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00002 #define DEBUG_3
00003 #ifdef DEBUG_1
00004    #define DEBUG_2
00005    #define DEBUG_3
00006 #endif
00008 /* Header FILES */
00010 #include "SUMA_suma.h"
00012 #ifdef STAND_ALONE
00013    SUMA_CommonFields *SUMAg_CF;
00014 #else
00015    extern SUMA_CommonFields *SUMAg_CF; 
00016 #endif
00018 /* CODE */
00020 /*!
00021    \brief Returns the code for the next command (at the tail of the list).
00022    CommandCode =  SUMA_GetListNextCommand (list);
00023    \param list (DList *) pointer to doubly linked list
00024    \return CommandCode (SUMA_ENGINE_CODE) code for next command. The next command is at the head of the list.
00026    Note that the list is not modified.
00028    This function replaces the obsolete SUMA_GetNextCommand
00029 */
00030 SUMA_ENGINE_CODE SUMA_GetListNextCommand (DList *list)
00031 {
00032    static char FuncName[]={"SUMA_GetListNextCommand"};
00033    DListElmt *next;
00034    SUMA_EngineData *ED = NULL;
00036    if (SUMAg_CF->InOut_Notify) SUMA_DBG_IN_NOTIFY(FuncName);
00038    if (!dlist_size(list)) {
00039       SUMA_RETURN (SE_Empty);
00040    }
00042    next = (DListElmt *)dlist_head(list);
00043    ED = (SUMA_EngineData *)(next->data);
00044    SUMA_RETURN (ED->CommandCode);
00046 } 
00049 /*!**
00050 File : SUMA_ParseCommands.c
00051 \author Ziad Saad
00052 Date : Tue Feb 5 10:39:02 EST 2002
00054 Purpose : 
00055    obtain the next command Scom from the string of commands S
00058 Usage : 
00059       Ret = SUMA_GetNextCommand (char *S, char d, char term, char *Scom);
00062 Input paramters : 
00063 \param  S (char *) : String containing commands like "Initialize|ShowSurf|LightsON~" 
00064 \param  d (char)  : character delimiting multiple commands ('|' in this example)
00065 \param  term (char) : character terminating entire command ('~' in this example)
00066 \param  Scom (char *): Null terminated string that will contain latest command (LightsON) in this example
00067                      S will be returned "Initialize|ShowSurf~"
00069 Returns : 
00070 \return   code of the command as defined for SUMA_ENGINE_CODE
00072 NOTE:  OBSOLETE, use SUMA_GetListNextCommand   
00075 ***/
00076 int SUMA_GetNextCommand (char *S, char d, char term, char *Scom)
00077 {/*SUMA_GetNextCommand*/
00078    static char FuncName[]={"SUMA_GetNextCommand"}; 
00079    int i=0, iBegin, iStop;
00081    if (SUMAg_CF->InOut_Notify) SUMA_DBG_IN_NOTIFY(FuncName);
00083    fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: This function is now obsolete. Must use SUMA_GetListNextCommand instead.\n", FuncName);
00084    SUMA_RETURN (NOPE);
00086    iStop = strlen(S)-1;
00088    /*fprintf(stdout,"%s %c %c\n", S, S[iStop], term);  */
00089    if (S[iStop] != term) {
00090       fprintf (stderr, "%s Error: Command poorly terminated!\n\a", FuncName);
00091       SUMA_RETURN (0);
00092    }
00093    /* Make sure character just before term is not d */
00094    if (S[iStop-1] == d) {
00095       S[iStop] = '\0';
00096       iStop -= 1;
00097       S[iStop] = term;
00098    }
00100    /* search for command delimiter */
00101    iBegin = iStop -1;
00102    while (iBegin > -1 && S[iBegin]!= d) --iBegin;
00103    ++iBegin;
00105    /* copy command to Scom*/
00106    for (i=0; i< iStop - iBegin; ++i)  {
00107       /*fprintf(stdout,"%d %c\n", iBegin+i, S[iBegin+i]);*/
00108       Scom[i] = S[iBegin+i]; 
00109       S[iBegin+i] = '\0'; /*for esthetics */}
00111    /* seal strings with terminators */
00112    Scom[iStop-iBegin] = '\0';
00113    if (iBegin > 0) {
00114       S[iBegin-1] = term;
00115       iStop = iBegin-1;
00116    }
00117    else {
00118       S[iBegin] = term;
00119       iStop = iBegin;
00121    }
00123    /*get the code of the command*/
00124    SUMA_RETURN (SUMA_CommandCode(Scom));
00126 }/*SUMA_GetNextCommand*/
00128 int SUMA_CommandCode(char *Scom)
00129 {   
00130    static char FuncName[]={"SUMA_CommandCode"};
00132    if (SUMAg_CF->InOut_Notify) SUMA_DBG_IN_NOTIFY(FuncName);
00134    if (!strlen(Scom)) SUMA_RETURN (SE_Empty);
00135    if (strcmp(Scom,"~") == 0) SUMA_RETURN (SE_Empty);
00137    /*fprintf(stdout,"Looking for %s\n", Scom);*/
00138    if (!strcmp(Scom,"SetLookAt")) SUMA_RETURN(SE_SetLookAt);   
00139    if (!strcmp(Scom,"SetLookFrom")) SUMA_RETURN(SE_SetLookFrom);
00140    if (!strcmp(Scom,"Redisplay")) SUMA_RETURN(SE_Redisplay);
00141    if (!strcmp(Scom,"RedisplayNow")) SUMA_RETURN(SE_RedisplayNow);
00142    if (!strcmp(Scom,"Redisplay_AllVisible")) SUMA_RETURN(SE_Redisplay_AllVisible);
00143    if (!strcmp(Scom,"SetNodeColor")) SUMA_RETURN (SE_SetNodeColor);
00144    if (!strcmp(Scom,"FlipLight0Pos"))   SUMA_RETURN(SE_FlipLight0Pos);
00145    if (!strcmp(Scom,"GetNearestNode"))   SUMA_RETURN (SE_GetNearestNode);
00146    if (!strcmp(Scom,"SetLookAtNode"))   SUMA_RETURN (SE_SetLookAtNode);
00147    if (!strcmp(Scom,"SetRotMatrix"))   SUMA_RETURN (SE_SetRotMatrix);
00148    if (!strcmp(Scom,"SetCrossHair"))   SUMA_RETURN (SE_SetCrossHair);
00149    if (!strcmp(Scom,"ToggleCrossHair"))   SUMA_RETURN (SE_ToggleCrossHair);
00150    if (!strcmp(Scom,"HighlightNodes"))   SUMA_RETURN (SE_HighlightNodes);
00151    if (!strcmp(Scom,"ToggleShowSelectedNode"))   SUMA_RETURN (SE_ToggleShowSelectedNode);
00152    if (!strcmp(Scom,"SetSelectedNode"))   SUMA_RETURN (SE_SetSelectedNode);
00153    if (!strcmp(Scom,"SetSelectedFaceSet"))   SUMA_RETURN (SE_SetSelectedFaceSet);
00154    if (!strcmp(Scom,"ToggleShowSelectedFaceSet"))   SUMA_RETURN (SE_ToggleShowSelectedFaceSet);
00155    if (!strcmp(Scom,"ToggleConnected")) SUMA_RETURN (SE_ToggleConnected);
00156    if (!strcmp(Scom,"SetAfniCrossHair")) SUMA_RETURN (SE_SetAfniCrossHair);
00157    if (!strcmp(Scom,"SetForceAfniSurf")) SUMA_RETURN (SE_SetForceAfniSurf);
00158    if (!strcmp(Scom,"CloseStream4All")) SUMA_RETURN (SE_CloseStream4All);
00159    if (!strcmp(Scom,"SetAfniSurf")) SUMA_RETURN (SE_SetAfniSurf);
00160    if (!strcmp(Scom,"BindCrossHair")) SUMA_RETURN(SE_BindCrossHair);
00161    if (!strcmp(Scom,"ToggleForeground")) SUMA_RETURN (SE_ToggleForeground);
00162    if (!strcmp(Scom,"ToggleBackground")) SUMA_RETURN (SE_ToggleBackground);
00163    if (!strcmp(Scom,"FOVreset")) SUMA_RETURN (SE_FOVreset);
00164    if (!strcmp(Scom,"ResetOpenGLState")) SUMA_RETURN (SE_ResetOpenGLState);
00165    if (!strcmp(Scom,"LockCrossHair")) SUMA_RETURN(SE_LockCrossHair);
00166    if (!strcmp(Scom,"Home")) SUMA_RETURN (SE_Home);
00167    if (!strcmp(Scom,"Home_AllVisible")) SUMA_RETURN (SE_Home_AllVisible);
00168    if (!strcmp(Scom,"ToggleLockAllCrossHair")) SUMA_RETURN(SE_ToggleLockAllCrossHair);
00169    if (!strcmp(Scom,"SetLockAllCrossHair")) SUMA_RETURN(SE_SetLockAllCrossHair);
00170    if (!strcmp(Scom,"ToggleLockView")) SUMA_RETURN(SE_ToggleLockView);
00171    if (!strcmp(Scom,"ToggleLockAllViews")) SUMA_RETURN(SE_ToggleLockAllViews);
00172    if (!strcmp(Scom,"Load_Group")) SUMA_RETURN(SE_Load_Group);
00173    if (!strcmp(Scom,"Help")) SUMA_RETURN(SE_Help);
00174    if (!strcmp(Scom,"UpdateLog")) SUMA_RETURN(SE_UpdateLog);
00175    if (!strcmp(Scom,"Log")) SUMA_RETURN(SE_Log);
00176    if (!strcmp(Scom,"SetRenderMode")) SUMA_RETURN(SE_SetRenderMode);
00177    if (!strcmp(Scom,"OpenDrawROI")) SUMA_RETURN(SE_OpenDrawROI);
00178    if (!strcmp(Scom,"RedisplayNow_AllVisible")) SUMA_RETURN(SE_RedisplayNow_AllVisible);
00179    if (!strcmp(Scom,"RedisplayNow_AllOtherVisible")) SUMA_RETURN(SE_RedisplayNow_AllOtherVisible);
00180    if (!strcmp(Scom,"SetLight0Pos")) SUMA_RETURN(SE_SetLight0Pos);
00181    if (!strcmp(Scom,"OpenColFileSelection")) SUMA_RETURN(SE_OpenColFileSelection);
00182    if (!strcmp(Scom,"SaveDrawnROIFileSelection")) SUMA_RETURN(SE_SaveDrawnROIFileSelection);
00183    if (!strcmp(Scom,"OpenDrawnROIFileSelection")) SUMA_RETURN(SE_OpenDrawnROIFileSelection);
00184    /*if (!strcmp(Scom,"")) SUMA_RETURN(SE_);*/
00186    /* Last one is Bad Code */
00187    SUMA_RETURN (SE_BadCode);
00189 }
00191 /*!
00192    \brief Transforms a command code into a string for human consumption
00193    const char *SUMA_CommandString (SUMA_ENGINE_CODE code);
00195 */ 
00196 const char *SUMA_CommandString (SUMA_ENGINE_CODE code)
00197 {
00198    static char FuncName[]={"SUMA_CommandString"};
00200    if (SUMAg_CF->InOut_Notify) SUMA_DBG_IN_NOTIFY(FuncName);
00202    switch (code) {
00203       case SE_SetLookAt:
00204          SUMA_RETURN("SetLookAt");
00205       case SE_SetLookFrom:
00206          SUMA_RETURN("SetLookFrom");
00207       case SE_Redisplay:
00208          SUMA_RETURN("Redisplay");
00209       case SE_RedisplayNow:
00210          SUMA_RETURN("RedisplayNow");      
00211       case SE_Redisplay_AllVisible:
00212          SUMA_RETURN("Redisplay_AllVisible");      
00213       case SE_SetNodeColor:
00214          SUMA_RETURN("SetNodeColor");      
00215       case SE_FlipLight0Pos:
00216          SUMA_RETURN("FlipLight0Pos");      
00217       case SE_GetNearestNode: 
00218          SUMA_RETURN("GetNearestNode");      
00219       case SE_SetLookAtNode:
00220          SUMA_RETURN("SetLookAtNode");      
00221       case SE_SetRotMatrix:
00222          SUMA_RETURN("SetRotMatrix");      
00223       case SE_SetCrossHair:
00224          SUMA_RETURN("SetCrossHair");      
00225       case SE_ToggleCrossHair:
00226          SUMA_RETURN("ToggleCrossHair");      
00227       case SE_HighlightNodes:
00228          SUMA_RETURN("HighlightNodes");      
00229       case SE_ToggleShowSelectedNode:
00230          SUMA_RETURN("ToggleShowSelectedNode");      
00231       case SE_SetSelectedNode:
00232          SUMA_RETURN("SetSelectedNode");      
00233       case SE_SetSelectedFaceSet:
00234          SUMA_RETURN("SetSelectedFaceSet");      
00235       case SE_ToggleShowSelectedFaceSet:
00236          SUMA_RETURN("ToggleShowSelectedFaceSet");      
00237       case SE_ToggleConnected:
00238          SUMA_RETURN("ToggleConnected");      
00239       case SE_SetAfniCrossHair:
00240          SUMA_RETURN("SetAfniCrossHair");      
00241       case SE_SetForceAfniSurf:
00242          SUMA_RETURN("SetForceAfniSurf");      
00243       case SE_CloseStream4All:
00244          SUMA_RETURN("CloseStream4All");      
00245       case SE_SetAfniSurf: 
00246          SUMA_RETURN("SetAfniSurf");      
00247       case SE_BindCrossHair:
00248          SUMA_RETURN("BindCrossHair");      
00249       case SE_ToggleForeground:
00250          SUMA_RETURN("ToggleForeground");      
00251       case SE_ToggleBackground:
00252          SUMA_RETURN("ToggleBackground");      
00253       case SE_FOVreset:
00254          SUMA_RETURN("FOVreset");      
00255       case SE_ResetOpenGLState: 
00256          SUMA_RETURN("ResetOpenGLState");      
00257       case SE_LockCrossHair:
00258          SUMA_RETURN("LockCrossHair");      
00259       case SE_Home:
00260          SUMA_RETURN("Home"); 
00261       case SE_Home_AllVisible:
00262          SUMA_RETURN("Home_AllVisible");     
00263       case SE_Empty:
00264          SUMA_RETURN("Empty");
00265       case SE_ToggleLockAllCrossHair:
00266          SUMA_RETURN("ToggleLockAllCrossHair");      
00267       case SE_SetLockAllCrossHair:
00268          SUMA_RETURN("SetLockAllCrossHair"); 
00269       case SE_ToggleLockView:
00270          SUMA_RETURN("ToggleLockView");
00271       case SE_ToggleLockAllViews:
00272          SUMA_RETURN("ToggleLockAllViews");   
00273       case SE_Load_Group:
00274          SUMA_RETURN("Load_Group"); 
00275       case SE_Help:
00276          SUMA_RETURN("Help");
00277       case SE_UpdateLog:
00278          SUMA_RETURN("UpdateLog"); 
00279       case SE_Log:
00280          SUMA_RETURN("Log");
00281       case SE_SetRenderMode:
00282          SUMA_RETURN("SetRenderMode");
00283       case SE_OpenDrawROI:
00284          SUMA_RETURN("OpenDrawROI"); 
00285       case SE_RedisplayNow_AllVisible:
00286          SUMA_RETURN("RedisplayNow_AllVisible");
00287       case SE_RedisplayNow_AllOtherVisible:
00288          SUMA_RETURN("RedisplayNow_AllOtherVisible");
00289       case SE_SetLight0Pos:
00290          SUMA_RETURN("SetLight0Pos");      
00291       case SE_OpenColFileSelection:
00292          SUMA_RETURN("OpenColFileSelection");      
00293       case SE_SaveDrawnROIFileSelection:
00294          SUMA_RETURN("SaveDrawnROIFileSelection");      
00295       case SE_OpenDrawnROIFileSelection:
00296          SUMA_RETURN("OpenDrawnROIFileSelection");      
00297       /*case SE_:
00298          SUMA_RETURN("");      */
00299       default:        
00300          SUMA_RETURN ("BadCode");
00301    }
00302 }
00303 /*!**
00305 Purpose : 
00306    Append or prepend command Scom to S
00309 Usage : 
00310       Ret =  SUMA_RegisterCommand(char *S, char d, char term, char *Scom, SUMA_Boolean Prepend);
00313 Input paramters : 
00314 \param  S (char *) : String containing commands like "Initialize|ShowSurf~" MUST BE NULL TERMINATED
00315 \param  d (char)  : character delimiting multiple commands ('|' in this example)
00316 \param  term (char) : character terminating entire command ('~' in this example)
00317 \param  Scom (char *): Null terminated string that will contain latest command (LightsON) in this example
00318                      S will be returned "Initialize|ShowSurf/LightsON~" if Prepend is YUP
00319                      S will be returned "LightsON|Initialize|ShowSurf" is Prepend if NOPE
00320 \param Prepend (SUMA_Boolean): append or prepend command
00322 Returns : 
00323 \return   NOPE for failure, YUP success
00325 NOTE: OBSOLETE, use  SUMA_RegisterEngineListCommand  
00328 ***/
00329 SUMA_Boolean SUMA_RegisterCommand (char *S, char d, char term, char *Scom, SUMA_Boolean Prepend)
00330 {   int i, iStop, iorig, iStopNew, nCom;
00331    static char FuncName[]={"SUMA_RegisterCommand"};
00333    if (SUMAg_CF->InOut_Notify) SUMA_DBG_IN_NOTIFY(FuncName);
00335    fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: This function is now obsolete. Must use SUMA_RegisterCommand instead.\n", FuncName);
00336    SUMA_RETURN (NOPE);
00338    iStop = strlen(S)-1;
00340    nCom = strlen(Scom);
00341    /*fprintf (stdout,"Scom->%s<-, length %d\n", Scom, nCom);*/
00342    if (strlen(Scom) + iStop + 2 > SUMA_MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH ) {
00343       fprintf (stderr, "%s Error: Resultant command longer than SUMA_MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH!\n\a", FuncName);
00344       SUMA_RETURN (NOPE);
00345    }
00346    if (S[iStop] != term) {
00347       fprintf (stderr, "%s Error: S improperly terminated!\n\a", FuncName);
00348       SUMA_RETURN (NOPE);
00349    }
00350    if (!Prepend) {
00351       /* add a delimiter */
00352       if (S[iStop-1] != d) { 
00353          S[iStop] = d;
00354          iStop += 1;
00355       }
00356       /*append the command */
00357       for (i=0; i <nCom; ++i) {
00358          S[iStop+i] = Scom[i];
00359       } 
00360       iStop += nCom;
00361       S[iStop] = term;
00362       S[iStop+1] = '\0';
00363       SUMA_RETURN (YUP);
00364    } else {
00365       /* move old string forward*/
00366       iStopNew = iStop+nCom+1;
00367       S[iStopNew+1] = '\0';
00368       iorig = 0;
00369       while (iorig <= iStop) {
00370          S[iStopNew-iorig] = S[iStop-iorig];
00371          ++iorig;
00372       }
00373       S[iStopNew-iorig] = d;
00375       /*add new one */
00376       for (i=0; i < nCom; ++i) {
00377          S[i] = Scom[i];
00378       }
00379       iStop = iStopNew;
00380       SUMA_RETURN (YUP);
00381    }
00382 }
00384 /*!
00385    \brief translates SUMA_ENGINE_FIELD_CODE to string
00386 */
00387 const char* SUMA_EngineFieldString (SUMA_ENGINE_FIELD_CODE i)
00388 {
00389    static char FuncName[]={"SUMA_EngineFieldString"};
00391    if (SUMAg_CF->InOut_Notify) SUMA_DBG_IN_NOTIFY(FuncName);
00393    switch (i) {
00394       case (SEF_fm):
00395          SUMA_RETURN ("fm");
00396          break;
00397       case (SEF_im):
00398          SUMA_RETURN ("im");
00399          break;
00400       case (SEF_fv3):
00401          SUMA_RETURN ("fv3");
00402          break;
00403       case (SEF_iv3):
00404          SUMA_RETURN ("iv3");
00405          break;
00406       case (SEF_fv15):
00407          SUMA_RETURN ("fv15");
00408          break;
00409       case (SEF_iv15):
00410          SUMA_RETURN ("iv15");
00411          break;
00412       case (SEF_i):
00413          SUMA_RETURN ("i");
00414          break;
00415       case (SEF_f):
00416          SUMA_RETURN ("f");
00417          break;
00418       case (SEF_s):
00419          SUMA_RETURN ("s");
00420          break;
00421       case (SEF_vp):
00422          SUMA_RETURN ("vp");
00423          break;
00424       case (SEF_cp):
00425          SUMA_RETURN ("cp");
00426          break;
00427       case (SEF_fp):
00428          SUMA_RETURN ("fp");
00429          break;
00430       case (SEF_ip):
00431          SUMA_RETURN ("ip");
00432          break;
00433       default:
00434          SUMA_RETURN ("Unknown");
00435          break;
00437    }
00439 }
00441 SUMA_ENGINE_FIELD_CODE SUMA_EngineFieldCode(char *Scom)
00442 {   
00443    static char FuncName[]={"SUMA_EngineFieldCode"};
00445    if (SUMAg_CF->InOut_Notify) SUMA_DBG_IN_NOTIFY(FuncName);
00447    if (!strlen(Scom)) SUMA_RETURN (SEF_Empty);
00449    /*fprintf(stdout,"Looking for %s\n", Scom);*/
00450    if (!strcmp(Scom,"fm")) SUMA_RETURN(SEF_fm);   
00451    if (!strcmp(Scom,"im")) SUMA_RETURN(SEF_im);   
00452    if (!strcmp(Scom,"fv3")) SUMA_RETURN(SEF_fv3);
00453    if (!strcmp(Scom,"iv3")) SUMA_RETURN(SEF_iv3);
00454    if (!strcmp(Scom,"fv15")) SUMA_RETURN(SEF_fv15);
00455    if (!strcmp(Scom,"iv15")) SUMA_RETURN(SEF_iv15);
00456    if (!strcmp(Scom,"i")) SUMA_RETURN(SEF_i);
00457    if (!strcmp(Scom,"f")) SUMA_RETURN (SEF_f);
00458    if (!strcmp(Scom,"s")) SUMA_RETURN (SEF_s);
00459    if (!strcmp(Scom,"vp")) SUMA_RETURN (SEF_vp); /* void pointer */
00460    if (!strcmp(Scom,"fp")) SUMA_RETURN(SEF_fp);
00461    if (!strcmp(Scom,"cp")) SUMA_RETURN(SEF_cp);
00462    if (!strcmp(Scom,"ip")) SUMA_RETURN(SEF_ip);
00463    /*if (!strcmp(Scom,"")) SUMA_RETURN(SEF_);*/
00465    /* Last one is Bad Code */
00466    SUMA_RETURN (SEF_BadCode);
00468 }
00470 int SUMA_EngineSourceCode (char *Scom)
00471 {
00472    static char FuncName[]={"SUMA_EngineSourceCode"};
00474    if (SUMAg_CF->InOut_Notify) SUMA_DBG_IN_NOTIFY(FuncName);
00476    if (!strlen(Scom)) SUMA_RETURN (SES_Empty);
00477    if (!strcmp(Scom,"suma")) SUMA_RETURN(SES_Suma);
00478    if (!strcmp(Scom,"afni")) SUMA_RETURN(SES_Afni);
00479    if (!strcmp(Scom,"suma_widget")) SUMA_RETURN(SES_SumaWidget);
00480    if (!strcmp(Scom,"suma_from_afni")) SUMA_RETURN(SES_SumaFromAfni);
00481    if (!strcmp(Scom,"suma_from_any")) SUMA_RETURN(SES_SumaFromAny);
00482    if (!strcmp(Scom,"unknown")) SUMA_RETURN(SES_Unknown);
00484    /* got here? Unknown */
00485    SUMA_RETURN (SES_Unknown);
00486 }  
00488 void SUMA_EngineSourceString (char *Scom, int i)
00489 {
00490    static char FuncName[]={"SUMA_EngineSourceString"};
00492    if (SUMAg_CF->InOut_Notify) SUMA_DBG_IN_NOTIFY(FuncName);
00494    switch (i) {
00495       case SES_Empty:
00496          Scom[0]='\0';
00497          break;
00498       case SES_Suma:
00499          sprintf(Scom,"suma");
00500          break;
00501       case SES_Afni:
00502          sprintf(Scom, "afni");
00503          break;
00504       case SES_SumaWidget:
00505          sprintf(Scom, "suma_widget");
00506          break;
00507       case SES_SumaFromAfni:
00508          sprintf(Scom, "suma_from_afni");
00509          break;
00510       case SES_SumaFromAny:
00511          sprintf(Scom, "suma_from_any");
00512          break;
00513       case SES_Unknown:
00514          sprintf(Scom, "unknown");
00515          break;
00516       default:
00517          sprintf(Scom, "Undetermined flag");
00518          break;
00519    }
00520    SUMA_RETURNe;
00521 }
00523 /*! 
00524 \brief Appends a new message to the list of SUMA messages, making sure
00525 the number of messages does not exceed SUMA_MAX_MESSAGES
00526 Ans = SUMA_RegisterMessage (  list, Message, Source, Type, Action );
00528 \param list (DList *) pointer to doubly linked list of messages
00529 \param Message (char *) null terminated message
00530 \param Source (char *) null terminated source of message
00531 \param Type (SUMA_MESSAGE_TYPES) Type of message to spit out
00532 \param Action (SUMA_MESSAGE_ACTION) Action to perform with message
00533 \return  YUP/NOPE, success/failure
00535 */
00536 SUMA_Boolean SUMA_RegisterMessage ( DList *list, char *Message, char *Source, SUMA_MESSAGE_TYPES Type, SUMA_MESSAGE_ACTION Action)
00537 {
00538    static char FuncName[]={"SUMA_RegisterMessage"};
00539    SUMA_MessageData *MD = NULL;
00540    SUMA_Boolean TryLogWindow = NOPE;
00541    int i=0, TrimTheFat=0;
00543    if (SUMAg_CF->InOut_Notify) SUMA_DBG_IN_NOTIFY(FuncName);
00545    if (!list) {
00546       fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "Warning %s: list has not been initialized.\n"
00547                             "Nothing done.\n", FuncName);
00548       SUMA_RETURN (YUP);
00549    }
00551    /* allocate and initialize element */
00552    MD = (SUMA_MessageData *) SUMA_malloc(sizeof(SUMA_MessageData));
00553    if (!MD) {
00554       fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: Failed to allocate.\n", FuncName);
00555       SUMA_RETURN (NOPE);
00556    }
00558    MD->Message = Message;
00559    MD->Source = Source;
00560    MD->Type = Type;
00561    MD->Action = Action;
00563    /* add element at end */
00564    if (dlist_ins_next (list, dlist_tail(list), (void *)MD) < 0) {
00565        fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: Failed to insert element in list.\n", FuncName);
00566        SUMA_RETURN(NOPE);
00567    }
00569    /* make sure size of list is < SUMA_MAX_MESSAGES */
00570    TrimTheFat = list->size - SUMA_MAX_MESSAGES;
00571    if ( TrimTheFat > 0) {
00572       for (i=0; i < TrimTheFat; ++i) {
00573          /* remove the head */
00574          if (!SUMA_ReleaseMessageListElement (list, dlist_head(list))) {
00575             fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: Failed in SUMA_ReleaseMessageListElement.\n", FuncName);
00576             SUMA_RETURN (NOPE);
00577          } 
00578       }
00579    }
00581    /* Decide on what to do with new element */
00582    switch (MD->Action) {
00583       case SMA_Nothing:
00584          break;
00585       case SMA_Log:
00586          TryLogWindow = YUP;
00587          break;
00588       case SMA_LogAndPopup:
00589          TryLogWindow = YUP;
00590          SUMA_PopUpMessage (MD);
00591          break;
00592       default:
00593          break;
00595    }
00597    if (TryLogWindow) {
00598       DList *Elist=NULL;
00599       SUMA_EngineData *ED=NULL;
00601       Elist = SUMA_CreateList();
00602       SUMA_REGISTER_HEAD_COMMAND_NO_DATA(Elist, SE_UpdateLog, SES_Suma, NULL);
00604       if (!SUMA_Engine (&Elist)) {
00605          fprintf(SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: SUMA_Engine call failed.\n", FuncName);
00606          SUMA_RETURN (NOPE);
00607       }
00608    }
00611    SUMA_RETURN (YUP);
00612 }
00614 /*!
00615    \brief forms a string out of all the messages in the Message list
00617 */
00618 char *SUMA_BuildMessageLog (DList *ML)
00619 {
00620    static char FuncName[]={"SUMA_BuildMessageLog"};
00621    char *s=NULL;
00622    SUMA_STRING *SS = NULL;
00623    DListElmt *CurElmt=NULL;
00625    if (SUMAg_CF->InOut_Notify) SUMA_DBG_IN_NOTIFY(FuncName);
00628    if (!ML->size) { /* Nothing */
00629       SUMA_RETURN (NULL);
00630    }
00632    SS = SUMA_StringAppend (NULL, NULL);
00634    if (!(CurElmt = dlist_head(ML))) {
00635       SUMA_RETURN (NULL);
00636    }
00637    do {
00638       SS = SUMA_StringAppend (SS, SUMA_FormatMessage ((SUMA_MessageData *)CurElmt->data)); 
00639       SS = SUMA_StringAppend (SS, "---------------------\n");
00640    } while ((CurElmt = dlist_next(CurElmt)));
00642    /* clean SS */
00643    SS = SUMA_StringAppend (SS, NULL);
00644    /* copy s pointer and free SS */
00645    s = SS->s;
00646    SUMA_free(SS); 
00648    SUMA_RETURN (s);
00650 }
00651 /*!
00652 \brief Adds a new element to the list of commands for SUMA_Engine.
00653 NewElement = SUMA_RegisterEngineListCommand (   list,  EngineData,  
00654                                                 FldCode, FldValp, 
00655                                                 SourceCode, SourcePointer, PassByPointer, 
00656                                                 InsertAt, Element);
00658 \param list (DList *) pointer to doubly linked list of engine commands.
00659 \param EngineData (SUMA_EngineData *) a properly initialized pointer to EngineData structure.
00660 \param FldCode (SUMA_ENGINE_FIELD_CODE) code of field in EngineData structure to be filled.
00661 \param FldValp (void *) pointer to value that is to be placed in FldCode field of EngineData.
00662 \param SourceCode (SUMA_ENGINE_SOURCE) code of source issuing command.
00663 \param SourcePointer (void *) pointer to data structure of source issuing command. 
00664    I use this as a pointer to the calling surface viewer structure, but you can use it for anyting you please as long
00665    as SUMA_Engine knows what to do with it. Send NULL for none.
00666 \param PassByPointer (SUMA_Boolean) flag (YUP/NOPE), if YUP then assignment is done at the pointer level (EngineData->Fld = FldValp)
00667        if NOPE then space is allocated for Fld and values are copied from FldValp[i][j] to EngineData->Fld[i][j]
00668 \param InsertAt (SUMA_ENGINE_INSERT_LOCATION) Determines where to insert the next element in the list.
00669        SEI_Head : Insert at head of list (prepend)
00670        SEI_Tail : Insert at tail of list (append)
00671        SEI_Before : Insert before Element
00672        SEI_After : Insert after Element
00673        SEI_In : Inset in Element
00674 \param Element (DListElmt *) Element relative to which the insertion is made. NULL should be used with SEI_Head and SEI_Tail
00676 \return NewElement (DListElmt *) The new element inserted into the list. 
00677                                     NewElement = Element if SEI_In is used for InsertAt.
00678                                     NULL is returned if the function fails.
00681 \sa SUMA_InitializeEngineListData
00683 -PassByPointer option is only useful when dealing with fields that are/can be dynamically allocated like fm and fi. 
00684 For fields like fv3 or iv15 then assignments are done by value and not pointers.
00685 -You cannot set the value of a field unless the destination for the pre-existing data in that field has been reached                        
00686 -When passing by value for fields requiring allocation, like fm or fi, you must be sure that EngineData->N_cols and 
00687 EngineData->N_rows are set correctly before you call the function.
00689 -NOTE: If a Command requires that mutliple fields be filled, you can call this function repeatedly with the same 
00690 fields except FldCode, FldValp, SourcePointer and InsertAt should be SEI_In and Element should be the pointer 
00691 returned in the previous call for  SUMA_RegisterEngineListCommand.
00693 */
00694 DListElmt * SUMA_RegisterEngineListCommand (DList *list, SUMA_EngineData * EngineData,  
00695                                              SUMA_ENGINE_FIELD_CODE Fld, void *FldValp, 
00696                                              SUMA_ENGINE_SOURCE Src, void *Srcp, SUMA_Boolean PassByPointer, 
00697                                              SUMA_ENGINE_INSERT_LOCATION InsertAt, DListElmt *Element)
00698 { 
00699    SUMA_ENGINE_CODE Dest=SES_Empty;
00700    static char FuncName[]={"SUMA_RegisterEngineListCommand"};
00701    SUMA_Boolean LocalHead = NOPE, Refill = NOPE;
00702    DListElmt *tail=NULL, *head=NULL, *NewElement=NULL;
00703    SUMA_EngineData * Old_ED=NULL;
00705    if (SUMAg_CF->InOut_Notify) SUMA_DBG_IN_NOTIFY(FuncName);
00707    if (!list) {
00708       fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: list has not been initialized.\n", FuncName);
00709       SUMA_RETURN (NULL);
00710    }
00712    if (InsertAt == SEI_In) {
00713       /* adding fields to EngineData, check for errors */
00714       Refill = YUP;
00715       /* Src and Srcp should be the same as before */
00716       Old_ED = (SUMA_EngineData *)Element->data;
00717       if (Old_ED != EngineData) {
00718          fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: EngineData is different from initializing call for Element.\n", FuncName);
00719          SUMA_RETURN (NULL);
00720       }
00721       if (Old_ED->Src != Src) {
00722          fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: Src is different from initializing call for Element.\n", FuncName);
00723          SUMA_RETURN (NULL);
00724       }
00725       if (Old_ED->Srcp != Srcp) {
00726          fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: Srcp is different from initializing call for Element.\n", FuncName);
00727          SUMA_RETURN (NULL);
00728       }
00729       if (Old_ED->CommandCode != EngineData->CommandCode) {
00730          fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: CommandCode is different in EngineData from the one initializing call for Element.\n", FuncName);
00731          SUMA_RETURN (NULL);
00732       }
00734    } else Refill = NOPE;
00736    Dest = EngineData->CommandCode;
00738    if (!Refill) {
00739       /* make sure Destination is good and wholesome*/
00740       switch (Dest) {
00741          case SE_BadCode:
00742             fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "Error in %s: Bad code string.\n", FuncName);
00743             SUMA_RETURN (NULL);
00744             break;
00745          case SE_Empty:
00746             fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "Error in %s: Empty code string.\n", FuncName);
00747             SUMA_RETURN (NULL);
00748             break;
00749          default:
00750             break;
00751       }
00753       /* make sure that Srcp is empty or the same as in EngineData */
00754       if (EngineData->Srcp != NULL) {
00755          if (EngineData->Srcp != Srcp) {
00756             fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: Attempting to assign a Srcp to a structure that has a different Srcp.\n", FuncName);
00757             SUMA_RETURN (NULL); 
00758          }
00759       }
00761       EngineData->Srcp = Srcp;
00762       EngineData->Src = Src;
00763    }
00765    if (LocalHead) fprintf(SUMA_STDOUT, "%s: Registering %s for %s\n", FuncName, SUMA_EngineFieldString(Fld), SUMA_CommandString (Dest));
00767    switch (Fld) { /* switch Fld */
00768       case SEF_Empty:
00769          break;
00770       case SEF_fm:
00771          if (EngineData->fm_Dest != SEF_Empty) { /* Make sure the data in this field in not predestined */
00772             fprintf(SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: field %d has a preset destination (%d).\n", FuncName, Fld, EngineData->fm_Dest);
00773             SUMA_RETURN (NULL);
00774          }
00775          /* space available*/
00776          if (PassByPointer) {
00777             /* pass the pointer */
00778             EngineData->fm = (float **)FldValp;
00779             EngineData->fm_LocalAlloc = NOPE; /* allocation not done by Engine functions */
00780          }
00781          else { /* pass by value */
00782             if (EngineData->fm != NULL) {
00783                fprintf(SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: Passing by value and EngineData->fm is not NULL. Clean up your act.\n", FuncName);
00784                SUMA_RETURN(NULL);
00785             } 
00786             if (!EngineData->N_rows || !EngineData->N_cols) {
00787                fprintf(SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: EngineData->N_rows or EngineData->N_cols is 0.\n", FuncName);
00788                SUMA_RETURN(NULL);
00789             }
00790             EngineData->fm = (float **)SUMA_allocate2D(EngineData->N_rows, EngineData->N_cols, sizeof(float));
00791             if (EngineData->fm == NULL) {
00792                fprintf(SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: Failed to allocate fm.\n", FuncName);
00793                SUMA_RETURN(NULL);
00794             }
00795             EngineData->fm_LocalAlloc = YUP; /* allocation done by Engine functions, this can be freed*/
00796             {/* copy the data */
00797                float **fm; 
00798                int i, j;
00799                fm = (float **)FldValp;
00800                for (i=0; i < EngineData->N_rows; ++i) {
00801                   for (j=0; j < EngineData->N_cols; ++j) 
00802                      EngineData->fm[i][j] = fm[i][j];
00803                }
00804             }/* copy the data */
00805          }/* pass by value */
00806          /* set the new destination*/
00807          EngineData->fm_Dest = Dest;
00808          EngineData->fm_Source = Src;
00809          break;
00810       case SEF_im:
00811          if (EngineData->im_Dest != SEF_Empty) { /* Make sure the data in this field in not predestined */
00812             fprintf(SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: field %d has a preset destination (%d).\n", FuncName, Fld, EngineData->im_Dest);
00813             SUMA_RETURN (NULL);
00814          }
00815          /* space available*/
00816          if (PassByPointer) {
00817             /* pass the pointer */
00818             EngineData->im = (int **)FldValp;
00819             EngineData->im_LocalAlloc = NOPE; /* allocation not done by Engine functions */
00820          }   else { /* pass by value */
00821             if (EngineData->im != NULL) {
00822                fprintf(SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: Passing by value and EngineData->im is not NULL. Clean up your act.\n", FuncName);
00823                SUMA_RETURN(NULL);
00824             } 
00825             if (!EngineData->N_rows || !EngineData->N_cols) {
00826                fprintf(SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: EngineData->N_rows or EngineData->N_cols is 0.\n", FuncName);
00827                SUMA_RETURN(NULL);
00828             }
00829             EngineData->im = (int **)SUMA_allocate2D(EngineData->N_rows, EngineData->N_cols, sizeof(int));
00830             if (EngineData->im == NULL) {
00831                fprintf(SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: Failed to allocate im.\n", FuncName);
00832                SUMA_RETURN(NULL);
00833             }
00834             EngineData->im_LocalAlloc = YUP; /* allocation done by Engine functions, this can be freed*/
00835             {/* copy the data */
00836                int **im; 
00837                int i, j;
00838                im = (int **)FldValp;
00839                for (i=0; i < EngineData->N_rows; ++i) {
00840                   for (j=0; j < EngineData->N_cols; ++j) 
00841                      EngineData->im[i][j] = im[i][j];
00842                }
00843             }/* copy the data */
00844          }/* pass by value */
00845          /* set the new destination*/
00846          EngineData->im_Dest = Dest;
00847          EngineData->im_Source = Src;
00848          break;
00850       case SEF_i:
00851          if (EngineData->i_Dest != SEF_Empty) { /* Make sure the data in this field in not predestined */
00852             fprintf(SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: field %d has a preset destination (%d).\n", FuncName, Fld, EngineData->i_Dest);
00853             SUMA_RETURN (NULL);
00854          }
00855          { /* assign by value */
00856             int *it;
00857             it = (int*)FldValp;
00858             EngineData->i = *it;
00859          }
00860          EngineData->i_Dest = Dest;
00861          EngineData->i_Source = Src;
00862          break;
00864       case SEF_f:
00865          if (EngineData->f_Dest != SEF_Empty) { /* Make sure the data in this field in not predestined */
00866             fprintf(SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: field %d has a preset destination (%d).\n", FuncName, Fld, EngineData->f_Dest);
00867             SUMA_RETURN (NULL);
00868          }
00869          { /* assign by value */
00870             float *ft;
00871             ft = (float*)FldValp;
00872             EngineData->f = *ft;
00873          }
00874          EngineData->f_Dest = Dest;
00875          EngineData->f_Source = Src;
00876          break;
00878       case SEF_fv3:
00879          if (EngineData->fv3_Dest != SEF_Empty) { /* Make sure the data in this field in not predestined */
00880             fprintf(SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: field %d has a preset destination (%d).\n", FuncName, Fld, EngineData->fv3_Dest);
00881             SUMA_RETURN (NULL);
00882          }
00883          { /* assign by value */
00884             float *fvt;
00885             int kt;
00886             fvt = (float*)FldValp;
00887             for (kt=0; kt < 3; ++kt) EngineData->fv3[kt] = fvt[kt];
00888          }
00889          EngineData->fv3_Dest = Dest;
00890          EngineData->fv3_Source = Src;
00891          break;
00893       case SEF_fv15:
00894          if (EngineData->fv15_Dest != SEF_Empty) { /* Make sure the data in this field in not predestined */
00895             fprintf(SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: field %d has a preset destination (%d).\n", FuncName, Fld, EngineData->fv15_Dest);
00896             SUMA_RETURN (NULL);
00897          }
00898          { /* assign by value */
00899             float *fvt;
00900             int kt;
00901             fvt = (float*)FldValp;
00902             for (kt=0; kt < 15; ++kt) EngineData->fv15[kt] = fvt[kt];
00903          }
00904          EngineData->fv15_Dest = Dest;
00905          EngineData->fv15_Source = Src;
00906          break;
00908       case SEF_iv3:
00909          if (EngineData->iv3_Dest != SEF_Empty) { /* Make sure the data in this field in not predestined */
00910             fprintf(SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: field %d has a preset destination (%d).\n", FuncName, Fld, EngineData->iv3_Dest);
00911             SUMA_RETURN (NULL);
00912          }
00913          { /* assign by value */
00914             int *ivt;
00915             int kt;
00916             ivt = (int*)FldValp;
00917             for (kt=0; kt < 3; ++kt) EngineData->iv3[kt] = ivt[kt];
00918          }
00919          EngineData->iv3_Dest = Dest;
00920          EngineData->iv3_Source = Src;
00921          break;
00923       case SEF_iv15:
00924          if (EngineData->iv15_Dest != SEF_Empty) { /* Make sure the data in this field in not predestined */
00925             fprintf(SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: field %d has a preset destination (%d).\n", FuncName, Fld, EngineData->iv15_Dest);
00926             SUMA_RETURN (NULL);
00927          }
00928          { /* assign by value */
00929             int *ivt;
00930             int kt;
00931             ivt = (int*)FldValp;
00932             for (kt=0; kt < 15; ++kt) EngineData->iv15[kt] = ivt[kt];
00933          }
00934          EngineData->iv15_Dest = Dest;
00935          EngineData->iv15_Source = Src;
00936          break;
00938       case SEF_s:
00939          if (EngineData->s_Dest != SEF_Empty) { /* Make sure the data in this field in not predestined */
00940             fprintf(SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: field %d has a preset destination (%d).\n", FuncName, Fld, EngineData->s_Dest);
00941             SUMA_RETURN (NULL);
00942          }
00943          { /* assign by value */
00944             char *st;
00945             st = (char*)FldValp;
00946             if (strlen(st) < SUMA_MAX_STRING_LENGTH) {
00947                sprintf(EngineData->s,"%s", st);
00948             } else {
00949                fprintf(SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: string in FldValp is longer than SUMA_MAX_STRING_LENGTH.\n", FuncName);
00950                SUMA_RETURN (NULL);
00951             }
00952          }
00953          EngineData->s_Dest = Dest;
00954          EngineData->s_Source = Src;
00955          break;
00957       case SEF_vp:
00958          if (EngineData->vp_Dest != SEF_Empty) { /* Make sure the data in this field in not predestined */
00959             fprintf(SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: field %d has a preset destination (%d).\n", FuncName, Fld, EngineData->vp_Dest);
00960             SUMA_RETURN (NULL);
00961          }
00962          EngineData->vp = (void *)FldValp;
00963          EngineData->vp_Dest = Dest;
00964          EngineData->vp_Source = Src;
00965          break;
00967       case SEF_ip:
00968          if (EngineData->ip_Dest != SEF_Empty) { /* Make sure the data in this field in not predestined */
00969             fprintf(SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: field %d has a preset destination (%d).\n", FuncName, Fld, EngineData->ip_Dest);
00970             SUMA_RETURN (NULL);
00971          }
00972          EngineData->ip = (int *)FldValp;
00973          EngineData->ip_Dest = Dest;
00974          break;
00976       case SEF_fp:
00977          if (EngineData->fp_Dest != SEF_Empty) { /* Make sure the data in this field in not predestined */
00978             fprintf(SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: field %d has a preset destination (%d).\n", FuncName, Fld, EngineData->fp_Dest);
00979             SUMA_RETURN (NULL);
00980          }
00981          EngineData->fp = (float *)FldValp;
00982          EngineData->fp_Dest = Dest;
00983          break;
00985       case SEF_cp:
00986          if (EngineData->cp_Dest != SEF_Empty) { /* Make sure the data in this field in not predestined */
00987             fprintf(SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: field %d has a preset destination (%d).\n", FuncName, Fld, EngineData->cp_Dest);
00988             SUMA_RETURN (NULL);
00989          }
00990          EngineData->cp = (char *)FldValp;
00991          EngineData->cp_Dest = Dest;
00992          break;
00994       default:
00995          fprintf(SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: Not setup for field %d yet.\n", FuncName, Fld);
00996          SUMA_RETURN (NULL);
00997          break;
00998    }/* switch Fld */
01000    /* Now EngineData is filled up, add an element (if not present already) to the list with EngineData */
01001    switch (InsertAt) {
01002       case SEI_In:
01003          if (LocalHead) fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "%s: Element already in list.\n", FuncName);
01004          NewElement = Element;
01005          break;
01006       case SEI_Tail:
01007          if (LocalHead) fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "%s: Inserting new element at end of list \n", FuncName); 
01008          if (dlist_ins_next (list, dlist_tail(list), (void *)EngineData) < 0) {
01009             fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: Failed to insert element in list.\n", FuncName);
01010             SUMA_RETURN(NULL);
01011          }
01012          NewElement = dlist_tail(list);
01013          break;
01014       case SEI_Head:
01015          if (LocalHead) fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "%s: Inserting new element at beginning of list \n", FuncName); 
01016          if (dlist_ins_prev (list, dlist_head(list), (void *)EngineData) < 0) {
01017             fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: Failed to insert element in list.\n", FuncName);
01018             SUMA_RETURN(NULL);
01019          }
01020          NewElement = dlist_head(list);
01021          break;
01022       case SEI_Before:
01023          if (LocalHead) fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "%s: Inserting new element before specified element.\n", FuncName);
01024          if (!Element) fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: NULL Element!\n", FuncName);
01025          if (dlist_ins_prev (list, Element, (void *)EngineData) < 0) {
01026             fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: Failed to insert element in list.\n", FuncName);
01027             SUMA_RETURN(NULL);
01028          }
01029          NewElement = Element->prev;
01030          if (!NewElement) {
01031             fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: No previous element. List size %d", FuncName, dlist_size(list));
01032             SUMA_RETURN(NULL);
01033          }
01034          break;
01035       case SEI_After:
01036          if (LocalHead) fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "%s: Inserting new element after specified element.\n", FuncName);
01037          if (!Element) fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: NULL Element!\n", FuncName);
01038          if (dlist_ins_next (list, Element, (void *)EngineData) < 0) {
01039             fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: Failed to insert element in list.\n", FuncName);
01040             SUMA_RETURN(NULL);
01041          }
01042          NewElement = Element->next;
01043          if (!NewElement) {
01044             fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: No next element. List size %d", FuncName, dlist_size(list));
01045             SUMA_RETURN(NULL);
01046          }
01047          break;
01048       case SEI_WTSDS:
01049       case SEI_BadLoc:
01050       default:
01051          fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: Bad insertion location!\n", FuncName);
01052          SUMA_RETURN(NULL);
01053          break;
01055    }
01057    SUMA_RETURN (NewElement);   
01058 }
01060 /*!
01061 SUMA_Boolean SUMA_RegisterEngineData (SUMA_EngineData *ED, char *Fldname, void *FldValp, char *DestName, char *SourceName, SUMA_Boolean PassByPointer)
01062 \param ED (SUMA_EngineData *) pointer to EngineData structure
01063 \param Fldname (char *) Field name
01064 \param FldValp (void *) Pointer to the value that is to be placed in Fldname
01065 \param DestName (char *) Name of EngineCommand that the data in Fldname is destined to
01066 \param PassByPointer (SUMA_Boolean) flag (YUP/NOPE), if YUP then assignment is done at the pointer level (ED->Fld = FldValp)
01067                         if NOPE then space is allocated for Fldname and values are copied from FldValp[i][j] to ED->Fld[i][j]
01069 \ret YUP/NOPE
01071 +PassByPointer option is only useful when dealing with fields that are/can be dynamically allocated like fm and fi. For fields like fv3 or iv15 then assignments are done by value and not pointers.
01072 +You cannot set the value of a field unless the destination for the pre-existing data in that field has been reached                        
01073 +When passing by value for fields requiring allocation, like fm or fi, you must be sure that ED->N_cols and ED->N_rows are
01074 set correctly before you call the function.
01076 \sa SUMA_EngineDataFieldCode
01077 \sa SUMA_ReleaseEngineData
01078 \sa SUMA_InitializeEngineData
01079 \sa SUMA_FreeEngineData
01080 \sa EngineData
01081 \sa SUMA_define.h
01083 NOTE: OBSOLETE, use SUMA_RegisterEngineListCommand
01084 */
01086 SUMA_Boolean SUMA_RegisterEngineData (SUMA_EngineData *ED, char *Fldname, void *FldValp, char *DestName, char *SourceName, SUMA_Boolean PassByPointer)
01087 { /* SUMA_RegisterEngineData*/
01088    int Dest, Fld, Src;
01089    static char FuncName[]={"SUMA_RegisterEngineData"};
01091    if (SUMAg_CF->InOut_Notify) SUMA_DBG_IN_NOTIFY(FuncName);
01093    fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: This function is now obsolete. Must use SUMA_RegisterEngineListCommand instead.\n", FuncName);
01094    SUMA_RETURN (NOPE);
01096    Dest = SUMA_CommandCode((char *)DestName);
01097    Fld = SUMA_EngineFieldCode((char *)Fldname);
01098    Src = SUMA_EngineSourceCode ((char *)SourceName);
01100    /* make sure Destination is good and wholesome*/
01101    switch (Dest) {
01102       case SE_BadCode:
01103          fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "Error in %s: Bad code string.\n", FuncName);
01104          SUMA_RETURN (NOPE);
01105          break;
01106       case SE_Empty:
01107          fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "Error in %s: Empty code string.\n", FuncName);
01108          SUMA_RETURN (NOPE);
01109          break;
01110       default:
01111          break;
01112    }
01114    /*fprintf(SUMA_STDOUT, "%s: Registering %s for %s\n", FuncName, Fldname, DestName);*/
01116    switch (Fld) { /* switch Fld */
01117       case SEF_fm:
01118          if (ED->fm_Dest != SEF_Empty) { /* Make sure the data in this field in not predestined */
01119             fprintf(SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: field %s has a preset destination (%d).\n", FuncName, Fldname, ED->fm_Dest);
01120             SUMA_RETURN (NOPE);
01121          }
01122          /* space available*/
01123          if (PassByPointer) {
01124             /* pass the pointer */
01125             ED->fm = (float **)FldValp;
01126             ED->fm_LocalAlloc = NOPE; /* allocation not done by Engine functions */
01127          }
01128          else { /* pass by value */
01129             if (ED->fm != NULL) {
01130                fprintf(SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: Passing by value and ED->fm is not NULL. Clean up your act.\n", FuncName);
01131                SUMA_RETURN(NOPE);
01132             } 
01133             if (!ED->N_rows || !ED->N_cols) {
01134                fprintf(SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: ED->N_rows or ED->N_cols is 0.\n", FuncName);
01135                SUMA_RETURN(NOPE);
01136             }
01137             ED->fm = (float **)SUMA_allocate2D(ED->N_rows, ED->N_cols, sizeof(float));
01138             if (ED->fm == NULL) {
01139                fprintf(SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: Failed to allocate fm.\n", FuncName);
01140                SUMA_RETURN(NOPE);
01141             }
01142             ED->fm_LocalAlloc = YUP; /* allocation done by Engine functions, this can be freed*/
01143             {/* copy the data */
01144                float **fm; 
01145                int i, j;
01146                fm = (float **)FldValp;
01147                for (i=0; i < ED->N_rows; ++i) {
01148                   for (j=0; j < ED->N_cols; ++j) 
01149                      ED->fm[i][j] = fm[i][j];
01150                }
01151             }/* copy the data */
01152          }/* pass by value */
01153          /* set the new destination*/
01154          ED->fm_Dest = Dest;
01155          ED->fm_Source = Src;
01156          SUMA_RETURN (YUP);   
01157          break;
01158       case SEF_im:
01159          if (ED->im_Dest != SEF_Empty) { /* Make sure the data in this field in not predestined */
01160             fprintf(SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: field %s has a preset destination (%d).\n", FuncName, Fldname, ED->im_Dest);
01161             SUMA_RETURN (NOPE);
01162          }
01163          /* space available*/
01164          if (PassByPointer) {
01165             /* pass the pointer */
01166             ED->im = (int **)FldValp;
01167             ED->im_LocalAlloc = NOPE; /* allocation not done by Engine functions */
01168          }   else { /* pass by value */
01169             if (ED->im != NULL) {
01170                fprintf(SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: Passing by value and ED->im is not NULL. Clean up your act.\n", FuncName);
01171                SUMA_RETURN(NOPE);
01172             } 
01173             if (!ED->N_rows || !ED->N_cols) {
01174                fprintf(SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: ED->N_rows or ED->N_cols is 0.\n", FuncName);
01175                SUMA_RETURN(NOPE);
01176             }
01177             ED->im = (int **)SUMA_allocate2D(ED->N_rows, ED->N_cols, sizeof(int));
01178             if (ED->im == NULL) {
01179                fprintf(SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: Failed to allocate im.\n", FuncName);
01180                SUMA_RETURN(NOPE);
01181             }
01182             ED->im_LocalAlloc = YUP; /* allocation done by Engine functions, this can be freed*/
01183             {/* copy the data */
01184                int **im; 
01185                int i, j;
01186                im = (int **)FldValp;
01187                for (i=0; i < ED->N_rows; ++i) {
01188                   for (j=0; j < ED->N_cols; ++j) 
01189                      ED->im[i][j] = im[i][j];
01190                }
01191             }/* copy the data */
01192          }/* pass by value */
01193          /* set the new destination*/
01194          ED->im_Dest = Dest;
01195          ED->im_Source = Src;
01196          SUMA_RETURN (YUP);   
01197          break;
01199       case SEF_i:
01200          if (ED->i_Dest != SEF_Empty) { /* Make sure the data in this field in not predestined */
01201             fprintf(SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: field %s has a preset destination (%d).\n", FuncName, Fldname, ED->i_Dest);
01202             SUMA_RETURN (NOPE);
01203          }
01204          { /* assign by value */
01205             int *it;
01206             it = (int*)FldValp;
01207             ED->i = *it;
01208          }
01209          ED->i_Dest = Dest;
01210          ED->i_Source = Src;
01211          SUMA_RETURN (YUP);   
01212          break;
01214       case SEF_f:
01215          if (ED->f_Dest != SEF_Empty) { /* Make sure the data in this field in not predestined */
01216             fprintf(SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: field %s has a preset destination (%d).\n", FuncName, Fldname, ED->f_Dest);
01217             SUMA_RETURN (NOPE);
01218          }
01219          { /* assign by value */
01220             float *ft;
01221             ft = (float*)FldValp;
01222             ED->f = *ft;
01223          }
01224          ED->f_Dest = Dest;
01225          ED->f_Source = Src;
01226          SUMA_RETURN (YUP);   
01227          break;
01229       case SEF_fv3:
01230          if (ED->fv3_Dest != SEF_Empty) { /* Make sure the data in this field in not predestined */
01231             fprintf(SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: field %s has a preset destination (%d).\n", FuncName, Fldname, ED->fv3_Dest);
01232             SUMA_RETURN (NOPE);
01233          }
01234          { /* assign by value */
01235             float *fvt;
01236             int kt;
01237             fvt = (float*)FldValp;
01238             for (kt=0; kt < 3; ++kt) ED->fv3[kt] = fvt[kt];
01239          }
01240          ED->fv3_Dest = Dest;
01241          ED->fv3_Source = Src;
01242          SUMA_RETURN (YUP);   
01243          break;
01245       case SEF_fv15:
01246          if (ED->fv15_Dest != SEF_Empty) { /* Make sure the data in this field in not predestined */
01247             fprintf(SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: field %s has a preset destination (%d).\n", FuncName, Fldname, ED->fv15_Dest);
01248             SUMA_RETURN (NOPE);
01249          }
01250          { /* assign by value */
01251             float *fvt;
01252             int kt;
01253             fvt = (float*)FldValp;
01254             for (kt=0; kt < 15; ++kt) ED->fv15[kt] = fvt[kt];
01255          }
01256          ED->fv15_Dest = Dest;
01257          ED->fv15_Source = Src;
01258          SUMA_RETURN (YUP);   
01259          break;
01261       case SEF_iv3:
01262          if (ED->iv3_Dest != SEF_Empty) { /* Make sure the data in this field in not predestined */
01263             fprintf(SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: field %s has a preset destination (%d).\n", FuncName, Fldname, ED->iv3_Dest);
01264             SUMA_RETURN (NOPE);
01265          }
01266          { /* assign by value */
01267             int *ivt;
01268             int kt;
01269             ivt = (int*)FldValp;
01270             for (kt=0; kt < 3; ++kt) ED->iv3[kt] = ivt[kt];
01271          }
01272          ED->iv3_Dest = Dest;
01273          ED->iv3_Source = Src;
01274          SUMA_RETURN (YUP);   
01275          break;
01277       case SEF_iv15:
01278          if (ED->iv15_Dest != SEF_Empty) { /* Make sure the data in this field in not predestined */
01279             fprintf(SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: field %s has a preset destination (%d).\n", FuncName, Fldname, ED->iv15_Dest);
01280             SUMA_RETURN (NOPE);
01281          }
01282          { /* assign by value */
01283             int *ivt;
01284             int kt;
01285             ivt = (int*)FldValp;
01286             for (kt=0; kt < 15; ++kt) ED->iv15[kt] = ivt[kt];
01287          }
01288          ED->iv15_Dest = Dest;
01289          ED->iv15_Source = Src;
01290          SUMA_RETURN (YUP);   
01291          break;
01293       case SEF_s:
01294          if (ED->s_Dest != SEF_Empty) { /* Make sure the data in this field in not predestined */
01295             fprintf(SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: field %s has a preset destination (%d).\n", FuncName, Fldname, ED->s_Dest);
01296             SUMA_RETURN (NOPE);
01297          }
01298          { /* assign by value */
01299             char *st;
01300             st = (char*)FldValp;
01301             if (strlen(st) < SUMA_MAX_STRING_LENGTH) {
01302                sprintf(ED->s,"%s", st);
01303             } else {
01304                fprintf(SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: string in FldValp is longer than SUMA_MAX_STRING_LENGTH.\n", FuncName);
01305                SUMA_RETURN (NOPE);
01306             }
01307          }
01308          ED->s_Dest = Dest;
01309          ED->s_Source = Src;
01310          SUMA_RETURN (YUP);   
01311          break;
01313       case SEF_vp:
01314          if (ED->vp_Dest != SEF_Empty) { /* Make sure the data in this field in not predestined */
01315             fprintf(SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: field %s has a preset destination (%d).\n", FuncName, Fldname, ED->vp_Dest);
01316             SUMA_RETURN (NOPE);
01317          }
01318          ED->vp = (void *)FldValp;
01319          ED->vp_Dest = Dest;
01320          ED->vp_Source = Src;
01321          SUMA_RETURN (YUP);   
01322          break;
01324       case SEF_ip:
01325          if (ED->ip_Dest != SEF_Empty) { /* Make sure the data in this field in not predestined */
01326             fprintf(SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: field %s has a preset destination (%d).\n", FuncName, Fldname, ED->ip_Dest);
01327             SUMA_RETURN (NOPE);
01328          }
01329          ED->ip = (int *)FldValp;
01330          ED->ip_Dest = Dest;
01331          SUMA_RETURN (YUP);   
01332          break;
01334       case SEF_fp:
01335          if (ED->fp_Dest != SEF_Empty) { /* Make sure the data in this field in not predestined */
01336             fprintf(SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: field %s has a preset destination (%d).\n", FuncName, Fldname, ED->fp_Dest);
01337             SUMA_RETURN (NOPE);
01338          }
01339          ED->fp = (float *)FldValp;
01340          ED->fp_Dest = Dest;
01341          SUMA_RETURN (YUP);   
01342          break;
01344       case SEF_cp:
01345          if (ED->cp_Dest != SEF_Empty) { /* Make sure the data in this field in not predestined */
01346             fprintf(SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: field %s has a preset destination (%d).\n", FuncName, Fldname, ED->cp_Dest);
01347             SUMA_RETURN (NOPE);
01348          }
01349          ED->cp = (char *)FldValp;
01350          ED->cp_Dest = Dest;
01351          SUMA_RETURN (YUP);   
01352          break;
01354       default:
01355          fprintf(SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: Not setup for field %s yet.\n", FuncName, Fldname);
01356          SUMA_RETURN (NOPE);
01357          break;
01358    }/* switch Fld */
01361 }/* SUMA_RegisterEngineData*/
01363 /*!
01364    \brief allocate and initialize the data structure for EngineData
01365    SUMA_EngineData *SUMA_InitializeEngineListData (SUMA_ENGINE_CODE CommandCode);
01366    \param CommandCode (SUMA_ENGINE_CODE) command code to store in Engine data structure
01367    \return ED (SUMA_EngineData *) Pointer to empty engine data structure with the field ED->CommandCode set to CommandCode
01368       NULL if function failed.
01370 */
01371 SUMA_EngineData *SUMA_InitializeEngineListData (SUMA_ENGINE_CODE CommandCode)
01372 {
01373    static char FuncName[]={"SUMA_InitializeEngineListData"};
01374    SUMA_EngineData *ED=NULL;
01375    int i;
01377    if (SUMAg_CF->InOut_Notify) SUMA_DBG_IN_NOTIFY(FuncName);
01379    if (CommandCode <= SE_Empty || CommandCode >= SE_BadCode) {
01380       fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"Error %s: Bad command code.\n", FuncName);
01381       SUMA_RETURN (NULL); 
01382    }
01384    ED = SUMA_malloc(sizeof(SUMA_EngineData));
01385    if (!ED) {
01386       fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"Error %s: Failed to allocate for ED.\n", FuncName);
01387       SUMA_RETURN (NULL);   
01388    }
01390    ED->CommandCode = CommandCode;
01391    ED->Srcp = NULL;
01392    ED->fm = NULL;
01393    ED->fm_LocalAlloc = NOPE;
01394    ED->im = NULL;
01395    ED->im_LocalAlloc = NOPE;
01396    ED->N_rows = 0;
01397    ED->N_cols = 0;
01398    ED->i = 0;
01399    ED->f = 0.0;
01400    ED->iv3[0] = ED->iv3[1] = ED->iv3[2] = 0;
01401    ED->fv3[0] = ED->fv3[1] = ED->fv3[2] = 0.0;
01402    for (i=0; i < 15; ++i) {
01403       ED->fv15[i] = 0.0;
01404       ED->iv15[i] = 0.0;
01405    }
01406    sprintf(ED->s,"NOTHING");
01408    ED->vp = NULL;
01410    ED->fm_Dest = ED->im_Dest = ED->i_Dest = ED->f_Dest = ED->iv3_Dest = ED->fv3_Dest = \
01411    ED->fv15_Dest = ED->iv15_Dest = ED->s_Dest = ED->vp_Dest = ED->ip_Dest = ED->fp_Dest = \
01412    ED->cp_Dest = SE_Empty;
01414    ED->fm_Source = ED->im_Source = ED->i_Source = ED->f_Source = ED->iv3_Source = ED->fv3_Source = \
01415    ED->fv15_Source = ED->iv15_Source = ED->s_Source = ED->vp_Source = SES_Empty;
01417    SUMA_RETURN (ED);
01419 }
01421 /*!
01422 SUMA_Boolean SUMA_InitializeEngineData (SUMA_EngineData *ED)
01423 \param ED (SUMA_EngineData *) pointer to allocated structure
01424    structure fields fm and im are set to NULL, s to "" 
01425    i, v, fv3, iv3, fv15 and iv15 are initialized to 0 or 0.0
01426    _Dest are all set to SE_Empty
01427    N_rows and N_cols = 0
01429 -- Discovered allocation bug here Jan 23 03.
01430 OBSOLETE, use SUMA_InitializeEngineListData 
01432 */
01433 SUMA_Boolean SUMA_InitializeEngineData (SUMA_EngineData *ED)
01434 {   int i;
01435    static char FuncName[]={"SUMA_InitializeEngineData"};
01437    if (SUMAg_CF->InOut_Notify) SUMA_DBG_IN_NOTIFY(FuncName);
01439    fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: This function is now obsolete. Must use SUMA_InitializeEngineListData instead.\n", FuncName);
01440    SUMA_RETURN (NOPE);
01442    if (ED == NULL) {
01443       fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"Error %s: Must pre-allocate for ED.\n", FuncName);
01444       SUMA_RETURN (NOPE);   
01445    }
01447    ED->fm = NULL;
01448    ED->im = NULL;
01449    ED->N_rows = 0;
01450    ED->N_cols = 0;
01451    ED->i = 0;
01452    ED->f = 0.0;
01453    ED->iv3[0] = ED->iv3[1] = ED->iv3[2] = 0;
01454    ED->fv3[0] = ED->fv3[1] = ED->fv3[2] = 0.0;
01455    for (i=0; i < 15; ++i) {
01456       ED->fv15[i] = 0.0;
01457       ED->iv15[i] = 0.0;
01458    }
01459    sprintf(ED->s,"NOTHING");
01461    ED->vp = NULL;
01463    ED->fm_Dest = ED->im_Dest = ED->i_Dest = ED->f_Dest = ED->iv3_Dest = ED->fv3_Dest = \
01464    ED->fv15_Dest = ED->iv15_Dest = ED->s_Dest = ED->vp_Dest = ED->ip_Dest = ED->fp_Dest = \
01465    ED->cp_Dest = SE_Empty;
01467    ED->fm_Source = ED->im_Source = ED->i_Source = ED->f_Source = ED->iv3_Source = ED->fv3_Source = \
01468    ED->fv15_Source = ED->iv15_Source = ED->s_Source = ED->vp_Source = SES_Empty;
01470    SUMA_RETURN (YUP);
01471 }
01473 /*!
01474    Free an action stack data structure 
01475    -frees AS_data->ActionData by calling destructor function 
01476    -frees AS_data
01477 */
01478 void SUMA_FreeActionStackData(void *asdata)
01479 {
01480    static char FuncName[]={"SUMA_FreeActionStackData"};
01482    SUMA_Boolean LocalHead = NOPE;
01484    if (SUMAg_CF->InOut_Notify) SUMA_DBG_IN_NOTIFY(FuncName);
01486    AS_data=(SUMA_ACTION_STACK_DATA *)asdata;
01487    if (AS_data) {
01488       if (LocalHead) fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "%s: Destroying Action Stack Data \n", FuncName);
01489       /* first you want to free the Action Data */
01490       AS_data->ActionDataDestructor(AS_data->ActionData);
01492       /* Now you can free the Action Stucture Data */
01493       SUMA_free(AS_data);
01494    }
01496    SUMA_RETURNe;
01497 }
01499 /*!
01500    Releases an action stack data structure 
01501    -frees AS_data->ActionData WITHOUT calling destructor function 
01502    -frees AS_data
01503 */
01504 void SUMA_ReleaseActionStackData (void *asdata)
01505 {
01506    static char FuncName[]={"SUMA_ReleaseActionStackData"};
01508    SUMA_Boolean LocalHead = NOPE;
01510    if (SUMAg_CF->InOut_Notify) SUMA_DBG_IN_NOTIFY(FuncName);
01512    AS_data=(SUMA_ACTION_STACK_DATA *)asdata;
01513    if (AS_data) {
01514       if (LocalHead) fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "%s: Releasing Action Stack Data structure\n", FuncName);
01515       /* first you want to free the Action Data */
01516       if (AS_data->ActionData) SUMA_free(AS_data->ActionData);
01518       /* Now you can free the Action Stucture Data */
01519       SUMA_free(AS_data);
01520    }
01522    SUMA_RETURNe;
01523 }
01524 /*!
01525    \brief free a message structure and any allocated space in its fields
01527    \param Hv (void *) pointer to Message structure. 
01528             It is type cast to void* to suit the standard list manipulation routines.
01529 */
01530 void SUMA_FreeMessageListData(void *Hv)
01531 {
01532    static char FuncName[]={"SUMA_FreeMessageListData"};
01533    SUMA_MessageData *H = NULL;
01535    if (SUMAg_CF->InOut_Notify) SUMA_DBG_IN_NOTIFY(FuncName);
01537    H = (SUMA_MessageData *)Hv;
01539    if (!H) {
01540       fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"Warning %s: H is null, nothing to do!\n", FuncName);
01541       SUMA_RETURNe;
01542    }
01544    if (H->Message) SUMA_free(H->Message);
01545    if (H->Source) SUMA_free(H->Source);
01546    if (H) SUMA_free(H);
01548    SUMA_RETURNe;
01549 }
01551 /*!
01552    \brief free an engine data structure and any allocated space in its fields
01553    SUMA_FreeEngineListData (EDv);
01555    \param EDv (void *) pointer to EngineData structure. 
01556             It is type cast to void* to suit the standard list manipulation routines.
01558 if space for im or fm has been dynamically allocated in SUMA_RegisterEngineListCommand()
01559 it is released. 
01561 */
01562 void SUMA_FreeEngineListData(void *EDv)
01563 {
01564    static char FuncName[]={"SUMA_FreeEngineListData"};
01565    SUMA_EngineData *ED = NULL;
01567    if (SUMAg_CF->InOut_Notify) SUMA_DBG_IN_NOTIFY(FuncName);
01569    ED = (SUMA_EngineData *)EDv;
01571    if (ED == NULL) {
01572       fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"Warning %s: ED is null, nothing to do!\n", FuncName);
01573       SUMA_RETURNe;
01574    }
01576    /* check on Dynamic Memory Allocations needs */
01577    if (ED->fm_LocalAlloc) {
01578       if (!ED->N_rows || !ED->N_cols) {
01579          fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"Error %s: N_rows or N_cols are 0.\n\a", FuncName);
01580          SUMA_RETURNe;
01581       }
01582       if (ED->fm == NULL) {
01583          fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"Error %s: ED->fm is NULL, not good here.\n\a", FuncName);
01584          SUMA_RETURNe;
01585       }
01586       /* OK, free ED->fm */
01587       SUMA_free2D((char **)ED->fm, ED->N_rows);
01588    } 
01590    if (ED->im_LocalAlloc) {
01591       if (!ED->N_rows || !ED->N_cols) {
01592          fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"Error %s: N_rows or N_cols are 0.\n\a", FuncName);
01593          SUMA_RETURNe;
01594       }
01595       if (ED->im == NULL) {
01596          fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"Error %s: ED->im is NULL, not good here.\n\a", FuncName);
01597          SUMA_RETURNe;
01598       }
01599       /* OK, free ED->im */
01600       SUMA_free2D((char **)ED->im, ED->N_rows);
01601    } 
01603    /* good deal, flush ED */
01604    SUMA_free(ED);
01605    SUMA_RETURNe;
01606 }
01608 /*!
01609 SUMA_Boolean SUMA_FreeEngineData (SUMA_EngineData *ED)
01611 free memory allocated for ED in SUMA_InitializeEngineData
01613 \param ED (SUMA_EngineData *) pointer to SUMA_EngineData
01615 \ret YUP/NOPE
01617 if space for im or fm has been dynamically allocated in SUMA_RegisterEngineData
01618 it is released. ED itself is not freed
01620 OBSOLETE: Use SUMA_FreeEngineListData
01622 */
01623 SUMA_Boolean SUMA_FreeEngineData (SUMA_EngineData *ED)
01624 {
01625    static char FuncName[]={"SUMA_FreeEngineData"};
01627    if (SUMAg_CF->InOut_Notify) SUMA_DBG_IN_NOTIFY(FuncName);
01629    fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: This function is now obsolete. Must use SUMA_FreeEngineListData instead.\n", FuncName);
01630    SUMA_RETURN (NOPE);
01632    if (ED == NULL) {
01633       fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"Error %s: ED is null, nothing to do!\n", FuncName);
01634       SUMA_RETURN (NOPE);
01635    }
01637    /* check on Dynamic Memory Allocations needs */
01638    if (ED->fm_LocalAlloc) {
01639       if (!ED->N_rows || !ED->N_cols) {
01640          fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"Error %s: N_rows or N_cols are 0.\n", FuncName);
01641          SUMA_RETURN (NOPE);
01642       }
01643       if (ED->fm == NULL) {
01644          fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"Error %s: ED->fm is NULL, not good here.\n", FuncName);
01645          SUMA_RETURN (NOPE);
01646       }
01647       /* OK, free ED->fm */
01648       SUMA_free2D((char **)ED->fm, ED->N_rows);
01649    } 
01651    if (ED->im_LocalAlloc) {
01652       if (!ED->N_rows || !ED->N_cols) {
01653          fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"Error %s: N_rows or N_cols are 0.\n", FuncName);
01654          SUMA_RETURN (NOPE);
01655       }
01656       if (ED->im == NULL) {
01657          fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"Error %s: ED->im is NULL, not good here.\n", FuncName);
01658          SUMA_RETURN (NOPE);
01659       }
01660       /* OK, free ED->im */
01661       SUMA_free2D((char **)ED->im, ED->N_rows);
01662    } 
01664    /* good deal, DO NOT flush ED in case it was not dynamically allocated*/
01665    SUMA_RETURN (YUP);
01666 }
01668 /*!
01669    \brief removes an element from the list, frees the data structure associated with the removed element
01670    ans = SUMA_ReleaseEngineListElement (list, element) 
01671    \param list (DList *)
01672    \param element (DListElmt *)
01673    \return (YUP/NOPE), success, failure
01675    - The list is not destroyed if no elements remain in it, 
01676    you should check for that after this function returns.
01677 */
01678 SUMA_Boolean SUMA_ReleaseEngineListElement (DList *list, DListElmt *element) 
01679 {
01680    static char FuncName[]={"SUMA_ReleaseEngineListElement"};
01681    void *ED=NULL;
01683    if (SUMAg_CF->InOut_Notify) SUMA_DBG_IN_NOTIFY(FuncName);
01685    if (dlist_remove (list, element, &ED) < 0) {
01686       fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: Failed to remove element from list.\n", FuncName);
01687       SUMA_RETURN (NOPE);
01688    }
01689    if (ED) { /* had an if (!ED) here..... */
01690       SUMA_FreeEngineListData((SUMA_EngineData *)ED);
01691    }
01693    SUMA_RETURN (YUP);
01694 }
01696 /*!
01697    \brief removes an element from the list, frees the data structure associated with the removed element
01698    ans = SUMA_ReleaseMessageListElement (list, element) 
01699    \param list (DList *)
01700    \param element (DListElmt *)
01701    \return (YUP/NOPE), success, failure
01703    - The list is not destroyed if no elements remain in it, 
01704    you should check for that after this function returns.
01705 */
01706 SUMA_Boolean SUMA_ReleaseMessageListElement (DList *list, DListElmt *element) 
01707 {
01708    static char FuncName[]={"SUMA_ReleaseMessageListElement"};
01709    void *H=NULL;
01711    if (SUMAg_CF->InOut_Notify) SUMA_DBG_IN_NOTIFY(FuncName);
01713    if (dlist_remove (list, element, &H) < 0) {
01714       fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: Failed to remove element from list.\n", FuncName);
01715       SUMA_RETURN (NOPE);
01716    }
01717    if (H) {/* had an if (!H) here..... */
01718       SUMA_FreeMessageListData((SUMA_MessageData *)H);
01719    }
01721    SUMA_RETURN (YUP);
01722 }
01725 /*!
01726    \brief destroys a list IF IT IS EMPTY !
01727    list = SUMA_DestroyList (list);
01729    \param list (DList *)
01730    \return ans (DList *) NULL if function succeeds, list if function fails
01732    \sa SUMA_EmptyDestroyList
01733 */
01734 DList * SUMA_DestroyList (DList *list) 
01735 {
01736    static char FuncName[]={"SUMA_DestroyList"};
01738    if (SUMAg_CF->InOut_Notify) SUMA_DBG_IN_NOTIFY(FuncName);
01740    if (list->size) {
01741       fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: list still contains elements.\n", FuncName);
01742       SUMA_RETURN (list);
01743    }
01745    dlist_destroy(list);
01746    SUMA_RETURN (NULL);   
01747 } 
01749 /*!
01750    \brief destroys a list even if it is not empty
01751    list = SUMA_DestroyList (list);
01753    \param list (DList *)
01754    \return ans (DList *) NULL always
01755    \sa SUMA_DestroyList
01756 */
01757 DList * SUMA_EmptyDestroyList (DList *list) 
01758 {
01759    static char FuncName[]={"SUMA_EmptyDestroyList"};
01761    if (SUMAg_CF->InOut_Notify) SUMA_DBG_IN_NOTIFY(FuncName);
01763    dlist_destroy(list);
01764    SUMA_RETURN (NULL);   
01765 } 
01767 /*!
01768    \brief creates a list for the Action Stack
01769    list = SUMA_CreateActionStack ();
01770    \return list (DList *) pointer to doubly linked list
01771             NULL if function fails
01773 */
01774 DList *SUMA_CreateActionStack (void)
01775 {
01776    static char FuncName[]={"SUMA_CreateActionStack"};
01777    DList *list=NULL;
01779    if (SUMAg_CF->InOut_Notify) SUMA_DBG_IN_NOTIFY(FuncName);
01781    list = (DList *)malloc (sizeof(DList));
01782    if (!list) {
01783       fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: Failed to allocate for list.\n", FuncName);
01784       SUMA_RETURN(NULL);
01785    }
01787    /* 
01788       Do not use: dlist_init(list, SUMA_FreeActionStackData);
01789       You do not want to destroy data stored inside the ActionStack because
01790       the data is used elsewhere. Destruction of ActionStackData should
01791       only be done when a stack element is above the new Do element and will
01792       therefore never be used again. */
01794    dlist_init(list, SUMA_ReleaseActionStackData);
01796    SUMA_RETURN (list);
01797 }
01799 /*!
01800    \brief destroys the Action Stack
01801    ans = SUMA_DestroyActionStack (DList *AS);
01803    \returns NULL 
01805 */
01806 DList *SUMA_EmptyDestroyActionStack (DList *AS)
01807 {
01808    static char FuncName[]={"SUMA_DestroyActionStack"};
01810    if (SUMAg_CF->InOut_Notify) SUMA_DBG_IN_NOTIFY(FuncName);
01812    dlist_destroy(AS);
01814    SUMA_RETURN (NULL);
01815 }
01817 /*!
01818    \brief creates a list for the message list
01819    list = SUMA_CreateMessageList ();
01820    \return list (DList *) pointer to doubly linked list
01821             NULL if function fails
01823             DO not use common field variables here.
01824 */
01825 DList *SUMA_CreateMessageList (void)
01826 {
01827    static char FuncName[]={"SUMA_CreateMessageList"};
01828    DList *list=NULL;
01831    list = (DList *)malloc (sizeof(DList));
01832    if (!list) {
01833       fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: Failed to allocate for list.\n", FuncName);
01834       return (NULL);
01835    }
01837    dlist_init(list, SUMA_FreeMessageListData);
01839    return (list);
01840 }
01842 /*!
01843    \brief creates a list for SUMA_Engine
01844    list = SUMA_CreateList ();
01845    \return list (DList *) pointer to doubly linked list
01846             NULL if function fails
01847 */
01848 DList *SUMA_CreateList (void)
01849 {
01850    static char FuncName[]={"SUMA_CreateList"};
01851    DList *list=NULL;
01853    if (SUMAg_CF->InOut_Notify) SUMA_DBG_IN_NOTIFY(FuncName);
01855    list = (DList *)SUMA_malloc (sizeof(DList));
01856    if (!list) {
01857       fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: Failed to allocate for list.\n", FuncName);
01858       SUMA_RETURN (NULL);
01859    }
01861    dlist_init(list, SUMA_FreeEngineListData);
01863    SUMA_RETURN (list);
01864 }
01866 /*!
01867 SUMA_Boolean SUMA_ReleaseEngineData (SUMA_EngineData *ED, char *Location)
01869 This function releases data fields that were destined to Location
01871 \param ED (SUMA_EngineData *) pointer to Engine data structure
01872 \param Location (char *) location in SUMA_Engine, from which the function was called (one of the commands in SUMA_Engine)
01874 \ret YUP/NOPE
01876 Memory is freed for fm and im only if their assignment in SUMA_RegisterEngineData was done by value 
01878 \sa SUMA_EngineDataFieldCode
01879 \sa SUMA_ReleaseEngineData
01880 \sa SUMA_InitializeEngineData
01881 \sa SUMA_FreeEngineData
01882 \sa EngineData
01883 \sa SUMA_define.h
01884 \sa SUMA_RegisterEngineData
01886 OBSOLETE: Use SUMA_ReleaseEngineListElement
01887 */
01888 SUMA_Boolean SUMA_ReleaseEngineData (SUMA_EngineData *ED, char *Location)
01889 {/* SUMA_ReleaseEngineData*/
01890    static char FuncName[]={"SUMA_ReleaseEngineData"};
01891    int Loc;
01893    if (SUMAg_CF->InOut_Notify) SUMA_DBG_IN_NOTIFY(FuncName);
01895    fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: This function is now obsolete. Must use SUMA_ReleaseEngineListElement instead.\n", FuncName);
01896    SUMA_RETURN (NOPE);
01898    /* search through all fields and clear (or release) all those who should be */
01899    Loc = SUMA_CommandCode((char *)Location);
01901    /* make sure Destination is good and wholesome*/
01902    switch (Loc) {
01903       case SE_BadCode:
01904          fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "Error in %s: Bad code string.\n", FuncName);
01905          SUMA_RETURN (NOPE);
01906          break;
01907       case SE_Empty:
01908          fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "Error in %s: Empty code string.\n", FuncName);
01909          SUMA_RETURN (NOPE);
01910          break;
01911       default:
01912          break;
01913    }
01915    /*fprintf(SUMA_STDOUT,"%s : Releasing location %s\n", FuncName, Location);*/
01916    /* go through all the fields*/
01917    /* fm */
01918    if (ED->fm_Dest == Loc) {
01919       /* needs to be released */
01920       if (ED->fm_LocalAlloc) { /* locally allocated */
01921          /* must be freed */
01922          if (!ED->N_rows || !ED->N_cols) {
01923             fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "Error in %s: ED->N_rows or ED->N_cols is 0 .\n", FuncName);
01924             SUMA_RETURN (NOPE);
01925          }
01926          if (ED->fm == NULL) {
01927             fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "Error in %s: fm is null already. This should not be .\n", FuncName);
01928             SUMA_RETURN (NOPE);
01929          }
01930          SUMA_free2D((char **)ED->fm, ED->N_rows);
01931          ED->N_rows = ED->N_cols = 0; 
01932          ED->fm = NULL;
01933          ED->fm_Dest = SE_Empty;
01934          ED->fm_Source = SES_Empty;
01935       } /* locally allocated */ else { /* passed by pointer */
01936          ED->fm = NULL; 
01937          ED->N_rows = ED->N_cols = 0; 
01938          ED->fm_Dest = SE_Empty;
01939          ED->fm_Source = SES_Empty;
01940       }/* passed by pointer */
01941    }
01943    /*im*/
01944    if (ED->im_Dest == Loc) {
01945       /* needs to be released */
01946       if (ED->im_LocalAlloc) { /* locally allocated */
01947          /* must be freed */
01948          if (!ED->N_rows || !ED->N_cols) {
01949             fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "Error in %s: ED->N_rows or ED->N_cols is 0 .\n", FuncName);
01950             SUMA_RETURN (NOPE);
01951          }
01952          if (ED->im == NULL) {
01953             fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "Error in %s: im is null already. This should not be .\n", FuncName);
01954             SUMA_RETURN (NOPE);
01955          }
01956          SUMA_free2D((char **)ED->im, ED->N_rows);
01957          ED->N_rows = ED->N_cols = 0; 
01958          ED->im = NULL;
01959          ED->im_Dest = SE_Empty;
01960          ED->im_Source = SES_Empty;
01961       } /* locally allocated */ else { /* passed by pointer */
01962          ED->im = NULL; 
01963          ED->N_rows = ED->N_cols = 0; 
01964          ED->im_Dest = SE_Empty;
01965          ED->im_Source = SES_Empty;
01966       }/* passed by pointer */
01967    }
01969    /* i */
01970    if (ED->i_Dest == Loc) {
01971       ED->i_Dest = SE_Empty;
01972       ED->i_Source = SES_Empty;
01973    }
01975    /* iv3 */
01976    if (ED->iv3_Dest == Loc) {
01977       ED->iv3_Dest = SE_Empty;
01978       ED->iv3_Source = SES_Empty;
01979    }
01981    /* iv15 */
01982    if (ED->iv15_Dest == Loc) {
01983       ED->iv15_Dest = SE_Empty;
01984       ED->iv15_Source = SES_Empty;
01985    }
01987    /* f */
01988    if (ED->f_Dest == Loc) {
01989       ED->f_Dest = SE_Empty;
01990       ED->f_Source = SES_Empty;
01991    }
01993    /* fv3 */
01994    if (ED->fv3_Dest == Loc) {
01995       ED->fv3_Dest = SE_Empty;
01996       ED->fv3_Source = SES_Empty;
01997    }
01999    /* fv15 */
02000    if (ED->fv15_Dest == Loc) {
02001       ED->fv15_Dest = SE_Empty;
02002       ED->fv15_Source = SES_Empty;
02003    }
02005    /*s*/
02006    if (ED->s_Dest == Loc) {
02007       ED->s_Dest = SE_Empty;
02008       ED->s_Source = SES_Empty;
02009    }
02011    /* vp */
02012    if (ED->vp_Dest == Loc) {
02013       ED->vp_Dest = SE_Empty;
02014       ED->vp_Source = SES_Empty;
02015    }
02017    /* cp */
02018    if (ED->cp_Dest == Loc) {
02019       ED->cp_Dest = SE_Empty;
02020    }
02022    /* ip */
02023    if (ED->ip_Dest == Loc) {
02024       ED->ip_Dest = SE_Empty;
02025    }
02027    /* fp */
02028    if (ED->fp_Dest == Loc) {
02029       ED->fp_Dest = SE_Empty;
02030    }
02031    /* SUMA_RETURN, tout va bien */
02032    SUMA_RETURN (YUP);
02033 }
02035 /*!
02036    \brief Writes the commands to be executed in list 
02037           SUMA_ShowList (list, Out);
02038    \param list (DList *) Pointer to list
02039    \param Out (FILE *) pointer to output stream, if NULL then Out is stdout
02040    \return (void)
02042 */
02043 void SUMA_ShowList (DList *list, FILE *Out)
02044 {
02045    static char FuncName[]={"SUMA_ShowList"};
02046    DListElmt *NE;
02047    SUMA_EngineData *ED;
02049    if (SUMAg_CF->InOut_Notify) SUMA_DBG_IN_NOTIFY(FuncName);
02051    if (!Out) Out = stdout;
02053    if (!list) {
02054       fprintf (Out,"%s: NULL List.\n", FuncName);
02055       SUMA_RETURNe;
02056    }
02058    if (!list->size) {
02059       fprintf (Out,"%s: Empty List.\n", FuncName);
02060       SUMA_RETURNe;
02061    }
02063    fprintf (Out,"%s: List of %d elements.\n\t", FuncName, list->size);
02064    do{
02065       NE = dlist_head(list);
02066       ED = (SUMA_EngineData *) NE->data;
02067       if (!ED) {
02068          fprintf (Out, "NULL-This should not be | ");
02069       } else {
02070          fprintf (Out, "%s | ", SUMA_CommandString (ED->CommandCode));
02071       }
02072    } while (!dlist_is_tail(NE));
02074    fprintf (Out,"\n");
02076    SUMA_RETURNe;
02077 }
02079 #ifdef STAND_ALONE
02080 void usage ()
02082   {/*Usage*/
02083           printf ("\n\33[1mUsage: \33[0m SUMA_GetNextCommand ..... \n");
02084           printf ("\t ..... \n\n");
02085           printf ("\t To Compile:\ngcc -DSTAND_ALONE -Wall -o $1 $1.c -I/usr/X11R6/include -I./\n");
02086           printf ("\t\t Ziad S. Saad SSCC/NIMH/NIH \tTue Feb 5 10:39:02 EST 2002 \n");
02087           exit (0);
02088   }/*Usage*/
02090 int main (int argc,char *argv[])
02091 {/* Main */
02092    char FuncName[100]; 
02093    char Scom[500], S[500], term, d;
02095    /* initialize Main function name for verbose output */
02096    sprintf (FuncName,"SUMA_GetNextCommand-Main-");
02098    term = '~';
02099    d = '|';
02101    if (argc < 2)
02102        {
02103           usage ();
02104           exit (1);
02105        }
02107    /* copy argc into string */
02108    sprintf (S,"%s", argv[1]);
02109    fprintf(stderr,"INITIAL: %s, \n", S);
02111    if(!SUMA_RegisterCommand (S,  d, term, "Newly Registered Append", NOPE)) {
02112       fprintf (stderr, "%s Error: Failed to register new command\n", FuncName);
02113    }
02114    if(!SUMA_RegisterCommand (S,  d, term, "Newly Registered Prepend", YUP)) {
02115       fprintf (stderr, "%s Error: Failed to register new command\n", FuncName);
02116    }
02118    /*repeat until nothing left */
02119    fprintf(stderr,"%s\n", S);
02120    while (SUMA_GetNextCommand (S, d, term, Scom) != SE_Empty)  {
02121        fprintf (stdout, "Command->%s<-\n", Scom);   
02122        fprintf(stderr,"%s\n", S);
02123    }
02124 return(0);
02125 }/* Main */
02126 #endif

Generated on Tue May 27 18:23:17 2003 for SUMA Source Code by doxygen1.2.12-20011209 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001