Table of contents for Discourse and cognition : bridging the gap / edited by Jean-Pierre Koenig.

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1. On sentence accent in information
2. Conceptual integration in counterfactuals
3. Sequencing mental spaces in an ASL narrative
Semantic Principles of Predication
4. From hypothetical to factual and beyond: 5. Refutational si- clauses in Spanish conversation
6. Meaning and context: German Aber and Sondern
7. A non-syntactic account of some asymmetries in the double object construction
8. Viewpoint shifts in narrative
9. Psycholinguistic studies of entrenchment
9. Prototype theory and covert gender in Turkish
10. An AI system for metaphorical reasoning about mental states in discourse
11. The conceptual basis of number marking in Brazilian Portuguese
Metaphoric gestures and some of their relations to verbal metaphoric expressions
Principles of conceptual integration
Reference frames: an application to imparfait
Bound spaces, Starting points, and settings
Space and time in the semantics of the Finnish case system
Locating linguistic variation in semantic templates
The distribution of generic objects: Lexical semantics vs. pragmatics
On subjectification and grammaticization
Conceptual metaphor in mathematics
The relation between grammaticalization and event structure metaphor: Evidence from Uighur auxiliation
Blending and other conceptual operations in the interpretation of mathematical proofs
Three grammaticalization paths for the development of person verbal agreement in Hebrew
The pragmatics of precision: geometric and non-geometric periphrastic progressives in modern English
The 'conduit metaphor' revisited: a reassessment of metaphors for Communication
Conceptual dependency and the clausal structure of discourse.

Library of Congress subject headings for this publication: Discourse analysis Psychological aspects, Psycholinguistics, Semantics, Metaphor