given in IQUEST(10)
03131   //        X  Open the file in exchange format
03132   //        I  Read all data structures from file to memory
03133   //        O  Write all data structures from memory to file
03134   //
03135   // Note:
03136   //      If options "I"  or "O" all data structures are read or
03137   //         written from/to file and the file is closed.
03138   //      See routine GRMDIR to create subdirectories
03139   //      See routines GROUT,GRIN to write,read objects
03140   //
03141   //g3rfile(21, PASSCHARD(filename), PASSCHARD(option) PASSCHARL(filename)
03142 //       PASSCHARL(option));
03143 }

void TGeant3::Gfinds  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 3816 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3finds.

03817 {
03818   //
03819   //       Returns the set/volume parameters corresponding to
03820   //       the current space point in /GCTRAK/
03821   //       and fill common /GCSETS/
03822   //
03823   //       IHSET  user set identifier
03824   //       IHDET  user detector identifier
03825   //       ISET set number in JSET
03826   //       IDET   detector number in JS=LQ(JSET-ISET)
03827   //       IDTYPE detector type (1,2)
03828   //       NUMBV  detector volume numbers (array of length NVNAME)
03829   //       NVNAME number of volume levels
03830   //
03831   g3finds();
03832 }

void TGeant3::Gfkine Int_t  itra,
Float_t *  vert,
Float_t *  pvert,
Int_t &  ipart,
Int_t &  nvert

Definition at line 3693 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3fkine.

Referenced by gfkine().

03695 {
03696   //           Storing/Retrieving Vertex and Track parameters
03697   //           ----------------------------------------------
03698   //
03699   //  Stores vertex parameters.
03700   //  VERT      array of (x,y,z) position of the vertex
03701   //  NTBEAM    beam track number origin of the vertex
03702   //            =0 if none exists
03703   //  NTTARG    target track number origin of the vertex
03704   //  UBUF      user array of NUBUF floating point numbers
03705   //  NUBUF
03706   //  NVTX      new vertex number (=0 in case of error).
03707   //  Prints vertex parameters.
03708   //  IVTX      for vertex IVTX.
03709   //            (For all vertices if IVTX=0)
03710   //  Stores long life track parameters.
03711   //  PLAB      components of momentum
03712   //  IPART     type of particle (see GSPART)
03713   //  NV        vertex number origin of track
03714   //  UBUF      array of NUBUF floating point user parameters
03715   //  NUBUF
03716   //  NT        track number (if=0 error).
03717   //  Retrieves long life track parameters.
03718   //  ITRA      track number for which parameters are requested
03719   //  VERT      vector origin of the track
03720   //  PVERT     4 momentum components at the track origin
03721   //  IPART     particle type (=0 if track ITRA does not exist)
03722   //  NVERT     vertex number origin of the track
03723   //  UBUF      user words stored in GSKINE.
03724   //  Prints initial track parameters.
03725   //  ITRA      for track ITRA
03726   //            (For all tracks if ITRA=0)
03727   //
03728   Float_t *ubuf=0;
03729   Int_t   nbuf;
03730   g3fkine(itra,vert,pvert,ipart,nvert,ubuf,nbuf);
03731 }

void TGeant3::Gfmate Int_t  imat,
char *  name,
Double_t &  a,
Double_t &  z,
Double_t &  dens,
Double_t &  radl,
Double_t &  absl,
Double_t *  ubuf,
Int_t &  nbuf

Definition at line 3286 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References CreateFloatArray(), and Gfmate().

03289 {
03290   //
03291   // Return parameters for material IMAT
03292   //
03293   Float_t fa = a;
03294   Float_t fz = z;
03295   Float_t fdens = dens;
03296   Float_t fradl = radl;
03297   Float_t fabsl = absl;
03298   Float_t* fubuf = CreateFloatArray(ubuf, nbuf);
03300   Gfmate(imat, name, fa, fz, fdens, fradl, fabsl, fubuf, nbuf);
03302   a = fa;
03303   z = fz;
03304   dens = fdens;
03305   radl = fradl;
03306   absl = fabsl;
03307   for (Int_t i=0; i<nbuf; i++) ubuf[i] = fubuf[i];
03309   delete [] fubuf;
03310 }

void TGeant3::Gfmate Int_t  imat,
char *  name,
Float_t &  a,
Float_t &  z,
Float_t &  dens,
Float_t &  radl,
Float_t &  absl,
Float_t *  ubuf,
Int_t &  nbuf

Definition at line 3274 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3fmate, PASSCHARD, and PASSCHARL.

Referenced by TGeant3TGeo::GetMaterial(), GetMaterial(), gfmate(), Gfmate(), PTGuiRollG3::RollMaterials(), and WriteEuclid().

03277 {
03278   //
03279   // Return parameters for material IMAT
03280   //
03281   g3fmate(imat, PASSCHARD(name), a, z, dens, radl, absl, ubuf, nbuf
03282          PASSCHARL(name));
03283 }

void TGeant3::Gfpara const char *  name,
Int_t  number,
Int_t  intext,
Int_t &  npar,
Int_t &  natt,
Float_t *  par,
Float_t *  att

Definition at line 4568 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3fpara, PASSCHARD, and PASSCHARL.

Referenced by gfpara(), and WriteEuclid().

04570 {
04571   //
04572   // Find the parameters of a volume
04573   //
04574   g3fpara(PASSCHARD(name), number, intext, npar, natt, par, att
04575          PASSCHARL(name));
04576 }

void TGeant3::Gfpart Int_t  ipart,
char *  name,
Int_t &  itrtyp,
Float_t &  amass,
Float_t &  charge,
Float_t &  tlife
const [virtual]

Definition at line 3313 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3fpart, IdFromPDG(), PASSCHARD, and PASSCHARL.

Referenced by gfpart(), ParticleCharge(), ParticleLifeTime(), ParticleMass(), ParticleMCType(), and ParticleName().

03315 {
03316   //
03317   // Return parameters for particle of type IPART
03318   //
03319   //Float_t *ubuf=0;
03320   Float_t ubuf[100];
03321   Int_t   nbuf;
03322   Int_t igpart = IdFromPDG(ipart);
03323   g3fpart(igpart, PASSCHARD(name), itrtyp, amass, charge, tlife, ubuf, nbuf
03324          PASSCHARL(name));
03325 }

void TGeant3::Gftmat Int_t  imate,
Int_t  ipart,
char *  chmeca,
Int_t  kdim,
Float_t *  tkin,
Float_t *  value,
Float_t *  pcut,
Int_t &  ixst

Definition at line 3372 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3ftmat, PASSCHARD, and PASSCHARL.

Referenced by gftmat().

03375 {
03376   //
03377   // Return parameters for material imate
03378   //
03379   g3ftmat(imate, ipart, PASSCHARD(chmeca), kdim,
03380          tkin, value, pcut, ixst PASSCHARL(chmeca));
03382 }

void TGeant3::Gftmed Int_t  numed,
char *  name,
Int_t &  nmat,
Int_t &  isvol,
Int_t &  ifield,
Float_t &  fieldm,
Float_t &  tmaxfd,
Float_t &  stemax,
Float_t &  deemax,
Float_t &  epsil,
Float_t &  stmin,
Float_t *  buf = 0,
Int_t *  nbuf = 0

Definition at line 3346 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3ftmed, PASSCHARD, and PASSCHARL.

Referenced by TGeant3TGeo::GetMedium(), GetMedium(), gftmed(), PTGuiRollG3::RollMedia(), and WriteEuclid().

03350 {
03351   //
03352   // Return parameters for tracking medium NUMED
03353   //
03354   g3ftmed(numed, PASSCHARD(name), nmat, isvol, ifield, fieldm, tmaxfd, stemax,
03355          deemax, epsil, stmin, ubuf, nbuf PASSCHARL(name));
03356 }

void TGeant3::Gfvert Int_t  nvtx,
Float_t *  v,
Int_t &  ntbeam,
Int_t &  nttarg,
Float_t &  tofg

Definition at line 3734 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3fvert.

Referenced by gfvert().

03736 {
03737   //
03738   //       Retrieves the parameter of a vertex bank
03739   //       Vertex is generated from tracks NTBEAM NTTARG
03740   //       NVTX is the new vertex number
03741   //
03742   Float_t *ubuf=0;
03743   Int_t   nbuf;
03744   g3fvert(nvtx,v,ntbeam,nttarg,tofg,ubuf,nbuf);
03745 }

void TGeant3::Ggclos  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 3155 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGclink, fGcnum, fVolNames, fZiq, g3gclos, Gclink_t::jvolum, and Gcnum_t::nvolum.

Referenced by FinishGeometry().

03156 {
03157   //
03158   //   Closes off the geometry setting.
03159   //   Initializes the search list for the contents of each
03160   //   volume following the order they have been positioned, and
03161   //   inserting the content '0' when a call to GSNEXT (-1) has
03162   //   been required by the user.
03163   //   Performs the development of the JVOLUM structure for all
03164   //   volumes with variable parameters, by calling GGDVLP.
03165   //   Interprets the user calls to GSORD, through GGORD.
03166   //   Computes and stores in a bank (next to JVOLUM mother bank)
03167   //   the number of levels in the geometrical tree and the
03168   //   maximum number of contents per level, by calling GGNLEV.
03169   //   Sets status bit for CONCAVE volumes, through GGCAVE.
03170   //   Completes the JSET structure with the list of volume names
03171   //   which identify uniquely a given physical detector, the
03172   //   list of bit numbers to pack the corresponding volume copy
03173   //   numbers, and the generic path(s) in the JVOLUM tree,
03174   //   through the routine GHCLOS.
03175   //
03176   g3gclos();
03177   // Create internal list of volumes
03178   fVolNames = new char[fGcnum->nvolum+1][5];
03179   Int_t i;
03180   for(i=0; i<fGcnum->nvolum; ++i) {
03181     strncpy(fVolNames[i], (char *) &fZiq[fGclink->jvolum+i+1], 4);
03182     fVolNames[i][4]='\0';
03183   }
03184   strcpy(fVolNames[fGcnum->nvolum],"NULL");
03185 }

void TGeant3::Glast  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 3188 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3last.

Referenced by glast().

03189 {
03190   //
03191   // Finish a Geant run
03192   //
03193   g3last();
03194 }

void TGeant3::Glmoth const char *  iudet,
Int_t  iunum,
Int_t &  nlev,
Int_t *  lvols,
Int_t *  lindx

Definition at line 4003 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3lmoth, PASSCHARD, and PASSCHARL.

Referenced by glmoth().

04005 {
04006   //
04007   //   Loads the top part of the Volume tree in LVOLS (IVO's),
04008   //   LINDX (IN indices) for a given volume defined through
04009   //   its name IUDET and number IUNUM.
04010   //
04011   //   The routine stores only up to the last level where JVOLUM
04012   //   data structure is developed. If there is no development
04013   //   above the current level, it returns NLEV zero.
04014   Int_t *idum=0;
04015   g3lmoth(PASSCHARD(iudet), iunum, nlev, lvols, lindx, idum PASSCHARL(iudet));
04016 }

Int_t TGeant3::Glvolu Int_t  nlev,
Int_t *  lnam,
Int_t *  lnum

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 4597 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3lvolu.

Referenced by GetShape(), and GetTransformation().

04598 {
04599   //
04600   //  nlev   number of levels deep into the volume tree
04601   //         size of the arrays lnam and lnum
04602   //  lnam   an integer array who's 4 bytes contain the ASCII code for the
04603   //         volume names
04604   //  lnum   an integer array containing the copy numbers for that specific
04605   //         volume
04606   //
04607   //  This routine fills the volume parameters in common /gcvolu/ for a
04608   //  physical tree, specified by the list lnam and lnum of volume names
04609   //  and numbers, and for all its ascendants up to level 1. This routine
04610   //  is optimized and does not re-compute the part of the history already
04611   //  available in GCVOLU. This means that if it is used in user programs
04612   //  outside the usual framework of the tracking, the user has to initialize
04613   //  to zero NLEVEL in the common GCVOLU. It return 0 if there were no
04614   //  problems in make the call.
04615   //
04616   Int_t ier;
04617   g3lvolu(nlev, lnam, lnum, ier);
04618   return ier;
04619 }

void TGeant3::Gmate  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 3403 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3mate.

03404 {
03405   //
03406   // Define standard GEANT materials
03407   //
03408   g3mate();
03409 }

void TGeant3::Gmedia Float_t *  x,
Int_t &  numed

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 4019 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3media.

04020 {
04021   //
04022   //   Finds in which volume/medium the point X is, and updates the
04023   //    common /GCVOLU/ and the structure JGPAR accordingly.
04024   //
04025   //   NUMED returns the tracking medium number, or 0 if point is
04026   //         outside the experimental setup.
04027   //
04029   static Int_t check = 0;
04030   g3media(x,numed,check);
04031 }

void TGeant3::Gmtod Double_t *  xm,
Double_t *  xd,
Int_t  iflag

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 4052 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References CreateFloatArray(), and Gmtod().

04053 {
04054   //
04055   //       Computes coordinates XD (in DRS)
04056   //       from known coordinates XM in MRS
04057   //       The local reference system can be initialized by
04058   //         - the tracking routines and GMTOD used in GUSTEP
04059   //         - a call to GMEDIA(XM,NUMED,CHECK)
04060   //         - a call to GLVOLU(NLEVEL,NAMES,NUMBER,IER)
04061   //             (inverse routine is GDTOM)
04062   //
04063   //        If IFLAG=1  convert coordinates
04064   //           IFLAG=2  convert direction cosines
04065   //
04068   Float_t* fxm = CreateFloatArray(xm, 3);
04069   Float_t* fxd = CreateFloatArray(xd, 3);
04071   Gmtod(fxm, fxd, iflag) ;
04073   for (Int_t i=0; i<3; i++) {
04074      xm[i] = fxm[i]; xd[i] = fxd[i];
04075   }
04077   delete [] fxm;
04078   delete [] fxd;
04079 }

void TGeant3::Gmtod Float_t *  xm,
Float_t *  xd,
Int_t  iflag

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 4034 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3mtod.

Referenced by gmtod(), and Gmtod().

04035 {
04036   //
04037   //       Computes coordinates XD (in DRS)
04038   //       from known coordinates XM in MRS
04039   //       The local reference system can be initialized by
04040   //         - the tracking routines and GMTOD used in GUSTEP
04041   //         - a call to GMEDIA(XM,NUMED,CHECK)
04042   //         - a call to GLVOLU(NLEVEL,NAMES,NUMBER,IER)
04043   //             (inverse routine is GDTOM)
04044   //
04045   //        If IFLAG=1  convert coordinates
04046   //           IFLAG=2  convert direction cosines
04047   //
04048   g3mtod(xm, xd, iflag);
04049 }

void TGeant3::Gpart  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 3412 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3part.

Referenced by DefineParticles(), and gpart().

03413 {
03414   //
03415   //  Define standard GEANT particles plus selected decay modes
03416   //  and branching ratios.
03417   //
03418   g3part();
03419 }

void TGeant3::Gpcxyz  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 3146 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3pcxyz.

Referenced by gpcxyz().

03147 {
03148   //
03149   //    Print track and volume parameters at current point
03150   //
03152     g3pcxyz();
03153 }

void TGeant3::Gphysi  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 3781 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3physi.

Referenced by BuildPhysics(), and gphysi().

03782 {
03783   //
03784   //       Initialize material constants for all the physics
03785   //       mechanisms used by GEANT
03786   //
03787   g3physi();
03788 }

void TGeant3::Gppart Int_t  ipart = 0  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 3330 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3ppart, and IdFromPDG().

03331 {
03332   // Print particle info for particle with pdg code ipart. 
03333   // If ipart = 0 (default), prints all particles.
03334   //
03335   // Note: ipart is a pdg code, not Geant3 particle code, to be consistent
03336   //       with Gfpart.
03338   Int_t igpart = 0;
03339   if ( ipart != 0 ) igpart = IdFromPDG(ipart);
03340   g3ppart(igpart);
03342 }

Float_t TGeant3::Gprelm Float_t  z,
Float_t  t,
Float_t  cut

Definition at line 3394 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3prelm.

03395 {
03396   //
03397   // To calculate DE/DX in GeV*barn/atom for direct pair production by muons
03398   //
03399   return g3prelm(z,t,bcut);
03400 }

void TGeant3::Gprint const char *  name  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 3197 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3print, PASSCHARD, PASSCHARL, and Vname().

Referenced by gprint().

03198 {
03199   //
03200   // Routine to print data structures
03201   // CHNAME   name of a data structure
03202   //
03203   char vname[5];
03204   Vname(name,vname);
03205   g3print(PASSCHARD(vname),0 PASSCHARL(vname));
03206 }

void TGeant3::Gprotm Int_t  nmat = 0  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 4342 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3protm.

04343 {
04344   //
04345   //    To print rotation matrices structure JROTM
04346   //     nmat     Rotation matrix number
04347   //
04348   g3protm(nmat);
04349  }

void TGeant3::Gptmed Int_t  numed  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 3361 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3ptmed.

03362 {
03363   //
03364   // Print tracking medium NUMED. numed == 0 prints all media.
03365   //
03366   g3ptmed(numed);
03368 }

void TGeant3::Grndm Float_t *  rvec,
Int_t  len
const [virtual]

Definition at line 3908 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References len.

03909 {
03910   //
03911   //  To set/retrieve the seed of the random number generator
03912   //
03913   TRandom* r=gMC->GetRandom();
03914   for(Int_t i=0; i<len; rvec[i++]=r->Rndm()) {};
03915 }

void TGeant3::Grndmq Int_t &  is1,
Int_t &  is2,
Int_t  iseq,
const Text_t *  chopt

Definition at line 3918 of file TGeant3.cxx.

03920 {
03921   //
03922   //  To set/retrieve the seed of the random number generator
03923   //
03924   /*printf("Dummy grndmq called\n");*/
03925    is1 = gRandom->GetSeed();
03926    is2 = 0;
03927 }

void TGeant3::Grun  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 3209 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3run.

Referenced by grun().

03210 {
03211   //
03212   // Steering function to process one run
03213   //
03214   g3run();
03215 }

void TGeant3::Gsatt const char *  name,
const char *  att,
Int_t  val

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 4474 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3satt, PASSCHARD, PASSCHARL, and Vname().

Referenced by gsatt(), and SetColors().

04475 {
04476   //
04477   //  NAME   Volume name
04478   //  IOPT   Name of the attribute to be set
04479   //  IVAL   Value to which the attribute is to be set
04480   //
04481   //  name= "*" stands for all the volumes.
04482   //  iopt can be chosen among the following :
04483   //
04484   //     WORK   0=volume name is inactive for the tracking
04485   //            1=volume name is active for the tracking (default)
04486   //
04487   //     SEEN   0=volume name is invisible
04488   //            1=volume name is visible (default)
04489   //           -1=volume invisible with all its descendants in the tree
04490   //           -2=volume visible but not its descendants in the tree
04491   //
04492   //     LSTY   line style 1,2,3,... (default=1)
04493   //            LSTY=7 will produce a very precise approximation for
04494   //            revolution bodies.
04495   //
04496   //     LWID   line width -7,...,1,2,3,..7 (default=1)
04497   //            LWID<0 will act as abs(LWID) was set for the volume
04498   //            and for all the levels below it. When SHAD is 'ON', LWID
04499   //            represent the line width of the scan lines filling the surfaces
04500   //            (whereas the FILL value represent their number). Therefore
04501   //            tuning this parameter will help to obtain the desired
04502   //            quality/performance ratio.
04503   //
04504   //     COLO   color code -166,...,1,2,..166 (default=1)
04505   //            n=1=black
04506   //            n=2=red;    n=17+m, m=0,25, increasing luminosity according to 'm';
04507   //            n=3=green;  n=67+m, m=0,25, increasing luminosity according to 'm';
04508   //            n=4=blue;   n=117+m, m=0,25, increasing luminosity according to 'm';
04509   //            n=5=yellow; n=42+m, m=0,25, increasing luminosity according to 'm';
04510   //            n=6=violet; n=142+m, m=0,25, increasing luminosity according to 'm';
04511   //            n=7=light-blue; n=92+m, m=0,25, increasing luminosity according to 'm';
04512   //            color=n*10+m, m=1,2,...9, will produce the same color
04513   //            as 'n', but with increasing luminosity according to 'm';
04514   //            COLO<0 will act as if abs(COLO) was set for the volume
04515   //            and for all the levels below it.
04516   //            When for a volume the attribute FILL is > 1 (and the
04517   //            option SHAD is on), the ABS of its color code must be < 8
04518   //            because an automatic shading of its faces will be
04519   //            performed.
04520   //
04521   //     FILL  (1992) fill area  -7,...,0,1,...7 (default=0)
04522   //            when option SHAD is "on" the FILL attribute of any
04523   //            volume can be set different from 0 (normal drawing);
04524   //            if it is set to 1, the faces of such volume will be filled
04525   //            with solid colors; if ABS(FILL) is > 1, then a light
04526   //            source is placed along the observer line, and the faces of
04527   //            such volumes will be painted by colors whose luminosity
04528   //            will depend on the amount of light reflected;
04529   //            if ABS(FILL) = 1, then it is possible to use all the 166
04530   //            colors of the color table, because the automatic shading
04531   //            is not performed;
04532   //            for increasing values of FILL the drawing will be performed
04533   //            with higher and higher resolution improving the quality (the
04534   //            number of scan lines used to fill the faces increases with 
04535   //            FILL); it is possible to set different values of FILL
04536   //            for different volumes, in order to optimize at the same time
04537   //            the performance and the quality of the picture;
04538   //            FILL<0 will act as if abs(FILL) was set for the volume
04539   //            and for all the levels below it.
04540   //            This kind of drawing can be saved in 'picture files'
04541   //            or in view banks.
04542   //            0=drawing without fill area
04543   //            1=faces filled with solid colors and resolution = 6
04544   //            2=lowest resolution (very fast)
04545   //            3=default resolution
04546   //            4=.................
04547   //            5=.................
04548   //            6=.................
04549   //            7=max resolution
04550   //            Finally, if a colored background is desired, the FILL
04551   //            attribute for the first volume of the tree must be set
04552   //            equal to -abs(colo), colo being >0 and <166.
04553   //
04554   //     SET   set number associated to volume name
04555   //     DET   detector number associated to volume name
04556   //     DTYP  detector type (1,2)
04557   //
04559   char vname[5];
04560   Vname(name,vname);
04561   char vatt[5];
04562   Vname(att,vatt);
04563   g3satt(PASSCHARD(vname), PASSCHARD(vatt), val PASSCHARL(vname)
04564         PASSCHARL(vatt));
04565 }

virtual void TGeant3::Gsbool const char *  ,
const char * 
[inline, virtual]

Definition at line 973 of file TGeant3.h.

00974                                                       {}

void TGeant3::Gsckov Int_t  itmed,
Int_t  npckov,
Float_t *  ppckov,
Float_t *  absco,
Float_t *  effic,
Float_t *  rindex

Definition at line 3534 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3sckov.

Referenced by gsckov().

03536 {
03537   //
03538   //    Stores the tables for UV photon tracking in medium ITMED
03539   //    Please note that it is the user's responsibility to
03540   //    provide all the coefficients:
03541   //
03542   //
03543   //       ITMED       Tracking medium number
03544   //       NPCKOV      Number of bins of each table
03545   //       PPCKOV      Value of photon momentum (in GeV)
03546   //       ABSCO       Absorption coefficients
03547   //                   dielectric: absorption length in cm
03548   //                   metals    : absorption fraction (0<=x<=1)
03549   //       EFFIC       Detection efficiency for UV photons
03550   //       RINDEX      Refraction index (if=0 metal)
03551   //
03552   g3sckov(itmed,npckov,ppckov,absco,effic,rindex);
03553 }

void TGeant3::Gsdk Int_t  ipart,
Float_t *  bratio,
Int_t *  mode

Definition at line 3422 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3sdk.

Referenced by DefineParticles(), gsdk(), and SetDecayMode().

03423 {
03424 //  Defines branching ratios and decay modes for standard
03425 //  GEANT particles.
03426    g3sdk(ipart,bratio,mode);
03427 }

void TGeant3::Gsdvn const char *  name,
const char *  mother,
Int_t  ndiv,
Int_t  iaxis

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 4082 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3sdvn, PASSCHARD, PASSCHARL, and Vname().

Referenced by gsdvn().

04084 {
04085   //
04086   // Create a new volume by dividing an existing one
04087   //
04088   //  NAME   Volume name
04089   //  MOTHER Mother volume name
04090   //  NDIV   Number of divisions
04091   //  IAXIS  Axis value
04092   //
04093   //  X,Y,Z of CAXIS will be translated to 1,2,3 for IAXIS.
04094   //  It divides a previously defined volume.
04095   //
04096   char vname[5];
04097   Vname(name,vname);
04098   char vmother[5];
04099   Vname(mother,vmother);
04101   g3sdvn(PASSCHARD(vname), PASSCHARD(vmother), ndiv, iaxis PASSCHARL(vname)
04102         PASSCHARL(vmother));
04103 }

void TGeant3::Gsdvn2 const char *  name,
const char *  mother,
Int_t  ndiv,
Int_t  iaxis,
Double_t  c0i,
Int_t  numed

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 4106 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3sdvn2, PASSCHARD, PASSCHARL, and Vname().

Referenced by gsdvn2().

04108 {
04109   //
04110   // Create a new volume by dividing an existing one
04111   //
04112   // Divides mother into ndiv divisions called name
04113   // along axis iaxis starting at coordinate value c0.
04114   // the new volume created will be medium number numed.
04115   //
04116   char vname[5];
04117   Vname(name,vname);
04118   char vmother[5];
04119   Vname(mother,vmother);
04121   Float_t fc0i = c0i;
04122   g3sdvn2(PASSCHARD(vname), PASSCHARD(vmother), ndiv, iaxis, fc0i, numed
04123          PASSCHARL(vname) PASSCHARL(vmother));
04124 }

void TGeant3::Gsdvs const char *  name,
const char *  mother,
Float_t  step,
Int_t  iaxis,
Int_t  numed

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 4127 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3sdvs, PASSCHARD, PASSCHARL, and Vname().

Referenced by gsdvs().

04129 {
04130   //
04131   // Create a new volume by dividing an existing one
04132   //
04133   char vname[5];
04134   Vname(name,vname);
04135   char vmother[5];
04136   Vname(mother,vmother);
04138   g3sdvs(PASSCHARD(vname), PASSCHARD(vmother), step, iaxis, numed
04139         PASSCHARL(vname) PASSCHARL(vmother));
04140 }

void TGeant3::Gsdvs2 const char *  name,
const char *  mother,
Float_t  step,
Int_t  iaxis,
Float_t  c0,
Int_t  numed

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 4143 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3sdvs2, PASSCHARD, PASSCHARL, and Vname().

Referenced by gsdvs2().

04145 {
04146   //
04147   // Create a new volume by dividing an existing one
04148   //
04149   char vname[5];
04150   Vname(name,vname);
04151   char vmother[5];
04152   Vname(mother,vmother);
04154   g3sdvs2(PASSCHARD(vname), PASSCHARD(vmother), step, iaxis, c0, numed
04155          PASSCHARL(vname) PASSCHARL(vmother));
04156 }

void TGeant3::Gsdvt const char *  name,
const char *  mother,
Double_t  step,
Int_t  iaxis,
Int_t  numed,
Int_t  ndvmx

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 4159 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3sdvt, PASSCHARD, PASSCHARL, and Vname().

Referenced by gsdvt().

04161 {
04162   //
04163   // Create a new volume by dividing an existing one
04164   //
04165   //       Divides MOTHER into divisions called NAME along
04166   //       axis IAXIS in steps of STEP. If not exactly divisible
04167   //       will make as many as possible and will center them
04168   //       with respect to the mother. Divisions will have medium
04169   //       number NUMED. If NUMED is 0, NUMED of MOTHER is taken.
04170   //       NDVMX is the expected maximum number of divisions
04171   //          (If 0, no protection tests are performed)
04172   //
04173   char vname[5];
04174   Vname(name,vname);
04175   char vmother[5];
04176   Vname(mother,vmother);
04178   Float_t fstep = step;
04179   g3sdvt(PASSCHARD(vname), PASSCHARD(vmother), fstep, iaxis, numed, ndvmx
04180         PASSCHARL(vname) PASSCHARL(vmother));
04181 }

void TGeant3::Gsdvt2 const char *  name,
const char *  mother,
Double_t  step,
Int_t  iaxis,
Double_t  c0,
Int_t  numed,
Int_t  ndvmx

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 4184 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3sdvt2, PASSCHARD, PASSCHARL, and Vname().

Referenced by gsdvt2().

04186 {
04187   //
04188   // Create a new volume by dividing an existing one
04189   //
04190   //           Divides MOTHER into divisions called NAME along
04191   //            axis IAXIS starting at coordinate value C0 with step
04192   //            size STEP.
04193   //           The new volume created will have medium number NUMED.
04194   //           If NUMED is 0, NUMED of mother is taken.
04195   //           NDVMX is the expected maximum number of divisions
04196   //             (If 0, no protection tests are performed)
04197   //
04198   char vname[5];
04199   Vname(name,vname);
04200   char vmother[5];
04201   Vname(mother,vmother);
04203   Float_t fstep = step;
04204   Float_t fc0 = c0;
04205   g3sdvt2(PASSCHARD(vname), PASSCHARD(vmother), fstep, iaxis, fc0,
04206          numed, ndvmx PASSCHARL(vname) PASSCHARL(vmother));
04207 }

Int_t TGeant3::Gskine Float_t *  plab,
Int_t  ipart,
Int_t  nv,
Float_t *  ubuf = 0,
Int_t  nwbuf = 0

Definition at line 3748 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3skine.

Referenced by gskine().

03750 {
03751   //
03752   //       Store kinematics of track NT into data structure
03753   //       Track is coming from vertex NV
03754   //
03755   Int_t nt = 0;
03756   g3skine(plab, ipart, nv, buf, nwbuf, nt);
03757   return nt;
03758 }

void TGeant3::Gsking Int_t  igk  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 3835 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3sking.

Referenced by gsking().

03836 {
03837   //
03838   //   Stores in stack JSTAK either the IGKth track of /GCKING/,
03839   //    or the NGKINE tracks when IGK is 0.
03840   //
03841   g3sking(igk);
03842 }

void TGeant3::Gskpho Int_t  igk  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 3845 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3skpho.

Referenced by gskpho().

03846 {
03847   //
03848   //  Stores in stack JSTAK either the IGKth Cherenkov photon of
03849   //  /GCKIN2/, or the NPHOT tracks when IGK is 0.
03850   //
03851   g3skpho(igk);
03852 }

void TGeant3::Gsmate Int_t  imat,
const char *  name,
Float_t  a,
Float_t  z,
Float_t  dens,
Float_t  radl,
Float_t  absl

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 3430 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3smate, PASSCHARD, and PASSCHARL.

Referenced by gsmate().

03432 {
03433   //
03434   // Defines a Material
03435   //
03436   //  kmat               number assigned to the material
03437   //  name               material name
03438   //  a                  atomic mass in au
03439   //  z                  atomic number
03440   //  dens               density in g/cm3
03441   //  absl               absorption length in cm
03442   //                     if >=0 it is ignored and the program
03443   //                     calculates it, if <0. -absl is taken
03444   //  radl               radiation length in cm
03445   //                     if >=0 it is ignored and the program
03446   //                     calculates it, if <0. -radl is taken
03447   //  buf                pointer to an array of user words
03448   //  nbuf               number of user words
03449   //
03450   Float_t *ubuf=0;
03451   Int_t   nbuf=0;
03452   if (dens <= 0 && a != 0 && z != 0) {
03453      Warning("Gsmate","Density was o, set to 0.01 for imat=%d, name=%s",
03454              imat,name);
03455      dens = 0.01;
03456   }
03457   g3smate(imat,PASSCHARD(name), a, z, dens, radl, absl, ubuf, nbuf
03458          PASSCHARL(name));
03459 }

void TGeant3::Gsmixt Int_t  imat,
const char *  name,
Float_t *  a,
Float_t *  z,
Float_t  dens,
Int_t  nlmat,
Float_t *  wmat

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 3462 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3smixt, PASSCHARD, and PASSCHARL.

Referenced by gsmixt().

03464 {
03465   //
03466   //       Defines mixture OR COMPOUND IMAT as composed by
03467   //       THE BASIC NLMAT materials defined by arrays A,Z and WMAT
03468   //
03469   //       If NLMAT.GT.0 then WMAT contains the PROPORTION BY
03471   //
03472   //       If NLMAT.LT.0 then WMAT contains the number of atoms
03473   //       of a given kind into the molecule of the COMPOUND
03474   //       In this case, WMAT in output is changed to relative
03475   //       weights.
03476   //
03477   g3smixt(imat,PASSCHARD(name), a, z,dens, nlmat,wmat PASSCHARL(name));
03478 }

void TGeant3::Gsord const char *  name,
Int_t  iax

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 4210 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3sord, PASSCHARD, PASSCHARL, and Vname().

Referenced by gsord().

04211 {
04212   //
04213   //    Flags volume CHNAME whose contents will have to be ordered
04214   //    along axis IAX, by setting the search flag to -IAX
04215   //           IAX = 1    X axis
04216   //           IAX = 2    Y axis
04217   //           IAX = 3    Z axis
04218   //           IAX = 4    Rxy (static ordering only  -> GTMEDI)
04219   //           IAX = 14   Rxy (also dynamic ordering -> GTNEXT)
04220   //           IAX = 5    Rxyz (static ordering only -> GTMEDI)
04221   //           IAX = 15   Rxyz (also dynamic ordering -> GTNEXT)
04222   //           IAX = 6    PHI   (PHI=0 => X axis)
04223   //           IAX = 7    THETA (THETA=0 => Z axis)
04224   //
04226   char vname[5];
04227   Vname(name,vname);
04228   g3sord(PASSCHARD(vname), iax PASSCHARL(vname));
04229 }

void TGeant3::Gspart Int_t  ipart,
const char *  name,
Int_t  itrtyp,
Double_t  amass,
Double_t  charge,
Double_t  tlife

Definition at line 3481 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3spart, PASSCHARD, and PASSCHARL.

Referenced by DefineParticle(), DefineParticles(), and gspart().

03483 {
03484   //
03485   // Store particle parameters
03486   //
03487   // ipart           particle code
03488   // name            particle name
03489   // itrtyp          transport method (see GEANT manual)
03490   // amass           mass in GeV/c2
03491   // charge          charge in electron units
03492   // tlife           lifetime in seconds
03493   //
03494   Float_t *ubuf=0;
03495   Int_t   nbuf=0;
03496   Float_t fmass = amass;
03497   Float_t fcharge = charge;
03498   Float_t flife = tlife;
03500   g3spart(ipart,PASSCHARD(name), itrtyp, fmass, fcharge, flife, ubuf, nbuf
03501          PASSCHARL(name));
03502 }

void TGeant3::Gspos const char *  name,
Int_t  nr,
const char *  mother,
Double_t  x,
Double_t  y,
Double_t  z,
Int_t  irot,
const char *  konly = "ONLY"

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 4232 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3spos, PASSCHARD, PASSCHARL, and Vname().

Referenced by gspos().

04235 {
04236   //
04237   // Position a volume into an existing one
04238   //
04239   //  NAME   Volume name
04240   //  NUMBER Copy number of the volume
04241   //  MOTHER Mother volume name
04242   //  X      X coord. of the volume in mother ref. sys.
04243   //  Y      Y coord. of the volume in mother ref. sys.
04244   //  Z      Z coord. of the volume in mother ref. sys.
04245   //  IROT   Rotation matrix number w.r.t. mother ref. sys.
04246   //  ONLY   ONLY/MANY flag
04247   //
04248   //  It positions a previously defined volume in the mother.
04249   //
04251   TString only = konly;
04252   only.ToLower();
04253   Bool_t isOnly = kFALSE;
04254   if (only.Contains("only")) isOnly = kTRUE;
04255   char vname[5];
04256   Vname(name,vname);
04257   char vmother[5];
04258   Vname(mother,vmother);
04260   Float_t fx = x;
04261   Float_t fy = y;
04262   Float_t fz = z;
04263   g3spos(PASSCHARD(vname), nr, PASSCHARD(vmother), fx, fy, fz, irot,
04264         PASSCHARD(konly) PASSCHARL(vname) PASSCHARL(vmother)
04265         PASSCHARL(konly));
04266 }

void TGeant3::Gsposp const char *  name,
Int_t  nr,
const char *  mother,
Double_t  x,
Double_t  y,
Double_t  z,
Int_t  irot,
const char *  konly,
Double_t *  upar,
Int_t  np

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 4308 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References CreateFloatArray(), and G3Gsposp().

04311 {
04312   //
04313   //      Place a copy of generic volume NAME with user number
04314   //      NR inside MOTHER, with its parameters UPAR(1..NP)
04315   //
04317   Float_t* fupar = CreateFloatArray(upar, np);
04318   G3Gsposp(name, nr, mother, x, y, z, irot, konly, fupar, np);
04319   delete [] fupar;
04320 }

void TGeant3::Gsposp const char *  name,
Int_t  nr,
const char *  mother,
Double_t  x,
Double_t  y,
Double_t  z,
Int_t  irot,
const char *  konly,
Float_t *  upar,
Int_t  np

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 4295 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References G3Gsposp().

Referenced by gsposp().

04298 {
04299   //
04300   //      Place a copy of generic volume NAME with user number
04301   //      NR inside MOTHER, with its parameters UPAR(1..NP)
04302   //
04304   G3Gsposp(name, nr, mother, x, y, z, irot, konly, upar, np);
04305 }

void TGeant3::Gsrotm Int_t  nmat,
Float_t  theta1,
Float_t  phi1,
Float_t  theta2,
Float_t  phi2,
Float_t  theta3,
Float_t  phi3

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 4323 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3srotm.

Referenced by gsrotm().

04325 {
04326   //
04327   //  nmat   Rotation matrix number
04328   //  THETA1 Polar angle for axis I
04329   //  PHI1   Azimuthal angle for axis I
04330   //  THETA2 Polar angle for axis II
04331   //  PHI2   Azimuthal angle for axis II
04332   //  THETA3 Polar angle for axis III
04333   //  PHI3   Azimuthal angle for axis III
04334   //
04335   //  It defines the rotation matrix number IROT.
04336   //
04338   g3srotm(nmat, theta1, phi1, theta2, phi2, theta3, phi3);
04339 }

void TGeant3::Gsstak Int_t  iflag  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 3855 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3sstak.

Referenced by gsstak().

03856 {
03857   //
03858   //   Stores in auxiliary stack JSTAK the particle currently
03859   //    described in common /GCKINE/.
03860   //
03861   //   On request, creates also an entry in structure JKINE :
03862   //    IFLAG =
03863   //     0 : No entry in JKINE structure required (user)
03864   //     1 : New entry in JVERTX / JKINE structures required (user)
03865   //    <0 : New entry in JKINE structure at vertex -IFLAG (user)
03866   //     2 : Entry in JKINE structure exists already (from GTREVE)
03867   //
03868   g3sstak(iflag);
03869 }

void TGeant3::Gstmed Int_t  numed,
const char *  name,
Int_t  nmat,
Int_t  isvol,
Int_t  ifield,
Float_t  fieldm,
Float_t  tmaxfd,
Float_t  stemax,
Float_t  deemax,
Float_t  epsil,
Float_t  stmin

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 3505 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3stmed, PASSCHARD, and PASSCHARL.

Referenced by gstmed().

03509 {
03510   //
03511   //  NTMED  Tracking medium number
03512   //  NAME   Tracking medium name
03513   //  NMAT   Material number
03514   //  ISVOL  Sensitive volume flag
03515   //  IFIELD Magnetic field
03516   //  FIELDM Max. field value (Kilogauss)
03517   //  TMAXFD Max. angle due to field (deg/step)
03518   //  STEMAX Max. step allowed
03519   //  DEEMAX Max. fraction of energy lost in a step
03520   //  EPSIL  Tracking precision (cm)
03521   //  STMIN  Min. step due to continuous processes (cm)
03522   //
03523   //  IFIELD = 0 if no magnetic field; IFIELD = -1 if user decision in GUSWIM;
03524   //  IFIELD = 1 if tracking performed with G3RKUTA; IFIELD = 2 if tracking
03525   //  performed with G3HELIX; IFIELD = 3 if tracking performed with G3HELX3.
03526   //
03527   Float_t *ubuf=0;
03528   Int_t   nbuf=0;
03529   g3stmed(numed,PASSCHARD(name), nmat, isvol, ifield, fieldm, tmaxfd, stemax,
03530          deemax, epsil, stmin, ubuf, nbuf PASSCHARL(name));
03531 }

void TGeant3::Gstpar Int_t  itmed,
const char *  param,
Double_t  parval

Definition at line 3667 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3stpar, PASSCHARD, and PASSCHARL.

Referenced by gstpar().

03668 {
03669   //
03670   //  To change the value of cut  or mechanism "CHPAR"
03671   //      to a new value PARVAL  for tracking medium ITMED
03672   //    The  data   structure  JTMED   contains  the   standard  tracking
03673   //  parameters (CUTS and flags to control the physics processes)  which
03674   //  are used  by default  for all  tracking media.   It is  possible to
03675   //  redefine individually  with GSTPAR  any of  these parameters  for a
03676   //  given tracking medium.
03677   //  ITMED     tracking medium number
03678   //  CHPAR     is a character string (variable name)
03679   //  PARVAL    must be given as a floating point.
03680   //
03682   Float_t fparval = parval;
03683   g3stpar(itmed,PASSCHARD(param), fparval PASSCHARL(param));
03684 }

Int_t TGeant3::Gsvert Float_t *  v,
Int_t  ntbeam,
Int_t  nttarg,
Float_t *  ubuf = 0,
Int_t  nwbuf = 0

Definition at line 3761 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3svert.

Referenced by gsvert().

03763 {
03764   //
03765   //       Creates a new vertex bank
03766   //       Vertex is generated from tracks NTBEAM NTTARG
03767   //       NVTX is the new vertex number
03768   //
03769   Int_t nwtx = 0;
03770   g3svert(v, ntbeam, nttarg, ubuf, nwbuf, nwtx);
03771   return nwtx;
03772 }

Int_t TGeant3::Gsvolu const char *  name,
const char *  shape,
Int_t  nmed,
Double_t *  upar,
Int_t  np

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 4396 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References CreateFloatArray(), and G3Gsvolu().

04398 {
04399   //
04400   //  NAME   Volume name
04401   //  SHAPE  Volume type
04402   //  NUMED  Tracking medium number
04403   //  NPAR   Number of shape parameters
04404   //  UPAR   Vector containing shape parameters
04405   //
04406   //  It creates a new volume in the JVOLUM data structure.
04407   //
04410   Int_t ivolu = 0;
04411   Float_t* fupar = CreateFloatArray(upar, npar);
04412   ivolu = G3Gsvolu(name, shape, nmed, fupar, npar);
04413   delete [] fupar;
04414   return ivolu;
04415 }

Int_t TGeant3::Gsvolu const char *  name,
const char *  shape,
Int_t  nmed,
Float_t *  upar,
Int_t  np

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 4376 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References G3Gsvolu().

Referenced by gsvolu().

04378 {
04379   //
04380   //  NAME   Volume name
04381   //  SHAPE  Volume type
04382   //  NUMED  Tracking medium number
04383   //  NPAR   Number of shape parameters
04384   //  UPAR   Vector containing shape parameters
04385   //
04386   //  It creates a new volume in the JVOLUM data structure.
04387   //
04389   Int_t ivolu = 0;
04390   ivolu = G3Gsvolu(name, shape, nmed, upar, npar);
04391   return ivolu;
04393 }

void TGeant3::Gsxyz  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 3872 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3sxyz.

Referenced by gsxyz().

03873 {
03874   //
03875   //   Store space point VECT in banks JXYZ
03876   //
03877   g3sxyz();
03878 }

void TGeant3::Gtrack  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 3881 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3track.

Referenced by gtrack().

03882 {
03883   //
03884   //   Controls tracking of current particle
03885   //
03886   g3track();
03887 }

void TGeant3::Gtreve  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 3890 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3treve.

Referenced by gtreve().

03891 {
03892   //
03893   //   Controls tracking of all particles belonging to the current event
03894   //
03895   g3treve();
03896 }

void TGeant3::GtreveRoot  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 3899 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References gtreveroot.

03900 {
03901   //
03902   //   Controls tracking of all particles belonging to the current event
03903   //
03904   gtreveroot();
03905 }

void TGeant3::Gtrig  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 3218 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3trig.

Referenced by gtrig(), and ProcessEvent().

03219 {
03220   //
03221   // Steering function to process one event
03222   //
03223   g3trig();
03225   //printf("count_gmedia= %8d\n",count_gmedia);
03226   //printf("count_gtmedi= %8d\n",count_gtmedi);
03227   //printf("count_ginvol= %8d\n",count_ginvol);
03228   //printf("count_gtnext= %8d\n",count_gtnext);
03229 }

void TGeant3::Gtrigc  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 3232 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3trigc.

Referenced by gtrigc(), and ProcessEvent().

03233 {
03234   //
03235   // Clear event partition
03236   //
03237   g3trigc();
03238 }

void TGeant3::Gtrigi  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 3241 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3trigi.

Referenced by gtrigi(), and ProcessEvent().

03242 {
03243   //
03244   // Initializes event partition
03245   //
03246   g3trigi();
03247 }

void TGeant3::Gwork Int_t  nwork  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 3250 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3work.

03251 {
03252   //
03253   // Allocates workspace in ZEBRA memory
03254   //
03255   g3work(nwork);
03256 }

void TGeant3::Gzinit  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 3259 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3zinit.

Referenced by gzinit().

03260 {
03261   //
03262   // To initialize GEANT/ZEBRA data structures
03263   //
03264   g3zinit();
03265 }

Int_t TGeant3::IdFromPDG Int_t  pdg  )  const

Definition at line 1493 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fNPDGCodes, and fPDGCode.

Referenced by DefineParticle(), Gfpart(), Gppart(), SetDecayMode(), and SetUserDecay().

01494 {
01495   //
01496   // Return Geant3 code from PDG and pseudo ENDF code
01497   //
01498   for(Int_t i=0;i<fNPDGCodes;++i)
01499     if(pdg==fPDGCode[i]) return i;
01500   return -1;
01501 }

void TGeant3::Init  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 6314 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References DefineParticles(), FinishGeometry(), kABAN, kAUTO, kDEBU, kERAN, kOPTI, kSWIT, kTRIG, SetABAN(), SetAUTO(), SetDEBU(), SetERAN(), SetOPTI(), SetSWIT(), and SetTRIG().

06315 {
06316     //
06317     //=================Create Materials and geometry
06318     //
06320     //  Some default settings, if not changed by user
06321     if (!TestBit(kTRIG)) SetTRIG(1);       // Number of events to be processed
06322     if (!TestBit(kSWIT)) SetSWIT(4, 10);   //
06323     if (!TestBit(kDEBU)) SetDEBU(0, 0, 1); //
06324     if (!TestBit(kAUTO)) SetAUTO(1);       // Select automatic STMIN etc... 
06325                                            // calc. (AUTO 1) or manual (AUTO 0)
06326     if (!TestBit(kABAN)) SetABAN(0);       // Restore 3.16 behaviour for 
06327                                            // abandoned tracks
06328     if (!TestBit(kOPTI)) SetOPTI(2);       // Select optimisation level for 
06329                                            // GEANT geometry searches (0,1,2)
06330     if (!TestBit(kERAN)) SetERAN(5.e-7);   //
06332     DefineParticles();
06333     fApplication->AddParticles();
06334     fApplication->AddIons();
06335     fApplication->ConstructGeometry();
06336     FinishGeometry();
06338     fApplication->ConstructOpGeometry();
06339 #endif
06340     fApplication->InitGeometry();
06341 }

void TGeant3::InitGEANE  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1241 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References geant3, SetClose(), and SetECut().

Referenced by TGeant3().

01242 {
01243   //
01244   // Initialize GEANE for default use
01245   //
01246   Float_t pf[3]={0.,0.,0.};
01247   Float_t w1[3]={0.,0.,0.};
01248   Float_t w2[3]={0.,0.,0.};
01249   Float_t p1[3]={0.,0.,0.};
01250   Float_t p2[3]={0.,0.,0.};
01251   Float_t p3[3]={0.,0.,0.};
01252   Float_t cl[3]={0.,0.,0.};
01253   geant3 = this;
01254   geant3->SetECut(1.);
01255   geant3->SetClose(0,pf,999.,w1,w2,p1,p2,p3,cl);
01256 }

void TGeant3::InitHIGZ  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1233 of file TGeant3.cxx.

01234 {
01235   //
01236   // Initialize HIGZ
01237   //
01238 }

void TGeant3::InitLego  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 2562 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References SetDEBU(), and SetSWIT().

02563 {
02564   //
02565   // Set switches for lego transport
02566   //
02567   SetSWIT(4,0);
02568   SetDEBU(0,0,0);  //do not print a message
02569 }

virtual Int_t* TGeant3::Iq  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 790 of file TGeant3.h.

References fZiq.

Referenced by GetMaterial(), and PTGuiRollG3::RollMaterials().

00790 {return fZiq;}

Bool_t TGeant3::IsNewTrack  )  const

Definition at line 2338 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGctrak, and Gctrak_t::sleng.

02339 {
02340   //
02341   // True if the track is not at the boundary of the current volume
02342   //
02343   return (fGctrak->sleng==0);
02344 }

virtual Bool_t TGeant3::IsRootGeometrySupported  )  const [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 612 of file TGeant3.h.

00612 {return kFALSE;}

Bool_t TGeant3::IsTrackAlive  )  const

Definition at line 2583 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGctrak, and Gctrak_t::istop.

02584 {
02585   //
02586   // True if the current particle is alive and will continue to be
02587   // transported
02588   //
02589   return (fGctrak->istop==0);
02590 }

Bool_t TGeant3::IsTrackDisappeared  )  const

Definition at line 2572 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGctrak, and Gctrak_t::istop.

02573 {
02574   //
02575   // True if the current particle has disappeared
02576   // either because it decayed or because it underwent
02577   // an inelastic collision
02578   //
02579   return (fGctrak->istop==1);
02580 }

Bool_t TGeant3::IsTrackEntering  )  const

Definition at line 2356 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGctrak, and Gctrak_t::inwvol.

02357 {
02358   //
02359   // True if this is the first step of the track in the current volume
02360   //
02361   return (fGctrak->inwvol==1);
02362 }

Bool_t TGeant3::IsTrackExiting  )  const

Definition at line 2365 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGctrak, and Gctrak_t::inwvol.

02366 {
02367   //
02368   // True if this is the last step of the track in the current volume
02369   //
02370   return (fGctrak->inwvol==2);
02371 }

Bool_t TGeant3::IsTrackInside  )  const

Definition at line 2347 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGctrak, and Gctrak_t::inwvol.

02348 {
02349   //
02350   // True if the track is not at the boundary of the current volume
02351   //
02352   return (fGctrak->inwvol==0);
02353 }

Bool_t TGeant3::IsTrackOut  )  const

Definition at line 2374 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGctrak, and Gctrak_t::inwvol.

02375 {
02376   //
02377   // True if the track is out of the setup
02378   //
02379   return (fGctrak->inwvol==3);
02380 }

Bool_t TGeant3::IsTrackStop  )  const

Definition at line 2383 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGctrak, and Gctrak_t::istop.

02384 {
02385   //
02386   // True if the track energy has fallen below the threshold
02387   //
02388   return (fGctrak->istop==2);
02389 }

void TGeant3::LoadAddress  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 1259 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fEroptc, fEropts, fErtrio, fErwork, fGcbank, fGccuts, fGcflag, fGckin2, fGckin3, fGckine, fGcking, fGclink, fGcmate, fGcmore, fGcmulo, fGcnum, fGcopti, fGcphlt, fGcphys, fGcsets, fGctlit, fGctmed, fGctpol, fGctrak, fGcvdma, fGcvolu, fPtopts, fQuest, fZiq, fZlq, fZq, gcchan, gckine, gcomad, gctrak, gcvolu, PASSCHARD, and PASSCHARL.

Referenced by TGeant3().

01260 {
01261   //
01262   // Assigns the address of the GEANT common blocks to the structures
01263   // that allow their access from C++
01264   //
01265    Int_t *addr;
01266    gcomad(PASSCHARD("QUEST"), (int*&) fQuest PASSCHARL("QUEST"));
01267    gcomad(PASSCHARD("GCBANK"),(int*&) fGcbank  PASSCHARL("GCBANK"));
01268    gcomad(PASSCHARD("GCLINK"),(int*&) fGclink  PASSCHARL("GCLINK"));
01269    gcomad(PASSCHARD("GCCUTS"),(int*&) fGccuts  PASSCHARL("GCCUTS"));
01270    gcomad(PASSCHARD("GCMORE"),(int*&) fGcmore  PASSCHARL("GCMORE"));
01271    gcomad(PASSCHARD("GCMULO"),(int*&) fGcmulo  PASSCHARL("GCMULO"));
01272    gcomad(PASSCHARD("GCFLAG"),(int*&) fGcflag  PASSCHARL("GCFLAG"));
01273    gcomad(PASSCHARD("GCKINE"),(int*&) fGckine  PASSCHARL("GCKINE"));
01274    gcomad(PASSCHARD("GCKING"),(int*&) fGcking  PASSCHARL("GCKING"));
01275    gcomad(PASSCHARD("GCKIN2"),(int*&) fGckin2  PASSCHARL("GCKIN2"));
01276    gcomad(PASSCHARD("GCKIN3"),(int*&) fGckin3  PASSCHARL("GCKIN3"));
01277    gcomad(PASSCHARD("GCMATE"),(int*&) fGcmate  PASSCHARL("GCMATE"));
01278    gcomad(PASSCHARD("GCTMED"),(int*&) fGctmed  PASSCHARL("GCTMED"));
01279    gcomad(PASSCHARD("GCTRAK"),(int*&) fGctrak  PASSCHARL("GCTRAK"));
01280    gcomad(PASSCHARD("GCTPOL"),(int*&) fGctpol  PASSCHARL("GCTPOL"));
01281    gcomad(PASSCHARD("GCVOLU"),(int*&) fGcvolu  PASSCHARL("GCVOLU"));
01282    gcomad(PASSCHARD("GCNUM"), (int*&) fGcnum   PASSCHARL("GCNUM"));
01283    gcomad(PASSCHARD("GCSETS"),(int*&) fGcsets  PASSCHARL("GCSETS"));
01284    gcomad(PASSCHARD("GCPHYS"),(int*&) fGcphys  PASSCHARL("GCPHYS"));
01285    gcomad(PASSCHARD("GCPHLT"),(int*&) fGcphlt  PASSCHARL("GCPHLT"));
01286    gcomad(PASSCHARD("GCOPTI"),(int*&) fGcopti  PASSCHARL("GCOPTI"));
01287    gcomad(PASSCHARD("GCTLIT"),(int*&) fGctlit  PASSCHARL("GCTLIT"));
01288    gcomad(PASSCHARD("GCVDMA"),(int*&) fGcvdma  PASSCHARL("GCVDMA"));
01289    gcomad(PASSCHARD("GCCHAN"),(int*&) gcchan   PASSCHARL("GCCHAN"));
01291    // Commons for GEANE
01292    gcomad(PASSCHARD("ERTRIO"),(int*&) fErtrio  PASSCHARL("ERTRIO"));
01293    gcomad(PASSCHARD("EROPTS"),(int*&) fEropts  PASSCHARL("EROPTS"));
01294    gcomad(PASSCHARD("EROPTC"),(int*&) fEroptc  PASSCHARL("EROPTC"));
01295    gcomad(PASSCHARD("ERWORK"),(int*&) fErwork  PASSCHARL("ERWORK"));
01297 //sk:begin
01298 //    Modified: S. Kasahara  2006/05/07
01299 //    Add section for G3PTSim customization commons
01300    gcomad(PASSCHARD("PTOPTS"),(int*&) fPtopts  PASSCHARL("PTOPTS"));
01301    fPtopts -> use_alt_dedx = 1;  // default
01302 //sk:end
01304    // Variables for ZEBRA store
01305    gcomad(PASSCHARD("IQ"), addr  PASSCHARL("IQ"));
01306    fZiq = addr;
01307    gcomad(PASSCHARD("LQ"), addr  PASSCHARL("LQ"));
01308    fZlq = addr;
01309    fZq       = (float*)fZiq;
01310    gctrak = fGctrak;
01311    gcvolu = fGcvolu;
01312    gckine = fGckine;
01313 }

virtual Int_t* TGeant3::Lq  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 791 of file TGeant3.h.

References fZlq.

Referenced by PTGuiRollG3::Cut(), TGeant3TGeo::GetMaterial(), GetMaterial(), TGeant3TGeo::GetMedium(), GetMedium(), GetShape(), and PTGuiRollG3::RollMaterials().

00791 {return fZlq;}

void TGeant3::Material Int_t &  kmat,
const char *  name,
Double_t  a,
Double_t  z,
Double_t  dens,
Double_t  radl,
Double_t  absl,
Double_t *  buf,
Int_t  nwbuf

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 2740 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References CreateFloatArray(), and G3Material().

02743 {
02744   //
02745   // Defines a Material
02746   //
02747   //  kmat               number assigned to the material
02748   //  name               material name
02749   //  a                  atomic mass in au
02750   //  z                  atomic number
02751   //  dens               density in g/cm3
02752   //  absl               absorption length in cm
02753   //                     if >=0 it is ignored and the program
02754   //                     calculates it, if <0. -absl is taken
02755   //  radl               radiation length in cm
02756   //                     if >=0 it is ignored and the program
02757   //                     calculates it, if <0. -radl is taken
02758   //  buf                pointer to an array of user words
02759   //  nbuf               number of user words
02760   //
02763   Float_t* fbuf = CreateFloatArray(buf, nwbuf);
02764   G3Material(kmat, name, a, z, dens, radl, absl, fbuf, nwbuf);
02765   delete [] fbuf;
02766 }

void TGeant3::Material Int_t &  kmat,
const char *  name,
Double_t  a,
Double_t  z,
Double_t  dens,
Double_t  radl,
Double_t  absl,
Float_t *  buf = 0,
Int_t  nwbuf = 0

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 2714 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References G3Material().

02717 {
02718   //
02719   // Defines a Material
02720   //
02721   //  kmat               number assigned to the material
02722   //  name               material name
02723   //  a                  atomic mass in au
02724   //  z                  atomic number
02725   //  dens               density in g/cm3
02726   //  absl               absorption length in cm
02727   //                     if >=0 it is ignored and the program
02728   //                     calculates it, if <0. -absl is taken
02729   //  radl               radiation length in cm
02730   //                     if >=0 it is ignored and the program
02731   //                     calculates it, if <0. -radl is taken
02732   //  buf                pointer to an array of user words
02733   //  nbuf               number of user words
02734   //
02736   G3Material(kmat, name, a, z, dens, radl, absl, buf, nwbuf);
02737 }

void TGeant3::Matrix Int_t &  krot,
Double_t  thex,
Double_t  phix,
Double_t  they,
Double_t  phiy,
Double_t  thez,
Double_t  phiz

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 2974 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGclink, fZiq, fZlq, g3srotm, and Gclink_t::jrotm.

02976 {
02977   //
02978   //  krot     rotation matrix number assigned
02979   //  theta1   polar angle for axis i
02980   //  phi1     azimuthal angle for axis i
02981   //  theta2   polar angle for axis ii
02982   //  phi2     azimuthal angle for axis ii
02983   //  theta3   polar angle for axis iii
02984   //  phi3     azimuthal angle for axis iii
02985   //
02986   //  it defines the rotation matrix number irot.
02987   //
02988   krot = -1;
02989   Int_t jrotm=fGclink->jrotm;
02990   krot=1;
02991   Int_t ns, i;
02992   if(jrotm>0) {
02993     ns=fZiq[jrotm-2];
02994     krot=ns+1;
02995     for(i=1; i<=ns; i++) {
02996       if(fZlq[jrotm-i]==0) {
02997         krot=i;
02998         break;
02999       }
03000     }
03001   }
03002   g3srotm(krot, thex, phix, they, phiy, thez, phiz);
03003 }

Double_t TGeant3::MaxStep  )  const

Definition at line 2623 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGctmed, and Gctmed_t::stemax.

02624 {
02625   //
02626   // Return the maximum step length in the current medium
02627   //
02628   return fGctmed->stemax;
02629 }

void TGeant3::Medium Int_t &  kmed,
const char *  name,
Int_t  nmat,
Int_t  isvol,
Int_t  ifield,
Double_t  fieldm,
Double_t  tmaxfd,
Double_t  stemax,
Double_t  deemax,
Double_t  epsil,
Double_t  stmin,
Double_t *  ubuf,
Int_t  nbuf

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 2943 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References CreateFloatArray(), and G3Medium().

02947 {
02948   //
02949   //  kmed      tracking medium number assigned
02950   //  name      tracking medium name
02951   //  nmat      material number
02952   //  isvol     sensitive volume flag
02953   //  ifield    magnetic field
02954   //  fieldm    max. field value (kilogauss)
02955   //  tmaxfd    max. angle due to field (deg/step)
02956   //  stemax    max. step allowed
02957   //  deemax    max. fraction of energy lost in a step
02958   //  epsil     tracking precision (cm)
02959   //  stmin     min. step due to continuous processes (cm)
02960   //
02961   //  ifield = 0 if no magnetic field; ifield = -1 if user decision in guswim;
02962   //  ifield = 1 if tracking performed with g3rkuta; ifield = 2 if tracking
02963   //  performed with g3helix; ifield = 3 if tracking performed with g3helx3.
02964   //
02966   Float_t* fubuf = CreateFloatArray(ubuf, nbuf);
02967   G3Medium(kmed,name,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd,stemax,deemax,epsil,
02968            stmin, fubuf, nbuf);
02969   delete [] fubuf;
02971 }

void TGeant3::Medium Int_t &  kmed,
const char *  name,
Int_t  nmat,
Int_t  isvol,
Int_t  ifield,
Double_t  fieldm,
Double_t  tmaxfd,
Double_t  stemax,
Double_t  deemax,
Double_t  epsil,
Double_t  stmin,
Float_t *  ubuf = 0,
Int_t  nbuf = 0

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 2914 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References G3Medium().

02918 {
02919   //
02920   //  kmed      tracking medium number assigned
02921   //  name      tracking medium name
02922   //  nmat      material number
02923   //  isvol     sensitive volume flag
02924   //  ifield    magnetic field
02925   //  fieldm    max. field value (kilogauss)
02926   //  tmaxfd    max. angle due to field (deg/step)
02927   //  stemax    max. step allowed
02928   //  deemax    max. fraction of energy lost in a step
02929   //  epsil     tracking precision (cm)
02930   //  stmin     min. step due to continuous processes (cm)
02931   //
02932   //  ifield = 0 if no magnetic field; ifield = -1 if user decision in guswim;
02933   //  ifield = 1 if tracking performed with g3rkuta; ifield = 2 if tracking
02934   //  performed with g3helix; ifield = 3 if tracking performed with g3helx3.
02935   //
02937   G3Medium(kmed,name,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd,stemax,deemax,epsil,
02938            stmin, ubuf, nbuf);
02940 }

Int_t TGeant3::MediumId const Text_t *  name  )  const

Definition at line 1859 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fMedNames.

01860 {
01861     // Return the unique numeric identifier for medium name                  
01863   Int_t nmed = fMedNames.GetEntriesFast();
01864   for ( Int_t imed = 1; imed < nmed; imed++ ) {
01866     TString name = ((TObjString*)fMedNames.At(imed))->GetString();
01867     if ( name == TString(medName) )  return imed;
01868   }
01869   printf("MediumId: Medium %s not found\n", medName);
01870   return 0;
01871 }      

void TGeant3::Mixture Int_t &  kmat,
const char *  name,
Double_t *  a,
Double_t *  z,
Double_t  dens,
Int_t  nlmat,
Double_t *  wmat

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 2834 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References CreateFloatArray(), and G3Mixture().

02836 {
02837   //
02838   // Defines mixture OR COMPOUND IMAT as composed by
02839   // THE BASIC NLMAT materials defined by arrays A,Z and WMAT
02840   //
02841   // If NLMAT > 0 then wmat contains the proportion by
02842   // weights of each basic material in the mixture.
02843   //
02844   // If nlmat < 0 then WMAT contains the number of atoms
02845   // of a given kind into the molecule of the COMPOUND
02846   // In this case, WMAT in output is changed to relative
02847   // weights.
02848   //
02850   Float_t* fa = CreateFloatArray(a, TMath::Abs(nlmat));
02851   Float_t* fz = CreateFloatArray(z, TMath::Abs(nlmat));
02852   Float_t* fwmat = CreateFloatArray(wmat, TMath::Abs(nlmat));
02854   G3Mixture(kmat, name, fa, fz, dens, nlmat, fwmat);
02855   Int_t i;
02856   for (i=0; i<TMath::Abs(nlmat); i++) {
02857     a[i] = fa[i]; z[i] = fz[i]; wmat[i] = fwmat[i];
02858   }
02860   delete [] fa;
02861   delete [] fz;
02862   delete [] fwmat;
02863 }

void TGeant3::Mixture Int_t &  kmat,
const char *  name,
Float_t *  a,
Float_t *  z,
Double_t  dens,
Int_t  nlmat,
Float_t *  wmat

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 2802 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References CreateFloatArray(), and G3Mixture().

02804 {
02805   //
02806   // Defines mixture OR COMPOUND IMAT as composed by
02807   // THE BASIC NLMAT materials defined by arrays A,Z and WMAT
02808   //
02809   // If NLMAT > 0 then wmat contains the proportion by
02810   // weights of each basic material in the mixture.
02811   //
02812   // If nlmat < 0 then WMAT contains the number of atoms
02813   // of a given kind into the molecule of the COMPOUND
02814   // In this case, WMAT in output is changed to relative
02815   // weights.
02816   //
02818   Float_t* fa = CreateFloatArray(a, TMath::Abs(nlmat));
02819   Float_t* fz = CreateFloatArray(z, TMath::Abs(nlmat));
02820   Float_t* fwmat = CreateFloatArray(wmat, TMath::Abs(nlmat));
02822   G3Mixture(kmat, name, fa, fz, dens, nlmat, fwmat);
02823   Int_t i;
02824   for (i=0; i<TMath::Abs(nlmat); i++) {
02825     a[i] = fa[i]; z[i] = fz[i]; wmat[i] = fwmat[i];
02826   }
02828   delete [] fa;
02829   delete [] fz;
02830   delete [] fwmat;
02831 }

Int_t TGeant3::NextKmat  )  const [protected]

Int_t TGeant3::NextVolUp Text_t *  name,
Int_t &  copy

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 1326 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGclink, fGcvolu, fNextVol, fVolNames, fZiq, Gclink_t::jvolum, Gcvolu_t::lvolum, Gcvolu_t::names, and Gcvolu_t::number.

01327 {
01328   //
01329   // Geometry iterator for moving upward in the geometry tree
01330   // Return next volume up
01331   //
01332   fNextVol--;
01333   Int_t i, gname;
01334   if(fNextVol>=0) {
01335     gname=fGcvolu->names[fNextVol];
01336     copy=fGcvolu->number[fNextVol];
01337     i=fGcvolu->lvolum[fNextVol];
01338     name = fVolNames[i-1];
01339     if(gname == fZiq[fGclink->jvolum+i]) return i;
01340     else printf("GeomTree: Volume %s not found in bank\n",name);
01341   }
01342   return 0;
01343 }

Int_t TGeant3::NofVolDaughters const char *  volName  )  const

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 1883 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGclink, fZlq, fZq, Gclink_t::jvolum, and VolId().

01884 {
01885 // Return number of daughters of the volume specified by volName
01886 // According to A. Morsch' G3toRoot class
01887 // ---
01889   Int_t idvol = VolId(volName);
01891   Int_t jvo = fZlq[fGclink->jvolum-idvol];
01892   Int_t nin = Int_t(fZq[jvo+3]);
01893   return nin;
01894 }

Int_t TGeant3::NofVolumes  )  const

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 1874 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGcnum, and Gcnum_t::nvolum.

01875 {
01876   //
01877   // Return total number of volumes in the geometry
01878   //
01879   return fGcnum->nvolum;
01880 }

Int_t TGeant3::NSecondaries  )  const

Definition at line 2392 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGcking, and Gcking_t::ngkine.

02393 {
02394   //
02395   // Number of secondary particles generated in the current step
02396   //
02397   return fGcking->ngkine;
02398 }

TGeant3& TGeant3::operator= const TGeant3  )  [inline, protected]

Definition at line 1197 of file TGeant3.h.

01197 {return *this;}

Double_t TGeant3::ParticleCharge Int_t  pdg  )  const [virtual]

Definition at line 2171 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References Gfpart().

02172 {
02173 // Return G3 particle charge (in e)
02174 // ---
02176   char name[20];
02177   Int_t itrtyp;
02178   Float_t mass, charge, tlife;
02179   Gfpart(pdg,name, itrtyp, mass, charge, tlife);
02181   return charge;
02182 }

TString TGeant3::ParticleClass TMCParticleType  particleType  )  const [protected]

Definition at line 6272 of file TGeant3.cxx.

Referenced by DefineParticle().

06273 {
06274 //
06275 // Returns particle class name (used in TDatabasePDG) for
06276 // the specified MCParticleType
06277 // ---
06279   // CHECK
06280   switch (particleType) {
06281     case kPTGamma:    return TString("Photon");
06282     case kPTElectron: return TString("Lepton");
06283     case kPTNeutron:  return TString("Hadron");
06284     case kPTHadron:   return TString("Hadron");
06285     case kPTMuon:     return TString("Lepton");
06286     case kPTGeantino: return TString("Special");
06287     case kPTIon:      return TString("Ion");
06288     case kPTOpticalPhoton: return TString("Photon");
06289     default:          return TString("Unknown");
06290   }
06291 }

Double_t TGeant3::ParticleLifeTime Int_t  pdg  )  const [virtual]

Definition at line 2185 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References Gfpart().

02186 {
02187 // Return G3 particle life time
02188 // ---
02190   char name[20];
02191   Int_t itrtyp;
02192   Float_t mass, charge, tlife;
02193   Gfpart(pdg, name, itrtyp, mass, charge, tlife);
02195   return tlife;
02196 }

Double_t TGeant3::ParticleMass Int_t  pdg  )  const [virtual]

Definition at line 2157 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References Gfpart().

02158 {
02159 //  Return G3 particle mass
02160 // ---
02162   char name[20];
02163   Int_t itrtyp;
02164   Float_t mass, charge, tlife;
02165   Gfpart(pdg,name, itrtyp, mass, charge, tlife);
02167   return mass;
02168 }

TMCParticleType TGeant3::ParticleMCType Int_t  pdg  )  const [virtual]

Definition at line 2199 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References Gfpart(), and ParticleType().

02200 {
02201 // Return MC particle type
02202 // ---
02204   char name[20];
02205   Int_t itrtyp;
02206   Float_t mass, charge, tlife;
02207   Gfpart(pdg,name, itrtyp, mass, charge, tlife);
02209   return ParticleType(itrtyp);
02210 }

TString TGeant3::ParticleName Int_t  pdg  )  const [virtual]

Definition at line 2142 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References Gfpart().

02143 {
02144 //  Return G3 particle name
02145 // ---
02147   char name[21];
02148   Int_t itrtyp;
02149   Float_t amass, charge, tlife;
02150   Gfpart(pdg, name, itrtyp,amass, charge, tlife);
02151   name[20] = '\0';
02153   return TString(name);
02154 }

TMCParticleType TGeant3::ParticleType Int_t  itrtyp  )  const [protected]

Definition at line 6252 of file TGeant3.cxx.

Referenced by ParticleMCType().

06253 {
06254 //
06255 // Returns MCParticleType for the specified G3 transport method code
06256 // ---
06258   switch (itrtyp) {
06259     case 1:  return  kPTGamma;
06260     case 2:  return  kPTElectron;
06261     case 3:  return  kPTNeutron;
06262     case 4:  return  kPTHadron;
06263     case 5:  return  kPTMuon;
06264     case 6:  return  kPTGeantino;
06265     case 7:  return  kPTOpticalPhoton;
06266     case 8:  return  kPTIon;
06267     default: return  kPTUndefined;
06268   }
06269 }

Int_t TGeant3::PDGFromId Int_t  pdg  )  const

Definition at line 1504 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fNPDGCodes, and fPDGCode.

Referenced by TrackPid().

01505 {
01506   //
01507   // Return PDG code and pseudo ENDF code from Geant3 code
01508   //
01509   if(id>0 && id<fNPDGCodes) return fPDGCode[id];
01510   else return -1;
01511 }

void TGeant3::ProcessEvent  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 6381 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References Gtrig(), Gtrigc(), and Gtrigi().

Referenced by ProcessRun().

06382 {
06383   //
06384   // Process one event
06385   //
06386   Gtrigi();
06387   Gtrigc();
06388   Gtrig();
06389 }

Bool_t TGeant3::ProcessRun Int_t  nevent  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 6344 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References count_ginvol, count_gmedia, count_gtmedi, count_gtnext, fGcflag, fStopRun, Gcflag_t::idevt, Gcflag_t::ievent, and ProcessEvent().

06345 {
06346   //
06347   // Process the run and return true if run has finished successfully,
06348   // return false in other cases (run aborted by user)
06350   Int_t todo = TMath::Abs(nevent);
06351   for (Int_t i=0; i<todo; i++) {
06352      // Process one run (one run = one event)
06353      fGcflag->idevt  = i;
06354      fGcflag->ievent = i+1;
06355      if (fStopRun) break;
06356      fApplication->BeginEvent();
06357      if (fStopRun) break;
06358      ProcessEvent();
06359      if (fStopRun) break;
06360      fApplication->FinishEvent();
06361      if (fStopRun) break;
06362   }
06364   if (fStopRun) printf(" **** Run stopped ***\n");
06366   Bool_t returnValue = !fStopRun;
06367   fStopRun = kFALSE;
06368 #ifdef STATISTICS
06369   printf("count_gmedia= %8d\n",count_gmedia);
06370   printf("count_gtmedi= %8d\n",count_gtmedi);
06371   printf("count_ginvol= %8d\n",count_ginvol);
06372   printf("count_gtnext= %8d\n",count_gtnext);
06373   stattree->AutoSave();
06374   statfile->Close();
06375   printf("Statistics tree saved.\n");
06376 #endif
06377   return returnValue;
06378 }

TMCProcess TGeant3::ProdProcess Int_t  isec  )  const

Definition at line 2410 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGcking, fGctrak, G3toVMC(), Gcking_t::kcase, Gctrak_t::lmec, MAXMEC, Gctrak_t::namec, Gcking_t::ngkine, and Gctrak_t::nmec.

02411 {
02412   //
02413   // Name of the process that has produced the secondary particles
02414   // in the current step
02415   //
02417 //sk:begin
02418 //    Modified: S. Kasahara  2007/09/11 Method rewritten to make
02419 //    use of GCKING/KCASE variable for determining the production 
02420 //    mechanism of the secondaries.  The old method was to pick the first
02421 //    active process from the current step's list of active processes 
02422 //    that had the capability of generating secondaries.  This occasionally 
02423 //    picked the wrong secondary production mechanism.
02424 //    Revised: S. Kasahara 2007/09/22 to improve performance.
02426   if ( fGcking->ngkine <= 0 ) return kPNoProcess;
02428   // Secondaries generated, determine production mechanism hollerith  
02429   std::string casestr((const char*)(&(fGcking->kcase)));
02430   casestr.resize(4);
02432   int imech = -1;
02433   for ( Int_t km = fGctrak->nmec - 1; km >= 0; km-- ) {
02434     // Use the list of active mechanisms to narrow down the choices.
02435     // Start from the end of the list because usually the last mechanism is
02436     // the one resulting in the production of secondaries.
02437     Int_t proclmec = fGctrak->lmec[km] - 1;
02438     std::string namestr((const char*)(&(fGctrak->namec[proclmec])));
02439     namestr.resize(4);
02440     if ( casestr == namestr ) {
02441       imech = proclmec;
02442       break;
02443     }
02444   }
02446   if ( imech < 0 ) {
02447     // Failure to find matching process in active mechanism list.  This rarely
02448     // happens, but when it does try to find a match for the kcase mechanism 
02449     // using full list of possibilities.
02450     for ( Int_t km = 0; km < MAXMEC; km++ ) {
02451       std::string namestr((const char*)(&(fGctrak->namec[km])));
02452       namestr.resize(4);
02453       if ( casestr == namestr ) {
02454         imech = km;
02455         break;
02456       }
02457     }
02458   }
02460   if ( imech < 0 ) {
02461     // failure to find matching process
02462     cerr << "* TGeant3::ProdProcess secondaries present, kcase is "
02463          << casestr.c_str() << " but no matching process!*" << endl;
02464     abort();
02465   }
02466   TMCProcess vmcmech = G3toVMC(imech+1);
02468   return vmcmech;
02469 //sk:end
02471 }

virtual Ptopts_t* TGeant3::Ptopts  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 806 of file TGeant3.h.

References fPtopts.

00806 {return fPtopts;}

virtual Float_t* TGeant3::Q  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 792 of file TGeant3.h.

References fZq.

Referenced by PTGuiRollG3::Cut(), GetMaterial(), GetMedium(), and GetShape().

00792 {return fZq;}

virtual Quest_t* TGeant3::Quest  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 767 of file TGeant3.h.

References fQuest.

00767 {return fQuest;}

Bool_t TGeant3::SecondariesAreOrdered  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 668 of file TGeant3.h.

00668 {return kTRUE;}

void TGeant3::SetABAN Int_t  par = 1  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 4890 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References Gcphys_t::dphys1, fGcphys, and kABAN.

Referenced by Init().

04891 {
04892   //
04893   // par = 1 particles will be stopped according to their residual
04894   //         range if they are not in a sensitive material and are
04895   //         far enough from the boundary
04896   //       0 particles are transported normally
04897   //
04898   fGcphys->dphys1 = par;
04899   SetBit(kABAN);
04900 }

void TGeant3::SetALTDEDX Int_t  par = 1  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 5733 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fPtopts, and Ptopts_t::use_alt_dedx.

05734 {
05735   //
05736   //   Configure alternative dE/dX modeling on (default) or off.
05737   //   par =0 use standard Geant3 dE/dX modeling for density effect
05738   //       =1 use Mike Kordosky's alternative dE/dX modeling. (default)
05739   //
05740   fPtopts->use_alt_dedx = par;
05741 }

void TGeant3::SetANNI Int_t  par = 1  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 4904 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGcphys, and Gcphys_t::ianni.

04905 {
04906   //
04907   //   To control positron annihilation.
04908   //    par =0 no annihilation
04909   //        =1 annihilation. Decays processed.
04910   //        =2 annihilation. No decay products stored.
04911   //
04912   fGcphys->ianni = par;
04913 }

void TGeant3::SetAUTO Int_t  par = 1  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 4917 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGctrak, Gctrak_t::igauto, and kAUTO.

Referenced by Init().

04918 {
04919   //
04920   //  To control automatic calculation of tracking medium parameters:
04921   //   par =0 no automatic calculation;
04922   //       =1 automatic calculation.
04923   //
04924   fGctrak->igauto = par;
04925   SetBit(kAUTO);
04926 }

void TGeant3::SetBOMB Float_t  bomb = 1  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 4930 of file TGeant3.cxx.

04931 {
04932   //
04933   //  BOOM  : Exploding factor for volumes position
04934   //
04935   //  To 'explode' the detector. If BOOM is positive (values smaller
04936   //  than 1. are suggested, but any value is possible)
04937   //  all the volumes are shifted by a distance
04938   //  proportional to BOOM along the direction between their center
04939   //  and the origin of the MARS; the volumes which are symmetric
04940   //  with respect to this origin are simply not shown.
04941   //  BOOM equal to 0 resets the normal mode.
04942   //  A negative (greater than -1.) value of
04943   //  BOOM will cause an 'implosion'; for even lower values of BOOM
04944   //  the volumes' positions will be reflected respect to the origin.
04945   //  This command can be useful to improve the 3D effect for very
04946   //  complex detectors. The following commands will make explode the
04947   //  detector:
04948   //
04949 }

void TGeant3::SetBorderSurface const char *  name,
const char *  vol1Name,
int  vol1CopyNo,
const char *  vol2Name,
int  vol2CopyNo,
const char *  opSurfaceName

Definition at line 3621 of file TGeant3.cxx.

03625 {
03626    Warning("SetBorderSurface",
03627            "Not applicable in Geant3 - setting is ignored.");
03628 }   

void TGeant3::SetBREM Int_t  par = 1  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 4952 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGcphys, and Gcphys_t::ibrem.

04953 {
04954   //
04955   //  To control bremsstrahlung.
04956   //   par =0 no bremsstrahlung
04957   //       =1 bremsstrahlung. Photon processed.
04958   //       =2 bremsstrahlung. No photon stored.
04959   //
04960   fGcphys->ibrem = par;
04961 }

void TGeant3::SetCerenkov Int_t  itmed,
Int_t  npckov,
Double_t *  ppckov,
Double_t *  absco,
Double_t *  effic,
Double_t *  rindex

Definition at line 3578 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References CreateFloatArray(), and SetCerenkov().

03580 {
03581   //
03582   //    Stores the tables for UV photon tracking in medium ITMED
03583   //    Please note that it is the user's responsibility to
03584   //    provide all the coefficients:
03585   //
03586   //
03587   //       ITMED       Tracking medium number
03588   //       NPCKOV      Number of bins of each table
03589   //       PPCKOV      Value of photon momentum (in GeV)
03590   //       ABSCO       Absorption coefficients
03591   //                   dielectric: absorption length in cm
03592   //                   metals    : absorption fraction (0<=x<=1)
03593   //       EFFIC       Detection efficiency for UV photons
03594   //       RINDEX      Refraction index (if=0 metal)
03595   //
03597   Float_t* fppckov = CreateFloatArray(ppckov, npckov);
03598   Float_t* fabsco  = CreateFloatArray(absco, npckov);
03599   Float_t* feffic  = CreateFloatArray(effic, npckov);
03600   Float_t* frindex = CreateFloatArray(rindex, npckov);
03602   SetCerenkov(itmed, npckov, fppckov, fabsco, feffic, frindex);
03604   delete [] fppckov;
03605   delete [] fabsco;
03606   delete [] feffic;
03607   delete [] frindex;
03608 }

void TGeant3::SetCerenkov Int_t  itmed,
Int_t  npckov,
Float_t *  ppckov,
Float_t *  absco,
Float_t *  effic,
Float_t *  rindex

Definition at line 3556 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References g3sckov.

Referenced by SetCerenkov().

03558 {
03559   //
03560   //    Stores the tables for UV photon tracking in medium ITMED
03561   //    Please note that it is the user's responsibility to
03562   //    provide all the coefficients:
03563   //
03564   //
03565   //       ITMED       Tracking medium number
03566   //       NPCKOV      Number of bins of each table
03567   //       PPCKOV      Value of photon momentum (in GeV)
03568   //       ABSCO       Absorption coefficients
03569   //                   dielectric: absorption length in cm
03570   //                   metals    : absorption fraction (0<=x<=1)
03571   //       EFFIC       Detection efficiency for UV photons
03572   //       RINDEX      Refraction index (if=0 metal)
03573   //
03574   g3sckov(itmed,npckov,ppckov,absco,effic,rindex);
03575 }

void TGeant3::SetCKOV Int_t  par = 1  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 4965 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGctlit, and Gctlit_t::itckov.

04966 {
04967   //
04968   //  To control Cerenkov production
04969   //   par =0 no Cerenkov;
04970   //       =1 Cerenkov;
04971   //       =2 Cerenkov with primary stopped at each step.
04972   //
04973   fGctlit->itckov = par;
04974 }

void TGeant3::SetClipBox const char *  name,
Double_t  xmin = -9999,
Double_t  xmax = 0,
Double_t  ymin = -9999,
Double_t  ymax = 0,
Double_t  zmin = -9999,
Double_t  zmax = 0

Definition at line 4978 of file TGeant3.cxx.

04980 {
04981   //
04982   //  The hidden line removal technique is necessary to visualize properly
04983   //  very complex detectors. At the same time, it can be useful to visualize
04984   //  the inner elements of a detector in detail. This function allows
04985   //  subtractions (via boolean operation) of BOX shape from any part of
04986   //  the detector, therefore showing its inner contents.
04987   //  If "*" is given as the name of the
04988   //  volume to be clipped, all volumes are clipped by the given box.
04989   //  A volume can be clipped at most twice.
04990   //  if a volume is explicitly clipped twice,
04991   //  the "*" will not act on it anymore. Giving "." as the name
04992   //  of the volume to be clipped will reset the clipping.
04993   //  Parameters
04994   //  NAME   Name of volume to be clipped
04995   //  +
04996   //  XMIN   Lower limit of the Shape X coordinate
04997   //  XMAX   Upper limit of the Shape X coordinate
04998   //  YMIN   Lower limit of the Shape Y coordinate
04999   //  YMAX   Upper limit of the Shape Y coordinate
05000   //  ZMIN   Lower limit of the Shape Z coordinate
05001   //  ZMAX   Upper limit of the Shape Z coordinate
05002   //
05003   //  This function performs a boolean subtraction between the volume
05004   //  NAME and a box placed in the MARS according the values of the given
05005   //  coordinates.
05007 }

void TGeant3::SetClose Int_t  iclose,
Float_t *  pf,
Float_t  dstrt,
Float_t *  w1,
Float_t *  w2,
Float_t *  p1,
Float_t *  p2,
Float_t *  p3,
Float_t *  cl

Definition at line 5080 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References Gcmore_t::cleng, Gcmore_t::dstrt, fGcmore, Gcmore_t::iclose, Gcmore_t::p1, Gcmore_t::p2, Gcmore_t::p3, Gcmore_t::pfinal, Gcmore_t::wire1, and Gcmore_t::wire2.

Referenced by InitGEANE().

05083 {
05084   fGcmore->iclose = iclose;
05085   fGcmore->pfinal[0] = pf[0];
05086   fGcmore->pfinal[1] = pf[1];
05087   fGcmore->pfinal[2] = pf[2];
05088   fGcmore->dstrt = dstrt;
05089   fGcmore->wire1[0] = w1[0];
05090   fGcmore->wire1[1] = w1[1];
05091   fGcmore->wire1[2] = w1[2];
05092   fGcmore->wire2[0] = w2[0];
05093   fGcmore->wire2[1] = w2[1];
05094   fGcmore->wire2[2] = w2[2];
05095   fGcmore->p1[0] = p1[0];
05096   fGcmore->p1[1] = p1[1];
05097   fGcmore->p1[2] = p1[2];
05098   fGcmore->p2[0] = p2[0];
05099   fGcmore->p2[1] = p2[1];
05100   fGcmore->p2[2] = p2[2];
05101   fGcmore->p3[0] = p3[0];
05102   fGcmore->p3[1] = p3[1];
05103   fGcmore->p3[2] = p3[2];
05104   fGcmore->cleng[0] = clen[0];
05105   fGcmore->cleng[1] = clen[1];
05106   fGcmore->cleng[2] = clen[2];
05107 }

void TGeant3::SetColors  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 6392 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGclink, fGcnum, fZiq, fZlq, fZq, Gsatt(), Gclink_t::jvolum, and Gcnum_t::nvolum.

Referenced by FinishGeometry().

06393 {
06394   //
06395   // Set the colors for all the volumes
06396   // this is done sequentially for all volumes
06397   // based on the number of their medium
06398   //
06400   Int_t kv, icol;
06401   Int_t jvolum=fGclink->jvolum;
06402   //Int_t jtmed=fGclink->jtmed;
06403   //Int_t jmate=fGclink->jmate;
06404   Int_t nvolum=fGcnum->nvolum;
06405   char name[5];
06406   //
06407   //    Now for all the volumes
06408   for(kv=1;kv<=nvolum;kv++) {
06409     //     Get the tracking medium
06410     Int_t itm=Int_t (fZq[fZlq[jvolum-kv]+4]);
06411     //     Get the material
06412     //Int_t ima=Int_t (fZq[fZlq[jtmed-itm]+6]);
06413     //     Get z
06414     //Float_t z=fZq[fZlq[jmate-ima]+7];
06415     //     Find color number
06416     //icol = Int_t(z)%6+2;
06417     //icol = 17+Int_t(z*150./92.);
06418     //icol = kv%6+2;
06419     icol = itm%6+2;
06420     strncpy(name,(char*)&fZiq[jvolum+kv],4);
06421     name[4]='\0';
06422     Gsatt(name,"COLO",icol);
06423   }
06424 }

void TGeant3::SetCOMP Int_t  par = 1  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 5010 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGcphys, and Gcphys_t::icomp.

05011 {
05012   //
05013   //  To control Compton scattering
05014   //   par =0 no Compton
05015   //       =1 Compton. Electron processed.
05016   //       =2 Compton. No electron stored.
05017   //
05018   //
05019   fGcphys->icomp = par;
05020 }

Bool_t TGeant3::SetCut const char *  cutName,
Double_t  cutValue

Definition at line 1957 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References Gccuts_t::bcute, Gccuts_t::bcutm, Gccuts_t::cutele, Gccuts_t::cutgam, Gccuts_t::cuthad, Gccuts_t::cutmuo, Gccuts_t::cutneu, Gccuts_t::dcute, Gccuts_t::dcutm, fGccuts, Gccuts_t::ppcutm, and Gccuts_t::tofmax.

01958 {
01959   //
01960   // Set transport cuts for particles
01961   //
01962   Bool_t success = kTRUE;
01964   if(!strcmp(cutName,"CUTGAM"))
01965     fGccuts->cutgam=cutValue;
01966   else if(!strcmp(cutName,"CUTELE"))
01967     fGccuts->cutele=cutValue;
01968   else if(!strcmp(cutName,"CUTNEU"))
01969     fGccuts->cutneu=cutValue;
01970   else if(!strcmp(cutName,"CUTHAD"))
01971     fGccuts->cuthad=cutValue;
01972   else if(!strcmp(cutName,"CUTMUO"))
01973     fGccuts->cutmuo=cutValue;
01974   else if(!strcmp(cutName,"BCUTE"))
01975     fGccuts->bcute=cutValue;
01976   else if(!strcmp(cutName,"BCUTM"))
01977     fGccuts->bcutm=cutValue;
01978   else if(!strcmp(cutName,"DCUTE"))
01979     fGccuts->dcute=cutValue;
01980   else if(!strcmp(cutName,"DCUTM"))
01981     fGccuts->dcutm=cutValue;
01982   else if(!strcmp(cutName,"PPCUTM"))
01983     fGccuts->ppcutm=cutValue;
01984   else if(!strcmp(cutName,"TOFMAX"))
01985     fGccuts->tofmax=cutValue;
01986   else {
01987     Warning("SetCut","Cut %s not implemented\n",cutName);
01988     success = kFALSE;
01989   }
01991   return success;
01992 }

void TGeant3::SetCUTS Float_t  cutgam,
Float_t  cutele,
Float_t  cutneu,
Float_t  cuthad,
Float_t  cutmuo,
Float_t  bcute,
Float_t  bcutm,
Float_t  dcute,
Float_t  dcutm,
Float_t  ppcutm,
Float_t  tofmax,
Float_t *  gcuts = 0

Definition at line 5025 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References Gccuts_t::bcute, Gccuts_t::bcutm, Gccuts_t::cutele, Gccuts_t::cutgam, Gccuts_t::cuthad, Gccuts_t::cutmuo, Gccuts_t::cutneu, Gccuts_t::dcute, Gccuts_t::dcutm, fGccuts, Gccuts_t::gcuts, Gccuts_t::ppcutm, and Gccuts_t::tofmax.

05029 {
05030   //
05031   //  CUTGAM   Cut for gammas              D=0.001
05032   //  CUTELE   Cut for electrons           D=0.001
05033   //  CUTHAD   Cut for charged hadrons     D=0.01
05034   //  CUTNEU   Cut for neutral hadrons     D=0.01
05035   //  CUTMUO   Cut for muons               D=0.01
05036   //  BCUTE    Cut for electron brems.     D=-1.
05037   //  BCUTM    Cut for muon brems.         D=-1.
05038   //  DCUTE    Cut for electron delta-rays D=-1.
05039   //  DCUTM    Cut for muon delta-rays     D=-1.
05040   //  PPCUTM   Cut for e+e- pairs by muons D=0.01
05041   //  TOFMAX   Time of flight cut          D=1.E+10
05042   //
05043   //   If the default values (-1.) for       BCUTE ,BCUTM ,DCUTE ,DCUTM
05044   //   are not modified, they will be set to CUTGAM,CUTGAM,CUTELE,CUTELE
05045   //   respectively.
05046   //  If one of the parameters from CUTGAM to PPCUTM included
05047   //  is modified, cross-sections and energy loss tables must be
05048   //  recomputed via the function Gphysi.
05049   //
05050   fGccuts->cutgam = cutgam;
05051   fGccuts->cutele = cutele;
05052   fGccuts->cutneu = cutneu;
05053   fGccuts->cuthad = cuthad;
05054   fGccuts->cutmuo = cutmuo;
05055   fGccuts->bcute  = bcute;
05056   fGccuts->bcutm  = bcutm;
05057   fGccuts->dcute  = dcute;
05058   fGccuts->dcutm  = dcutm;
05059   fGccuts->ppcutm = ppcutm;
05060   fGccuts->tofmax = tofmax;
05061 //sk:begin
05062 //  Modified 2007/11/04 S. Kasahara to protect against null gcuts argument
05063   if ( gcuts != 0 ) { 
05064     fGccuts->gcuts[0] = gcuts[0];
05065     fGccuts->gcuts[1] = gcuts[1];
05066     fGccuts->gcuts[2] = gcuts[2];
05067     fGccuts->gcuts[3] = gcuts[3];
05068     fGccuts->gcuts[4] = gcuts[4];
05069   }
05070 //sk:end
05071 }

void TGeant3::SetDCAY Int_t  par = 1  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 5126 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGcphys, and Gcphys_t::idcay.

05127 {
05128   //
05129   //  To control Decay mechanism.
05130   //   par =0 no decays.
05131   //       =1 Decays. secondaries processed.
05132   //       =2 Decays. No secondaries stored.
05133   //
05134   fGcphys->idcay = par;
05135 }

void TGeant3::SetDEBU Int_t  emin = 1,
Int_t  emax = 999,
Int_t  emod = 1

Definition at line 5139 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGcflag, Gcflag_t::idemax, Gcflag_t::idemin, Gcflag_t::itest, and kDEBU.

Referenced by Init(), and InitLego().

05140 {
05141   //
05142   // Set the debug flag and frequency
05143   // Selected debug output will be printed from
05144   // event emin to even emax each emod event
05145   //
05146   fGcflag->idemin = emin;
05147   fGcflag->idemax = emax;
05148   fGcflag->itest  = emod;
05149   SetBit(kDEBU);
05150 }

Bool_t TGeant3::SetDecayMode Int_t  pdg,
Float_t  bratio[6],
Int_t  mode[6][3]

Definition at line 5383 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References Gsdk(), IdFromPDG(), and SetUserDecay().

05384 {
05385   //
05386   // Set user decay modes by calling Gsdk
05387   //
05388    if ( pdg == 0 ) {
05389      printf("Cannot define decay mode for particle with PDG=0");
05390      return false;
05391    }
05393    if ( IdFromPDG(pdg) < 0 ) {
05394      printf("Particle %d not in geant\n",pdg);
05395      return false;
05396    }
05398    SetUserDecay(pdg);
05400    Int_t g3mode[6];
05401    Int_t id1,id2,id3;
05402    for (Int_t k1=0; k1<6; k1++) g3mode[k1]=0;
05403    for (Int_t k=0; k<6; k++) {
05405       if(mode[k][0]!=0) {
05406         id1= IdFromPDG(mode[k][0]);
05407         if ( id1 < 0 ) {
05408           printf("Particle %d not in geant\n",mode[k][0]);
05409           return false;
05410         }
05411       }  
05412       else id1=0;
05414       if(mode[k][1]!=0) {
05415         id2= IdFromPDG(mode[k][1]);
05416         if ( id2 < 0 ) {
05417           printf("Particle %d not in geant\n",mode[k][1]);
05418           return false;
05419         }
05420       }  
05421       else id2=0;
05423       if(mode[k][2]!=0) {
05424         id3= IdFromPDG(mode[k][2]);
05425         if ( id3 < 0 ) {
05426           printf("Particle %d not in geant\n",mode[k][1]);
05427           return false;
05428         }
05429       }  
05430       else id3=0;
05431       g3mode[k]=id1 + id2* 100+ id3 * 10000 ;
05433    }                                      
05434    Gsdk(IdFromPDG(pdg), bratio, g3mode);  
05435    return kTRUE;
05436 }                                

void TGeant3::SetDRAY Int_t  par = 1  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 5154 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGcphys, and Gcphys_t::idray.

05155 {
05156   //
05157   //  To control delta rays mechanism.
05158   //   par =0 no delta rays.
05159   //       =1 Delta rays. secondaries processed.
05160   //       =2 Delta rays. No secondaries stored.
05161   //
05162   fGcphys->idray = par;
05163 }

void TGeant3::SetECut Float_t  gcalpha  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 5075 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGcmore, and Gcmore_t::gcalpha.

Referenced by InitGEANE().

05076 {
05077   fGcmore->gcalpha = gcalpha;
05078 }

void TGeant3::SetERAN Float_t  ekmin = 1.e-5,
Float_t  ekmax = 1.e4,
Int_t  nekbin = 90

Definition at line 5166 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References Gcmulo_t::ekmax, Gcmulo_t::ekmin, fGcmulo, kERAN, and Gcmulo_t::nekbin.

Referenced by Init().

05167 {
05168   //
05169   //  To control cross section tabulations
05170   //   ekmin = minimum kinetic energy in GeV
05171   //   ekmax = maximum kinetic energy in GeV
05172   //   nekbin = number of logarithmic bins (<200)
05173   //
05174   fGcmulo->ekmin = ekmin;
05175   fGcmulo->ekmax = ekmax;
05176   fGcmulo->nekbin = nekbin;
05177   SetBit(kERAN);
05178 }

void TGeant3::SetHADR Int_t  par = 1  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 5181 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGcphys, and Gcphys_t::ihadr.

05182 {
05183   //
05184   //  To control hadronic interactions.
05185   //   par =0 no hadronic interactions.
05186   //       =1 Hadronic interactions. secondaries processed.
05187   //       =2 Hadronic interactions. No secondaries stored.
05188   //
05189   fGcphys->ihadr = par;
05190 }

void TGeant3::SetKINE Int_t  kine,
Float_t  xk1 = 0,
Float_t  xk2 = 0,
Float_t  xk3 = 0,
Float_t  xk4 = 0,
Float_t  xk5 = 0,
Float_t  xk6 = 0,
Float_t  xk7 = 0,
Float_t  xk8 = 0,
Float_t  xk9 = 0,
Float_t  xk10 = 0

Definition at line 5193 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGckine, Gckine_t::ikine, and Gckine_t::pkine.

05196 {
05197   //
05198   // Set the variables in /GCFLAG/ IKINE, PKINE(10)
05199   // Their meaning is user defined
05200   //
05201   fGckine->ikine    = kine;
05202   fGckine->pkine[0] = xk1;
05203   fGckine->pkine[1] = xk2;
05204   fGckine->pkine[2] = xk3;
05205   fGckine->pkine[3] = xk4;
05206   fGckine->pkine[4] = xk5;
05207   fGckine->pkine[5] = xk6;
05208   fGckine->pkine[6] = xk7;
05209   fGckine->pkine[7] = xk8;
05210   fGckine->pkine[8] = xk9;
05211   fGckine->pkine[9] = xk10;
05212 }

void TGeant3::SetLOSS Int_t  par = 2  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 5215 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGcphys, and Gcphys_t::iloss.

05216 {
05217   //
05218   //  To control energy loss.
05219   //   par =0 no energy loss;
05220   //       =1 restricted energy loss fluctuations;
05221   //       =2 complete energy loss fluctuations;
05222   //       =3 same as 1;
05223   //       =4 no energy loss fluctuations.
05224   //  If the value ILOSS is changed, then cross-sections and energy loss
05225   //  tables must be recomputed via the command 'PHYSI'.
05226   //
05227   fGcphys->iloss = par;
05228 }

void TGeant3::SetMaterialProperty const char *  surfaceName,
const char *  propertyName,
Int_t  np,
Double_t *  pp,
Double_t *  values

Definition at line 3658 of file TGeant3.cxx.

03661                 {
03662    Warning("SetMaterialProperty",
03663            "Not applicable in Geant3 - setting is ignored.");
03664 }   

void TGeant3::SetMaterialProperty Int_t  itmed,
const char *  propertyName,
Double_t  value

Definition at line 3649 of file TGeant3.cxx.

03652 {
03653    Warning("SetMaterialProperty",
03654            "Not applicable in Geant3 - setting is ignored.");
03655 }   

void TGeant3::SetMaterialProperty Int_t  itmed,
const char *  propertyName,
Int_t  np,
Double_t *  pp,
Double_t *  values

Definition at line 3640 of file TGeant3.cxx.

03643 {
03644    Warning("SetMaterialProperty",
03645            "Not applicable in Geant3 - setting is ignored.");
03646 }   

void TGeant3::SetMaxNStep Int_t  maxnstp  ) 

Definition at line 2641 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGctrak, and Gctrak_t::maxnst.

02642 {
02643   //
02644   // Set the maximum number of steps till the particle is in the current medium
02645   //
02646   fGctrak->maxnst=maxnstp;
02647 }

void TGeant3::SetMaxStep Double_t  maxstep  ) 

Definition at line 2632 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGctmed, and Gctmed_t::stemax.

02633 {
02634   //
02635   // Set the maximum step allowed till the particle is in the current medium
02636   //
02637   fGctmed->stemax=maxstep;
02638 }

void TGeant3::SetMULS Int_t  par = 1  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 5232 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGcphys, and Gcphys_t::imuls.

05233 {
05234   //
05235   //  To control multiple scattering.
05236   //   par =0 no multiple scattering.
05237   //       =1 Moliere or Coulomb scattering.
05238   //       =2 Moliere or Coulomb scattering.
05239   //       =3 Gaussian scattering.
05240   //
05241   fGcphys->imuls = par;
05242 }

void TGeant3::SetMUNU Int_t  par = 1  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 5246 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGcphys, and Gcphys_t::imunu.

05247 {
05248   //
05249   //  To control muon nuclear interactions.
05250   //   par =0 no muon-nuclear interactions.
05251   //       =1 Nuclear interactions. Secondaries processed.
05252   //       =2 Nuclear interactions. Secondaries not processed.
05253   //
05254   fGcphys->imunu = par;
05255 }

void TGeant3::SetOPTI Int_t  par = 2  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 5258 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGcopti, Gcopti_t::ioptim, and kOPTI.

Referenced by Init().

05259 {
05260   //
05261   //  This flag controls the tracking optimization performed via the
05262   //  GSORD routine:
05263   //      1 no optimization at all; GSORD calls disabled;
05264   //      0 no optimization; only user calls to GSORD kept;
05265   //      1 all non-GSORDered volumes are ordered along the best axis;
05266   //      2 all volumes are ordered along the best axis.
05267   //
05268   fGcopti->ioptim = par;
05269   SetBit(kOPTI);
05270 }

void TGeant3::SetPAIR Int_t  par = 1  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 5273 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGcphys, and Gcphys_t::ipair.

05274 {
05275   //
05276   //  To control pair production mechanism.
05277   //   par =0 no pair production.
05278   //       =1 Pair production. secondaries processed.
05279   //       =2 Pair production. No secondaries stored.
05280   //
05281   fGcphys->ipair = par;
05282 }

void TGeant3::SetPFIS Int_t  par = 1  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 5286 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGcphys, and Gcphys_t::ipfis.

05287 {
05288   //
05289   //  To control photo fission mechanism.
05290   //   par =0 no photo fission.
05291   //       =1 Photo fission. secondaries processed.
05292   //       =2 Photo fission. No secondaries stored.
05293   //
05294   fGcphys->ipfis = par;
05295 }

void TGeant3::SetPHOT Int_t  par = 1  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 5298 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGcphys, and Gcphys_t::iphot.

05299 {
05300   //
05301   //  To control Photo effect.
05302   //   par =0 no photo electric effect.
05303   //       =1 Photo effect. Electron processed.
05304   //       =2 Photo effect. No electron stored.
05305   //
05306   fGcphys->iphot = par;
05307 }

Bool_t TGeant3::SetProcess const char *  flagName,
Int_t  flagValue

Definition at line 1995 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGcphlt, fGcphys, fGctlit, Gcphys_t::ianni, Gcphys_t::ibrem, Gcphys_t::icomp, Gcphys_t::idcay, Gcphys_t::idray, Gcphys_t::ihadr, Gcphys_t::iloss, Gcphys_t::imuls, Gcphys_t::imunu, Gcphys_t::ipair, Gcphys_t::ipfis, Gcphys_t::iphot, Gcphys_t::irayl, Gcphlt_t::istra, Gcphlt_t::isync, and Gctlit_t::itckov.

01996 {
01997   //
01998   // Set thresholds for different processes
01999   //
02000   Bool_t success = kTRUE;
02002   if(!strcmp(flagName,"PAIR"))
02003     fGcphys->ipair=flagValue;
02004   else if(!strcmp(flagName,"COMP"))
02005     fGcphys->icomp=flagValue;
02006   else if(!strcmp(flagName,"PHOT"))
02007     fGcphys->iphot=flagValue;
02008   else if(!strcmp(flagName,"PFIS"))
02009     fGcphys->ipfis=flagValue;
02010   else if(!strcmp(flagName,"DRAY"))
02011     fGcphys->idray=flagValue;
02012   else if(!strcmp(flagName,"ANNI"))
02013     fGcphys->ianni=flagValue;
02014   else if(!strcmp(flagName,"BREM"))
02015     fGcphys->ibrem=flagValue;
02016   else if(!strcmp(flagName,"HADR"))
02017     fGcphys->ihadr=flagValue;
02018   else if(!strcmp(flagName,"MUNU"))
02019     fGcphys->imunu=flagValue;
02020   else if(!strcmp(flagName,"DCAY"))
02021     fGcphys->idcay=flagValue;
02022   else if(!strcmp(flagName,"LOSS"))
02023     fGcphys->iloss=flagValue;
02024   else if(!strcmp(flagName,"MULS"))
02025     fGcphys->imuls=flagValue;
02026   else if(!strcmp(flagName,"RAYL"))
02027     fGcphys->irayl=flagValue;
02028   else if(!strcmp(flagName,"STRA"))
02029     fGcphlt->istra=flagValue;
02030   else if(!strcmp(flagName,"SYNC"))
02031     fGcphlt->isync=flagValue;
02032   else if(!strcmp(flagName,"CKOV"))
02033     fGctlit->itckov = flagValue;
02034   else  {
02035     Warning("SetFlag","Flag %s not implemented\n",flagName);
02036     success = kFALSE;
02037   }
02039   return  success;
02040 }

void TGeant3::SetRAYL Int_t  par = 1  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 5310 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGcphys, and Gcphys_t::irayl.

05311 {
05312   //
05313   //  To control Rayleigh scattering.
05314   //   par =0 no Rayleigh scattering.
05315   //       =1 Rayleigh.
05316   //
05317   fGcphys->irayl = par;
05318 }

void TGeant3::SetRootGeometry  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 3037 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fImportRootGeometry.

03038 {
03039 // Notify Geant3 about use of TGeo geometry.
03040 // The materials and tracking medias will be imported from
03041 // TGeo at FinishGeometry().
03043   Fatal("SetRootGeometry",
03044         "TGeant3 does not support Root geometry");
03046   fImportRootGeometry = kTRUE;
03047 }  

void TGeant3::SetSkinSurface const char *  name,
const char *  volName,
const char *  opSurfaceName

Definition at line 3631 of file TGeant3.cxx.

03634 {
03635    Warning("SetSkinSurface",
03636            "Not applicable in Geant3 - setting is ignored.");
03637 }   

void TGeant3::SetSTRA Int_t  par = 0  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 5321 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGcphlt, and Gcphlt_t::istra.

05322 {
05323   //
05324   //  To control energy loss fluctuations
05325   //  with the Photo-Absorption Ionization model.
05326   //   par =0 no Straggling.
05327   //       =1 Straggling yes => no Delta rays.
05328   //
05329   fGcphlt->istra = par;
05330 }

void TGeant3::SetSWIT Int_t  sw,
Int_t  val = 1

Definition at line 5333 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGcflag, Gcflag_t::iswit, and kSWIT.

Referenced by Init(), and InitLego().

05334 {
05335   //
05336   //  sw    Switch number
05337   //  val   New switch value
05338   //
05339   //  Change one element of array ISWIT(10) in /GCFLAG/
05340   //
05341   if (sw <= 0 || sw > 10) return;
05342   fGcflag->iswit[sw-1] = val;
05343   SetBit(kSWIT);
05344 }

void TGeant3::SetTrack Int_t  done,
Int_t  parent,
Int_t  pdg,
Float_t *  pmom,
Float_t *  vpos,
Float_t *  polar,
Float_t  tof,
TMCProcess  mech,
Int_t &  ntr,
Float_t  weight,
Int_t  is

Definition at line 6427 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References done().

06430 {
06431   //
06432   // Load a track on the stack
06433   //
06434   // done     0 if the track has to be transported
06435   //          1 if not
06436   // parent   identifier of the parent track. -1 for a primary
06437   // pdg    particle code
06438   // pmom     momentum GeV/c
06439   // vpos     position
06440   // polar    polarization
06441   // tof      time of flight in seconds
06442   // mecha    production mechanism
06443   // ntr      on output the number of the track stored
06444   //
06446   //  const Float_t tlife=0;
06448   //
06449   // Here we get the static mass
06450   // For MC is ok, but a more sophisticated method could be necessary
06451   // if the calculated mass is required
06452   // also, this method is potentially dangerous if the mass
06453   // used in the MC is not the same of the PDG database
06454   //
06455   Float_t mass = TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle(pdg)->Mass();
06456   Float_t e=TMath::Sqrt(mass*mass+pmom[0]*pmom[0]+
06457                         pmom[1]*pmom[1]+pmom[2]*pmom[2]);
06459 //    printf("Loading  mass %f ene %f No %d ip %d parent %d done %d "
06460 //           "pos %f %f %f mom %f %f %f kS %d m \n",
06461 //              mass,e,fNtrack,pdg,parent,done,vpos[0],vpos[1],vpos[2],
06462 //           pmom[0],pmom[1],pmom[2],kS);
06465   GetStack()->PushTrack(done, parent, pdg, pmom[0], pmom[1], pmom[2], e,
06466                        vpos[0],vpos[1],vpos[2],tof,polar[0],polar[1],polar[2],
06467                        mech, ntr, weight, is);
06468 }

void TGeant3::SetTRIG Int_t  nevents = 1  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 5348 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGcflag, kTRIG, and Gcflag_t::nevent.

Referenced by Init().

05349 {
05350   //
05351   // Set number of events to be run
05352   //
05353   fGcflag->nevent = nevents;
05354   SetBit(kTRIG);
05355 }

void TGeant3::SetUserDecay Int_t  ipart  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 5358 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGcbank, fGclink, fZlq, IdFromPDG(), Gcbank_t::ixcons, Gclink_t::jpart, mzdrop, PASSCHARD, and PASSCHARL.

Referenced by SetDecayMode().

05359 {
05360   //
05361   // Force the decays of particles to be done with Pythia
05362   // and not with the Geant routines.
05363   // just kill pointers doing mzdrop
05364   //
05365   Int_t ipart = IdFromPDG(pdg);
05366   if(ipart<0) {
05367     printf("Particle %d not in geant\n",pdg);
05368     return;
05369   }
05370   Int_t jpart=fGclink->jpart;
05371   Int_t jpa=fZlq[jpart-ipart];
05372   //
05373   if(jpart && jpa) {
05374     Int_t jpa1=fZlq[jpa-1];
05375     if(jpa1)
05376       mzdrop(fGcbank->ixcons,jpa1,PASSCHARD(" ") PASSCHARL(" "));
05377     Int_t jpa2=fZlq[jpa-2];
05378     if(jpa2)
05379       mzdrop(fGcbank->ixcons,jpa2,PASSCHARD(" ") PASSCHARL(" "));
05380   }
05381 }

void TGeant3::SetUserDecayProductStableMinLifetime Double_t  lifetime = 1.E-15  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 5744 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fUserDecayProductStableMinLifetime.

05745 {
05746   // Configure user decay code to set minimum lifetime by which decay
05747   // products will be considered stable for kick back to transport mechanism.  
05748   // If lifetime is less than minimum, the particle will be decayed promptly 
05749   // and only its decay products (if in turn stable) will be passed back 
05750   // to transport.
05751   // Note: Only particle types defined to Geant3 can be kicked back.
05752   // Args: minlifetime (sec) (default = 1.E-15 sec)
05754   fUserDecayProductStableMinLifetime = minlifetime;
05755 }

Int_t TGeant3::StepProcesses TArrayI &  proc  )  const

Definition at line 2474 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References G3toVMC(), Gctrak(), and Gctrak_t::nmec.

02475 {
02476   //
02477   // Return processes active in the current step
02478   //
02479   Int_t i;
02480   Int_t nproc=Gctrak()->nmec;
02482   // Set no active process if there are no processes
02483   if (nproc==0) {
02484     proc.Set(1);
02485     proc[0] = kPNull;
02486     return 1;
02487   }  
02489   //
02490   proc.Set(nproc);
02491   Int_t nvproc=0;
02492   //
02493   for (i=0; i<nproc; ++i)
02494     if((proc[nvproc]=G3toVMC(Gctrak()->lmec[i]))!=kPNoProcess) nvproc++;
02495   //
02496   proc.Set(nvproc);
02497   //
02498   return nvproc;
02499 }

void TGeant3::StopEvent  ) 

Definition at line 2602 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGcflag, and Gcflag_t::ieotri.

Referenced by StopRun().

02603 {
02604   //
02605   // Stop simulation of the current event and skip to the next
02606   //
02607   fGcflag->ieotri=1;
02608 }

void TGeant3::StopRun  ) 

Definition at line 2611 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fStopRun, StopEvent(), and StopTrack().

02612 {
02613   //
02614   // Stop simulation of the current event and set the abort run flag to true
02615   //
02617   StopTrack();
02618   StopEvent();
02619   fStopRun = kTRUE;
02620 }

void TGeant3::StopTrack  ) 

Definition at line 2593 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGctrak, and Gctrak_t::istop.

Referenced by StopRun().

02594 {
02595   //
02596   // Stop the transport of the current particle and skip to the next
02597   //
02598   fGctrak->istop=1;
02599 }

Double_t TGeant3::TrackCharge  )  const

Definition at line 2293 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References Gckine_t::charge, and fGckine.

02294 {
02295   //
02296   // Return charge of the track currently transported
02297   //
02298   return fGckine->charge;
02299 }

Double_t TGeant3::TrackLength  )  const

Definition at line 2329 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGctrak, and Gctrak_t::sleng.

02330 {
02331   //
02332   // Return the length of the current track from its origin
02333   //
02334   return fGctrak->sleng;
02335 }

Double_t TGeant3::TrackMass  )  const

Definition at line 2302 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References Gckine_t::amass, and fGckine.

02303 {
02304   //
02305   // Return the mass of the track currently transported
02306   //
02307   return fGckine->amass;
02308 }

void TGeant3::TrackMomentum Double_t &  px,
Double_t &  py,
Double_t &  pz,
Double_t &  etot

Definition at line 2278 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGctrak, Gctrak_t::getot, and Gctrak_t::vect.

02280 {
02281   //
02282   // Return the direction and the momentum (GeV/c) of the track
02283   // currently being transported
02284   //
02285   Double_t ptot=fGctrak->vect[6];
02286   px  =fGctrak->vect[3]*ptot;
02287   py  =fGctrak->vect[4]*ptot;
02288   pz  =fGctrak->vect[5]*ptot;
02289   etot=fGctrak->getot;
02290 }

void TGeant3::TrackMomentum TLorentzVector &  xyz  )  const

Definition at line 2264 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGctrak, Gctrak_t::getot, and Gctrak_t::vect.

Referenced by ForceDecayTime().

02265 {
02266   //
02267   // Return the direction and the momentum (GeV/c) of the track
02268   // currently being transported
02269   //
02270   Double_t ptot=fGctrak->vect[6];
02271   xyz[0]=fGctrak->vect[3]*ptot;
02272   xyz[1]=fGctrak->vect[4]*ptot;
02273   xyz[2]=fGctrak->vect[5]*ptot;
02274   xyz[3]=fGctrak->getot;
02275 }

Int_t TGeant3::TrackPid  )  const

Definition at line 2311 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGckine, Gckine_t::ipart, and PDGFromId().

02312 {
02313   //
02314   // Return the id of the particle transported
02315   //
02316   return PDGFromId(fGckine->ipart);
02317 }

void TGeant3::TrackPosition Double_t &  x,
Double_t &  y,
Double_t &  z

Definition at line 2243 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGctrak, and Gctrak_t::vect.

02244 {
02245   //
02246   // Return the current position in the master reference frame of the
02247   // track being transported
02248   //
02249   x=fGctrak->vect[0];
02250   y=fGctrak->vect[1];
02251   z=fGctrak->vect[2];
02252 }

void TGeant3::TrackPosition TLorentzVector &  xyz  )  const

Definition at line 2230 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGctrak, Gctrak_t::tofg, and Gctrak_t::vect.

02231 {
02232   //
02233   // Return the current position in the master reference frame of the
02234   // track being transported
02235   //
02236   xyz[0]=fGctrak->vect[0];
02237   xyz[1]=fGctrak->vect[1];
02238   xyz[2]=fGctrak->vect[2];
02239   xyz[3]=fGctrak->tofg;
02240 }

Double_t TGeant3::TrackStep  )  const

Definition at line 2320 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGctrak, and Gctrak_t::step.

02321 {
02322   //
02323   // Return the length in centimeters of the current step
02324   //
02325   return fGctrak->step;
02326 }

Double_t TGeant3::TrackTime  )  const

Definition at line 2255 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGctrak, and Gctrak_t::tofg.

02256 {
02257   //
02258   // Return the current time of flight of the track being transported
02259   //
02260   return fGctrak->tofg;
02261 }

Int_t TGeant3::TransportMethod TMCParticleType  particleType  )  const [protected]

Definition at line 6232 of file TGeant3.cxx.

Referenced by DefineParticle().

06233 {
06234 //
06235 // Returns G3 transport method code for the specified MCParticleType
06236 // ---
06238   switch (particleType) {
06239     case kPTGamma:    return 1;
06240     case kPTElectron: return 2;
06241     case kPTNeutron:  return 3;
06242     case kPTHadron:   return 4;
06243     case kPTMuon:     return 5;
06244     case kPTGeantino: return 6;
06245     case kPTOpticalPhoton: return 7;
06246     case kPTIon:      return 8;
06247     default:          return -1;
06248   }
06249 }

virtual Trcom3_t* TGeant3::Trcom3  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 801 of file TGeant3.h.

References fTrcom3.

00801 {return fTrcom3;}

void TGeant3::Trscsd Float_t *  pc,
Float_t *  rc,
Float_t *  pd,
Float_t *  rd,
Float_t *  h,
Float_t  ch,
Int_t  ierr,
Float_t  spu,
Float_t *  dj,
Float_t *  dk

Definition at line 5609 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References trscsd.

05609                                                                                                                                         {
05612 // ******************************************************************
05615 //       TO         VARIABLES (1/P,V',W',V,W)
05616 // 
05617 //      Authors: A. Haas and W. Wittek
05618 //  *** PC(3)     1/P,LAMBDA,PHI                          INPUT
05619 //      PD(3)     1/P,V',W'                              OUTPUT
05620 //      H(3)      MAGNETIC FIELD                          INPUT
05621 //      RC(15)    ERROR MATRIX IN   SC   VARIABLES        INPUT     (TRIANGLE)
05622 //      RD(15)    ERROR MATRIX IN 1/P,V',W',V,W          OUTPUT     (TRIANGLE)
05623 //      CH        CHARGE OF PARTICLE                      INPUT
05625 //                FOR CORRELATION TERMS (V',YT),(V',ZT),(W',YT),(W',ZT)
05628 //                AND RD FOR FIXED U
05629 //      DJ(3)     UNIT VECTOR IN V-DIRECTION
05631 // 
05633 //                       ( V',W' ARE NOT DEFINED )
05635 // ******************************************************************
05636   printf("%d\n",ierr);
05637   trscsd(pc,rc,pd,rd,h,ch,ierr,spu,dj,dk);
05638 }

void TGeant3::Trscsp Float_t *  ps,
Float_t *  rs,
Float_t *  pc,
Float_t *  rc,
Float_t *  h,
Float_t *  ch,
Int_t *  ierr,
Float_t *  spx

Definition at line 5668 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References trscsp.

05668                                                                                                                     {
05669 // ******************************************************************
05671 // 
05673 //      FROM   SC   VARIABLES (1/P,LAMBDA,PHI,YT,ZT)
05674 //       TO  SPLINE VARIABLES (1/P,Y',Z',Y,Z)
05675 // 
05676 //      Authors: A. Haas and W. Wittek
05677 // 
05678 // 
05679 //  *** PC(3)     1/P,LAMBDA,PHI                          INPUT
05680 //      PS(3)     1/P,Y',Z'                              OUTPUT
05681 //      H(3)      MAGNETIC FIELD                          INPUT
05682 //      RC(15)    ERROR MATRIX IN   SC   VARIABLES        INPUT     (TRIANGLE)
05684 //      CH        CHARGE OF PARTICLE                      INPUT
05686 //                FOR CORRELATION TERMS (Y',YT),(Y',ZT),(Z',YT),(Z',ZT)
05689 //                AND RS FOR FIXED X
05690 // 
05692 //                       ( Y',Z' ARE NOT DEFINED )
05694 // ******************************************************************
05695   trscsp(pc,rc,ps,rs,h,ch,ierr,spx);
05696 }

void TGeant3::Trsdsc Float_t *  pd,
Float_t *  rd,
Float_t *  pc,
Float_t *  rc,
Float_t *  h,
Float_t *  ch,
Int_t *  ierr,
Float_t *  spu,
Float_t *  dj,
Float_t *  dk

Definition at line 5640 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References trsdsc.

05640                                                                                                                                             {
05641 // ******************************************************************
05643 // 
05645 //      FROM        VARIABLES (1/P,V',W',V,W)
05646 //       TO    SC   VARIABLES (1/P,LAMBDA,PHI,YT,ZT)
05647 //      Authors: A. Haas and W. Wittek
05648 //  *** PD(3)     1/P,V',W'                               INPUT
05649 //      PC(3)     1/P,LAMBDA,PHI                         OUTPUT
05650 //      H(3)      MAGNETIC FIELD                          INPUT
05651 //      RD(15)    ERROR MATRIX IN 1/P,V',W',V,W           INPUT      (TRIANGLE)
05652 //      RC(15)    ERROR MATRIX IN   SC   VARIABLES       OUTPUT      (TRIANGLE)
05653 //      CH        CHARGE OF PARTICLE                      INPUT
05655 //                FOR CORRELATION TERMS (LAMBDA,V),(LAMBDA,W),(PHI,V),(PHI,W)
05658 //                AND RD FOR FIXED U
05659 //      DJ(3)     UNIT VECTOR IN V-DIRECTION
05661 // 
05662 //      IERR              NOT USED
05664 // ******************************************************************
05665  trsdsc(pd,rd,pc,rc,h,ch,ierr,spu,dj,dk);
05666 }

void TGeant3::Trspsc Float_t *  ps,
Float_t *  rs,
Float_t *  pc,
Float_t *  rc,
Float_t *  h,
Float_t *  ch,
Int_t *  ierr,
Float_t *  spx

Definition at line 5697 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References trspsc.

05697                                                                                                                     {
05699 //     ******************************************************************
05701 // 
05703 //      FROM SPLINE VARIABLES (1/P,Y',Z',Y,Z)
05704 //       TO    SC   VARIABLES (1/P,LAMBDA,PHI,YT,ZT)
05705 // 
05706 //      Authors: A. Haas and W. Wittek
05707 // 
05708 // 
05709 //  *** PS(3)     1/P,Y',Z'                               INPUT
05710 //      PC(3)     1/P,LAMBDA,PHI                         OUTPUT
05711 //      H(3)      MAGNETIC FIELD                          INPUT
05713 //      RC(15)    ERROR MATRIX IN   SC   VARIABLES       OUTPUT      (TRIANGLE)
05714 //      CH        CHARGE OF PARTICLE                      INPUT
05716 //                FOR CORRELATION TERMS (LAMBDA,Y),(LAMBDA,Z),(PHI,Y),(PHI,Z)
05719 //                AND RS FOR FIXED X
05720 // 
05721 //      IERR              NOT USED
05723 // 
05724 //     ******************************************************************
05726  trspsc(ps,rs,pc,rc,h,ch,ierr,spx);
05728 }

void TGeant3::Vname const char *  name,
char *  vname

Definition at line 5439 of file TGeant3.cxx.

Referenced by G3Gsposp(), G3Gsvolu(), Gdopt(), Gprint(), Gsatt(), Gsdvn(), Gsdvn2(), Gsdvs(), Gsdvs2(), Gsdvt(), Gsdvt2(), Gsord(), and Gspos().

05440 {
05441   //
05442   //  convert name to upper case. Make vname at least 4 chars
05443   //
05444   Int_t l = strlen(name);
05445   Int_t i;
05446   l = l < 4 ? l : 4;
05447   for (i=0;i<l;i++) vname[i] = toupper(name[i]);
05448   for (i=l;i<4;i++) vname[i] = ' ';
05449   vname[4] = 0;
05450 }

Int_t TGeant3::VolDaughterCopyNo const char *  volName,
Int_t  i

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 1915 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGclink, fZlq, fZq, Gclink_t::jvolum, and VolId().

01916 {
01917 // Return the copyNo of i-th daughters of the volume specified by volName
01918 // According to A. Morsch' G3toRoot class
01919 // ---
01921   Int_t idvol = VolId(volName);
01923   Int_t jvo = fZlq[fGclink->jvolum-idvol];
01924   Int_t nin=i+1;
01925   Int_t jin = fZlq[jvo-nin];
01927   return  Int_t(fZq[jin +3]);
01928 }

const char * TGeant3::VolDaughterName const char *  volName,
Int_t  i

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 1897 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGclink, fZlq, fZq, Gclink_t::jvolum, VolId(), and VolName().

01898 {
01899 // Return the name of i-th daughters of the volume specified by volName
01900 // According to A. Morsch' G3toRoot class
01901 // ---
01903   Int_t idvol = VolId(volName);
01905   Int_t jvo = fZlq[fGclink->jvolum-idvol];
01906   Int_t nin=i+1;
01907   Int_t jin = fZlq[jvo-nin];
01908   Int_t idvold = Int_t(fZq[jin+2]);;
01910   return VolName(idvold);
01911 }

Int_t TGeant3::VolId const Text_t *  name  )  const

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 1845 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGclink, fGcnum, fZiq, Gclink_t::jvolum, and Gcnum_t::nvolum.

Referenced by GetMaterial(), GetMedium(), NofVolDaughters(), VolDaughterCopyNo(), and VolDaughterName().

01846 {
01847   //
01848   // Return the unique numeric identifier for volume name
01849   //
01850   Int_t gname,i;
01851   strncpy((char *) &gname, name, 4);
01852   for(i=1; i<=fGcnum->nvolum; i++)
01853     if(gname == fZiq[fGclink->jvolum+i]) return i;
01854   printf("VolId: Volume %s not found\n",name);
01855   return 0;
01856 }

Int_t TGeant3::VolId2Mate Int_t  id  )  const

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 1931 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGclink, fGcnum, fZlq, fZq, Gclink_t::jvolum, and Gcnum_t::nvolum.

01932 {
01933   //
01934   // Return material number for a given volume id
01935   //
01936   if(id<1 || id > fGcnum->nvolum || fGclink->jvolum<=0)
01937     return 0;
01938   else {
01939     Int_t jvo = fZlq[fGclink->jvolum-id];
01940     return Int_t(fZq[jvo+4]);
01941   }
01942 }

const char * TGeant3::VolName Int_t  id  )  const

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 1945 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGclink, fGcnum, fVolNames, Gclink_t::jvolum, and Gcnum_t::nvolum.

Referenced by VolDaughterName().

01946 {
01947   //
01948   // Return the volume name given the volume identifier
01949   //
01950   if(id<1 || id > fGcnum->nvolum || fGclink->jvolum<=0)
01951     return fVolNames[fGcnum->nvolum];
01952   else
01953     return fVolNames[id-1];
01954 }

void TGeant3::WriteEuclid const char *  filnam,
const char *  topvol,
Int_t  number,
Int_t  nlevel

Definition at line 5759 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References fGclink, fGcnum, fZiq, fZlq, fZq, Gckpar(), Gfmate(), Gfpara(), Gftmed(), Gclink_t::jmate, Gclink_t::jrotm, Gclink_t::jtmed, Gclink_t::jvolum, Gcnum_t::nrotm, Gcnum_t::ntmed, and Gcnum_t::nvolum.

05761 {
05762   //
05763   //
05764   //     ******************************************************************
05765   //     *                                                                *
05766   //     *  Write out the geometry of the detector in EUCLID file format  *
05767   //     *                                                                *
05768   //     *       filnam : will be with the extension .euc                 *
05769   //     *       topvol : volume name of the starting node                *
05770   //     *       number : copy number of topvol (relevant for gsposp)     *
05771   //     *       nlevel : number of  levels in the tree structure         *
05772   //     *                to be written out, starting from topvol         *
05773   //     *                                                                *
05774   //     *       Author : M. Maire                                        *
05775   //     *                                                                *
05776   //     ******************************************************************
05777   //
05778   //     File filnam.tme is written out with the definitions of tracking
05779   //     medias and materials.
05780   //     As to restore original numbers for materials and medias, program
05781   //     searches in the file euc_medi.dat and comparing main parameters of
05782   //     the mat. defined inside geant and the one in file recognizes them
05783   //     and is able to take number from file. If for any material or medium,
05784   //     this procedure fails, ordering starts from 1.
05785   //     Arrays IOTMED and IOMATE are used for this procedure
05786   //
05787   const char kShape[][5]={"BOX ","TRD1","TRD2","TRAP","TUBE","TUBS","CONE",
05788                          "CONS","SPHE","PARA","PGON","PCON","ELTU","HYPE",
05789                          "GTRA","CTUB"};
05790   Int_t i, end, itm, irm, jrm, k, nmed;
05791   Int_t imxtmed=0;
05792   Int_t imxmate=0;
05793   FILE *lun;
05794   char *filext, *filetme;
05795   char natmed[21], namate[21];
05796   char natmedc[21], namatec[21];
05797   char key[5], name[5], mother[5], konly[5];
05798   char card[133];
05799   Int_t iadvol, iadtmd, iadrot, nwtot, iret;
05800   Int_t mlevel, numbr, natt, numed, nin, ndata;
05801   Int_t iname, ivo, ish, jvo, nvstak, ivstak;
05802   Int_t jdiv, ivin, in, jin, jvin, irot;
05803   Int_t jtm, imat, jma, flag=0, imatc;
05804   Float_t az, dens, radl, absl, a, step, x, y, z;
05805   Int_t npar, ndvmx, left;
05806   Float_t zc, densc, radlc, abslc, c0, tmaxfd;
05807   Int_t nparc, numb;
05808   Int_t iomate[100], iotmed[100];
05809   Float_t par[100], att[20], ubuf[50];
05810   Float_t *qws;
05811   Int_t   *iws;
05812   Int_t level, ndiv, iaxe;
05813   Int_t itmedc, nmatc, isvolc, ifieldc, nwbufc, isvol, nmat, ifield, nwbuf;
05814   Float_t fieldmc, tmaxfdc, stemaxc, deemaxc, epsilc, stminc, fieldm;
05815   Float_t tmaxf, stemax, deemax, epsil, stmin;
05816   const char *k10000="!\n%s\n!\n";
05817   //Open the input file
05818   end=strlen(filnam);
05819   for(i=0;i<end;i++) if(filnam[i]=='.') {
05820     end=i;
05821     break;
05822   }
05823   filext=new char[end+5];
05824   filetme=new char[end+5];
05825   strncpy(filext,filnam,end);
05826   strncpy(filetme,filnam,end);
05827   //
05828   // *** The output filnam name will be with extension '.euc'
05829   strcpy(&filext[end],".euc");
05830   strcpy(&filetme[end],".tme");
05831   lun=fopen(filext,"w");
05832   //
05833   // *** Initialization of the working space
05834   iadvol=fGcnum->nvolum;
05835   iadtmd=iadvol+fGcnum->nvolum;
05836   iadrot=iadtmd+fGcnum->ntmed;
05837   if(fGclink->jrotm) {
05838     fGcnum->nrotm=fZiq[fGclink->jrotm-2];
05839   } else {
05840     fGcnum->nrotm=0;
05841   }
05842   nwtot=iadrot+fGcnum->nrotm;
05843   qws = new float[nwtot+1];
05844   for (i=0;i<nwtot+1;i++) qws[i]=0;
05845   iws = (Int_t*) qws;
05846   mlevel=nlevel;
05847   if(nlevel==0) mlevel=20;
05848   //
05849   // *** find the top volume and put it in the stack
05850   numbr = number>0 ? number : 1;
05851   Gfpara(topvol,numbr,1,npar,natt,par,att);
05852   if(npar <= 0) {
05853     printf(" *** GWEUCL *** top volume : %s number : %3d can not be "
05854            "a valid root\n", topvol, numbr);
05855     return;
05856   }
05857   //
05858   // ***  authorized shape ?
05859   strncpy((char *)&iname, topvol, 4);
05860   ivo=0;
05861   for(i=1; i<=fGcnum->nvolum; i++) if(fZiq[fGclink->jvolum+i]==iname) {
05862     ivo=i;
05863     break;
05864   }
05865   jvo = fZlq[fGclink->jvolum-ivo];
05866   ish = Int_t (fZq[jvo+2]);
05867   if(ish > 12) {
05868     printf(" *** GWEUCL *** top volume : %s number : %3d can not be "
05869            "a valid root\n",topvol, numbr);
05870   }
05871   //
05872   level = 1;
05873   nvstak = 1;
05874   iws[nvstak]     = ivo;
05875   iws[iadvol+ivo] = level;
05876   ivstak = 0;
05877   //
05878   //*** flag all volumes and fill the stack
05879   //
05880  L10:
05881   //
05882   //    pick the next volume in stack
05883   ivstak += 1;
05884   ivo   = TMath::Abs(iws[ivstak]);
05885   jvo   = fZlq[fGclink->jvolum - ivo];
05886   //
05887   //     flag the tracking medium
05888   numed =  Int_t (fZq[jvo + 4]);
05889   iws[iadtmd + numed] = 1;
05890   //
05891   //    get the daughters ...
05892   level = iws[iadvol+ivo];
05893   if (level < mlevel) {
05894     level +=  1;
05895     nin = Int_t (fZq[jvo + 3]);
05896     //
05897     //       from division ...
05898     if (nin < 0) {
05899       jdiv = fZlq[jvo  - 1];
05900       ivin =  Int_t (fZq[jdiv + 2]);
05901       nvstak += 1;
05902       iws[nvstak]      = -ivin;
05903       iws[iadvol+ivin] =  level;
05904       //
05905       //       from position ...
05906     } else if (nin > 0) {
05907       for(in=1; in<=nin; in++) {
05908         jin  = fZlq[jvo - in];
05909         ivin =  Int_t (fZq[jin + 2 ]);
05910         jvin = fZlq[fGclink->jvolum - ivin];
05911         ish  =  Int_t (fZq[jvin + 2]);
05912         //              authorized shape ?
05913         if (ish <= 12) {
05914           //                 not yet flagged ?
05915           if (iws[iadvol+ivin]==0) {
05916             nvstak += 1;
05917             iws[nvstak]      = ivin;
05918             iws[iadvol+ivin] = level;
05919           }
05920           //                 flag the rotation matrix
05921           irot = Int_t ( fZq[jin + 4 ]);
05922           if (irot > 0) iws[iadrot+irot] = 1;
05923         }
05924       }
05925     }
05926   }
05927   //
05928   //     next volume in stack ?
05929   if (ivstak < nvstak) goto L10;
05930   //
05931   // *** restore original material and media numbers
05932   // file euc_medi.dat is needed to compare materials and medias
05933   //
05934   FILE* luncor=fopen("euc_medi.dat","r");
05935   //
05936   if(luncor) {
05937     for(itm=1; itm<=fGcnum->ntmed; itm++) {
05938       if (iws[iadtmd+itm] > 0) {
05939         jtm = fZlq[fGclink->jtmed-itm];
05940         strncpy(natmed,(char *)&fZiq[jtm+1],20);
05941         imat =  Int_t (fZq[jtm+6]);
05942         jma  = fZlq[fGclink->jmate-imat];
05943         if (jma <= 0) {
05944           printf(" *** GWEUCL *** material not defined for tracking medium "
05945               "%5i %s\n",itm,natmed);
05946           flag=1;
05947         } else {
05948           strncpy(namate,(char *)&fZiq[jma+1],20);
05949         }
05950         //*
05951         //** find the material original number
05952         rewind(luncor);
05953       L23:
05954         iret=fscanf(luncor,"%4s,%130s",key,card);
05955         if(iret<=0) goto L26;
05956         flag=0;
05957         if(!strcmp(key,"MATE")) {
05958           sscanf(card,"%d %s %f %f %f %f %f %d",&imatc,namatec,&az,&zc,
05959               &densc,&radlc,&abslc,&nparc);
05960           Gfmate(imat,namate,a,z,dens,radl,absl,par,npar);
05961           if(!strcmp(namatec,namate)) {
05962             if(az==a && zc==z && densc==dens && radlc==radl
05963                && abslc==absl && nparc==nparc) {
05964               iomate[imat]=imatc;
05965               flag=1;
05966               printf("*** GWEUCL *** material : %3d '%s' restored as %3d\n",
05967                   imat,namate,imatc);
05968             } else {
05969               printf("*** GWEUCL *** different definitions for material: %s\n",
05970                   namate);
05971             }
05972           }
05973         }
05974         if(strcmp(key,"END") && !flag) goto L23;
05975         if (!flag) {
05976           printf("*** GWEUCL *** cannot restore original number for "
05977               "material: %s\n",namate);
05978         }
05979         //*
05980         //*
05981         //***  restore original tracking medium number
05982         rewind(luncor);
05983       L24:
05984         iret=fscanf(luncor,"%4s,%130s",key,card);
05985         if(iret<=0) goto L26;
05986         flag=0;
05987         if (!strcmp(key,"TMED")) {
05988           sscanf(card,"%d %s %d %d %d %f %f %f %f %f %f %d\n",
05989                  &itmedc,natmedc,&nmatc,&isvolc,&ifieldc,&fieldmc,
05990                  &tmaxfdc,&stemaxc,&deemaxc,&epsilc,&stminc,&nwbufc);
05991           Gftmed(itm,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxf,stemax,deemax,
05992                         epsil,stmin,ubuf,&nwbuf);
05993           if(!strcmp(natmedc,natmed)) {
05994             if (iomate[nmat]==nmatc && nwbuf==nwbufc) {
05995               iotmed[itm]=itmedc;
05996               flag=1;
05997               printf("*** GWEUCL *** medium   : %3d '%20s' restored as %3d\n",
05998                      itm,natmed,itmedc);
05999             } else {
06000               printf("*** GWEUCL *** different definitions for tracking "
06001                   "medium: %s\n",natmed);
06002             }
06003           }
06004         }
06005         if(strcmp(key,"END") && !flag) goto L24;
06006         if(!flag) {
06007           printf("cannot restore original number for medium : %s\n",natmed);
06008           goto L27;
06009         }
06010       }
06011     }
06012     goto L29;
06013     //*
06014   }
06015  L26:   printf("*** GWEUCL *** cannot read the data file\n");
06016  L27:   flag=2;
06017  L29:   if(luncor) fclose (luncor);
06018   //
06019   //
06020   // *** write down the tracking medium definition
06021   //
06022   strcpy(card,"!       Tracking medium");
06023   fprintf(lun,k10000,card);
06024   //
06025   for(itm=1;itm<=fGcnum->ntmed;itm++) {
06026     if (iws[iadtmd+itm]>0) {
06027       jtm  = fZlq[fGclink->jtmed-itm];
06028       strncpy(natmed,(char *)&fZiq[jtm+1],20);
06029       natmed[20]='\0';
06030       imat =  Int_t (fZq[jtm+6]);
06031       jma  = fZlq[fGclink->jmate-imat];
06032       //*  order media from one, if comparing with database failed
06033       if (flag==2) {
06034         iotmed[itm]=++imxtmed;
06035         iomate[imat]=++imxmate;
06036       }
06037       //*
06038       if(jma<=0) {
06039         strcpy(namate,"                  ");
06040         printf(" *** GWEUCL *** material not defined for tracking "
06041             "medium %5d %s\n", itm,natmed);
06042       } else {
06043         strncpy(namate,(char *)&fZiq[jma+1],20);
06044         namate[20]='\0';
06045       }
06046       fprintf(lun,"TMED %3d '%20s' %3d '%20s'\n",iotmed[itm],natmed,
06047               iomate[imat],namate);
06048     }
06049   }
06050   //*
06051       //* *** write down the rotation matrix
06052   //*
06053   strcpy(card,"!       Reperes");
06054   fprintf(lun,k10000,card);
06055   //
06056   for(irm=1;irm<=fGcnum->nrotm;irm++) {
06057     if (iws[iadrot+irm]>0) {
06058       jrm  = fZlq[fGclink->jrotm-irm];
06059       fprintf(lun,"ROTM %3d",irm);
06060       for(k=11;k<=16;k++) fprintf(lun," %8.3f",fZq[jrm+k]);
06061       fprintf(lun,"\n");
06062     }
06063   }
06064   //*
06065   //* *** write down the volume definition
06066   //*
06067   strcpy(card,"!       Volumes");
06068   fprintf(lun,k10000,card);
06069   //*
06070   for(ivstak=1;ivstak<=nvstak;ivstak++) {
06071     ivo = iws[ivstak];
06072     if (ivo>0) {
06073       strncpy(name,(char *)&fZiq[fGclink->jvolum+ivo],4);
06074       name[4]='\0';
06075       jvo  = fZlq[fGclink->jvolum-ivo];
06076       ish   = Int_t (fZq[jvo+2]);
06077       nmed  = Int_t (fZq[jvo+4]);
06078       npar  = Int_t (fZq[jvo+5]);
06079       if (npar>0) {
06080         if (ivstak>1) for(i=0;i<npar;i++) par[i]=fZq[jvo+7+i];
06081         Gckpar (ish,npar,par);
06082         fprintf(lun,"VOLU '%4s' '%4s' %3d %3d\n",name,kShape[ish-1],
06083              iotmed[nmed],npar);
06084         for(i=0;i<(npar-1)/6+1;i++) {
06085           fprintf(lun,"     ");
06086           left=npar-i*6;
06087           for(k=0;k<(left<6?left:6);k++) fprintf(lun," %11.5f",par[i*6+k]);
06088           fprintf(lun,"\n");
06089         }
06090       } else {
06091         fprintf(lun,"VOLU '%4s' '%4s' %3d %3d\n",name,kShape[ish-1],
06092              iotmed[nmed],npar);
06093       }
06094     }
06095   }
06096   //*
06097   //* *** write down the division of volumes
06098   //*
06099   fprintf(lun,k10000,"!       Divisions");
06100   for(ivstak=1;ivstak<=nvstak;ivstak++) {
06101     ivo = TMath::Abs(iws[ivstak]);
06102     jvo  = fZlq[fGclink->jvolum-ivo];
06103     ish  = Int_t (fZq[jvo+2]);
06104     nin  = Int_t (fZq[jvo+3]);
06105     //*        this volume is divided ...
06106     if (nin<0) {
06107       jdiv = fZlq[jvo-1];
06108       iaxe = Int_t ( fZq[jdiv+1]);
06109       ivin = Int_t ( fZq[jdiv+2]);
06110       ndiv = Int_t ( fZq[jdiv+3]);
06111       c0   =  fZq[jdiv+4];
06112       step =  fZq[jdiv+5];
06113       jvin = fZlq[fGclink->jvolum-ivin];
06114       nmed = Int_t ( fZq[jvin+4]);
06115       strncpy(mother,(char *)&fZiq[fGclink->jvolum+ivo ],4);
06116       mother[4]='\0';
06117       strncpy(name,(char *)&fZiq[fGclink->jvolum+ivin],4);
06118       name[4]='\0';
06119       if ((step<=0.)||(ish>=11)) {
06120         //*              volume with negative parameter or gsposp or pgon ...
06121         fprintf(lun,"DIVN '%4s' '%4s' %3d %3d\n",name,mother,ndiv,iaxe);
06122       } else if ((ndiv<=0)||(ish==10)) {
06123         //*              volume with negative parameter or gsposp or para ...
06124         ndvmx = TMath::Abs(ndiv);
06125         fprintf(lun,"DIVT '%4s' '%4s' %11.5f %3d %3d %3d\n",
06126                 name,mother,step,iaxe,iotmed[nmed],ndvmx);
06127       } else {
06128         //*              normal volume : all kind of division are equivalent
06129         fprintf(lun,"DVT2 '%4s' '%4s' %11.5f %3d %11.5f %3d %3d\n",
06130                 name,mother,step,iaxe,c0,iotmed[nmed],ndiv);
06131       }
06132     }
06133   }
06134   //*
06135   //* *** write down the the positionnement of volumes
06136   //*
06137   fprintf(lun,k10000,"!       Positionnements\n");
06138   //
06139   for(ivstak = 1;ivstak<=nvstak;ivstak++) {
06140     ivo = TMath::Abs(iws[ivstak]);
06141     strncpy(mother,(char*)&fZiq[fGclink->jvolum+ivo ],4);
06142     mother[4]='\0';
06143     jvo  = fZlq[fGclink->jvolum-ivo];
06144     nin  = Int_t( fZq[jvo+3]);
06145     //*        this volume has daughters ...
06146     if (nin>0) {
06147       for (in=1;in<=nin;in++) {
06148         jin  = fZlq[jvo-in];
06149         ivin =  Int_t (fZq[jin +2]);
06150         numb =  Int_t (fZq[jin +3]);
06151         irot =  Int_t (fZq[jin +4]);
06152         x    =  fZq[jin +5];
06153         y    =  fZq[jin +6];
06154         z    =  fZq[jin +7];
06155         strcpy(konly,"ONLY");
06156         if (fZq[jin+8]!=1.) strcpy(konly,"MANY");
06157         strncpy(name,(char*)&fZiq[fGclink->jvolum+ivin],4);
06158         name[4]='\0';
06159         jvin = fZlq[fGclink->jvolum-ivin];
06160         ish  = Int_t (fZq[jvin+2]);
06161         //*              gspos or gsposp ?
06162         ndata = fZiq[jin-1];
06163         if (ndata==8) {
06164           fprintf(lun,"POSI '%4s' %4d '%4s' %11.5f %11.5f %11.5f %3d '%4s'\n",
06165                   name,numb,mother,x,y,z,irot,konly);
06166         } else {
06167           npar =  Int_t (fZq[jin+9]);
06168           for(i=0;i<npar;i++) par[i]=fZq[jin+10+i];
06169           Gckpar (ish,npar,par);
06170           fprintf(lun,"POSP '%4s' %4d '%4s' %11.5f %11.5f %11.5f %3d '%4s' %3d\n",
06171                   name,numb,mother,x,y,z,irot,konly,npar);
06172           fprintf(lun,"     ");
06173           for(i=0;i<npar;i++) fprintf(lun," %11.5f",par[i]);
06174           fprintf(lun,"\n");
06175         }
06176       }
06177     }
06178   }
06179   //*
06180   fprintf(lun,"END\n");
06181   fclose(lun);
06182   //*
06183   //****** write down the materials and medias *****
06184   //*
06185   lun=fopen(filetme,"w");
06186   //*
06187   for(itm=1;itm<=fGcnum->ntmed;itm++) {
06188     if (iws[iadtmd+itm]>0) {
06189       jtm  = fZlq[fGclink->jtmed-itm];
06190       strncpy(natmed,(char*)&fZiq[jtm+1],4);
06191       imat =  Int_t (fZq[jtm+6]);
06192       jma  =  Int_t (fZlq[fGclink->jmate-imat]);
06193       //*  material
06194       Gfmate (imat,namate,a,z,dens,radl,absl,par,npar);
06195       fprintf(lun,"MATE %4d '%20s'%11.5E %11.5E %11.5E %11.5E %11.5E %3d\n",
06196              iomate[imat],namate,a,z,dens,radl,absl,npar);
06197       //*
06198       if (npar>0) {
06199           fprintf(lun,"     ");
06200           for(i=0;i<npar;i++) fprintf(lun," %11.5f",par[i]);
06201           fprintf(lun,"\n");
06202       }
06203       //*  medium
06204       Gftmed(itm,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd,stemax,deemax,
06205              epsil,stmin,par,&npar);
06206       fprintf(lun,"TMED %4d '%20s' %3d %1d %3d %11.5f %11.5f %11.5f "
06207               "%11.5f %11.5f %11.5f %3d\n",
06208               iotmed[itm],natmed,iomate[nmat],isvol,ifield,
06209               fieldm,tmaxfd,stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,npar);
06210       //*
06211       if (npar>0) {
06212           fprintf(lun,"     ");
06213           for(i=0;i<npar;i++) fprintf(lun," %11.5f",par[i]);
06214           fprintf(lun,"\n");
06215       }
06217     }
06218   }
06219   fprintf(lun,"END\n");
06220   fclose(lun);
06221   printf(" *** GWEUCL *** file: %s is now written out\n",filext);
06222   printf(" *** GWEUCL *** file: %s is now written out\n",filetme);
06223   // Clean up
06224   delete [] filext;
06225   delete [] filetme;
06226   delete [] qws;
06227   iws=0;
06228   return;
06229 }

Double_t TGeant3::Xsec char *  reac,
Double_t  energy,
Int_t  part,
Int_t  mate

Definition at line 2214 of file TGeant3.cxx.

References Error.

02216 {
02217   //
02218   // Calculate X-sections -- dummy for the moment
02219   //
02220   if(!strcmp(reac,"PHOT"))
02221   {
02222     if(part!=22) {
02223       Error("Xsec","Can calculate photoelectric only for photons\n");
02224     }
02225   }
02226   return 0;
02227 }

Member Data Documentation

Eroptc_t* TGeant3::fEroptc

EROPTS common structure.

Definition at line 1112 of file TGeant3.h.

Referenced by Eroptc(), and LoadAddress().

Eropts_t* TGeant3::fEropts

ERTRIO common structure.

Definition at line 1111 of file TGeant3.h.

Referenced by Eropts(), Eufill(), Eufilp(), Eufilv(), and LoadAddress().

Ertrio_t* TGeant3::fErtrio

Definition at line 1110 of file TGeant3.h.

Referenced by Ertrio(), Eufill(), Eufilp(), Eufilv(), and LoadAddress().

Erwork_t* TGeant3::fErwork

EROPTC common structure.

Definition at line 1113 of file TGeant3.h.

Referenced by Erwork(), and LoadAddress().

Gcbank_t* TGeant3::fGcbank [protected]

QUEST common structure.

Definition at line 1132 of file TGeant3.h.

Referenced by Gcbank(), LoadAddress(), and SetUserDecay().

Gcchan_t* TGeant3::fGcchan [protected]

GCTRAK common structure.

Definition at line 1154 of file TGeant3.h.

Gccuts_t* TGeant3::fGccuts [protected]

GCLINK common structure.

Definition at line 1134 of file TGeant3.h.

Referenced by Gccuts(), LoadAddress(), SetCut(), and SetCUTS().

Gcflag_t* TGeant3::fGcflag [protected]

GCKINE common structure.

Definition at line 1146 of file TGeant3.h.

Referenced by CurrentEvent(), Gcflag(), LoadAddress(), ProcessRun(), SetDEBU(), SetSWIT(), SetTRIG(), and StopEvent().

Gckin2_t* TGeant3::fGckin2 [protected]

GCKING common structure.

Definition at line 1151 of file TGeant3.h.

Referenced by Gckin2(), and LoadAddress().

Gckin3_t* TGeant3::fGckin3 [protected]

GCKIN2 common structure.

Definition at line 1152 of file TGeant3.h.

Referenced by Gckin3(), GetSecondary(), and LoadAddress().

Gckine_t* TGeant3::fGckine [protected]

GCVOLU common structure.

Definition at line 1145 of file TGeant3.h.

Referenced by Gckine(), LoadAddress(), SetKINE(), TrackCharge(), TrackMass(), and TrackPid().

Gcking_t* TGeant3::fGcking [protected]

GCPHLT common structure.

Definition at line 1150 of file TGeant3.h.

Referenced by Gcking(), GetSecondary(), LoadAddress(), NSecondaries(), and ProdProcess().

Gclink_t* TGeant3::fGclink [protected]

GCBANK common structure.

Definition at line 1133 of file TGeant3.h.

Referenced by CurrentVolID(), CurrentVolName(), CurrentVolOffID(), CurrentVolOffName(), G3Material(), G3Medium(), G3Mixture(), Gclink(), Ggclos(), LoadAddress(), Matrix(), NextVolUp(), NofVolDaughters(), SetColors(), SetUserDecay(), VolDaughterCopyNo(), VolDaughterName(), VolId(), VolId2Mate(), VolName(), and WriteEuclid().

Gcmate_t* TGeant3::fGcmate [protected]

GCMULO common structure.

Definition at line 1137 of file TGeant3.h.

Referenced by CurrentMaterial(), Gcmate(), and LoadAddress().

Gcmore_t* TGeant3::fGcmore [protected]

GCCUTS common structure.

Definition at line 1135 of file TGeant3.h.

Referenced by Gcmore(), GetClose(), LoadAddress(), SetClose(), and SetECut().

Gcmulo_t* TGeant3::fGcmulo [protected]

GCMORE common structure.

Definition at line 1136 of file TGeant3.h.

Referenced by Gcmulo(), LoadAddress(), and SetERAN().

Gcnum_t* TGeant3::fGcnum [protected]

GCTPOL common structure.

Definition at line 1139 of file TGeant3.h.

Referenced by Gcnum(), Ggclos(), LoadAddress(), NofVolumes(), SetColors(), VolId(), VolId2Mate(), VolName(), and WriteEuclid().

Gcopti_t* TGeant3::fGcopti [protected]

GCSETS common structure.

Definition at line 1141 of file TGeant3.h.

Referenced by Gcopti(), LoadAddress(), and SetOPTI().

Gcphlt_t* TGeant3::fGcphlt [protected]

GCPHYS common structure.

Definition at line 1149 of file TGeant3.h.

Referenced by Gcphlt(), LoadAddress(), SetProcess(), and SetSTRA().

Gcphys_t* TGeant3::fGcphys [protected]

GCTMED common structure.

Definition at line 1148 of file TGeant3.h.

Referenced by Gcphys(), LoadAddress(), SetABAN(), SetANNI(), SetBREM(), SetCOMP(), SetDCAY(), SetDRAY(), SetHADR(), SetLOSS(), SetMULS(), SetMUNU(), SetPAIR(), SetPFIS(), SetPHOT(), SetProcess(), and SetRAYL().

Gcsets_t* TGeant3::fGcsets [protected]

GCNUM common structure.

Definition at line 1140 of file TGeant3.h.

Referenced by Gcsets(), and LoadAddress().

Gctlit_t* TGeant3::fGctlit [protected]

GCOPTI common structure.

Definition at line 1142 of file TGeant3.h.

Referenced by Gctlit(), LoadAddress(), SetCKOV(), and SetProcess().

Gctmed_t* TGeant3::fGctmed [protected]

GCFLAG common structure.

Definition at line 1147 of file TGeant3.h.

Referenced by CurrentMedium(), Gctmed(), LoadAddress(), MaxStep(), and SetMaxStep().

Gctpol_t* TGeant3::fGctpol [protected]

GCMATE common structure.

Definition at line 1138 of file TGeant3.h.

Referenced by Gctpol(), and LoadAddress().

Gctrak_t* TGeant3::fGctrak [protected]

GCKIN3 common structure.

Definition at line 1153 of file TGeant3.h.

Referenced by Edep(), Etot(), Gctrak(), GetMaxNStep(), IsNewTrack(), IsTrackAlive(), IsTrackDisappeared(), IsTrackEntering(), IsTrackExiting(), IsTrackInside(), IsTrackOut(), IsTrackStop(), LoadAddress(), ProdProcess(), SetAUTO(), SetMaxNStep(), StopTrack(), TrackLength(), TrackMomentum(), TrackPosition(), TrackStep(), and TrackTime().

Gcvdma_t* TGeant3::fGcvdma [protected]

GCTLIT common structure.

Definition at line 1143 of file TGeant3.h.

Referenced by Gcvdma(), and LoadAddress().

Gcvolu_t* TGeant3::fGcvolu [protected]

GCVDMA common structure.

Definition at line 1144 of file TGeant3.h.

Referenced by CurrentVolID(), CurrentVolName(), CurrentVolOffID(), CurrentVolOffName(), Gcvolu(), GeomIter(), GetNodeName(), GetPath(), LoadAddress(), and NextVolUp().

Bool_t TGeant3::fImportRootGeometry [protected]

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 1172 of file TGeant3.h.

Referenced by SetRootGeometry().

TGeoMCGeometry* TGeant3::fMCGeo [protected]

Reimplemented in TGeant3TGeo.

Definition at line 1171 of file TGeant3.h.

TObjArray TGeant3::fMedNames [protected]

Names of geant volumes as C++ chars.

Definition at line 1166 of file TGeant3.h.

Referenced by G3Medium(), and MediumId().

Int_t TGeant3::fNextVol [protected]

Definition at line 1124 of file TGeant3.h.

Referenced by GeomIter(), and NextVolUp().

Int_t TGeant3::fNG3Particles [protected]

Names of geant medias as TObjString.

Definition at line 1168 of file TGeant3.h.

Referenced by DefineParticle(), DefineParticles(), and TGeant3().

Int_t TGeant3::fNPDGCodes [protected]

Definition at line 1169 of file TGeant3.h.

Referenced by DefineParticle(), DefineParticles(), IdFromPDG(), PDGFromId(), and TGeant3().

char TGeant3::fPath[512] [protected]

Definition at line 1125 of file TGeant3.h.

Referenced by GetNodeName(), and GetPath().

TArrayI TGeant3::fPDGCode [protected]

Definition at line 1170 of file TGeant3.h.

Referenced by DefineParticle(), DefineParticles(), IdFromPDG(), PDGFromId(), and TGeant3().

Ptopts_t* TGeant3::fPtopts [protected]

GCCHAN common structure.

Definition at line 1160 of file TGeant3.h.

Referenced by LoadAddress(), Ptopts(), and SetALTDEDX().

Quest_t* TGeant3::fQuest [protected]

Good Old Q of Zebra.

Definition at line 1131 of file TGeant3.h.

Referenced by LoadAddress(), and Quest().

Bool_t TGeant3::fStopRun [protected]

Definition at line 1175 of file TGeant3.h.

Referenced by ProcessRun(), and StopRun().

Trcom3_t* TGeant3::fTrcom3

ERWORK common structure.

Definition at line 1114 of file TGeant3.h.

Referenced by Trcom3().

Double_t TGeant3::fUserDecayProductStableMinLifetime [protected]

Definition at line 1178 of file TGeant3.h.

Referenced by GetUserDecayProductStableMinLifetime(), and SetUserDecayProductStableMinLifetime().

char(* TGeant3::fVolNames)[5] [protected]

PTOPTS common structure.

Definition at line 1165 of file TGeant3.h.

Referenced by CurrentVolName(), CurrentVolOffName(), Ggclos(), NextVolUp(), VolName(), and ~TGeant3().

Int_t* TGeant3::fZiq [protected]

Definition at line 1127 of file TGeant3.h.

Referenced by CurrentVolID(), CurrentVolName(), CurrentVolOffID(), CurrentVolOffName(), G3Material(), G3Medium(), G3Mixture(), Ggclos(), Iq(), LoadAddress(), Matrix(), NextVolUp(), SetColors(), VolId(), and WriteEuclid().

Int_t* TGeant3::fZlq [protected]

Good Old IQ of Zebra.

Definition at line 1128 of file TGeant3.h.

Referenced by G3Material(), G3Medium(), G3Mixture(), LoadAddress(), Lq(), Matrix(), NofVolDaughters(), SetColors(), SetUserDecay(), VolDaughterCopyNo(), VolDaughterName(), VolId2Mate(), and WriteEuclid().

Float_t* TGeant3::fZq [protected]

Good Old LQ of Zebra.

Definition at line 1129 of file TGeant3.h.

Referenced by LoadAddress(), NofVolDaughters(), Q(), SetColors(), VolDaughterCopyNo(), VolDaughterName(), VolId2Mate(), and WriteEuclid().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Sat Mar 14 22:46:59 2009 for loon by doxygen 1.3.5