Thomas McKone

Adjunct Professor and Researcher in Environmental Health Sciences; Senior Scientist, Environmental Energy Technologies Division,
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
School of Public Health
Environmental Health Sciences Division
University of California Berkeley
140 Warren Hall, #7360
Berkeley, CA 94720-7360
Office Phone: 510-642-8771
Office Fax: 510-642-5815

Dr. McKone's research interests include the use of multimedia compartment models in health-risk assessments; chemical transport and transformation in the environment; and measuring and modeling the biophysics of contaminant transport from the environment into the microenvironments with which humans have contact and across the human/environment exchange boundaries--skin, lungs, and gut. His most recent achievement in the area of exposure assessment involves the development of the CalTOX model for the California Department of Toxic Substances Control. This model addresses clean-up goals for contaminated soils and the contamination of adjacent air, surface water, sediments, and ground water. The modeling effort includes multimedia transport and transformation models, exposure scenario models, and efforts to quantify and reduce uncertainty in multimedia, multiple-pathway exposure models. The model is now being distributed by Cal-EPA and has attracted much attention both in the academic and regulatory communities. Dr. McKone is now working with the U.S. EPA to develop the exposure models for regional air pollution and to develop exposure models for use with industrial ecology studies. Dr. McKone is now working with the U.S. EPA, the National Academy of Science, and the Environmental Defense Fund to evaluate health impacts of industrial releases to the air, water, and soil, and to assess the reliability of models used as indicators of health and environmental impact.

J.N.S. Eisenberg, D.H. Bennett, and T.E. McKone (1998) "Chemical Dynamics of Persistent Organic Pollutants: A Sensitivity Analysis Relating Soil Concentration Levels to Atmospheric Emissions," Environmental Science and Technology, 32, 115-123, 1998.

E.G. Hertwich, W. S. Pease, and T.E. McKone, (1998) "Evaluating Toxic Impact Assessment Methods: What Works Best?" Environ. Sci. & Technol. 32(5):A138-A144, 1998.

R.L. Maddalena, T.E. McKone, and N.Y. Kado, (1998) "Simple and Rapid Extraction of PAHs Collected on Polyurethane Foam (PUF) Adsorbent," Atmospheric Environment 32(14/15): 2497-2503, 1998.

J.N.S. Eisenberg and T.E. McKone, (1998) "Decision Tree Method for the Classification of Chemical Pollutants: Incorporation of Across Chemical Variability and Within Chemical Uncertainty," Environmental Science and Technology, 32:3396-3404, 1998.

D.H. Bennett, T.E. McKone, M. Matthies, and W.E. Kastenberg, (1998) "General Formulation of Characteristic Travel Distance for Semivolatile Chemicals in a Multimedia Environment," Environmental Science and Technology, 32:4023-4030, 1998.

D.H. Bennett, W.E. Kastenberg, and T.E. McKone, (1999) "General Formulation of Characteristic Travel Time for Persistent Chemicals in a Multimedia Environment," Environmental Science and Technology, 33, 503-509, 1999.

E.G. Hertwich, T.E. McKone and W. S. Pease, (1999) "Parameter Uncertainty and Variability in Evaluative Fate and Exposure Models, Risk Analysis, 19:1193-1204, 1999.

D.H. Bennett, T.E. McKone, and W.E. Kastenberg (2000). "Evaluating Multimedia Chemical Persistence in a Multimedia Environment: A Cart Analysis," Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 19(4): 810-819 2000. (LBNL-42897).

McKone, TE; Hammond, SK. (2000) "Managing the Health Impacts of Waste Incineration," Environmental Science and Technology, 34(17):380A-387A, 2000.

R.L. Maddalena, T.E. McKone; D.P.H. Hsieh and S. Geng "Influential Parameter Classification in Probabilistic Multimedia Models" accepted for publication in the journal Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (in press 2000).

E.G. Hertwich, T.E. McKone and W. S. Pease, "A Systematic Uncertainty Analysis of an Evaluative Fate and Exposure Model," Accepted for publication in the journal Risk Analysis, (March, 2000).

E.G. Hertwich and T.E. McKone, "The Spatial Range of Pollutants in Multimedia Models and Implications for Potential Dose," accepted for publication in the journal Environmental Science and Technology (August, 2000).

D.H. Bennett, M. Scheringer, T.E. McKone. and K. Hungerbühler, "Predicting Long Range Transport: A Systematic Evaluation of Two Multimedia Transport Models," accepted for publication in the journal Environmental Science and Technology (October, 2000).

Technical Reports and other Conference Proceedings and Book Chapters

Toxicological Assessment of the Army's Zinc Cadmium Sulfide Dispersion Tests, National Research Council, Committee on Toxicology report (National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1997). {T.E. McKone was a committee member}.

Toxicological Assessment of the Army's Zinc Cadmium Sulfide Dispersion Tests, Answers to Frequently Asked Questions NRC, Committee on Toxicology report (National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1997). {T.E. McKone was a committee member}.

Rocket-Emissions Toxicants, Subcommittee on Rocket-Emission Toxicants, Committee on Toxicology, National Research Council (National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1998)

D. Van De Meent, T.E. Mckone; T. Parkerton; M. Matthies; M. Scheringer; F. Wania; R. Purdy; D.H. Bennett "Persistence and Transport Potential of Chemicals In A Multimedia Environment," Chapter 5 in the book Persistence and Long-Range Transport of Organic Chemicals in the Environment: Guidelines and Criteria for Evaluation and Assessment, G. Klecka, D. Mackay (editors) SETAC Press (Pensacola, FL, in press). LBNL-43719

G.M. Klecka, D. Mackay, R.S. Boethling, … T.E. McKone and others, "Evaluation of Persistence and Long-Range Transport of Organic Chemicals in the Environment: Summary of a SETAC Pellston Workshop," report issued as a supplement to Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 18(8), 1999. LBNL-43720

M. Scheringer, D.H. Bennett, T. E. McKone, and K. Hugerbuhler, "Relationship between Persistence and Spatial Range of Environmental Chemicals," prepared for the book Persistent, Bioaccumulative, Toxic Chemicals, R.L. Lipnick and D. Mackay (Editors), An American Chemical Society Division of Environmental Chemistry Special Publication (in press, 1999).

D. H. Bennett, T. E. McKone, and W. E. Kastenberg, "CART Screening Level Analysis of Characteristic Time - A Case Study," prepared for the book Persistent, Bioaccumulative, Toxic Chemicals, R.L. Lipnick and D. Mackay (Editors), An American Chemical Society Division of Environmental Chemistry Special Publication (in press, 1999) LBNL-43721.

USEPA. 1999. (T.E. McKone and others) "Total Risk Integrated Methodology. Status Report". Office of Air Quality, Planning and Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC. EPA-453/R-99-010

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