#include "PhotoElectron.hh"


class description - header file - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)

class PhotoElectron : public EsafMsgSource

Inheritance Chart:

PhotoElectron() PhotoElectron(const Photon&) virtual ~PhotoElectron() Int_t AtmoHistory() const Int_t AtmoNbinter() const EarthVector AtmoPos() const static TClass* Class() UInt_t Dist2ShiftToShowPt() const virtual TClass* IsA() const Bool_t IsTriggered() const UInt_t PixelID() const void SeDist2ShiftToShowPt(UInt_t dist2shift) void SetPixelID(UInt_t id) void SetSNR(Double_t snr) void SetTime(Double_t t) Double_t ShowerAge() const virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) Double_t SNR() const virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b) Double_t Time() const void Triggered(Bool_t trig = kTRUE) PEType Type() const Double_t Wl() const

Data Members

PEType fType UInt_t fPixelID UInt_t fDist2ShiftToShowPt Double_t fTime Double_t fSNR Bool_t fTriggered Double_t fWl Double_t fShowerAge EarthVector fAtmoPos Int_t fAtmoHistory last interaction in atmosphere (0: direct, 1: reflected, 2: rayleigh, 3: cloud, 4: aerosol) Int_t fAtmoNbinter nb of interaction in atmosphere

Class Description



 <extensive class description>

   Config file parameters

   <parameter name>: <parameter description>
   -Valid options: <available options>

 Constructor for background

PhotoElectron(const Photon& ph)
 Constructor from a photon


Double_t Time()
PEType Type()
EarthVector AtmoPos()
UInt_t PixelID()
UInt_t Dist2ShiftToShowPt()
Double_t SNR()
Bool_t IsTriggered()
Double_t Wl()
Double_t ShowerAge()
Int_t AtmoHistory()
Int_t AtmoNbinter()
void SetPixelID(UInt_t id)
void SeDist2ShiftToShowPt(UInt_t dist2shift)
void SetTime(Double_t t)
void SetSNR(Double_t snr)
void Triggered(Bool_t trig = kTRUE)

Author: Sylvain Moreggia 2006/03/16
Last update: Mon Nov 27 14:57:04 2006

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