class geometry_management : public fwk Package, public fwk RunInit

Geometry Management Framework Package


Public Methods

geometry_management(fwk::Context* context)
static std::string package_name()
Required framework interface.
std::string packageName()
Required framework interface.
fwk::Result runInit(const fwk::RunNumber& runNumber)
The method imposed by using the RunInit hook
static std::string version()
Required framework interface.


Geometry Management Framework Package.

Create a Framework package to handle the D0 geometry. This has only the initialization and runInit hook which is used to check if a new geometry is needed.

geometry_management(fwk::Context* context)

std::string packageName()
Required framework interface.

static std::string package_name()
Required framework interface.

static std::string version()
Required framework interface.

fwk::Result runInit(const fwk::RunNumber& runNumber)
The method imposed by using the RunInit hook

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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