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United States Department of State

Image: United States of America Embassy Seal

Consulate General of the United States in Melbourne

Public Affairs Section

2004 Public Affairs Programs

Ambassador and Mrs. Schieffer visit Morshead Home for Veterans

Ambassador and Mrs. Schieffer visit Morshead Home for Veterans

7 December 2004

Ambassador and Mrs. Schieffer visited with residents and staff of the Morshead Home for Veterans to spread some Christmas cheer on December 7, 2004. Many of the residents are first hand witnesses to U.S.-Australian military cooperation on the battlefield and they carry a fond regard for Americans, as well as the U.S. Mission in Australia. The Ambassador and Mrs. Schieffer were warmly received as they mingled with the group — distributing festive tins full of treats and discussing topics from baseball and Christmas in America to wartime experiences and bilateral issues. The Christmas cheer and good company were clearly enjoyed by the day’s visitors, residents and staff alike.

Photo of Milkaynu Mununggurr, Ambassador Schieffer and Mr. Randin Graves at the Ambassador’s Residence in Canberra, PAS Photo

Fulbright Alumni Reception

21 October 2004

Ambassador and Mrs. J. Thomas Schieffer hosted a reception on 21 October for local Fulbright Program alumni. In remarks to the group, the Ambassador reaffirmed the U.S. Government’s commitment to its flagship educational exchange program, begun nearly 60 years ago. Alumni at the annual event were treated to entertainment by Randin Graves, an American musician from San Diego whose 2004-2005 Fulbright Scholarship allows him to study the didgeridoo among traditional Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory. Also appearing with Mr. Graves was noted indigenous didgeridoo player Milkaynu Mununggurr. Mr. Mununggurr generously presented the Ambassador with a catalogue of bark paintings from his people celebrating their saltwater traditions.

Photo: Anna Klein at the Ambassador’s Residence in Canberra, PAS Photo

Anna Klein

1 to 13 October 2004

The American Pianist Anna Klein was invited to Australia by PAS Canberra to perform at many cities across Australia for a series of international visitor alumni events 1st to 13th October. After her Australian program Anna traveled onto other countries in the East Asia Pacific region; New Zealand, Fiji and the Marshall Islands.

Anna is a graduate of the Manhattan School of Music and following her 2002 Debut at Carnegie Hall and has toured extensively in the United States and Latin America

Photo: Ambassador Schieffer talks with veterans at Morshead Home as part of the Mission’s Make the Day Count volunteer program.

9/11 Make the Day Count

11 September 2004

The U.S. Mission to Australia commemorated the September 11 anniversary with a series of events around the country under the theme, “Make the Day Count.” In Canberra, Ambassador Schieffer gave a presentation on American war memorials to a group of senior citizens at a local war veterans’ retirement center as part of his volunteer outreach effort. The Ambassador commented, “instead of commemorating destruction…we want to say to the world that what America represents is building something up, not tearing it down.”

Photo: Judge O’Scannlain at PAS Canberra.

Judge O’Scannlain

24 to 30 August 2004

Judge O’Scannlain visited Australia recently from 24 to 30 August traveling to Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra. He delivered a series of seminars on “Law and the U.S. judiciary post the Supreme Court ruling on detainees” and Judicial administration and reform, at the Sydney Bar Association, the ACT Law Society, ANU and Monash University. He conducted a series of high level meetings with the Solicitor General official of the Attorney Generals Department and the Australian Judiciary, including Justices of the Federal and High Courts.

Ambassador Schieffer at the Adelaide Press Club Luncheon.

Ambassador Schieffer Speech at Adelaide Press Club

20 August 2004

Ambassador Schieffer provided remarks to the South Australia Press Club on the topic of terrorism and the new dangers facing the civilized world.

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Ambassador J. Thomas Schieffer and Mrs Robyn Geraghty at the Launch

Virtual Consulate Adelaide Launch

20 August 2004

The U.S. Diplomatic Mission to Australia officially launched the first U.S. Virtual Consulate for Australia in Adelaide on August 20, 2004.

The Virtual Consulate will promote and enhance the bilateral relationship between the United States of America and South Australia. Regular monthly programs on a variety of topics will be presented in South Australia by members of the U.S. Mission to Australia and visitors from the United States.

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ACYPL at the Public Affairs Section Ambassador Schieffer with ACYPL delegates at the U.S. Embassy Canberra

ACYPL Delegation visits U.S. Embassy Canberra

9-10 August 2004

Nine delegates from the American Council of Young Political Leaders (ACYPL) spent two weeks in Australia focused on federal, state and local government issues. Hosted by their counterpart organization, the Australian Political Exchange Council (APEC), the group received briefings by U.S. Ambassador Schieffer and numerous Australian elected officials. The Country Public Affairs Officer hosted a reception for the group with Australian alumni of the program, including the nine Australian participants who had just returned from an analogous program in the United States.

Derek Shearer providing remarks at PAS Canberra.

Dr. Derek Shearer visits Australia

8 to 23 August 2004

Dr. Shearer was in Australia discussing issues such as “The Politics of Trade” with audiences in Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, and Brisbane under the U.S. Speaker Program. A member of the Occidental Faculty since 1981, Dr. Shearer is the Stuart Chevalier Professor of Public Diplomacy and World Affairs. His distinguished career includes service as U.S. ambassador to Finland; deputy undersecretary of commerce for economic affairs in the Clinton administration; senior policy advisor to then-Gov. Bill Clinton; and economic advisor to California Gov. Jerry Brown. He received his B.A. in economics and history from Yale, and a Ph.D. in public policy from Union Graduate School.

Larry Nowels at a seminar at the Public Affairs Section

Larry Nowels from the Library of Congress visits Australia

August 2004

Larry Nowels, a specialist in Foreign Affairs at the Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, spent a week in Australia under the auspices of the U.S. Speaker Program. His meetings and speaking engagements focused on the Heavily Indebted Poor Country (HIPC) debt initiative, President Bush’s global AIDS Initiative, and the new U.S. foreign aid program, the Millennium Challenge Account (MCA). During his 30-year career at CRS he has written extensively on U.S. foreign assistance policy, including the Congressional role in legislating and overseeing U.S. foreign aid programs.

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Last update: Thursday, 11 December 2008 GMT+1000

Consulate of the United States

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