LC Digital Repository Development and Support
Batch Manifest for Sanborn Maps

Table of Contents

  Background     Components  ( Batch Manifest File , Attribute File )
  Overview     Examples  ( Batch Manifest File , Attribute File )
  Assumptions     Other Useful Information

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In 1998 the Sanborn Map Company (Sanborn) will begin digitizing its inventory of U.S. insurance maps and making them available via the World Wide Web. The LC Geography and Map Division and the National Digital Library Program are providing guidance to Sanborn in this endeavour.

In return for this assistance, Sanborn will deliver copies of its digitized maps to the Library of Congress. This will be done after the full inventory of U.S. insurance maps have been digitized; most probably sometime in the year 2008.


  1. Each delivery event by which digitized material is transferred from the Sanborn Map Company to the Library of Congress will include one or more Batch Manifests that identify the contents of the delivery event.
  2. All delivery events by which LC receives digitized material will contain a Batch Manifest for each batch included in the event, regardless of the medium used for delivery (e.g., CD/ROM, FTP, floppy disk).
  3. The Batch Manifest will contain an entry, or record, for each file in the delivery event that contains digitized content.
  4. The Batch Manifest will be the first thing associated with a batch that will be transferred to LC as part of a delivery event.


  1. More than one delivery event may be required to transfer the full contents of a given batch of digitized objects from a vendor or other supplier to LC.
  2. More than one batch of digitized files may be sent to the Library at a time. Each Batch Manifest encountered during a delivery event signals the start of a new batch and is immediately followed by the digitized files associated with that batch.
  3. A batch may contain digitized material of any data type (e.g., sid, gif, tif, jpeg, wav, mpeg, SGML).
  4. Information such as Dimensions (dpi) and Chromatic Value are assumed to be carried in the file header.

Definition:  The Batch Manifest identifies the digital files that comprise a digitized batch being delivered to the Library of Congress for quality review and incorporation into the LC digital repository. It also serves as the delivery vehicle for structural metadata attributes that were identified during each file's digitization process.


  1. Batch Manifest File:  Contains the list of files in the batch as well as metadata attribute values associated with each file.
  2. Attribute File:  Identifies the fields carried in each Batch Manifest File entry and the order in which they occur.

Batch Manifest File:

  1. File Name:  Consists of a Batch ID followed by a period (.) followed by the file extension MNF.   Example:  cd000004.mnf
  2. The Batch ID identifies a set of digitized files being transmitted to the Library of Congress as a group, or batch. It consists of a two (2) character Media Type `followed by a six (6) digit serial number that is right justified and padded with leading zeros. Media Type indicates the means used to transmit the batch. The only media type currently defined is "cd" for CD/ROM. Others will be defined as needed.
  3. Fields within Batch Manifest File entries will be of fixed length. Unless otherwise noted, the data in each field will be left justified and right padded with blanks for the full length of the field.
  4. All Batch Manifest File data fields are required and must be present in each file entry. When a field does not apply to a given Batch Manifest File entry, it will be set to "hash" (#) marks for the full length of the field.
  5. Data Fields: 

    FieldField NameField IDLengthFormatDefault SettingReq ?
    1Batch ID BID8 Character String   No default; must be filled in.Yes
    2Aggregate Name AGG8 Character String   sanbornYes
    3Item ID ITEM9 Character String   Entry ID
    (e.g., 01749_010)
    4File Name FN16 Character String   EntryID_SerialNumber
    (SerialNumber is one-up count)
    5File Extension FXT3 Character String
    ("tif" or "sid")
    No default; must be filled in.Yes
    6File Size FSIZE7 Number
    (right justified; leading zeros)
    n/a (####)Yes
    7File Size Unit FSU2   KB = Kilobytes
      MB = Megabytes
      GB = Gigabytes
      TB = Terabytes
      PB = Petabytes
    MB = MegabytesYes
    8Date Created DATE8 YYYYMMDD  Current date
    (e.g., 19981031)
    9Creator IDSUP11 Character String edr-sanbornYes
    10Operator IDOPR4 Character String  Yes
    11Equipment IDEQU 5 Character String No default; must be filled in.Yes
    12Original Content TypeOCT2 01 = Audio
    02 = Text
    03 = Motion Visual
    04 = Non-motion Visual
    Non-motion Visual  (04)Yes
    13Digitized Content UseDCU2 01 = Archival
    02 = Service
    03 = Preview
    TIF = Archival (01)
    SID = Service (02)
    14Side DigitizedSIDE1 0 = Front
    1 = Back
    Front (0)No
    Sequence Number
    PSEQ3 Character String
    (right justified; leading blanks)
    n/a (###)No
    16Page TypePGT2 01=Title Page
    n/a (##)No
    Page Number
    PPN3 Character String
    (right justified; leading blanks)
    n/a (###)No
    Sheet Number
    PSN6 Character String
    (right justified; leading blanks)
    n/a  (######)No
    19CoverCVR4 0001=Front-Cover-Outside
    n/a (####)No
    ORI3 000 = 0 degrees
    090 = 90 degrees
    180 = 180 degrees
    270 = 270 degrees
    n/a (###)No

  6. File names for most digitized LC material are currently (Feb. 1998) limited to eight characters.  This is due to Disk Operating System (DOS) constraints during quality review.   By the time the Library receives files containing the digitized Sanborn maps (circa 2008), DOS will no longer be used in the handling of LC digital material and this limitation will no longer apply.

    Consequently, the file names for digitized Sanborn maps will be sixteen (16) characters long.  They will consist of an nine (9) character Entry ID followed by an underscore ( _ ) and a six (6) digit serial number.   The both the Entry ID and the serial number will be right justified and padded with leading zeros.  For example, 01749_010_000321.

  7. Scanning Orientation Field:

    000 = Top of scan is properly oriented.
    090 = Top of image is 90 degrees clockwise from where it should be.
    180 = Top of image is 180 degrees clockwise from where it should be.
    270 = Top of image is 270 degrees clockwise from where it should be.

Attribute File:

  1. File Name:  Consists of the Batch ID followed by a period (.) followed by the file extension "att."   Example:  cd004.att
  2. The Attribute File contains one record for each field found in Batch Manifest File entries. These records are arranged in the order in which the fields appear in the Batch Manifest File.
  3. Fields within the Attribute File record will be of fixed length. Data in the ID and Name fields will be left justified and right padded with blanks for the full length of the field. Data in the third field will be right justified and left padded with leading zeros.
  4. Each Attribute File record will contain:

    Attribute File Field NameAttribute File Field Length
      ID of Data Field in Batch Manifest File Entry  5
      Name of Data Field in Batch Manifest File Entry 25
      Length of Data Field in Batch Manifest File Entry  3


Examples of Attribute File and Batch Manifest File Data


Other Useful Information:

Go to:   Top  ,  Metadata Table List  ,  Structural Metadata Dictionary

Created: 12/4/97       Revised: 4/13/98
National Digital Library Program - Digital Repository Development Project