Let's build it from Energizer® Miniature batteries

battery.jpg (23140 bytes)

These lithium cells are 3 volt batteries.   So to make 1012 eV we need 1012/3 or about 333 billion of them! 

Solder them end to end in a LONG chain.  They are 3 mm thick.  So the total length of the Battery Tevatron would 1012 mm or one million km!!  The circumference of the earth at the equator is 40,000 km and the distance from the earth to the sun is 150 million km.  

How much would the batteries cost?  At retail they cost $1.29 each, so even in quantity the cost is hundreds of billions of dollars.

The point of this little exercise is that Accelerator Design and Construction is strongly driven by engineering and economic considerations.   There is no physics reason which rules out a Battery Tevatron.  But it is clearly unfeasible to build such a machine.

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rev.  E.M.  August 8, 2000


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