Proposed Resource Management Plan (RMP) and Final Environmental Impact Statement

Monticello PRMP CoverThe proposed RMP is open for a 30 day protest period beginning September 5, 2008, when the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publishes the Notice of Availability of the Final EIS in the Federal Register.  The protest period ends October 6, 2008.


Download the complete text of the Monticello proposed RMP/Final EIS (excluding maps & appendices) here.  (7.2 MB)

To download by section, click on the links below.

Proposed RMP/Final EIS

Cover Page  (250 KB)
Table of Contents  (179 KB)
Title Page  (297 KB)
Dear Reader Letter (472 KB)
Abstract  (25 KB)
Executive Summary  (77 KB)
Chapter 1  Introduction  (189 KB)
Chapter 2  Alternatives  (937 KB)
Chapter 3  Affected Environment  (998 KB)
Chapter 4  Environmental Consequences of  Alternatives  (2941 MB)
Chapter 5  Consultation and Coordination  (927 KB)

Comments and Responses on Draft RMP/EIS

Comments and BLM Responses Listed by Commentors (2835 KB)
Comments and BLM Responses Listed by Resource (2610 KB)

Proposed RMP/FEIS Maps

Map 1 Planning Area    (735 KB)
Map 2 Cultural Special Management Areas    (1291 KB)
Map 3 Fire Management Area    (1373 KB)
Map 4 Communication Sites, Filming, Utility Corridors  (1285 KB)
Map 5 Withdrawals Alternative A   (1301 KB)
Map 6 Withdrawals Alternative B   (1349 KB)
Map 7 Withdrawals Alternative C   (1333 KB)
Map 8 Withdrawals Alternative D   (1302 KB)
Map 9 Withdrawals Alternative E   (1235 KB)
Map 10 Withdrawals Proposed Plan (1289 KB)
Map 11 Grazing Allotments   (1627 KB)
Map 12 Livestock Grazing Restrictions Alternative A  (1471 KB)
Map 13 Livestock Grazing Restrictions Alternative  B & E  (1328 KB)
Map 14 Livestock Grazing Restrictions Alternative C  (1479 KB)
Map 15 Livestock Grazing Restrictions Alternative D  (1475 KB)
Map 16 Livestock Grazing Restrictions Proposed Plan (1478 KB)
Map 17 Development Potential for Oil and Gas  (1371 KB)
Map 18 Development Potential for Potash  (1317 KB)
Map 19 Development Potential for Sand and Gravel   (1301 KB)
Map 20 Development Potential for Uranium  (1086 KB)
Map 21 Mineral Material Disposal Alternative A  (1142 KB)
Map 22 Mineral Material Disposal Alternative B  (1144 KB)
Map 23 Mineral Material Disposal Alternative C  (1143 KB)
Map 24 Mineral Material Disposal Alternative D  (1140 KB)
Map 25 Mineral Material Disposal Alternative E  (1154 KB)
Map 26 Mineral Material Disposal Proposed Plan  (2329 KB)
Map 27 Oil and Gas Leasing Alternative A   (1138 KB)
Map 28 Oil and Gas Leasing Alternative B  (1149 KB)
Map 29 Oil and Gas Leasing Alternative C  (1141 KB)
Map 30 Oil and Gas Leasing Alternative D  (1137 KB)
Map 31 Oil and Gas Leasing Alternative E  (1137 KB)
Map 32 Oil and Gas Leasing Proposed Plan  (1151 KB)
Map 33 Non-WSA Land With Wilderness Characteristics  (1301 KB)
Map 34 Non-WSA Land With Wilderness Characteristics Proposed Plan  (1307 KB)
Map 35 Recreation Opportunity Spectrum   (1346 KB)
Map 36 Special Recreation Management Areas Alternative A  (1279 KB)
Map 37 Special Recreation Management Areas Alternative B & E  (1298 KB)
Map 38 Special Recreation Management Areas Alternative C  (1301 KB)
Map 39 Special Recreation Management Areas Alternative D  (1299 KB)
Map 40 Special Recreation Management Areas Proposed Plan  (1475 KB)
Map 41 Soils – Alkaline  (1383 KB)
Map 42 Soils – Droughty  (1407 KB)
Map 43 Soils – Root Depth   (1413 KB)
Map 44 Soils – Salinity  (1311 KB)
Map 45 Soils – Sodium Absorption  (2767 KB)
Map 46 Soils – Water Erodible  (1246 KB)
Map 47 Soils – Wind Erodible  (1435 KB)
Map 48 State of Utah Impaired Waters  (1347 KB)
Map 49 Surface Water Sub-basin Boundaries  (2807 KB)
Map 50 Areas of Critical Environmental Concern (ACECs) Alternative A  (1287 KB)
Map 51 Areas of Critical Environmental Concern (ACECs) Alternative B & E  (1117 KB)
Map 52 Areas of Critical Environmental Concern (ACECs) Alternative C  (1339 KB)
Map 53 Areas of Critical Environmental Concern (ACECs) Proposed Plan   (1338 KB)
Map 54 Wild and Scenic Rivers   (1376 KB)
Map 55 Wild and Scenic Rivers Proposed Plan  (1350 KB)
Map 56  Wilderness Study Areas  (1349 KB)
Map 57 Reasonably Foreseeable Development (RFD) Areas  (1331 KB)
Map 58 OHV and Travel Plan Alternative A  (1433 KB)
Map 59 OHV and Travel Plan Alternative B  (1369 KB)
Map 60 OHV and Travel Plan Alternative C  (1372 KB)
Map 61 OHV and Travel Plan Alternative D  (1346 KB)
Map 62 OHV and Travel Plan Alternative E  (1381 KB)
Map 63 OHV and Travel Plan Proposed Plan  (1314 KB)
Map 64 OHV Categories Proposed Plan  (1327 KB)
Map 65 Southwest Region GAP Vegetation  (457 KB)
Map 66 Visual Resource Management Classes Alternative A   (1174 KB)
Map 67 Visual Resource Management Classes Alternative B   (1180 KB)
Map 68 Visual Resource Management Classes Alternative C   (1182 KB)
Map 69 Visual Resource Management Classes Alternative D   (1174 KB)
Map 70 Visual Resource Management Classes Alternative E   (1192 KB)
Map 71 Visual Resource Management Classes Proposed Plan  (1178 KB)
Map 72 Black Bear and Prairie Dog Habitat  (1559 KB)
Map 73 Mule Deer Habitat Alternative A  (1346 KB)
Map 74 Mule Deer and Sage Grouse Habitat Alternative B & E  (4071 KB)
Map 75 Mule Deer and Sage Grouse Habitat Alternative C  (1103 KB)
Map 76 Mule Deer and Sage Grouse Habitat Alternative D  (1152 KB)
Map 77 Mule Deer and Sage Grouse Habitat Proposed Plan   (2660 KB)
Map 78 Prnghrn Fwn, Elk Wntr Rng, BHS Lmbng & Rttng Hab Alternative A  (1344 KB)
Map 79 Prnghrn Fwn, Elk Wntr Rng, BHS Lmbng & Rttng Hab Alt.  B & E  (2803 KB)
Map 80 Prnghrn Fwn, Elk Wntr Rng, BHS Lmbng & Rttng Hab Alternative C  (1168 KB)
Map 81 Prnghrn Fwn, Elk Wntr Rng, BHS Lmbng & Rttng Hab Alternative D   (1174 KB)
Map 82 Prnghrn Fwn, Elk Wntr Rng, BHS Lmbng & Rttng Hab Proposed Plan  (1373 KB)
Map 83 Woodlands Alternative A  (1216 KB)
Map 84 Woodlands Alternative B  (1275 KB)
Map 85 Woodlands Alternative C  (2723 KB)
Map 86 Woodlands Alternative D  (1343 KB)
Map 87 Areas of Overlap Between WSAs and ACECs Alternative A  (2678 KB)
Map 88 Areas of Overlap Between WSAs and ACECs Alternative B & E  (2668 KB)
Map 89 Areas of Overlap Between WSAs and ACECs Alternative C   (2750 KB)
Map 90 WSAs & ACECs Alternative Proposed Plan  (2750 KB)
Map 91 Soutwest Willow Flycatcher & Yellowbilled Cuckoo Habitat  (1460 KB)
Map 92 Bald Eagle Habitat (1282 KB)
Map 93 Designated Critical Mexican Spotted Owl and Fish Habitat  (1360 KB)
Map 94 Right-of-Way Exclusion & Avoidance Areas Proposed Plan  (1296 KB)
Map 95 Elk Habitat Fragmentation Alternative A  (1222 KB)
Map 96 Elk Habitat Fragmentation Alternative B & E  (2456 KB)
Map 97 Elk Habitat Fragmentation Alternative C  (1222 KB)
Map 98 Elk Habitat Fragmentation Alternative D  (1222 KB)
Map 99 Elk Habitat Fragmentationn Proposed Plan (1222 KB)
Map 100 Mule Deer Habitat Fragmentation Alternative A  (1101 KB)
Map 101 Mule Deer Habitat Fragmentation Alternative B & E  (1101 KB)
Map 102 Mule Deer Habitat Fragmentation Alternative C  (1100 KB)
Map 103 Mule Deer Habitat Fragmentation Alternative D  (1100 KB)
Map 104 Mule Deer Habitat Fragmentation Proposed Plan  (1100 KB)

Proposed RMP/FEIS Appendices

Appenidx A   Stipulations & Environmental BMP Applicable to Oil and Gas Leasing and Other Surface Disturbing  Activities  (161 KB)
Appendix B   Fire Management  (82 KB)
Appendix C   Lands and Realty   (40KB)
Appendix D   Livestock Grazing  (220 KB)
Appendix E   Recreation   (90 KB)
Appendix F   Guidance for Pipeline Crossings   (52 KB)
Appendix G   Noxious Weed Control Act  (36 KB)
Appendix H   Special Designations   (404 KB)
Appendix I    Standard Operating Proceedures  (42 KB) 
Appendix J    Energy and Non-Energy Policy Statement  (731 KB)
Appendix K   Community Pit Information  (29 KB)
Appendix L    Develop & Test, Cultural Resource Site Density Predictive Model  (67 KB)
Appendix M   Best Management Practices for Raptors  (104 KB)
Appendix N   Travel Plan  (287 KB)
Appendix O   Identification of Wilderness Characteristics on Non-WSA Lands  (96KB)
Appendix P   Film Permits Minimum Impact Criteria  (23 KB)
Appendix Q  Conserve Measures & Best Mgmt Practices - T & E Spcs - Utah  (75 KB)
Appendix R   Utah Public Lands Study - Key Social Survey Findings for Grand and San Juan Counties (84 KB)
Appendix S   Changes Between DEIS and FEIS (116 KB)
Appendix T   6/06/08 Letter from State of Utah regarding air quality mitigation stategies (36 KB)

References (15kb)
Acronyms and Glossary (92 kb)
Index (45b)

Supporting Documents

Calculations of Projected Air Emissions withing the Monticello Planning Area  (175 KB)

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