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NAO 201-116

NAO 201-116 -- Eff: 8-9-95; Iss: 8-30-95



.01 This Order establishes policy for naming NOAA ships. It is not the intent of this Order that previously named NOAA ships be renamed.

.02 This reissues NAO 201-116, Policy for Naming NOAA Ships, dated March 7, 1994, Amendment 1 dated April 13, 1994, and replaces SECTION 3. POLICY. in its entirety. The new SECTION 3. provides a naming strategy for NOAA ships based on the program area the ship will support the majority of its useful life.


.01 This Order covers all new ship acquisitions and ships transferred to NOAA from other organizations.

.02 This Order does not apply to small boats as defined in NAO 217-103, Management of NOAA Small Boats, dated June 20, 1991.


.O1 NOAA ships shall be named for mission-type, environmental phenomena, myths or traditions, geographical features, or former decommissioned ships crewed by NOAA personnel or its predecessors. Any ship can be named using the broad guidance of Section 3.01 in general.

.02 NOAA's naming strategy for its ships is as follows:

a. Oceanographic research ships have mission-type, environmental phenomena, or mythological or traditional names. The additional choice of a specific mythological or traditional name should be reflective of this Nation's diverse cultural past. The use of a mythological or traditional name should be cleared through the group identified with the myth or tradition.

b. Survey and mapping ships have geographic feature names regardless of class. The geographic features recommended should reflect this Nation's diverse heritage. The name should be verified by the National Ocean Service's Chief Geographer.

c. Living marine resources ships have honorific names regardless of class. The use of personal names shall be limited to those deceased individuals that have made significant contributions to NOAA or its predecessor agencies. An individual should be deceased at least 5 years before consideration is given to naming a ship for the individual.

.03 Although the strategy is intended to provide a consistent method of naming NOAA's ships, exceptions to the policy can be anticipated. In these cases, complete documentation justifying this exception should be provided.


.01 The NOAA Fleet Allocation Council (FAC). The FAC shall serve as the council for naming ships. (The FAC was established by NOAA Administrative Order 201-101, NOAA Fleet Allocation Council, dated November 15, 1989.) The FAC shall be the authority within NOAA for ship names. The NOAA Under Secretary shall be the final approving authority for ship names recommended by the FAC.

a. The FAC voting members are as follows:

Deputy Under Secretary for Oceans and Atmosphere - Chairperson Director, Office of NOAA Corps Operations (NC)

Assistant Administrator for Satellite and Information Services

Assistant Administrator for Weather Services

Assistant Administrator for Ocean Services and Coastal Zone Management

Assistant Administrator for Fisheries

Assistant Administrator for Oceanic and Atmospheric Research

Director, Office of Global Programs

Director, NOAA Coastal Ocean Program Office

b. The Deputy Director, NC shall serve as the nonvoting Executive Secretary.

c. The FAC Executive Secretary shall solicit nominations for ship names from all NOAA Line, Program, and Staff Offices, and individual employees allowing sufficient time of up to 12 months before the anticipated date of the dedication ceremony. Nominations may be submitted directly to the FAC Chairperson. (See attached timetable.)

d. The FAC shall meet, review, and vote on the recommendations for ship names submitted by the Fleet Working Group (see Section 4.02 of this Order).

e. At least five (5) voting members must be in attendance to constitute a quorum.

f. In the absence of the chairperson, the duties shall be assumed by the Director, NC.

g. If requested by the FAC, the Director, NC shall designate someone with expertise in this area to assist in researching a ship name. Six months' lead time is required because considerable historical research may be required.

02. The FAC Fleet Working Group (FWG). The FWG shall review all officially submitted nominations for ship names, make recommendations for ship names, and recommend sponsors for ship commissionings to the FAC. Before final construction or conversion of a newly-acquired ship, NC shall provide a current list of prospective ship names to all FAC members. The FAC shall submit the approved recommendations to the NOAA Under Secretary for final approval.

a. The FWG shall be comprised of a representative from each of the Line Offices and Program Offices listed in section 4.01a. of this Order. The Chairperson of the FWG shall be the Chief, Program Services Division, NC3.

b. The FWG shall schedule a meeting, after an adequate solicitation response period, to review all nominations and make recommendations to the FAC.


This Order supersedes NOAA Administrative Order (NAO) 201-116, Policy for Naming NOAA Ships, dated March 7, 1994, and Amendment 1 dated April 13, 1994.

Under Secretary for Oceans and Atmosphere


Office of Primary Interest: Office of NOAA Corps Operations (NC) ===============================================================

Attachment to NAO 201-116
Eff: 8-9-95; Iss: 8-30-95

Timetable for Naming Ships

3 months - Initial solicitation period for names.

6 months - Historical research.

- Fleet Working Group review.

- Fleet Allocation Council meeting.

- Approval by Under Secretary for Oceans and Atmosphere.

- Name(s) selected.

3 months - Dedication ceremony - commissioning. --------------------------------------------------------

12 months - (approximate)

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