AWIPS Build 4.0 Release Notes

Section I - New Features in Build 4.0

  • Support for site backup operations is included in WarnGen. (Buttons for backup sites appear at the top of the WarnGen menu.)
  • A directory, $FXA_CUSTOM_FILES, is now available for storing localization customizations. Files in this directory will be used in the localization process as appropriate. For details, see Chapter 9 of the localization write-up.

    Graphics Workstation Enhancements

    The following is a summary of fixes/enhancements made to the Graphics Workstation:

    New user interface

    The user interface has been completely reworked. Highlights include:

    Other new features


    Bug fixes

    Text workstation

    New features


    Bug fixes

    SBN Retransmission

    SBN Retransmission is now available. When a site's cpsbn1-<site> determines that there has been an interruption in message processing, a retransmission request will be automatically transmitted over the WAN to the NCF, providing that retransmission has been set to "enabled" at the site for cpsbn1-<site>. (The delivered default value is set to "disabled." Also, after a data server failover, the retransmission request capability will be set to "disabled." The site will have to manually "enable" retransmission request capability after the failover.)

    Once the retransmission has been received by the NCF, the range of missing NWSTG data will be retransmitted over the SBN to every site. The site responsible for the retransmission request will ingest the products as a "SAVE DUPLICATE." Other sites which already have this data will discard the data as a duplicate product. There are times, however, when products will arrive at a site that did not issue the retransmission message and they will be processed as first time products. This will occur when a certain time limit has been met and their shared memory table has "rolled over." This is currently under analysis.

    The number of retransmitted products depends on the missing range of products. For example, if a site issued a retransmitted message with 21 missing numbers, all of those will be retransmitted. If, however, a site issues a retransmission message with a number greater than 500, 500 of those products will be returned, and in addition to that, a variable number of products. That depends on how much processing time is left at the time of the transaction. So, a site could, if issuing a retransmission message for 600 missing numbers, actually receive 515 back.

    Retransmission messages are not issued for problems such as power failures or reboots and functions in a failed-over configuration. A DR has been issued (DR 1463) with regards to a failover problem. This problem occurs only when there is already a process and read number for link 1 on cpsbn2. The new failover would bring a new process number and could produce a missing range of thousands of numbers. A previous failover would have left these older numbers. The following is a workaround when failing over the NWSTG cpsbn:

    1. Disable SBN Retransmission on cpsbn2-<site>. From a UNIX window, log into cpsbn2-<site> as root and enter: acq_ctl -c48 -k1 -id. This will disable SBN retrans on link 1.
    2. Failover the cpsbn using option 2 from /awips/ops/bin/CP_Reconfigure.
    3. A retransmission message will be generated; however, since the interface is disabled, the message will not be transmitted over the WAN.
    4. Enable SBN Retransmission on cpsbn2-<site> for link 1 (NWSTG). From a UNIX window, log into cpsbn2-<site> as root and enter: acq_ctl -c48 -k1 -ie. This will enable the SBN retrans on link 1.
    The SBN Retransmission capability is now enabled on cpsbn2-<site> for link 1 to transmit retransmission requests when necessary.

    Section II - Fixes in Build 4.0 to Problems found in a previous build

    Note: This list does not include all of the system software and merge issues fixed in this Build.



    Problem: Workstations are unable to Print to File as a .gif. An error is returned indicating possible missing tcl script. DR 1565 TT 20.327(PQR)

    Window Expansions

    Problem: Unable to expand the History List and Procedure Window DR 534

    Green Times

    Problem: Green times failing DR 548/529


    Problem: Large screen crashes when the state/county boundaries are unloaded from the map legend menu. DR 554

    Problem: Loading of MRF Mean RH from UpperAir Model Graphics causes the screen to "freeze". DR 622

    Problem: Using the Load Mode of Inventory and the 1min lightning from SURFACE causes the screen to "hang" DR 619

    Problem: Replacing one of a displayed combined satellite image with another satellite image, with the slide bar on the image control dialog window all the way to the right can crash the pane. DR 706

    Problem: Force loading a 4-panel ETA family onto a 4-panel Satellite with the load next image button toggled on causes the large pane to crash and restart. DR 741

    Problem: Loading a RUC 850mb PotVorticity (image) crashes the large pane. DR 825

    Problem: Displaying the Interstate highways map at infinite density crashes the large pane.


    Problem: Sites on the East Coast cannot edit Distance Bearings because they only appear in the West.- DR 725

    Problem: The Put Home Cursor is not registering correctly. Cities are showing up in the wrong counties and in some cases in the wrong states. DR 1171

    Problem: The Distance Speed storm centroid spped track kinks when the product auto-updates. DR 1057


    Problem: Enhance Visibility of Mouse Cursor DR 650

    Problem: Product Loops will run backwards after an automatic restart of a crashed D2D pane. DR 583

    Problem: Certain Product loops of numerous surface-based NCEP products listed under the Surface pull-down menu in the NCEP Graphics cascading menus are showing a green time older than the current product time. If the loop is run for an extended period of time, the looping times will show the older green time vs the current product time. DR 595

    Color Curve

    Problem: Loading a 0.5 refl product and Reg IR satellite as a combined image, changing the satellite image color curve and then restoring back to the original color curve, and toggling the products, caused the satellite color curve to stay as the modified colors. DR 533

    Map Features/Legends/Menu/Clearing Pane

    Problem: If the operator tears away a main menu, then a secondary menu and select something from it, the selection will remain highlighted. If the secondary menu is closed, the operator will not be able to tear the secondary menu away again. DR 824

    Problem: Certain Map features do not overlay on the map background correctly. The Map background selections State/County Boundaries and State Boundaries do not line up perfectly, as well as counties and forecast zones. DR 584

    Problem: Load Mode does not return to the default value after a pane Clear DR 728

    Problem: On the WFO map scale at FWR, there is a 200 mi diameter circular area devoid of cities except for Dallas, Ft. Worth, and Victoria. DR 1214


    Problem: Loading a 4-panel bundle from the History List results in all four displays being loaded into one pane. DR 726

    Problem: The Map Background disappears in three of the four panels DR 610

    Pane Swapping/Product Replacement

    Problem: Loading a second image into the pane from Inventory mode caused a frame of the first product to be deleted.DR 743

    Problem: Date/time group in lower right corner of the four small monitor panes remains even after clearing the pane DR 520


    Problem: Metar observations 00UTC LAMP analysis is not always updating DR 1438

    Problem: 5% POPs not uploading from grids to stations DR 1417

    Problem: HI and WC are not working withing RDF. DR 1149

    Problem: Failure to transmit GRIB over AFOS DR 1301

    Problem: Trailing POP statement dropped from zone forecast DR 1302

    Problem: If the follow option (include UCCs) is set on the CCF and the issue pd amend or correct, the program which places the headers on the product fails. DR 1147

    Problem: IGR Data corruption when using local effects and full matrix. DR 1098

    Problem: The Text window within IGR does not update correctly once the user has switched the options ->word to 6hr. DR 910



    Problem: The 'Major cities' and 'All Cities' options in the Background menu do not toggle on and off. DR 1196


    Message Handling

    Problem: Corrupted messages in the /data/x400/rx400/output directory need to be discarded instead of causing the MHS process to not work. DR 1202

    Process/Product Monitoring

    Problem: Product Monitoring is displaying GOES-9 EAST DR 1353

    Problem: Data Monitoring does not monitor more than one radar DR 1286

    Problem: Product Monitor indicates missing data when it is available. DR 1470


    Problem: Printer output does not line-wrap DR 1219

    Radar System

    Problem: Radar Status Messages need to be reduced DR 1469

    Problem: SIMPACT connection to NEXRAD has a "noisy" status DR 617

    Problem: PingFreeway needs to log the status of a SIMPACT reboot DR 682
    NOTE: Simpact status messages will now appaer in the radar status menu in the D2D.

    Problem: SocketConnection.C problems with radar processes This problem frequently caused line disconnects/reconnects DR 679

    Problem: When the NEXRAD acquisition line disconnects/reconnects the site's default RPS List is issued. This default list does not reflect changes made to the site's current RPS list. DR 1105

    Problem: Move radarServer to ds1 DR 1095

    Site Specific System


    Problem: When selecting cities from the D2D Map menu on KRF, only cities around KEAX appeared. Nearly 75% of the RFC area was blank. DR 878


    Problem: FWR-mainConfig.cfg is wrong DR 1207


    Problem: The radar KRMX was moved and renamed KTYX. The OSF radarsInUse.txt file for VUY contains KTYX but this is not a recognized radar by the 3.0 and 3.1 software. DR 1379

    System Process/Log

    Problem: afoscommsrv respawing when actions are missing DR 1085

    Problem: The WarnGen processes do not always close when the user logs out of the workstation DR 1197

    Problem: TextDB Reader dies with a Segmentation Violation due to a truncated product DR 976

    Text Alarms

    Problem: Alerts/alarms for text products are not always being sent to the operator in a timely manner. Trouble tickets 19.161/19.281 DR 1327

    Problem: Occasionally, Alarm Alerts will remain on the screen for up to 20 minutes AFTER the alarm has been acknowledged. Trouble Ticket 19.161 DR 1326


    NCEP Graphic

    Problem: The NCEP Surface Obs graphics on the Surface menu have registration problems. DR 1073

    Problem: NCEP Radar legends are displaying erroneous lines plotted across the width of the display in the Radar Legends Surface product. DR 594

    Site Specific Data


    Problem: At the Regional scale, image registration is off 12-15 miles over the Baja Peninsula DR 1213


    Problem: Station KGBD is plotted in the wrong place on ICT's map DR 1267


    Problem: Satellite image not registered properly on Regional Map. Trouble Ticket 18.836 DR 1382

    Text Products

    Problem: Two entries exist on as2 for FPCN14CWQT. The WQTSFPWQT should be removed. DR 1358

    Text Editor/Browser

    Problem: Autowrapping doesn't work under certain conditions DR 1237

    Problem: The CANCEL button in Text Editor should not cancel out the session unless the operator is prompted via a confirmation message. Trouble Ticket 19.288 DR 1262

    Problem: In site-generated forecasts, the text window is not accepting the (tab) correctly. Trouble Ticket 18.962 DR 1251

    Problem: Site-created AFOS aviation messages are being incorrectly formatted during transmission. Trouble Ticket 18.648 DR 1250

    Problem: The time is sometimes incorrectly displayed in the text browser on the text workstation for the products. DR 596

    Problem: 3-character station IDs.
    The text subsystem still uses 3-character station IDs. As a result, the Help function in the browser and the button-2 popup station ID info on METAR messages have some problems. In the former, the trailing three characters are used, and some lower-48 sites are identified as Alaskan, and vice versa. In the latter, 4 characters are used only for Kxxx sites. Others use just the first 3, so Pxxx IDs are not found or are incorrect.


    Problem: The Optional phrase for Farmland Flooding for Urban Small Stream Advisory will correctly display the phrase; however, selecting this for Flash Flood Warnings results in the word Farmland being dropped from the phrase. DR 1076

    Problem: Selecting multiple optional flooding phrases results in a successive sentence fragment. DR 1075

    Problem: The Severe High Wind Warning is missing the date in the text. DR 1074

    Problem: Cities are not coming up in products generated in WarnGen. Only the county names are being returned. Where cities should be, counties are displayed. DR 1089

    Problem: The storm track line kinks upon auto update. DR 1066

    Product Maker

    Problem: Under load/maker at the bottom of product maker window scalar radio button does not work. DR 570

    Problem: Products and Labels disappeared while using Product Maker DR 562

    Problem: Geostrophic and ageostrophic winds are calculated incorrectly in the Product Maker. DR1519, 1520


    Problem: Local UpperAir product at Fort Worth is reflecting Midland TX product instead of the Fort Worth product. TT 19.416 DR 1325

    Problem: The menu item needs to be changed to Springfield, MO (SGF), to reflect the correct location of the site. DR 666

    Problem: Selecting a sounding from UpperAir and an Interactive Skew-T and comparing the computed data in two separate Info boxes will show differences in values that should be the same. DR 705

    Problem: UpperAir RAOB products being stored multiple times DR 710

    Problem: RAOB Plot not plotting all stations DR 876


    Problem: Incomplete product display for Fronts/Pressure Surface Obs products when data is missing. Blank screens are displayed for the missing data. DR 528

    Problem: METAR precip does not sum up correctly. Three (3) vs six (6) hour precip was not handled correctly and it was being assumed that one hour precip would only be reported once during the hour when in fact it can be reported many times. DR 636


    Problem: Puerto Rico and Hawaii grids should be filtered out at the CP. DR 1224

    Problem: There is one misplaced division in the GridSliceAccessor that breaks the Add function in many cases. DR 634

    Radar Products

    Problem: Correct NEXRAD product 81 definition DR 612

    Problem: Inconsistencies between the radar display and the OTR menu. Add radar cross section products to the menu. DR 566

    Section III - Current problems to be fixed in a future build

    Note: This list does not include all of the system software and merge issues not fixed in this Build.


    Crash/Hang problems

    Tool Problems

    Zooming/Roaming/Cursor/Looping/Toggling Problems

    Color Curves Problems

    Map Features/Legends Problems

    4-Panel Problems

    Hydrology D2D/Xterm problems

    Radar D2D problems

    Pane Swapping problems


    IFPS Tip Sheet --

    Site Specific IFPS problems


  • Problem: Missing Site specific IFPS at SLC
    The grd-to-zne, grd-to-stn, and grid-to-avn maps are missing from the maps table within the ICWF database.

    Workaround: None






    Localization/Time Zone Problems

    Message Handling Problems

    Product Monitoring Problems

    Printing Problems

    Radar system problems

    Radar system file Problems

    Decoder system problems

    ICWF system problems

    Site Specific System Problems

    System Process/log problems

    Text Alarms Problems

    Database Problems


    NCEP Graphic problems

    Site Specific Data problems

    Text Products Problems

    WarnGen Problems

    Product Maker Problems

    LAPS Problems

    UpperAir Problems

    Surface Problems

    Grids Problems

    Volume Browser Problems

    Radar Mosaic Problems

    Radar Products Problems

    Satellite Problems

    This page is maintained by Fran Curnow.

    Last modified: 8 May 98