U.S. Agricultural Exports                           
                    :                 Livestock (calendar year)                 
        Year        :          Red Meat           :           Poultry           
                    :     Beef     :     Pork     :   Broilers   :   Turkeys    
                    :     ---------------- million pounds -----------------     
2003                :    2,518          1,717          4,920           484      
2004                :      460          2,181          4,784           442      
2005                :      698          2,665          5,203           570      
2006                :    1,153          2,997          5,205           547      
2007 1/             :    1,345          3,150          5,250           554      
1/  Forecast.  World Agricultural Outlook Board (202) 720-9805.                 
(Information Hotline 1-800-727-9540).     
                                Meat Consumption                                
      :               Consumption per Capita, Retail Weight Basis               
 Year :         :         :       :       :         :        :  Lamb   :        
      :Broilers :  Other  : Beef  : Pork  : Turkeys :  Veal  :   and   : Total  
      :         : Chicken :       :       :         :        : Mutton  :        
      :    --------------------------- pounds ------------------------------- 
2002  :  80.6       1.4      67.7    51.5     17.7      0.6     1.2      220.8  
2003  :  81.5       1.4      64.9    51.8     17.4      0.6     1.1      218.9  
2004  :  84.2       1.0      66.1    51.3     17.0      0.5     1.1      221.3  
2005  :  85.6       1.3      65.5    50.0     16.7      0.5     1.1      220.7  
2006  :  87.1       1.1      65.8    49.4     16.9      0.4     1.1      221.7  
1/  Total includes other chicken.  World Agricultural Outlook Board (202)       

              Cattle and Calves: January 1 Inventory and Calf Crop 1/            
      :        :     Cows      :     :     Heifers     : Steers :Calves : Calf  
 Year : Total  :---------------------------------------:  500+  : <500  : Crop 2/   
      : Cattle :Total:Beef:Milk:Bulls:Beef :Milk :Other:  lbs.  : lbs.  :       
      :  ------------------------- thousand head -----------------------------
2003  : 96,100 42,1232,9839,142 2,248 5,624 4,114 9,891  16,554  15,545   38,224 
2004  : 94,888 41,8532,8618,990 2,206 5,518 4,020 9,806  16,277  15,210   37,903 
2005  : 95,438 41,9232,9159,005 2,219 5,691 4,118 9,763  16,476  15,250   37,505 
2006  : 96,702 42,0532,9949,063 2,263 5,904 4,275 9,805  16,933  15,465   37,575 
2007  : 97,003 42,0232,8949,129 2,215 5,877 4,310 9,899  17,222  15,456   37,567 

             Cattle and Calves: Marketings, Price, and Cash Receipts            
        :       Marketings 1/       :       Average Price       :               
  Year  :-------------------------------------------------------:     Cash      
        :   Cattle    :   Calves    :   Cattle    :   Calves    :  Receipts 2/  
        :   --- thousand head --         --- dollars/Cwt ---     million dollars
2002    :   46,804         9,296         66.50         96.40         38,095     
2003    :   47,686         9,613         79.70        102.00         45,092      
2004    :   45,049         9,116         85.80        119.00         47,507     
2005    :   43,876         8,958         89.70        135.00         49,295     
2006    :   45,001         8,984         87.20        133.00         49,148     
1/  Includes custom slaughter for use on farm where produced and state          
    outshipments but excludes interfarm sales within the state.  2/  Receipts   
    from marketings and sale of farm slaughter.  NASS, Livestock Branch, 
    (202) 720-3570.                                                                   

                        Cattle and Calves: Top 10 States                        
          :    January 1, 2007 Inventory    :       2006 Cash Receipts 1/       
   State  :---------------------------------------------------------------------
   Rank   :     State      :      Head      :      State      :     Dollars     
          :                     thousand                            million     
    1     :         Texas        14,000               Texas          7,441      
    2     :      Nebraska         6,650           Nebraska          6,629      
    3     :        Kansas         6,400              Kansas          6,247      
    4     :    California         5,500            Colorado          3,271      
    5     :      Oklahoma         5,250            Oklahoma          2,751      
    6     :      Missouri         4,450                Iowa          2,546      
    7     :          Iowa         3,950        South Dakota          1,876      
    8     :  South Dakota         3,700          California          1,676      
    9     :     Wisconsin         3,400            Missouri          1,228      
   10     :      Colorado         2,700             Montana          1,117      
1/  Receipts from marketings and sale of farm slaughter.  NASS, Livestock       
    Branch, (202) 720-3570.                                                     

            Cattle and Calves: Operations and Inventory by Size Group           
                            :          :Number and Percent by Size Group (head) 1/
           Year             :  Total   :--------------------------------------------
                            :          :  1-49  : 50-99  :100-499:500-999: 1,000+ 
                            :           ----------------- number ---------------- 
Number of Operations 2/     :                                                     
       2002                 :1,036,430  647,450  174,990  185,840 18,315    9,835 
       2003                 :1,013,570  633,200  170,370  182,240 17,970    9,790 
       2004                 :  989,460  618,750  163,750  178,530 18,445    9,985 
       2005                 :  982,510  612,200  163,780  177,510 18,820   10,200 
       2006                 :  971,400  605,200  160,650  175,890 19,180   10,480 
                            :              --------------- percent -------------- 
Cattle & Calves Inventory 3/:                                                     
       2002                 :   96,723     11.7     12.1     36.0   12.4     27.8 
       2003                 :   96,100     11.8     12.0     35.9   12.3     28.0 
       2004                 :   94,888     11.3     11.6     35.4   12.7     29.0 
       2005                 :   95,438     11.0     11.6     35.0   12.9     29.5 
       2006                 :   96,702     10.7     11.2     34.5   12.9     30.7 
1/  Percent reflect average distributions of various probability surveys        
    conducted during the year.  2/  An operation is any place with at least one 
    head at any time during the year.  3/ January 1 Inventory.  NASS, Livestock 
    Branch, (202) 720-3570.                                                     

                     Cattle and Calves: Commercial Slaughter                    
       :    Slaughter     :  Average Live   : Average Dressed  :      Meat      
       :        1/        :     Weight      :    Weight 2/     : Production 3/  
  Year :------------------------------------------------------------------------
       : Cattle : Calves  : Cattle : Calves : Cattle : Calves  :  Beef  : Veal  
       :  thousand head     ------------ pounds ------------     million pounds 
2002   : 35,735    1,045    1,251     312      765       190     27,193    205  
2003   : 35,493    1,001    1,231     318      746       194     26,340    201  
2004   : 32,728      842    1,240     330      756       201     24,649    176  
2005   : 32,388      734    1,256     353      769       216     24,786    165  
2006   : 33,698      711    1,275     345      781       207     26,257    155  
1/  Excludes farm slaughter.  2/  Federally inspected slaughter.  3/ Includes   
    farm slaughter.  NASS, Livestock Branch, (202) 720-3570.                    

               Cattle on Feed: Inventory and Marketings by State               
            :Jan 1, 2007 :    2006    ::             :Jan 1, 2007 :    2006    
  State 1/  :Inventory 2/: Marketings ::   State 1/  :Inventory 2/: Marketings 
            :      thousand head      ::             :      thousand head      
            :                         ::             :                         
Arizona     :      334          337   :: South Dakota:       225          425  
California  :      550          760   :: Texas       :     2,870        5,775  
Colorado    :    1,100        1,935   :: Washington  :       184          315  
Idaho       :      260          542   ::             :                         
Iowa        :      520          828   ::             :                         
Kansas      :    2,540        5,400   :: All Other   :                         
Nebraska    :    2,540        4,635   ::   States    :       365          567  
New Mexico  :      136          226   ::             :                         
Oklahoma    :      350          732   :: Total U.S.  :    11,974       22,477  
1/  1000+ capacity feedlots.  2/  Cattle and calves on feed are animals for    
    slaughter market being fed a ration of grain or concentrates and are       
    expected to produce a carcass that will grade select or better.  NASS,     
    Livestock Branch, (202) 720-3570.                                          

       Cattle on Feed:  Feedlots, Inventory, and Marketings, United States      
                    :                Counts by Size Group (head)                
                    : 1,000-  : 2,000-  : 4,000-  : 8,000-  : 16,000- :         
                    :  1,999  :  3,999  :  7,999  : 15,999  : 31,999  : 32,000+ 
Number of           :                                                           
  Feedlots 1/       :    818       552       344       190       135       126
                    :        ---------------thousand head--------------------   
January 1, 2007     :                                                           
Inventory 2/        :    488       804     1,035     1,412     2,522     5,713  
Marketings 3/       :    797     1,347     1,773     2,713     4,758    11,089  
1/  Number of lots operating at any time during 2006.   2/  Cattle and calves on
    feed are animals for slaughter market being fed a ration of grain or        
    concentrates and are expected to produce a carcass that will grade select or
    better.  3/  Marketed during calendar year 2006.  NASS, Livestock Branch,   
    (202) 720-3570. 


               Beef Cows:  Operations and Inventory by Size Group               
                       :          :     Number and Percent by Size Group 1/     
          Year         :  Total   :---------------------------------------------
                       :          :   1- 49   : 50 - 99  : 100 - 499 :   500+   
                       :             ----------------- head -----------------   
Number of Operations 2/:                                                        
       2002            : 808,110     633,660     98,330     70,705      5,415   
       2003            : 792,050     620,050     96,255     70,425      5,320   
       2004            : 774,930     601,950     95,650     72,020      5,310   
       2005            : 770,170     596,950     95,040     72,785      5,395   
       2006            : 762,880     590,550     93,750     73,055      5,525   
                       :                -------------- percent --------------   
Beef Cow Inventory 3/  :                                                        
       2002            :  33,134        29.0       19.2       37.3       14.5   
       2003            :  32,983        29.1       19.0       37.5       14.4   
       2004            :  32,861        28.1       19.1       38.3       14.5   
       2005            :  32,915        28.0       18.9       38.5       14.6   
       2006            :  32,994        27.6       18.6       38.7       15.1   
1/  Percent reflect average distributions of various probability surveys        
    conducted during the year.  2/  An operation is any place with at least one 
    head of beef cows at any time during the year.  Included in operations with 
    cattle.  3/ January 1 Inventory.  NASS, Livestock Branch, (202) 720-3570. 

               Milk Cows:  Operations and Inventory by Size Group               
                      :        :    Operations and Percent by Size Group 1/     
         Year         : Total  :------------------------------------------------
                      :        :  1-29  : 30-49 : 50-99 :100-199:200-499: 500+  
                      :          -------------------- head -------------------- 
Number of Operation 2/:                                                         
       2002           : 91,240   26,355  18,035  27,395  11,555   4,990   2,910 
       2003           : 86,360   25,045  16,805  25,800  10,980   4,765   2,965 
       2004           : 81,520   23,810  15,500  24,055  10,445   4,700   3,010 
       2005           : 78,300   22,490  14,835  23,185  10,055   4,662   3,073 
       2006           : 75,140   21,280  14,145  22,215   9,780   4,577   3,143 
                      :             ----------------- percent ----------------- 
Milk Cow Inventory 3/ :                                                         
       2002           :  9,139      2.4     7.4    19.6    16.4    15.9    38.3 
       2003           :  9,083      2.3     6.9    18.8    15.7    15.4    40.9 
       2004           :  9,012      2.1     6.6    17.8    15.1    15.5    42.9 
       2005           :  9,043      2.0     6.4    17.1    14.6    15.4    44.5 
       2006           :  9,112      2.0     6.0    16.3    14.1    15.0    46.7 
1/  Percent reflect average distributions of various probability surveys        
    conducted during the year.  2/  An operation is any place with at least one 
    head at any time during the year.  3/  Average number during year, excluding
    heifers not yet fresh.  NASS, Livestock Branch, (202) 720-3570.             

        Milk Cows:  Inventory, Production, Price, and Value of Production       
          :             :    Milk Production 2/    :            :     Value     
   Year   :  Milk Cow   :--------------------------:  Average   :      of       
          :Inventory 1/ :  Per Cow  :    Total     :   Price    : Production 3/ 
          :thousand head   pounds    million pounds dollars/cwt  million dollars
2002      :    9,139       18,608       170,063        12.18         20,720     
2003      :    9,083       18,760       170,394        12.55         21,381     
2004      :    9,012       18,967       170,934        16.13         27,568     
2005      :    9,043       19,565       176,929        15.19         26,874     
2006      :    9,112       19,951       181,798        12.97         23,574     
1/  Average number during year, excluding heifers not yet fresh.  2/ Excludes   
    milk sucked by calves. 3/ Includes value of milk fed to calves.  NASS,      
    Livestock Branch, (202) 720-3570.                                           

                Hogs and Pigs:  December 1 Inventory and Pig Crop               
      :         :            :            :   Sows    :  Pigs per  :    Pig     
 Year :  Total  :  Breeding  :   Market   :Farrowed 1/: Litter 1/  :  Crop 1/   
      : ---------------- thousand head ---------------               thousand head 
2002  : 59,554      6,058        53,496      11,492        8.85       101,678   
2003  : 60,444      6,009        54,434      11,429        8.88       101,490   
2004  : 60,975      5,969        55,005      11,498        8.94       102,781   
2005  : 61,449      6,011        55,438      11,535        9.01       103,965   
2006  : 62,489      6,088        56,401      11,590        9.08       105,259   
1/  December of preceding year through November.  Record Inventory:  83.7       
    million head December 1, 1944.  NASS, Livestock Branch, (202) 720-3570.     

              Hogs and Pigs:  Marketings, Price, and Cash Receipts              
                 :                    :      Average       :        Cash        
       Year      :   Marketings 1/    :       Price        :    Receipts 2/     
                 :   thousand head         dollars/cwt        million dollars   
2002             :      124,013               33.40                 9,602       
2003             :      124,383               37.20                10,618       
2004             :      127,563               49.30                14,333       
2005             :      129,042               50.20                14,992       
2006             :      131,665               46.00                14,085       
1/  Includes custom slaughter for use on farms where produced and state         
    outshipments but excludes interfarm sales within the state.  2/  Receipts   
    from marketings and sale of farm slaughter, includes allowance for higher   
    average price of state inshipments and outshipments of feeder pigs.  NASS,  
    Livestock Branch, (202) 720-3570.                                           

                      Hogs and Pigs:  Commercial Slaughter                      
          :                :    Average     :     Average     :                 
   Year   :  Slaughter 1/  :      Live      :     Dressed     :      Pork       
          :                :     Weight     :    Weight 2/    :  Production 3/  
          :   1,000 head          ------- pounds ------         million pounds  
2002      :    100,263            265               197             19,685      
2003      :    100,931            267               199             19,967      
2004      :    103,463            267               199             20,531      
2005      :    103,582            269               201             20,705      
2006      :    104,737            269               202             21,074      
1/  Excludes farm slaughter.  2/  Federally inspected only.  3/ Includes farm   
    slaughter.  NASS, Livestock Branch, (202) 720-3570.                         

                    Hogs and Pigs:  Operations and Inventory                    
               :        :   Number and Percent by Size of Operation (head) 1/   
      Year     : Total  :-------------------------------------------------------
               :        : 1-99  :100-499:500-999:1,000-1,999:2,000-4,999:5,000+ 
               :         ----------------------- number ----------------------- 
Number of      :                                                                
 Operations 2/ :                                                                
       2002    : 76,250  45,640  12,261   6,234     5,031       4,811     2,273 
       2003    : 73,720  44,490  11,530   5,687     4,877       4,871     2,265 
       2004    : 69,500  42,095  10,358   5,155     4,449       5,137     2,306 
       2005    : 67,280  40,564  10,116   4,743     4,259       5,237     2,361 
       2006    : 65,540  39,482   9,603   4,491     4,216       5,282     2,466 
               :            --------------------- percent --------------------- 
Hogs and Pigs  :                                                                
 Inventory 2/3/:                                                                
       2002    : 59,554     1.0     5.0     6.5      12.0        22.5      53.0 
       2003    : 60,444     1.0     4.5     6.5      11.0        24.0      53.0 
       2004    : 60,975     1.0     4.0     6.0      10.0        26.0      53.0 
       2005    : 61,449     1.0     4.0     6.0      10.0        26.0      53.0 
       2006    : 62,489     1.0     4.0     5.0      10.0        26.0      54.0
1/  Percent average distributions of various probability surveys conducted      
    during the year.  2/  December 1 Inventory.  3/  An operation is any place  
    having one or more hog or pig at any time during the year.  NASS, Livestock 
    Branch, (202) 720-3570.                                                     

                         Hogs and Pigs:  Pigs per Litter                        
     Year     :          :    Number of Pigs per Litter by Size of Operation    
      and     :   All    :------------------------------------------------------
    Quarter   :Operations: 1-99 :100-499:500-999:1,000-1,999:2,000-4,999:5,000+ 
              :            ----------------------- head ----------------------  
2002 Dec-Feb  :   8.77     7.30   7.80    8.30      8.60        8.70      8.90  
     Mar-May  :   8.84     7.70   8.10    8.40      8.70        8.80      8.90  
     Jun-Aug  :   8.92     7.70   7.80    8.40      8.80        8.80      9.00  
     Sep-Nov  :   8.86     7.50   8.20    8.50      8.60        8.80      9.00  
2003 Dec-Feb  :   8.81     7.60   8.00    8.20      8.70        8.80      8.90  
     Mar-May  :   8.88     7.60   8.00    8.40      8.70        8.70      9.00  
     Jun-Aug  :   8.90     7.60   8.00    8.40      8.60        8.70      9.00  
     Sep-Nov  :   8.93     7.40   7.80    8.30      8.60        8.70      9.10  
2004 Dec-Feb  :   8.85     7.60   7.90    8.20      8.60        8.70      9.00  
     Mar-May  :   8.93     7.70   7.90    8.30      8.70        8.90      9.00  
     Jun-Aug  :   9.01     7.50   7.80    8.30      8.80        8.90      9.10  
     Sep-Nov  :   8.96     7.50   7.70    8.20      8.80        8.90      9.10  
2005 Dec-Feb  :   8.94     7.50   7.80    8.30      8.80        8.90      9.00  
     Mar-May  :   9.02     7.50   7.90    8.30      8.80        9.00      9.10  
     Jun-Aug  :   9.06     7.60   7.90    8.70      8.80        9.00      9.10  
     Sep-Nov  :   9.03     7.50   8.00    8.50      8.70        9.00      9.10  
2006 Dec-Feb  :   9.03     7.50   8.00    8.30      8.80        9.00      9.10  
     Mar-May  :   9.08     7.60   8.00    8.40      8.80        9.00      9.20  
     Jun-Aug  :   9.11     7.70   8.00    8.40      8.80        9.10      9.20  
     Sep-Nov  :   9.11     7.70   8.00    8.40      8.80        9.10      9.20  
NASS, Livestock Branch, (202) 720-3570.                                         

               Sheep and Lambs:  January 1 Inventory and Lamb Crop              
        :         :          :         : Replace- :         :         :         
  Year  :  Total  :   Ewes   :  Rams   :   ment   : Market  : Market  :  Lamb   
        :         : 1+ Years :1+ Years :  Lambs   :  Lambs  :  Sheep  : Crop 1/ 
        :                             thousand head                             
2003    :  6,321     3,773       194       703       1,583      68       4,420  
2004    :  6,105     3,610       188       702       1,540      66       4,140  
2005    :  6,135     3,573       190       771       1,528      74       4,096  
2006    :  6,230     3,661       196       783       1,514      76       4,117  
2007    :  6,185     3,706       195       719       1,476      89       4,085  
1/  Lamb crop is defined as lambs born in the Native States and lambs docked or 
    branded in the Western States.  Record Inventory:  56.2 million head on     
    January 1, 1942.  Lamb crop corresponds to lambs born the previous year.
    NASS, Livestock Branch, (202) 720-3570.                 

             Sheep and Lambs:  Marketings, Price, and Cash Receipts             
          :      Marketings 1/       :      Average Price       :               
   Year   :-----------------------------------------------------:     Cash      
          :    Sheep    :   Lambs    :    Sheep    :   Lambs    :  Receipts 2/  
          :       thousand head           --- dollars/cwt ---    million dollars
2002      :     855         4,794         28.20         74.10          429      
2003      :     828         4,387         34.90         94.40          508      
2004      :     695         4,184         38.80        101.00          519      
2005      :     669         4,200         45.10        110.00          568 
2006      :     683         4,214         35.20         95.50          481       
1/  Includes custom slaughter for use on farm where produced and State          
    outshipments but excludes interfarm sales within the State.  2/  Receipts   
    from marketings and sale of farm slaughter.  NASS, Livestock Branch, (202)  

                     Sheep and Lambs:  Commercial Slaughter                     
          :                :    Average     :     Average     :    Lamb and     
   Year   :  Slaughter 1/  :      Live      :     Dressed     :     Mutton      
          :                :     Weight     :    Weight 2/    :  Production 3/  
          :   1,000 head          ------ pounds ------          million pounds  
2002      :     3,286             133               68                222       
2003      :     2,979             134               68                204       
2004      :     2,839             136               69                199       
2005      :     2,698             138               70                192       
2006      :     2,699             137               70                190       
1/  Excludes farm slaughter.  2/  Federally inspected only.  3/ Includes farm   
    slaughter.  NASS, Livestock Branch, (202) 720-3570.                         

                   Sheep and Lambs:  Wool Production and Value                  
               :   Sheep    : Weight per : Shorn Wool :  Average   :  Value of  
      Year     :   Shorn    :   Fleece   : Production :   Price    : Production 
               : thousand       pounds    thousand       dollars/     thousand 
               :   head                    pounds        pounds        dollars
2002           :   5,462         7.5         41,078        0.53        21,689   
2003           :   5,074         7.5         38,299        0.73        28,126   
2004           :   5,073         7.4         37,622        0.80        29,921   
2005           :   5,072         7.3         37,232        0.71        26,272   
2006           :   4,852         7.4         36,019        0.68        24,414   
NASS, Livestock Branch, (202) 720-3570.                                         

                Breeding Sheep:  Survey Percent by Size Group 1/                
                        :         :          Operations and Inventory           
                        :         :           Percents by Size Groups           
          Year          :  Total  :---------------------------------------------
                        :         :  1 - 99  :100 - 499 :500- 4,999 :  5,000+   
                        :             ------------- percent 1/ -------------    
Number of Operations 2/ :                                                       
       2003             : 67,720      91.8        6.7        1.4         0.1    
       2004             : 67,580      92.2        6.3        1.4         0.1    
       2005             : 68,330      92.0        6.5        1.4         0.1    
       2006             : 69,090      90.8        7.6        1.5         0.1    
                        :             --------------- percent --------------    
Jan 1 Breeding Inventory:                                                       
       2003             :  4,670      29.9       23.8       33.1        13.2    
       2004             :  4,499      31.7       22.0       33.0        13.3    
       2005             :  4,533      30.3       22.0       33.5        14.2    
       2006             :  4,640      28.7       24.0       33.8        13.5    
1/  Percent distribution according to end of year surveys.  2/  An operation is 
    any place with at least one head at any time during the year.  NASS,        
    Livestock Branch, (202) 720-3570. 

                           Goats:  Number by Type, January 1                       
          :                :                :                 :                 
   Year   :     Angora     :      Milk      :      Meat       :      Total      
          :    --------------------------- head ---------------------------     
2005      :    280,000          285,000          2,150,000         2,715,000    
2006      :    260,000          290,000          2,287,000         2,837,000    
2007      :    238,000          296,000          2,400,000         2,934,000    
NASS, Livestock Branch, (202) 720-3570.                                                                                         

                 Honey:  Number of Colonies, Yield, Production, Stocks,             
                               Price, and Value 1/                              
       :  Honey   :  Yield   :            :            : Average :    Value     
  Year :Producing :   per    : Production :   Stocks   :Price per:      of      
       : Colonies :  Colony  :            : Dec 15 2/  :  Pound  :  Production  
       : thousand    pounds        thousand pounds        cents    thousand dollars 
2002   :  2,574       67.0      171,718       39,393      132.7      228,338    
2003   :  2,599       70.0      181,727       40,785      138.7      253,106    
2004   :  2,556       71.8      183,582       61,222      106.9      196,259    
2005   :  2,413       72.4      174,818       62,478       91.8      160,428    
2006   :  2,392       64.7      154,846       60,528      104.2      161,314    
1/  For producers with 5 or more colonies.  2/  Stocks held by producers.  Does 
    not include stocks under loan.  NASS, Livestock Branch, (202) 720-3570.     

                 Broilers:  Production, Price, and Value 1/2/3/                 
          :           Production            :                 :                 
   Year   :---------------------------------:     Average     :    Value of     
          :      Head      :     Pounds     :    Price 4/     :   Production    
          :   --------- thousand --------      dollars/pound   thousand dollars 
2002      :   8,591,080        44,058,700          0.305          13,437,345    
2003      :   8,492,850        43,958,200          0.346          15,214,947    
2004      :   8,740,650        45,796,250          0.446          20,446,086    
2005      :   8,872,000        47,855,600          0.436          20,877,916    
2006      :   8,882,000        48,794,900          0.386          18,851,054    
1/  1/  December 1, previous year through November 30.  2/  Broiler production    
    including other domestic meat-type strains.  3/  Excludes States producing  
    less than 500,000 broilers.  4/  Live weight equivalent prices, derived from
    ready-to-cook (RTC) prices using the following formulas:  RTC price minus   
    processing cost X (dressing percentage) = live weight equivalent price.     
    NASS, Livestock Branch, (202) 720-3570.                                     

                    Layers:  Egg Production, Price, and Value                   
           :Avg. Number : Eggs per  :    Egg     :   Average   :    Value of    
  Year 1/  : of Layers  : Layer 2/  : Production :  Price 3/   :   Production   
           :  thousand                 thousand   dollars/dozen thousand dollars
2002       :  339,293        257        87,252        0.589        4,284,930    
2003       :  338,393        259        87,473        0.732        5,333,014    
2004       :  341,956        261        89,091        0.714        5,299,185    
2005       :  343,792        262        90,027        0.540        4,049,293    
2006       :  346,078        263        90,877        0.579        4,387,528    
1/  Estimates cover December 1 of previous year through November 30.  2/  Total 
    egg production divided by average number of layers on hand.  3/  Average of 
    all eggs sold, including hatching eggs.  NASS, Livestock Branch, (202)      

                        Chickens:  Inventory and Value 1/                       
        :             Inventory Number              :          :                
  Year  :-------------------------------------------: Average  :   Inventory    
 (Dec 1):  Layers  : Pullets  :  Other   :  Total   :  Price   :     Value      
        :          :          : Chickens :          : per Head :                
        : ------------- thousand head ------------    dollars   thousand dollars
2002    : 340,209     95,289     8,353     443,851      2.38       1,055,316    
2003    : 340,979    100,346     8,439     449,764      2.48       1,116,273    
2004    : 343,922    101,429     8,248     453,599      2.48       1,122,923    
2005    : 348,203     96,809     8,289     453,301      2.52       1,140,696    
2006    : 348,719     96,087     8,230     453,036      2.60       1,175,905    
1/  Excludes commercial broilers.  NASS, Livestock Branch, (202) 720-3570.      

                     Turkeys:  Production, Price, and Value 1/                     
          :           Production            :                 :                 
   Year   :---------------------------------:     Average     :    Value of     
          :    Head 2/     :     Pounds     :      Price 3/   :   Production    
          :    -------- thousand -------       dollars/pound   thousand dollars 
2002      :    275,477         7,494,861           0.365           2,732,481    
2003      :    274,048         7,487,293           0.361           2,699,673    
2004      :    263,207         7,278,413           0.420           3,054,329    
2005      :    252,053         7,095,977           0.449           3,182,767    
2006      :    261,960         7,417,935           0.479           3,551,127    
1/  28 - State total.  2/  Based on turkeys placed September 1 of previous year 
    through August 31 of year indicated.  3/  Live weight equivalent price.
    NASS, Livestock Branch, (202) 720-3570.          

      Catfish and Trout: Operations, Catfish Water Acres, and Grower Sales      
        :  Number of Operations    :             :                               
        :                          :   Catfish   :        Total Sales          
  Year  :--------------------------: Water Acres :-------------------------------
        :             :            :    Jan 1    :               :               
        :  Catfish 1/ :   Trout    :             :    Catfish 2/ :     Trout 3/     
        : ---------- number ------     acres         -- thousand dollars --     
2003    :   1,161         545         187,200        425,024         64,046    
2004    :   1,147         592         177,790        480,175         71,045     
2005    :   1,158         602         173,590        482,295         74,325    
2006    :   1,035         604         170,370        480,820              *     
2007    :   1,023                     162,700                                   
1/  January 1.  2/  11 - State total.  3/  20 - State total includes value of
    eggs.  *  Not published to avoid disclosure of individual operations.  
    NASS, Livestock Branch, (202) 720-3570.