class VertexAnalysis : public fwk Package, public fwk Analyze, public fwk JobSummary

Framework package for vertex analysis



VertexAnalysis(fwk::Context* context)
fwk::Result analyzeEvent(const edm::Event &event)
Process each event
fwk::Result jobSummary()
Produce summary of job
std::string packageName()
Give package name


int _debug
Debug flag
HepNtuple* _ptup
Ntuple file
static const int _numBlocks
Number of Ntuple blocks
static const int _numVRBlocks
Number of vertexreco ntuple blocks
static const int _numVtxMatch
Number of vertex matching blocks
bool _Need_Block[_numBlocks]
Ntuple flags
std::string _block[_numBlocks]
Block names
vertex::BlockVertex* _blVertex[_numVRBlocks]
Pointer to vertex block
vertex::BlockVertexMatch* _blVertexMatch[_numVtxMatch]
Pointer to Vertex Match block
vertex::BlockMcVtx* _blMcVtx
Pointer to MC vertices block
vertex::BlockMcTrk* _blMcTrk
Pointer to MC tracks block
vertex::BlockGTrack* _blGTrack
Pointer to GTracks block
vertex::BlockKalmanFit* _blKalmanFit
Pointer to KalmanFit block
vertex::BlockKTrack* _blKTrack
Pointer to KTrack block
vertex::BlockMcInfo* _blMcInfo
Pointer to MCinfo block
vertex::BlockMCpGTrackMatch* _blMCpGTrackMatch
Pointer to MCparticle-Gtrack Match block
vertex::BlockQuark* _blQuark
Pointer to Quark block
vertex::BlockSeed* _blSeed
Pointer to Seed block
vertex::BlockVtrackConeAlgo* _blVtrackCone
Pointer to Track Clustering block
vertex::BlockSeedCone* _blSeedCone
Pointer to SeedCone block
vertex::VertexHistos* _pHistos
Pointer to class for vertex histograms
vertex::BlockEvent* _blEvent
Pointer to class for event information


Framework package for vertex analysis.

Based on user input via RCP file, VertexAnalysis instantiates one or more of the classes described below. For most classes, there is a one to one correspondence between classes and ntuple blocks. For documentation on the variables stored, please see the documentation for the corresponding class, at the Class documentation section.


VertexAnalysis(fwk::Context* context)


fwk::Result analyzeEvent(const edm::Event &event)
Process each event

fwk::Result jobSummary()
Produce summary of job

std::string packageName()
Give package name


int _debug
Debug flag

HepNtuple* _ptup
Ntuple file

static const int _numBlocks
Number of Ntuple blocks

static const int _numVRBlocks
Number of vertexreco ntuple blocks

static const int _numVtxMatch
Number of vertex matching blocks

bool _Need_Block[_numBlocks]
Ntuple flags

std::string _block[_numBlocks]
Block names

vertex::BlockVertex* _blVertex[_numVRBlocks]
Pointer to vertex block

vertex::BlockVertexMatch* _blVertexMatch[_numVtxMatch]
Pointer to Vertex Match block

vertex::BlockMcVtx* _blMcVtx
Pointer to MC vertices block

vertex::BlockMcTrk* _blMcTrk
Pointer to MC tracks block

vertex::BlockGTrack* _blGTrack
Pointer to GTracks block

vertex::BlockKalmanFit* _blKalmanFit
Pointer to KalmanFit block

vertex::BlockKTrack* _blKTrack
Pointer to KTrack block

vertex::BlockMcInfo* _blMcInfo
Pointer to MCinfo block

vertex::BlockMCpGTrackMatch* _blMCpGTrackMatch
Pointer to MCparticle-Gtrack Match block

vertex::BlockQuark* _blQuark
Pointer to Quark block

vertex::BlockSeed* _blSeed
Pointer to Seed block

vertex::BlockVtrackConeAlgo* _blVtrackCone
Pointer to Track Clustering block

vertex::BlockSeedCone* _blSeedCone
Pointer to SeedCone block

vertex::VertexHistos* _pHistos
Pointer to class for vertex histograms

vertex::BlockEvent* _blEvent
Pointer to class for event information

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling