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Environmental Energy Technologies Division
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

1997 on | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992

Akbari, H., Bretz, S., Hanford, J., Kurn, D., Fishman, B., Taha, H., and Bos, W.
Monitoring Peak Power and Cooling Energy Savings of Shade Trees and White Surfaces in the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) Service Area: Data Analysis, Simulations, and Results, Berkeley, CA: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, LBL-34411, 1993.
Akbari, H., Eto, J., Konopacki, S., Afzal, A., Heinemeier, K., and Rainer, L.
Integrated Estimation of Commercial Sector End-use Load Shapes and Energy Use Intensities in PG&E; Service Area, Berkeley, CA: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, LBL-34263, 1993.
Akbari, H., Rainer, L., Heinemeier, K., Huang, Y.J., and Franconi, E.
Measured Commercial Load Shapes and Energy-Use Intensities and Validation of the LBL End-Use Dissaggregation Algorithm, Berkeley, CA: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, LBL-32193, 1993.
Baldick, R. and Kahn, E.
Network Costs and the Regulation of Wholesale Competition in Electric Power. Journal of Regulatory Economics 2 367-384. 1993. LBL-34930.
Baldick, R. and Kahn, E.
The Transmission Interface Constraint Problem, Berkeley, CA: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, LBL-34772, 1993.
Energy Analysis Program Staff
Energy Analysis Program 1992 Annual Report, Berkeley, CA: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, LBL-33441, 1993.
Eto, J. and Moezzi, M.
Analysis of PG&E;'s Residential End-Use Metered Data to Improve Electricity Demand Forecasts &emdash; Final Report, Berkeley, CA: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, LBL-34431, 1993.
Figueroa, M.J. and Sathaye, J.
Household Energy Use in Urban Venezuela: Implications from Surveys in Maracaibo, Valencia, Mérida, and Barcelona-Puerto La Cruz, Berkeley, CA: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, LBL-33199, 1993.
Goldman, C., Busch, J.F., Kahn, E.P., Baldick, R., and Milne, A.
Review of Consolidated Edison's Integrated Resource Bidding Program, Berkeley, CA: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, LBL-33599, 1993.
Goldman, C., Comnes, G.A., Busch, J.F., and Wiel, S.
Primer on Gas Integrated Resource Planning, Berkeley, CA: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, LBL-34144, 1993. Prepared for the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners. Available through NARUC; contact Judi Ford, (202) 898-2203.
Goldman, C. and Kahn, E.
Integrated Resource Planning: The Role of Competitive Forces. In The Energy Efficiency Challenge for Europe: Proceedings of the European Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy Summer Study, Rungstedgård, Denmark, June 1-5, 1993. Vol. 1, p. 33.
Hanford, J. and Huang, Y.J.
Evaluation of Solar Gain Through Skylights for Inclusion in the SP53 Residential Building Loads Data Base, Berkeley, CA: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, LBL-34876, 1993.
Heienemeier, K.
The Use of EMCS in Building Monitoring: Experience from Energy Edge and LoanStar Programs. In National Conference on Building Commissioning, April 28-30, 1993, Sacramento, CA, 1993. LBL-33934.
Howarth, R., Schipper, L., and Andersson, B.
The Structure and Intensity of Energy Use: Trends in Five OECD Nations. The Energy Journal 14 (2) 27-45. 1993. LBL-32431.rev. Presented at the Conference of the Western Economics Association, San Francisco, CA, July 9-13, 1992.
Janda, K.B. and Busch, J.F.
Worldwide Status of Energy Standards for Buildings: Appendices, Berkeley, CA: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, LBL-33587, 1993. Supporting materials for article of same title published in Energy&emdash;The International Journal, 19:19 (1992).
Kahn, E., Milne, A., and Kito, S.
The Price of Electricity from Private Power Producers, Berkeley, CA: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, LBL-34578, 1993. See LBL-36054 for Stage II of the report (1995).
Koomey, J., Johnson, F., McMahon, J., Orland, M., Levine, M.D., Chan, P., and Krause, F.
An Assessment of Future Energy Use and Carbon Emissions from U.S. Residences, Berkeley, CA: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, LBL-32183, 1993.
Lang, S. and Huang, Y.J.
Energy Conservation Standard for Space Heating in Chinese Urban Residential Buildings. Energy&emdash;The International Journal 18 (8) 871-892. 1993. LBL-33098.
Liu, F.
Energy Use and Conservation in China's Residential and Commercial Sectors: Patterns, Problems, and Prospects, Berkeley, CA: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, LBL-33867, 1993.
Masera, O.
Sustainable Fuelwood Use in Rural Mexico. Volume I: Current Patterns of Resource Use, Berkeley, CA: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, LBL-34634, 1993.
Masera, O., Friedmann, R., and deBuen, O.
Residential Energy Use in Mexico: Structure, Evolution, Environmental Impacts, and Savings Potential, Berkeley, CA: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, LBL-34174, 1993.
McMahon, J.E., Atkinson, B.A., and Mills, E.
Potential for Government Policies to Improve U.S. Lighting Energy Efficiency in Commercial and Residential Buildings. In The Energy Efficiency Challenge for Europe: Proceedings of the European Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy Summer Study, Rungstedgård, Denmark, June 1-5, 1993. Vol. 1, p. 335.
Meier, A.
Field Performance of Residential Refrigerators. ASHRAE Journal 8 (August) 36-40. 1993.
Meier, A., Megowan, A., Litt, B., and Pon, B.
The New York State Residential Refrigerator Electrical Energy Monitoring Project, Berkeley, CA: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, LBL-33708, 1993.
Meier, A.K.
Progress in U.S. Building Energy Efficiency. In Anais Do II Encontro Nacional de Conforto No Ambiente Construido, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil, March 28-April 1, ANTC, ABERGO, SOBRAC, 1993. pp. 1-19.
Meyers, S. and Campbell, C.
Trends in Electricity Demand and Supply in the Developing Countries, 1980-1990, Berkeley, CA: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, LBL-33166.Rev, 1993. Revised: many figures contain 1991 data.
Meyers, S., Goldman, N., Martin, N., and Friedmann, R.
Prospects for the Power Sector in Nine Developing Countries. Energy Policy 21 (11) 1123-1132. 1993. LBL-33741.
Meyers, S., Monahan, P., Lewis, P., Greenberg, S., and Nadel, S.
Electric Motor Systems in Developing Countries: Opportunities for Efficiency Improvement, Berkeley, CA: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, LBL-34412, 1993.
Meyers, S., Schipper, L., and Lebot, B.
Domestic Refrigeration Appliances in Poland: Potential for Improving Energy Efficiency, Berkeley, CA: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, LBL-34101, 1993.
Meyers, S., Schipper, L., and Salay, J.
Energy Use in Poland, 1970-1991: Sectoral Analysis and International Comparison, Berkeley, CA: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, LBL-33994, 1993.
Ritschard, R.
Energy Efficiency and the Environment: Innovative Ways to Improve Air Quality in the Los Angeles Basin. In 89th Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Atlanta, GA, April 6-10, 1993. LBL-33725.
Rosenfeld, A.H., Atkinson, C., Koomey, J., Meier, A., Mowris, R., and Price, L.
Conserved Energy Supply Curves. Contemporary Policy Issues XI (January) (1) 45-98. 1993.
Sailor, D.J.
Role of Surface Characteristics in Urban Meteorology and Air Quality, Berkeley, CA: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, LBL-34459, 1993. Ph.D Thesis.
Salay, J., Fenhann, J., Jaanimägi, K., and Kristoferson, L.
Energy and Environment in the Baltic States. Annual Review of Energy and the Environment 18 169-216. 1993.
Sanstad, A., Koomey, J., and Levine, M.
On the Economic Analysis of Problems in Energy Efficiency: Market Barriers, Market Failures, and Policy Implications, Berkeley, CA: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, LBL-32652, 1993.
Sathaye, J., Norgaard, R., and Makundi, W.
A Conceptual Framework for the Evaluation of Cost-Effectiveness of Projects to Reduce GHG Emissions and Sequester Carbon, Berkeley, CA: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, LBL-33859, 1993.
Schipper, L.
Energy Efficiency: Lessons for the Past and Strategies for the Future. In Proceedings of the Fifth World Bank Conference on Development Economics, Washington, DC, The World Bank, 1993. pp. 1-31. Also published in the Pacific and Asian Journal of Energy, Vol. 4, No. 2, December, 1994, pp. 155-181. See the book Energy Efficiency and Human Activity: Past Trends, Future Prospects, published by Cambridge University Press, UK, for the underlying report, ISBN: 0 521 43297 9.
Schipper, L.
Energy Efficiency and Human Activity: Lessons from the Past, Importance for the Future, Berkeley, CA: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, LBL-34083, 1993. Also in the Proceeding of the World Bank Annual Conference on Development Economics, May 3-4, 1993, Washington, DC.
Schipper, L., Johnson, F., Howarth, R., Andersson, B., Andersson, B., and Price, L.
Energy Use in Sweden: An International Perspective, Berkeley, CA: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, LBL-33819, 1993.
Schipper, L. and Martinot, E.
Decline and Rebirth: Energy Demand in the Former USSR. Energy Policy 21 (9) 969-977. 1993.
Schipper, L. and Martinot, E.
Electricity Demand in Former Soviet Republics: Constraints and Opportunities, 1993. Prepared for the International Energy Agency, Office of Long-Term Co-operation and Policy Analysis.
Schipper, L. and Meyers, S.
Using Scenarios to Explore Future Energy Demand in Industrialized Countries. Energy Policy 21 (3) 264-275. 1993. LBL-32947.
Schipper, L., Meyers, S., and Howarth, R.
Energy Intensities in OECD Countries: An Historical Analysis. International Journal of Global Energy Issues 5 (2/3/4) 76-89. 1993. Also published as LBL-33108 under a slightly different title.
Schipper, L., Steiner, R., and Meyers, S.
"Trends in Transportation Energy Use, 1970-1988: An International Perspective", in Transportation and Global Climate Change, D.L. Greene and D.J. Santini, Eds. 1993, American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy: Washington, DC and Berkeley, CA. Available through ACEEE, Washington, DC (202) 429-8873; Berkeley, CA (510) 549-9914.
Schipper, L.J., Figueroa, M.J., Price, L., and Espey, M.
Mind the Gap: The Vicious Circle of Measuring Automobile Fuel Use. Energy Policy 21 (12) 1173-1190. 1993. LBL-33140.
Schipper, L.J., Steiner, R., Figueroa, M.J., and Dolan, K.
Fuel Prices and Economy: Factors Affecting Land Travel. Transport Policy 1 (1) 6-20. 1993. LBL-32699.
Sheinbaum, C. and Schipper, L.J.
Residential Sector Carbon Dioxide Emissions in OECD Countries, 1973-1989: A Comparative Analysis. In The Energy Efficiency Challenge for Europe: Proceedings of the European Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy Summer Study, Rungstedgård, Denmark, June 1-5, 1993. Vol. 2, pp. 255-268.
Solomon, B.D., Kruger, J.A., and Meier, A.K.
The Design and Implementation of EPA's Conservation Verification Protocols. In 6th National Demand-Side Management Conference, Miami Beach, FL, March 24-26, Electric Power Research Institute, 1993. pp. 16-20. EPRI TR-102021.
Turiel, I. and Lebot, B.
Electricity Savings from Residential Appliance Standards in Sweden. In The Energy Efficiency Challenge for Europe: Proceedings of the European Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy Summer Study, Rungstedgård, Denmark, June 1-5, 1993. Vol. 1, p. 183. LBL-33773.
Turiel, I., McMahon, J., and Lebot, B.
Global Residential Appliance Standards. In The Energy Efficiency Challenge for Europe: Proceedings of the European Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy Summer Study, Rungstedgård, Denmark, June 1-5, 1993. Vol. 1, p. 183. LBL-33772.
U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
Conservation Verification Protocols: A Guidance Document for Electric Utilities Affected by the Acid Rain Program of the Clean Air Amendments of 1990, Washington, DC: U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1993. Available from EPA: order no. 430/8/B-92-002.
U.S. Department of Energy
Technical Support Document: Energy Efficiency Standards for Consumer Products: Room Air Conditioners, Water Heaters, Direct Heating Equipment, Mobile Home Furnaces, Kitchen Ranges and Ovens, Pool Heaters, Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts, and Television Sets. Volume 1: Methodology, including Environmental Assessment (DOE/AE-0819) and Regulatory Impact Analysis, 1993. DOE/EE-0009, Vol. 1 of 3. Available from NTIS, (703) 487-4650. DE94006 575. $36.50.
U.S. Department of Energy
Technical Support Document: Energy Efficiency Standards for Consumer Products: Room Air Conditioners, Water Heaters, Direct Heating Equipment, Mobile Home Furnaces, Kitchen Ranges and Ovens, Pool Heaters, Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts, and Television Sets. Volume 2: Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts, Television Sets, Room Air Conditioners, & Kitchen Ranges and Ovens, 1993. DOE/EE-0009, Vol. 2 of 3. Available from NTIS, (703) 487-4650. DE94006 576. $77.00.
U.S. Department of Energy
Technical Support Document: Energy Efficiency Standards for Consumer Products: Room Air Conditioners, Water Heaters, Direct Heating Equipment, Mobile Home Furnaces, Kitchen Ranges and Ovens, Pool Heaters, Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts, and Television Sets. Volume 3: Water Heaters, Pool Heaters, Direct Heating Equipment, & Mobile Home Furnaces, 1993. DOE/EE-0009, Vol. 3 of 3. Available from NTIS, (703) 487-4650. DE94006 577. $61.00.
Vine, E.
The Human Dimension of Program Evaluation. Energy&emdash;The International Journal 19 (2) 165-178 (1994). 1993. LBL-33601. Also in The Energy Efficiency Challenge for Europe: Proceedings of the European Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy Summer Study, Rungstedgård, Denmark, June 1-5, 1993. Vol. 1, 201. Also published as LBL-33601.
Wu, H.F. and Huang, Y.J.
The Energy and Comfort Performance of Low-Energy Cooling Systems in Southern California Homes. In International Conference on Building Design, Technology and Occupant Well-Being in Temperate Climates, Brussels, 1993.

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