NASA SBIR 2005 Solicitation


SUBTOPIC TITLE:Contingency Response Technologies
PROPOSAL TITLE:Fine Water Mist Fire Extinguisher for Spacecraft

SMALL BUSINESS CONCERN (Firm Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip, Phone)
ADA Technologies, Inc.
8100 Shaffer Parkway, Suite 130
Littleton , CO 80127-4107
(303) 792-5615

PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR/PROJECT MANAGER (Name, E-mail, Mail Address, City/State/Zip, Phone)
Amanda K Kimball
8100 Shaffer Parkway, Suite 130
Littleton , CO  80127-4107
(303) 874-8268

TECHNICAL ABSTRACT (Limit 2000 characters, approximately 200 words)
This three phase SBIR project from ADA Technologies Inc. (ADA) builds upon the experience of ADA in development of fine water mist (FWM) fire suppression technology. ADA has subcontracted Colorado School of Mines (CSM) to provide expertise in fire scenarios in NASA's spacecraft; Spraying Systems for their expertise nozzle development, optimization, testing, and commercial manufacturing; and Pacific Scientific HTL Kin-Tech Division as a commercialization partner with expertise in flight qualified hardware. This team will work to develop the FWM fire extinguisher which was proven to extinguish fires in phase I.
FWM is a proven fire suppression technology with the ability to extinguish large fuel fed fires, as well as, small electrical fires. Unlike sprinkler water systems it does not damage structures, and unlike CO2 or Halon fire extinguishers it has only inert chemicals water and nitrogen, so it is not a health hazard, environmental hazard and easily scrubbed from the air with dehumidifiers when used in spacecraft. This new extinguisher's innovative design has the capability to discharge in any orientation, and has been dubbed the Universal Discharge Orientation System (UDOS). During Phase I the UDOS system was capable of extinguishing fires in both normal vertical positions as well as upside down. During the Phase II efforts the system will be evaluated to extinguish fires in any 360 degree orientation. The ultimate objective of this project is to develop a FWM fire extinguisher which can be commercially manufactured and is capable of extinguishing both large open fires and enclosed electrical fires with minimal water usage.

POTENTIAL NASA COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS (Limit 1500 characters, approximately 150 words)
On a per-unit-mass basis, water is as effective as Halon 1301, the agent currently used in the Space Shuttle. In addition, water is more effective for surface and deep-seated fires than CO2, the agent selected for the ISS fire-extinguishing systems. [Wickham, R.]. The UDOS concept features nitrogen as the pressurant gas to deliver water and to assist in the atomization process. Since both fluids are available on board spacecraft, the system can be recharged during the mission, so that a discharge event does not require cancellation of the spaceflight. Water is also non-toxic, non-corrosive, readily available in spacecraft for multiple uses, and can be recycled. The current fire suppression technologies are toxic for the environment (Halon) or for human breathing (TVL=5000 ppm CO2). Both of these suppressants require extra equipment to scrub the chemicals from the air. Agent cleanup for nitrogen and water may be achieved with dehumidifiers in the ventilation system.

POTENTIAL NON-NASA COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS (Limit 1500 characters, approximately 150 words)
This unique technology has the capability to protect any system from fire that has limited space requirements, limited supply of water, low weight requirements, sensitive equipment or artifacts, necessity for minimal site or area disturbance, and restrictions on use of chemicals. The Phase I work and related investigations have identified potential non-space applications including : defense and space applications, museums, military vehicles, storage lockers, passenger ships, civil aircraft, machinery spaces and turbine enclosures, recreational boating and offshore drilling applications, heritage/historical sites, hotels, restaurants, computer rooms, and electronic equipment areas, underground subway systems and tunnels, residential homes, hospital and healthcare environments, and trains and buses.
ADA Technologies is exploring the first three options through research contracts with the Air Force to suppress oxidizer fires on specialized aircraft, discussions with the Smithsonian regarding protection for delicate structures, and discussions with the US army regarding protection for vehicles during combat missions. We estimate a total market size on the order of tens of thousands of units, which could have a dollar value in the range of 8 to 9 figures. During the Phase II effort our commercialization team will do a full assessment of the fire extinguisher market to determine the segments where the UDOS technology is applicable.

NASA's technology taxonomy has been developed by the SBIR-STTR program to disseminate awareness of proposed and awarded R/R&D in the agency. It is a listing of over 100 technologies, sorted into broad categories, of interest to NASA.

Liquid-Liquid Interfaces
Manned-Manuvering Units
Pilot Support Systems

Form Printed on 07-25-06 17:04