[NIFL-FAMILY:2040] Re: FW: Family Health Literacy Survey

From: PHogan@ocmboces.org
Date: Thu Feb 10 2005 - 13:33:00 EST

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                      "Dianna Baycich"                                                                                                 
                      <dbaycich@literac        To:       Multiple recipients of list <nifl-family@literacy.nifl.gov>                   
                      y.kent.edu>              cc:                                                                                     
                      Sent by:                 Subject:  [NIFL-FAMILY:2039] FW: Family Health Literacy Survey                          
                      02/09/2005 03:40                                                                                                 
                      Please respond to                                                                                                

-----Original Message-----
From: julie.mckinney@comcast.net [mailto:julie.mckinney@comcast.net]
Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2005 2:32 PM
To: dbaycich@literacy.kent.edu
Subject: Family Health Literacy Survey

Dear Family Literacy Teacher,

My name is Julie McKinney, and I am working with World Education, Inc. on a
Family Health Literacy Resource Project. We are collecting materials to
teachers address the health concerns of families in their programs while
teaching literacy.

Our first step is to find out exactly what kind of resources would be most
useful. So, I am sending this e-mail to ask for your help. If you can,
please take a few minutes to answer the questions below.

If you respond by FEBRUARY 23rd and include your mailing address, then we
will send you a copy of our latest resource guide and a copy of the new
Family Health Literacy Compendium when it is published.

You can send your answers to me by e-mail, fax or mail. If you respond by
e-mail, please use my direct e-mail (below). For the sake of the other list
members, PLEASE DO NOT RESPOND BY CLICKING "REPLY", unless it is an issue
for the whole group.

Thank you so much for your help!

Julie McKinney
World Education, Inc.
44 Farnsworth St.
Boston, MA  02210
Phone: (617) 482-9485
Fax: (617) 482-0617

Survey for Family Literacy Teachers

Put an X in the boxes to mark your answers: [X]

1. How would you describe yourself and your program? (Check all that
             [x] we serve mostly inner city students
             [x] we serve mostly students from rural areas
             [x] I teach ABE
             [] I teach ESOL
             [x] I teach beginner level learners
             [x] I teach intermediate level learners
             [x] I teach pre-GED learners
             [] I work directly with children
             [x] I teach parenting skills
             [] I do PACT (parent and child together) activities

2. How much have you used health as a content area in the classroom?
             [] never
             [] once or twice
             [] several times
             [x] regularly

3. What are some of the barriers to using health as a content area? (List
top three and add others if you want.)

             1. Reading level of the content is too high for ABE students.
             2. It takes time to research specific health issues.
             3. Some materials are not updated.

(Examples: lack of time to prepare, lack of resources, students may be
uncomfortable, my lack of health knowledge, lack of institutional support.)

4. What would make it easier for you to use health as a content area? (List
top three and add others if you want.)

             1.Health information at middle school reading levels.
             2.Access to updated information.
             3.List of available free resources with phone numbers and

(Examples: other teachers in my program also teaching health, health
curriculum designed for literacy teaching, link with local health
health information at low reading level/other languages.)

5. Which health topics are of most interest to your learners? (Rate top
three and add others if you want.)

             1. Nutrition/weight loss/healthy foods/easy health recipes
             2. First Aid for adults and children
             3. Exercise for toning but also for a healthy heart
             Others: Child care safety/ alcohol and drug misuse/Smoking
cessation/age appropriate child development

6. How do you find resources for teaching about health? (Rate top three.)
            1 [x] search the web
             [] use resource room at my center
             [x] library (what kind? public       )
            3 [x] recommendations from other teachers
            2 [x] other: brochures, newsletters, visit health centers and
             [] other:

7. How much do you use the internet for teaching-related purposes?
             [] every day
             [x] once or twice a week
             [] once or twice a month
             [] never

8. How much do your students use the internet? We are visiting the students
in their homes so most do not have computers.

             On their own:           [] every day
                                     [] once or twice a week
                                     [] once or twice a month
                                     [x] never

             In class:         [] every class
                         [] once a week
                         [] once or twice a month
                         [x] never

9. What kinds of resources would you like to find? (Rate the following
of resources, with 1 being the most helpful and sought after. Use as many
"other" categories as you want--your most-needed resources may not be

             [1] easy-to-read health information
             [] colorful health information booklets
             [2] curricula (comprehensive set of lessons)
             [3] teaching activities (single lessons)
             [] web sites to create lessons around
             [] web sites that students use during class
             [] PACT (parent and child together) activities
             [1also] kids books about health
             [] guidance on how to incorporate health in the classroom
             [] research
             [] other:
             [] other:
             [] other:
             [] other:

10. Do you know any good online resources that address health issues for
families? (Please write the name and web-address.)
Generally I just type in the topic that I want info on and spend time
looking through for the appropriate reading level.

Thanks so much for filling this out! Please e-mail back to:

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