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USGS Activity Physical Data: Container 01563

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Location of Container:
Area F , boxes on wooden pallets, in Warehouse at 1030 O'Brien St ., column 04, row 04
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Item # Activity ID Contact Team Accession Number NewContainer !Old Container Number Box ID Accession Submitter Contents Suley Comments
100349  d185ar  Peter Barnes, Larry Phillips, Art Grantz, Dave Dinter, Paul Carlson, Herman Karl  CMG  MARFAC  1563  1344  100349  PETER BARNES / LARRY PHILLIPS, ART GRANTZ / DAVE DINTER, PAUL CARLSON / HERMAN KARL  TE, CE and D? series core samples from Beaufort Sea (D185AR), Chuckchi Sea (KS183CS), and Bering Sea (D580BS), in small plastic bags.   
111551  k176ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  84-02-2006  1563  3265  V-23  PETER BARNES  Vibracore samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska; Karluk cruise, 1976  Only 22 of supposed 40 vibracore boxes. Spread to three pallets (3360, 3350 and 3265). But 3265 also contains 9 more boxes of the same V series but they are part of Access#85-11-2240. 
111552  k176ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  85-11-2240  1563  3265  V-61  PETER BARNES  Vibracore samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska.  9 boxes vs 10 mentioned originally in InfoBank. Also initially K177AR and K178AR Activity Ids were mentioned but found unlikely. 
111553  k176ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  85-11-2240  1563  3265  V-62  PETER BARNES  Vibracore samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska.  See Box V61 (ItemNo:111552) for comments. 
111554  k176ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  85-11-2240  1563  3265  V-63  PETER BARNES  Vibracore samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska.  See Box V61 (ItemNo:111552) for comments. 
111555  k176ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  85-11-2240  1563  3265  V-64  PETER BARNES  Vibracore samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska.  See Box V61 (ItemNo:111552) for comments. 
111556  k176ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  85-11-2240  1563  3265  V-68  PETER BARNES  Vibracore samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska.  See Box V61 (ItemNo:111552) for comments. 
111557  k176ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  85-11-2240  1563  3265  V-68B  PETER BARNES  Vibracore samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska.  See Box V61 (ItemNo:111552) for comments. 
111558  k176ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  85-11-2240  1563  3265  V-74  PETER BARNES  Vibracore samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska.  See Box V61 (ItemNo:111552) for comments. 
111559  k176ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  85-11-2240  1563  3265  V-76  PETER BARNES  Vibracore samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska.  See Box V61 (ItemNo:111552) for comments. 
111560  k176ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  85-11-2240  1563  3265  V-78  PETER BARNES  Vibracore samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska.  See Box V61 (ItemNo:111552) for comments. 
111561  k176ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  84-02-2007  1563  3265  VK-2  PETER BARNES  Vibracore samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska; Karluk cruise, 1976  Only 22 of supposed 40 vibracore boxes. Spread to three pallets (3360, 3350 and 3265). But 3265 also contains 9 more boxes of the same V series but they are part of Access#85-11-2240. 
115661  ____AK  Monty Hampton  CMG  95-03-3402  1563  3335  7-Jan  MONTY HAMPTON  Samples from Big Valley, Alaska.  InfoBnk Note: Rented vessel, no cruise number; can't remember area. 
115670  ____AK  Monty Hampton  CMG  95-03-3402  1563  3335  7-Feb  MONTY HAMPTON  Samples from Big Valley, Alaska.  InfoBnk Note: Rented vessel, no cruise number; can't remember area. 
115674  ____AK  Monty Hampton  CMG  95-03-3402  1563  3335  7-Mar  MONTY HAMPTON  Samples from Big Valley, Alaska.  InfoBnk Note: Rented vessel, no cruise number; can't remember area. 
115679  ____AK  Monty Hampton  CMG  95-03-3402  1563  3335  7-Apr  MONTY HAMPTON  Samples from Big Valley, Alaska.  InfoBnk Note: Rented vessel, no cruise number; can't remember area. 
115683  ____AK  Monty Hampton  CMG  95-03-3402  1563  3335  7-May  MONTY HAMPTON  Samples from Big Valley, Alaska.  InfoBnk Note: Rented vessel, no cruise number; can't remember area. 
115691  ____AK  Monty Hampton  CMG  95-03-3402  1563  3335  7-Jul  MONTY HAMPTON  Samples from Big Valley, Alaska.  InfoBnk Note: Rented vessel, no cruise number; can't remember area. 
115887  ____AK  Monty Hampton  CMG  95-03-3402  1563  3335  7-Jun  MONTY HAMPTON  Samples from Big Valley, Alaska.  InfoBnk Note: Rented vessel, no cruise number; can't remember area. 
116054  ______  Tracy Vallier  CMG  93-06-3383  1563  3340  25  TRACY VALLIER  Umnak Is., Byers, 1946, box 59  CHECK Acess# year doesn't match (93 in Warehouse db vs 94 in InfoBank) Also, only 89 boxes listed! Earlier InfoBank note said These boxes will be shipped to Great Britain. NOTE: the cruise listed above needs to be verified, there may have been others. 89 boxes are present of 123 boxes. 
116055  ______  Tracy Vallier  CMG  93-06-3383  1563  3340  61  TRACY VALLIER  Umnak Is., Byers, 1946, box 48  CHECK Acess# year doesn't match (93 in Warehouse db vs 94 in InfoBank) Also, only 89 boxes listed! Earlier InfoBank note said These boxes will be shipped to Great Britain. NOTE: the cruise listed above needs to be verified, there may have been others. 89 boxes are present of 123 boxes. 
116056  ______  Tracy Vallier  CMG  93-06-3383  1563  3340  52  TRACY VALLIER  Umnak Is., Byers, 1946, box 43  CHECK Acess# year doesn't match (93 in Warehouse db vs 94 in InfoBank) Also, only 89 boxes listed! Earlier InfoBank note said These boxes will be shipped to Great Britain. NOTE: the cruise listed above needs to be verified, there may have been others. 89 boxes are present of 123 boxes. 
116057  ______  Tracy Vallier  CMG  93-06-3383  1563  3340  63  TRACY VALLIER  Umnak Is., Byers, 1947, 1948, box 57  CHECK Acess# year doesn't match (93 in Warehouse db vs 94 in InfoBank) Also, only 89 boxes listed! Earlier InfoBank note said These boxes will be shipped to Great Britain. NOTE: the cruise listed above needs to be verified, there may have been others. 89 boxes are present of 123 boxes. 
116058  ______  Tracy Vallier  CMG  93-06-3383  1563  3340  13  TRACY VALLIER  Umnak Is., Fisher, 1946, box 51  CHECK Acess# year doesn't match (93 in Warehouse db vs 94 in InfoBank) Also, only 89 boxes listed! Earlier InfoBank note said These boxes will be shipped to Great Britain. NOTE: the cruise listed above needs to be verified, there may have been others. 89 boxes are present of 123 boxes. 
116059  ______  Tracy Vallier  CMG  93-06-3383  1563  3340  47  TRACY VALLIER  Umnak Is., Wilcox, 1945, box 60  CHECK Acess# year doesn't match (93 in Warehouse db vs 94 in InfoBank) Also, only 89 boxes listed! Earlier InfoBank note said These boxes will be shipped to Great Britain. NOTE: the cruise listed above needs to be verified, there may have been others. 89 boxes are present of 123 boxes. 
116060  ______  Tracy Vallier  CMG  93-06-3383  1563  3340  77  TRACY VALLIER  Umnak Is., Byers, 1947, box 56  CHECK Acess# year doesn't match (93 in Warehouse db vs 94 in InfoBank) Also, only 89 boxes listed! Earlier InfoBank note said These boxes will be shipped to Great Britain. NOTE: the cruise listed above needs to be verified, there may have been others. 89 boxes are present of 123 boxes. 
116068  ______  Tracy Vallier  CMG  93-06-3383  1563  3340  54  TRACY VALLIER  Andreanof Islands, Wilcox, 1952, box 25  CHECK Acess# year doesn't match (93 in Warehouse db vs 94 in InfoBank) Also, only 89 boxes listed! Earlier InfoBank note said These boxes will be shipped to Great Britain. NOTE: the cruise listed above needs to be verified, there may have been others. 89 boxes are present of 123 boxes. 
116069  ______  Tracy Vallier  CMG  93-06-3383  1563  3340  81  TRACY VALLIER  Andreanof Islands, Wilcox, 1952, box 24  CHECK Acess# year doesn't match (93 in Warehouse db vs 94 in InfoBank) Also, only 89 boxes listed! Earlier InfoBank note said These boxes will be shipped to Great Britain. NOTE: the cruise listed above needs to be verified, there may have been others. 89 boxes are present of 123 boxes. 
116070  ______  Tracy Vallier  CMG  93-06-3383  1563  3340  36  TRACY VALLIER  Unalaska Is., Wilcox, 1945, box 70  CHECK Acess# year doesn't match (93 in Warehouse db vs 94 in InfoBank) Also, only 89 boxes listed! Earlier InfoBank note said These boxes will be shipped to Great Britain. NOTE: the cruise listed above needs to be verified, there may have been others. 89 boxes are present of 123 boxes. 
116088  ______  Tracy Vallier  CMG  93-06-3383  1563  3340  44  TRACY VALLIER  Amatignak Is., Snyder, box 26  CHECK Acess# year doesn't match (93 in Warehouse db vs 94 in InfoBank) Also, only 89 boxes listed! Earlier InfoBank note said These boxes will be shipped to Great Britain. NOTE: the cruise listed above needs to be verified, there may have been others. 89 boxes are present of 123 boxes. 
116094  l580aa  Tracy Vallier  CMG  93-06-3383  1563  3340  24  TRACY VALLIER  Dredges 1 and 2, box 1 of 1  CHECK Acess# year doesn't match (93 in Warehouse db vs 94 in InfoBank) Also, only 89 boxes listed! Earlier InfoBank note said These boxes will be shipped to Great Britain. NOTE: the cruise listed above needs to be verified, there may have been others. 89 boxes are present of 123 boxes. 
116095  ______  Tracy Vallier  CMG  93-06-3383  1563  3340  30  TRACY VALLIER  Ilak Is., Adak Is., Tanaga Is., Kagalaska Is., Snyder, 1952, box 64  CHECK Acess# year doesn't match (93 in Warehouse db vs 94 in InfoBank) Also, only 89 boxes listed! Earlier InfoBank note said These boxes will be shipped to Great Britain. NOTE: the cruise listed above needs to be verified, there may have been others. 89 boxes are present of 123 boxes. 
117376  k176ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  84-02-2006  1563  3360  V-12  PETER BARNES  Vibracore samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska; Karluk cruise, 1976  Only 22 of supposed 40 vibracore boxes. Spread to three pallets (3360, 3350 and 3265). But 3265 also contains 9 more boxes of the same V series but they are part of Access#85-11-2240. 
117379  k176ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  84-02-2006  1563  3360  V-2  PETER BARNES  Vibracore samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska; Karluk cruise, 1976  Only 22 of supposed 40 vibracore boxes. Spread to three pallets (3360, 3350 and 3265). But 3265 also contains 9 more boxes of the same V series but they are part of Access#85-11-2240. 
117381  k176ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  84-02-2006  1563  3360  V-3  PETER BARNES  Vibracore samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska; Karluk cruise, 1976  Only 22 of supposed 40 vibracore boxes. Spread to three pallets (3360, 3350 and 3265). But 3265 also contains 9 more boxes of the same V series but they are part of Access#85-11-2240. 
117383  k176ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  84-02-2006  1563  3360  V-5  PETER BARNES  Vibracore samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska; Karluk cruise, 1976  Only 22 of supposed 40 vibracore boxes. Spread to three pallets (3360, 3350 and 3265). But 3265 also contains 9 more boxes of the same V series but they are part of Access#85-11-2240. 
117384  k176ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  84-02-2006  1563  3360  V-6  PETER BARNES  Vibracore samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska; Karluk cruise, 1976  Only 22 of supposed 40 vibracore boxes. Spread to three pallets (3360, 3350 and 3265). But 3265 also contains 9 more boxes of the same V series but they are part of Access#85-11-2240. 
117386  k176ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  84-02-2006  1563  3360  V-9  PETER BARNES  Vibracore samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska; Karluk cruise, 1976  Only 22 of supposed 40 vibracore boxes. Spread to three pallets (3360, 3350 and 3265). But 3265 also contains 9 more boxes of the same V series but they are part of Access#85-11-2240. 
118863  G3874AR  Tor Nilsen  CMG  85-06-2160  1563  3395  89  TOR NILSEN  Mixed DSDP samples , NL-10-23-50, 38-345-28 (Leg 38, Hole 345?), .. Samples   
127289  V181NC  Jim Gardner  CMG  86-11-2359  1563  3587  JIM GARDNER  Miscellaneous eference samples from cores V1-81-G15, V34-88, S3-77-6G1, L13-81-G117, L13-81-G121.   
127293  s677bs  Jim Gardner  CMG  86-11-2359  1563  3587  JIM GARDNER  Misc. diatom, coarse silt and sand samples from cores S6-77-D5, S6-79, L13-81-G138.   
127296  s476bs  Jim Gardner  CMG  86-11-2359  1563  3587  JIM GARDNER  Misc. surface and core catcher samples from cores S4-76, S6-77, S1-79, and V1-81-G14.   
127298  s377bs  Jim Gardner  CMG  86-11-2359  1563  3587  JIM GARDNER  Misc. clay samples from V1-81-G15, V1-80-P3, V1-80-G14, and L13-81-G138; core interval samples from L9-81-G1, L9-81-G2 and S3-77-3G2.   
127302  s377bs  Jim Gardner  CMG  86-11-2359  1563  3587  JIM GARDNER  Misc. core interval samples from L9-81-G1, L9-81-G2, S3-77-4G3 and S3-77-8G1.   
183649  k176ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  85-11-2240  1563  3265  V-74  PETER BARNES  Vibracore samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska.  See Box V61 (ItemNo:111552) for comments. 
192163  KS183CS  Peter Barnes, Larry Phillips, Art Grantz, Dave Dinter, Paul Carlson, Herman Karl  CMG  MARFAC  1563  1344  100349  PETER BARNES / LARRY PHILLIPS, ART GRANTZ / DAVE DINTER, PAUL CARLSON / HERMAN KARL  TE, CE and D? series core samples from Beaufort Sea (D185AR), Chuckchi Sea (KS183CS), and Bering Sea (D580BS), in small plastic bags.   
192164  d580bs  Peter Barnes, Larry Phillips, Art Grantz, Dave Dinter, Paul Carlson, Herman Karl  CMG  MARFAC  1563  1344  100349  PETER BARNES / LARRY PHILLIPS, ART GRANTZ / DAVE DINTER, PAUL CARLSON / HERMAN KARL  TE, CE and D? series core samples from Beaufort Sea (D185AR), Chuckchi Sea (KS183CS), and Bering Sea (D580BS), in small plastic bags.   
192165  s377bs  Jim Gardner  CMG  86-11-2359  1563  3587  JIM GARDNER  Miscellaneous eference samples from cores V1-81-G15, V34-88, S3-77-6G1, L13-81-G117, L13-81-G121.   
192166  s679np  Jim Gardner  CMG  86-11-2359  1563  3587  JIM GARDNER  Misc. diatom, coarse silt and sand samples from cores S6-77-D5, S6-79, L13-81-G138.   
192167  l1381nc  Jim Gardner  CMG  86-11-2359  1563  3587  JIM GARDNER  Miscellaneous eference samples from cores V1-81-G15, V34-88, S3-77-6G1, L13-81-G117, L13-81-G121.   
192168  l1381nc  Jim Gardner  CMG  86-11-2359  1563  3587  JIM GARDNER  Misc. diatom, coarse silt and sand samples from cores S6-77-D5, S6-79, L13-81-G138.   
192169  s677bs  Jim Gardner  CMG  86-11-2359  1563  3587  JIM GARDNER  Misc. surface and core catcher samples from cores S4-76, S6-77, S1-79, and V1-81-G14.   
192170  s179mx  Jim Gardner  CMG  86-11-2359  1563  3587  JIM GARDNER  Misc. surface and core catcher samples from cores S4-76, S6-77, S1-79, and V1-81-G14.   
192171  v181sc  Jim Gardner  CMG  86-11-2359  1563  3587  JIM GARDNER  Misc. surface and core catcher samples from cores S4-76, S6-77, S1-79, and V1-81-G14.   
192172  v180nc  Jim Gardner  CMG  86-11-2359  1563  3587  JIM GARDNER  Misc. clay samples from V1-81-G15, V1-80-P3, V1-80-G14, and L13-81-G138; core interval samples from L9-81-G1, L9-81-G2 and S3-77-3G2.   
192173  v181sc  Jim Gardner  CMG  86-11-2359  1563  3587  JIM GARDNER  Misc. clay samples from V1-81-G15, V1-80-P3, V1-80-G14, and L13-81-G138; core interval samples from L9-81-G1, L9-81-G2 and S3-77-3G2.   
192174  l981aa  Jim Gardner  CMG  86-11-2359  1563  3587  JIM GARDNER  Misc. clay samples from V1-81-G15, V1-80-P3, V1-80-G14, and L13-81-G138; core interval samples from L9-81-G1, L9-81-G2 and S3-77-3G2.   
192175  l1381nc  Jim Gardner  CMG  86-11-2359  1563  3587  JIM GARDNER  Misc. clay samples from V1-81-G15, V1-80-P3, V1-80-G14, and L13-81-G138; core interval samples from L9-81-G1, L9-81-G2 and S3-77-3G2.   
192176  l981aa  Jim Gardner  CMG  86-11-2359  1563  3587  JIM GARDNER  Misc. core interval samples from L9-81-G1, L9-81-G2, S3-77-4G3 and S3-77-8G1.   
Item # Activity ID Contact Team Accession Number NewContainer !Old Container Number Box ID Accession Submitter Contents Suley Comments

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