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United States Small Business Administration
Office of Advocacy
RS 150

Environmental Financial Responsibility

by Robert E. Burt

1994. 78p. Meridian Research, Inc. 1010 Wayne Ave., Ste. 1220, Silver Spring, MD 20910 under contract no. SBA-6646-OA-91



The objectives of financial responsibility programs, as envisioned by Congress, are to ensure that funds are available when needed and that firms internalize the costs of environmental protection. In mandating these requirements, Congress made little or no provision to ensure that suitable mechanisms for demonstrating financial assurances are available to small businesses; that the assured funds will, in fact, be readily available if needed; or that the tax treatment of these mechanisms is reasonable and equitable.

This study examined environmental financial responsibility programs to determine what problems they pose for small businesses and whether they can be redesigned to have lesser impacts on small businesses while continuing to achieve their intended legislative goals.

Scope and Methodology

This research addressed a variety of financial responsibility mechanisms, the extent to which they can meet the objectives of the legislation, and the cost and availability of these mechanisms to small business. Both public and private sector funding mechanisms were examined.

Private sector mechanisms included trust funds and related financial instruments, surety bonds, letters of credit, insurance for environmental damages and corrective action, and insurance against business failure.

Public sector mechanisms included publicly provided insurance for environmental damages and corrective action, public bond pools, and other arrangements based on fees or taxes on either affected firms or the general public.


Ordering Information

The complete report is available from:

National Technical Information Service
U.S. Department of Commerce
5285 Port Royal Road
Springfield, VA 22161
(703) 487-4650
(703) 487-4639 (TDD)

Order Number: PB95-100301

Cost: A05; A01 Microf.

*Last Modified 6-11-01