class mTecHoughTrackModule

TEC tracking using Hough transform.


Public Methods

[more] mTecHoughTrackModule()
[more] ~mTecHoughTrackModule()
[more]PHBoolean event(PHCompositeNode*)
[more]PHBoolean event(PHCompositeNode*, TecGeometryObject*, TecCalibrationObject*)
[more]int GetEntryExit(float slope, float intercept, TecGeometryObject* TGO, int index, int Debug, float &xx0, float &yy0, float &xx1, float &yy1, float &erxx0, float &eryy0, float &erxx1, float &eryy1)
[more]int DoClustering2(int* Array, vector<TecCluster> &ClusterQueue, int &maximum, int algorithm, int Debug)
[more]int GetClusters2(int* Array, vector<TecCluster> &ClusterQueue, int maximum, vector<float> &slope, vector<float> &intercept, vector<float> &erslope, vector<float> &erint, int &ntrk, int index, float midphi, int Debug)
[more]void set_Verbose(int verbose)
[more]void set_Write2File(int w2f)
[more]void set_RandSeed(long int rs)
[more]void set_Statistics(int stat)
[more]void set_fillRawTrack(int frt)
[more]void set_whichplane(int wp)
[more]void set_minbins(int mb)
[more]void set_minPlanes(int mp)
[more]void set_algorithm(int alg)
[more]void set_INDEX(int ind)
[more]void set_Rebin(int rebin)
[more]void set_angLim(float al)
[more]void set_clPar(int i, float clpar)
[more]void set_Radius0(float r0)
[more]void set_Dist0(float d0)
[more]void set_m1(int m)
[more]void set_m2(int m)
[more]void set_y11(float y)
[more]void set_y12(float y)
[more]void set_y21(float y)
[more]void set_y22(float y)
[more]void set_fillVector(int fv)
[more]void set_fillVectTrack(int fvt)
[more]void set_Refit(int refit)
[more]void set_Beg1(float b)
[more]void set_Beg2(float b)
[more]float get_Beg1()
[more]float get_Beg2()
[more]void set_LowThreshold(float lf)
[more]void set_CopyTecOut(int i)
[more]void set_StripOrphanHits(int i)
[more]void set_LastEventWithHits(int i)

Private Fields

[more]long int RandSeed
[more]int Statistics
[more]int Statistics1
[more]int Statistics2
[more]int Statistics3
[more]int fillRawTrack
[more]int whichplane
[more]int minbins
[more]int algorithm
[more]int INDEX
[more]int Rebin
[more]float angLim
[more]float clPar[6]
[more]float Radius0
[more]float Dist0
[more]int m1
[more]int m2
[more]float y11
[more]float y12
[more]float y21
[more]float y22
[more]int fillVector
[more]int fillVectTrack
[more]int Refit
[more]int Verbose
[more]int Write2File
[more]float LowThreshold
[more]float Beg1
[more]float Beg2
[more]int minPlanes
[more]int CopyTecOut
[more]int StripOrphanHits
[more]int LastEventWithHits


TEC tracking using Hough transform. Detailed documentation:
o mTecHoughTrackModule()

o ~mTecHoughTrackModule()

oPHBoolean event(PHCompositeNode*)

oPHBoolean event(PHCompositeNode*, TecGeometryObject*, TecCalibrationObject*)

oint GetEntryExit(float slope, float intercept, TecGeometryObject* TGO, int index, int Debug, float &xx0, float &yy0, float &xx1, float &yy1, float &erxx0, float &eryy0, float &erxx1, float &eryy1)

oint DoClustering2(int* Array, vector<TecCluster> &ClusterQueue, int &maximum, int algorithm, int Debug)

oint GetClusters2(int* Array, vector<TecCluster> &ClusterQueue, int maximum, vector<float> &slope, vector<float> &intercept, vector<float> &erslope, vector<float> &erint, int &ntrk, int index, float midphi, int Debug)

ovoid set_Verbose(int verbose)

ovoid set_Write2File(int w2f)

ovoid set_RandSeed(long int rs)

ovoid set_Statistics(int stat)

ovoid set_fillRawTrack(int frt)

ovoid set_whichplane(int wp)

ovoid set_minbins(int mb)

ovoid set_minPlanes(int mp)

ovoid set_algorithm(int alg)

ovoid set_INDEX(int ind)

ovoid set_Rebin(int rebin)

ovoid set_angLim(float al)

ovoid set_clPar(int i, float clpar)

ovoid set_Radius0(float r0)

ovoid set_Dist0(float d0)

ovoid set_m1(int m)

ovoid set_m2(int m)

ovoid set_y11(float y)

ovoid set_y12(float y)

ovoid set_y21(float y)

ovoid set_y22(float y)

ovoid set_fillVector(int fv)

ovoid set_fillVectTrack(int fvt)

ovoid set_Refit(int refit)

ovoid set_Beg1(float b)

ovoid set_Beg2(float b)

ofloat get_Beg1()

ofloat get_Beg2()

ovoid set_LowThreshold(float lf)

ovoid set_CopyTecOut(int i)

ovoid set_StripOrphanHits(int i)

ovoid set_LastEventWithHits(int i)

olong int RandSeed

oint Statistics

oint Statistics1

oint Statistics2

oint Statistics3

oint fillRawTrack

oint whichplane

oint minbins

oint algorithm

oint INDEX

oint Rebin

ofloat angLim

ofloat clPar[6]

ofloat Radius0

ofloat Dist0

oint m1

oint m2

ofloat y11

ofloat y12

ofloat y21

ofloat y22

oint fillVector

oint fillVectTrack

oint Refit

oint Verbose

oint Write2File

ofloat LowThreshold

ofloat Beg1

ofloat Beg2

oint minPlanes

oint CopyTecOut

oint StripOrphanHits

oint LastEventWithHits

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