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AIDS education and prevention program for high risk behavior population at grassroots areas of far western region (FWR), Nepal.

Dhungana RR; International Conference on AIDS.

Int Conf AIDS. 1996 Jul 7-12; 11: 469 (abstract no. Pub.C.1200).

NAPI - Nepal AIDS Prevention Institute, Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal. Fax: 977-1-770686.

Introduction: AIDS is becoming a dangerous threat among the Grassroots Communities (GCs) in FWR of Nepal due to high risk behavior activity in the sex business. A report states it is observed due to an open border movement from both sides of India and Nepal.Objectives: To find out the effective ways of promoting AIDS education and prevention program in FWR of Nepal. Methods: Based on social research in quantitative and qualitative collected information to conduct the study.Finding: The study was done in Badi group - a special caste, actively involved in sex business as Commercial Sex Workers (CSWs), Transportation Workers (TWs), Migrant Labors (MLs) and General Population (GP). Badi girls, who are called CSWs, started sex business at the age of 13 years to earn money and Non-Badi start between the age of 15-20 as part time earners. Some Non-Badi women among GP, were involved after separation from their husbands. Out of 200 respondents among general population at GCs, 38% said they knew about AIDS but they did not know how to prevent it. Most of the people knew AIDS as a dangerous disease which can cause death. 34% expressed that it spreads by using towel of infected persons and 19% by shaking hands, 32% by mosquito bites, and some respondents have the belief that this disease occurs due to evil spirits. AIDS is an English word, not fully understood by GCs communities and is misunderstood. It is necessary to provide right information by Peer support (PS). Conclusion: In order to prevent spread of AIDS in the isolated, backward communities of FWR/Nepal, Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) have a leading and vital role to play. Unfortunately, these local bodies are often constrained by lack of financial, technical resources and the required equipments. It is, therefore, hoped and suggested that the international bodies should come forward generously to help these institutions involved in this mobile tasks in Nepal. As mentioned above, there should be quick response and cooperation from the CBO's to introduce this network smoothly.

Publication Types:
  • Meeting Abstracts
  • Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
  • Demography
  • Female
  • Health Education
  • Humans
  • India
  • Nepal
  • Organizations
  • Population
  • Population Groups
  • Prostitution
  • Research
  • Social Class
  • Transients and Migrants
  • organization & administration
  • therapy
Other ID:
  • 96925644
UI: 102221543

From Meeting Abstracts

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