BRAT 2.4.5
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// BrGeantTrack is a BRAHMS data class providing access to momentum,
// PID and hit information for a single GBRAHMS track. 

// Updates:
// April 14 1999 /fv
//  -Correct error in method P() (Was total energy!!)
//  -Add method Phi()
//  -Take math from BrMath class.
// April 16 1999 /fv
//  -Add ostream method <<
// November 15, 1999 /fv
//  -insert check for fHitList on copy constructor.
// April 25, 2000 /fv
//  - Use Brunits for setting momenta..
//  $Id: BrGeantTrack.cxx,v 1.3 2002/04/22 12:54:26 staszel Exp $
//  $Author: staszel $
//  $Date: 2002/04/22 12:54:26 $
#include "math.h"
#include <iostream.h>
#include <iomanip.h>
#include <BrGeantTrack.h>
#include <BrGeantHit.h>
#include <BrMath.h>
#include <BrUnits.h>
#ifndef BRAT_BrVector3D
#include "BrVector3D.h"


  // Constructor. Reset all variables as well as fHitList to NULL.
  fHitList = NULL;
  fVx = 0;
  fVy = 0;
  fVz = 0;
  fMass = 0;
  fPx = 0;
  fPy = 0;
  fPz = 0;
  fPid = 0;
  fHitCounter = 0;
  fStatus = 0;
  fHitBits = 0;

 BrGeantTrack::BrGeantTrack(GeantStreamTracks& ffTracks)
  // Constructor. Set fHitList to NULL.
  //  Fill all relevant vriables with those read from the
  //  stream file.
  fHitList = NULL;
  fVx      = ffTracks.vert[0];
  fVy      = ffTracks.vert[1];
  fVz      = ffTracks.vert[2];
  fCharge  = ffTracks.charge;
  // convert to standard units
  fPx      = ffTracks.pvert[0] * BrUnits::GeV;
  fPy      = ffTracks.pvert[1] * BrUnits::GeV;
  fPz      = ffTracks.pvert[2] * BrUnits::GeV;
  fPid     =;
  fMass    = BrGeantHit::Mass(fPid);
  fNtbeam  = ffTracks.ntbeam;
  fTrackno = ffTracks.trackno;
  fHitCounter = 0;
  fStatus  = 0;
  fHitBits = 0;

 BrGeantTrack::BrGeantTrack(const BrGeantTrack *track)
  // copy constructor.
  fStatus     = track->fStatus;
  fVx         = track->fVx;
  fVy         = track->fVy;
  fVz         = track->fVz;
  fMass       = track->fMass;
  fPx         = track->fPx;
  fPy         = track->fPy;
  fPz         = track->fPz;
  fPid        = track->fPid;
  fTrackno    = track->fTrackno;
  fNtbeam     = track->fNtbeam;
    fHitList    = new TObjArray(*track->fHitList);
  fHitCounter = 0;
  fHitBits    = track->fHitBits;

  // Destructor. Clears fHitList if applicable, but does
  // not delete BrGeantHit objects.
    delete fHitList;
  //mpd delete polyline
  //    if(fPolyLine)
  //      delete fPolyLine;
 void BrGeantTrack::AddHit(BrGeantHit *hit)
  // Add one hit to fHitList, create fHitList if necessary.
  // Used only when event display is enabled. Not for normal tracking
  //  purposes.

    fHitList = new TObjArray();

 void BrGeantTrack::MakeHitList()
  // Create fHitList if necessary.
        fHitList = new TObjArray();

 Int_t BrGeantTrack::NHits() const
  // Get number of hits on the track if applicable

    return fHitList->GetEntries();
    return 0;

 Double_t  BrGeantTrack::Energy() const
  // return track energy, assuming mass fMass.
  return sqrt(Px()*Px()+Py()*Py()+Pz()*Pz()+fMass*fMass);

 Double_t  BrGeantTrack::P() const
  // return track energy, assuming mass fMass.
  return sqrt(Px()*Px()+Py()*Py()+Pz()*Pz());
 Double_t BrGeantTrack::Rap() const
  // return track energy, assuming mass given in argument.
  Double_t rap;
  Double_t E;

  E = sqrt(fMass*fMass + Pz()*Pz()+Px()*Px()+Py()*Py());
  rap = 0.5 * log((E+Pz())/(E-Pz()));
  return rap;

 Double_t BrGeantTrack::Theta() const
  // Calculate polar angle in radians for track.
  return BrMath::ACos(Pz()/P());

  Double_t BrGeantTrack::Phi() const
  // Calculate  angle in radians for track.
  return BrMath::ATan2(Py(), Px());

 Double_t BrGeantTrack::Dip() const
     return 0;
     return atan(Py()/Pz());
 Double_t BrGeantTrack::Beta() const
  // velocity of track in v/c;
  Double_t p;
  Double_t E;
  p = P();
  E = sqrt(p*p + fMass* fMass); 
  return p/E;

 BrLine3D BrGeantTrack::GetTrackLine()
  // Method calculates and returns a global line associated with this track.
  BrLine3D trackLine;
  BrVector3D origin(fVx,fVy,fVz);
  BrVector3D direction(fPx,fPy,fPz);


  return trackLine;

 BrGeantHit *BrGeantTrack::NextHit()
  // Iterator over hits on track. Note that this loop
  // can NOT be nested. Use the GetHitList() call to
  // obtain and manipulate the fHitList ObjArray for 
  // more complicated loops.
  if(fHitList) {
    return (BrGeantHit *) fHitList->At(fHitCounter++);
  else {
    return NULL;

  // List hits attached to this track hitlist.
  if(fHitList) {
    TIter NextHit(fHitList);
    BrGeantHit *hit;
    while((hit = (BrGeantHit *) NextHit())) {
      cout << hit << endl;
ostream& operator<< (ostream &os, BrGeantTrack *gtrack)
  // Formatted output
  os<<"Trackno - "<<gtrack->fTrackno<<"n";
  os<<" Pid     " <<setw(8)<<gtrack->fPid<<"n";
  os<<" Pid     " <<setw(8)<<gtrack->fPid<<"n";
  os<<" P       : (" 
    << setw(8)<<setprecision(4)<<gtrack->fPx
  os<<" Vertex  : (" 
    <<setw(8)<< gtrack->fVx
  os<<" Ntbeam  : "<< dec<<gtrack->fNtbeam <<"n";
  return os;

//  $Log: BrGeantTrack.cxx,v $
//  Revision 1.3  2002/04/22 12:54:26  staszel
//  Added method GetTrackLine that returns track line at it's vertex.
//  Revision 1.2  2001/10/25 20:25:14  cholm
//  Changes to the build system:
//  ----------------------------
//  Each library, except the basic libraries, now incremental links to it's
//  needed ROOT libraries.  The basic libraries link to the basic ROOT
//  libraries, and in addtion also sets the RPATH on linked applications,
//  to contain the path to the ROOT libraries.  In this way, one never
//  needs to set the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH.  The basic BRAT
//  libraries are:
//  All other libraries requires these libraries (note, that
// is not a basic library, since it needs the data abc
//  library).
//  For the internal builtsystem of BRAT, this matters little. In fact, it
//  makes the builtsystem much cleaner.
//  For the runtime environment of BRAT it matters a lot - no need to set
//  environment varaiables.
//  For client code (code that uses BRAT libraries) it has the impact that
//  rather than specifying linking as (old-school linking)
//    -L<libdir> -lBrat<component>
//  one can utilise the extra information on required ROOT libraries by
//  using libtool and linking against with
//     <libdir>/libBrat<component>.la
//  However, old-school linking still works perfectly fine.
//  Autoconf macros:
//  ----------------
//  Some users have reported problems with the autoconf macro files in the
//  config subdirectpry.  Therefor, I've extracted all those macros and put
//  them in acinclude.m4 in the top directory.  Also, the macro names has
//  been changed to start with BRAT_. The acinclude.m4 file is install in
//  <datadir>/aclocal as brat.m4, but that should not give any conflicts,
//  since the macro names has been changed.  That changes is also
//  propegated to the help subdirectory.
//  README file:
//  ------------
//  The contenst, now in The Guide, was removed, and instead, I've put in a
//  list of interlibrary dependencies - and there are ugly!  We need to do
//  something about that at some point.   To help that, I listed some
//  questions at the  end of the file.
//  ------------
//  Revision number bump.
//  Revision  2001/06/21 14:55:00  hagel
//  Initial revision of brat2
//  Revision 1.17  2000/11/08 18:14:27  videbaek
//  Correct mistake in method Theta()
//  Revision 1.16  2000/08/29 16:24:34  videbaek
//  Move CVSlog to end
//  Revision 1.15  2000/04/28 21:20:24  videbaek
//  Use BrUnits to convert from geanthits to dedx intrinsic values.
//  Revision 1.14  2000/03/21 21:22:12  cholm
//  Several changes: A few hacks where needed to compile on Digital Unix, noticably in my - Christian Holm - classes for the DB and Exceptions. Proberly still need to do something to some of Konstantins stuff. Also, I removed a lot of warnings fromt the compiler, by teddying up the code. Several places, old C-style indecies in for loops were assumed. Corrected. Unused variables have been commented out.
//  Revision 1.13  1999/11/26 17:00:40  hehi
//  Added prototype for put-to operator - Christian Holm
//  Revision 1.12  1999/11/19 17:00:53  videbaek
//  Update for NT and 2.2o
//  CVf fHitList allocationUpdate for NT and 2.2tructor.
//  Revision 1.11  1999/09/22 15:10:59  videbaek
//  Modified ListHits
//  Revision 1.10  1999/05/25 20:39:10  videbaek
//  Add iostream methods.
//  Revision 1.9  1999/04/14 20:10:05  videbaek
//  Corrected P(). added method Phi()
//  Revision 1.8  1999/03/17 21:36:57  videbaek
//  Added member functions to BrGeantTrack class which are
//  useful in analysis Pt(). Modiifed the Rap() to take no-argument.
//  The Mass of the particle in the track has already been set by the
//  reading routine.
//  Revision 1.7  1998/09/27 17:09:44  alv
//  added copy constructor
//  make the "get" methods const
//  In constructors
//    added fHitBits=0
//  Revision 1.6  1998/09/17 16:16:06  videbaek
//  Moved Mass() static fct to BrGeantHit class
//  Revision 1.5  1998/09/08 15:29:17  alv
//  Added fStatus=0 in constructors.
//  Revision 1.4  1998/07/28 21:31:01  videbaek
//  Change units to MeV
//  Revision 1.3  1998/04/30 17:12:35  videbaek
//  Added functionality to BrGeantInput
//  Revision 1.2  1998/03/09 20:54:19  videbaek
//  Ensure that pointers are non-NULL before deleting
//  Revision  1998/03/04 21:33:10  brahmlib
//  Brat geant

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