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The main entry building at Ellis Island is a huge structure with red roofs and domed towers at each corner


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      Remembrances from Ellis Island

The Remembrances below were left in a journal at the Ellis Island site. The state or country a person is from precedes the Remembrance.

As I stood on the upper floor under the "Be Loyal" sign, I turned and looked out the window to the New York skyline. I wondered how anyone could not see all this country stands for - its freedoms - and want to harm it or it's people. We have opened our doors and hearts to all. We have a reason to stand tall and proud.

The Statue of Liberty is the symbol of FREEDOM, democracy, and free economy for the world, but very much so for most Europeans.

The historic sites represent our long history and the love that Americans have shown for people and cultures all over the world. We are one people under God, one World! God Bless Us All!

Washington, D.C.:
As I toured the museum I, as an African-American, began to reminisce about my pilgrimage to Gore Island off the west coast of Africa. There I felt the presence of the spirits of my ancestors who were taken from there as slaves. I'm sure this is the experience those of Jewish and other ancestries feel here.

Overwhelmed by the history - experience of a great beginning for so many Americans.

United Kingdom:
A poignant reminder that we must respect our humanity. Look to the future together. Remember our history and try to learn from it. Try to avoid making the same mistakes.

I appreciate the courage, bravery, and determination it takes all those Park Service employees and ferryboat operators to maintain our National treasures that can be such an enticement for terrorism.

We are American. We fought and worked hard to make this Country what it is. Our heritage is at stake here and Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty inspire us to make our Country better - after 9/11/01.

The meaning in all of this and all historic sites is FREEDOM. That is the heart of this country, "to be free." On September 11, 2001, all those poor people lost their freedom, their right to live. We shall overcome. God Bless America, and to all those who've lost their lives and to those who will help us all live FREE!!

I am so glad that I had the opportunity to visit this place - both Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty. This fulfills a life-long dream. I am awed by the history of this place and am so happy that it has been preserved.

I am so touched by my visit to Ellis Island. To think of my relatives and what they went through so that I am able to enjoy the freedoms of America, touches my heart. My heart aches for the sorrow that many felt. What a tribute to all the hardships that the immigrants endured.

It reminds me that the ideals of our Nation was and should remain Inclusion - Peace, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness for all. The National Parks need to be kept alive for our future - to remind us of our past.

I came here not knowing, or ever guessing this place (New York) would effect me. I have always been nonchalant about my "American" heritage, and had no real pride about it. I grew up in California. That is a place of erased and ignored histories. This is a place of foundations and strong personality associated with the United States. I've been to all the monuments in New York; so far this one has been the most compelling. It awakens your sense of America and who Americans really are.

My heart goes out to all those people who lost their lives and to their families. God Bless Them!

I had not intended to visit Ellis Island or Liberty Island during my visit to New York City. Yet, when I passed the destruction and rubble of the Trade Center and saw the magnitude, a great depression hit me. I knew at that point I had to go see the Statue of Liberty and see it; to show the promise of America will never be defeated, we will endure as we always have for the cause of Liberty will never be defeated.

God Bless America and the courageous descendants and ancestors who traveled far to the best place on earth - America.

In these times of uncertainty and misplaced hatred, it is important to have places such as these that remind us not only of our unity, as Americans, but also our diversity, as Americans.

Virginia: How wonderful it is to be an American, to feel American, but simultaneously feel connected through thought and history to all those who have passed through these doors. Emotions are overflowing…and I have never felt more proud to say God Bless America!

This National Park should strengthen the bond of brotherhood of All "Americans" - regardless of color, race, or creed. This is a nation of the whole of humankind NOT JUST OF A FEW. This Park should remind us that we are all refugees at one time or another.

United Kingdom:
It draws our attention to the realization of why are we here. Each one of us leaves an imprint of ourselves on this planet whilst we are here. Visitors from the world of spirit. God Bless.

United Kingdom:
This has been a very humbling visit for me and I'm glad I came.

I cannot express the need for these National Museums and Sites to stay open. Especially after 9-11, our young people need to see the foundations of our country's beginning. This is our hope for the future...

All our National parks are important to our American psyche, to help congeal our "collective" unity. After September 11, 2001 our historic sites became dearer - almost shrines - like they are for me. I love our Nation.

Being an American has taken on more meaning in the past few months. A time to reflect and work on getting our priorities in order.

I am overwhelmed to second generation from my Austrian ancestors! God Bless America and those who live to protect our freedoms and preserve their memories.

I cried when I saw my grandfather's name on the Wall of Honor - In light of our countries recent tragic event - I pray we can continue to work toward peace. Embrace our freedom and protect our families.

These sites give rise to the importance of freedom and multi-cultural societies celebrating what we should all stand for.

United Kingdom:
We have come to New York to support our worldwide action against terrorism. New York is a wonderful place.

South Carolina:
I totally have a new regard for home life and people from other countries. This has been eye opening and moving. This place is unbelievable.

South Carolina:
Many people have gone through a lot of trouble to get here - then stay here. I was born here - I don't think I know what hard times really are. I am fortunate that I have never experienced such things.

I am an American with all the freedoms and privileges available because my Mennonite family gave up everything to flee the Napoleonic Wars and subscription. The preservation of these buildings is appreciated. May this Nation be ever blessed.

It is extremely important for children to visit such places for learning, experiencing, and remembering.

All my husband and I can say is its wonderful being here. We heard so many stories about Ellis Island from our parents that this is like a pilgrimage to where our story began. Thank you for being here.

New York:
I am proud to be American. These symbols of freedom focus us. After 9/11, New Yorkers needed the sight of the Statue of Liberty in the harbor. As I watched the Towers burn and thought of those poor people, I could only think of the words of Sir Walter Scott. "Breathes there a man whose soul so dead, who never to himself hath said - This is my own, my native land." FDNY - We will never forget!

After the tragic events of 9/11, this National Park and all other Historic Sites remind us that even through the fabric of this Nation may have been temporarily torn, we look at the photos of the faces that have once graced these halls along with the millions that walk through the doors and realize that we as a Nation of many different colors and races can come together and repair and mend the damage that has been done. The result, a stronger more vibrant fabric growing richer for future generations to contribute to and enhance. God Bless America.

New York:
I think historical sites are the often-buried evidence that society has been built by masses of working people who have moved with their culture, ideas, and creativity. It shows that national boundaries, nationalism, and patriotism are the inventions of the rich, propertied, elite class that claims ownership of what is really the social product of all. Using the sites for patriotism and exclusion is standing history on its head.

Go re-confirm the values that really matter to us as people of the free world. Also that England and America stand 'shoulder to shoulder' when it really matters!

If you've never been to Ellis Island you don't understand this country.

I think that it's a good way to learn about what our elders went through and how they felt. September 11th really brought our nation together and it has been a thrill to see all the history before that. I would be happy to come back.

I don't think the meaning really changed a lot, but I get more upset at the heartless monsters who did this to our country and made us fear to let people into our nation's mascot - Lady Liberty.

In times of tragedy, as well as times of peace, we have to remember what we stand for and where we come from. I think our National Parks, Monuments and Memorials symbolize all that we are. Each person who passed through these doors was in search of the American Dream. Each new American wanted freedom, opportunity, and all that America has to offer. Even in a new millennium, American symbolizes what can be and the potential in everyone by understanding our past; we can fully explore our future.

It is so beautiful and rich with meaning and history. I had a very bittersweet afternoon. After walking past ground zero, seeing Lady Liberty for the first time, and walking through Ellis Island, it has been an amazing day. I will return to Los Angeles with great pride in our country. Thank you New York and her people.

America at its Best! Do not cut budgets or staff or services at these monuments. Increase security and reopen the Statue of Liberty. I bring 200 students here and have done so for 45 years (Statue). I want them to see the film and we can't fit them in the auditorium. Enlarge it and/or build another.

My heart has been so full of thanks for all those from the past that made our country great and for those who continue on in the face of immense crisis, change, and challenge to keep making it great. As an American people, rich in heritage and history we are so blessed.

Because of this great Country and our connections with our past - bring us to our present, which will evolve to our future. Both my mother's father and my father arrived through Ellis Island. My father treasured each moment in "his" country and said often - we didn't realize what a great country we live in. My grandfather went back to the old country once - but after that trip was happy to be "home." Both became U.S. citizens as soon as possible. Lady Liberty and Ellis Island (and the skyline of New York) will continue to represent the USA.

This means everything to me to remember why this country is so great. We are truly a melting pot that will forever stand together for freedom.

I spent yesterday at the United Nations and today at Ellis Island. I was struck by the symbolism of the two places. Ellis Island represents the hopes and dreams of our forefathers for a better life in America - the United Nations represents our hopes and dreams for a better life in the world. Thank you for restoring and preserving Ellis Island. It is a National Treasure!

A remembrance, a place to see and touch where those before saw and touched is priceless. We go forward by the pathways of those before us. God Bless.

New York:
So many came before us - so many with courage and determination. May we not get lazy, may we not take our incredible good fortune for granted! God Bless America and Americans.

It shows that we are a "melting pot" of people. What a heritage! God Bless America - and all it's people!

It reminds me that I am part of America. It reminds me where I came from and prompts me to think what the future can be.

All of my grandparents came through Ellis Island and it was very interesting to see how they got here and I am so glad they did. God Bless NYC and U.S.A. It was awesome to stand in the place where they came to the United States to start their lives of freedom.

My visit to NYC after September 11 meant so much more than my first visit 36 years ago. The Statue and Ellis Island are no longer just places to revisit, but meaningful symbols that remind me how lucky we are to live in a free country.

God Bless all those who lost loved ones on Sept 11. Our thoughts and prayers are with you always!

This is the first U.S.A. land my father stood on arriving from Caria, Italy in 1920. This is our country and I will not be intimidated by terrorists in my own land.

Thank you for preserving this National Treasure - I try to imagine my father's thoughts and emotions on his arrival to his new home.

South Carolina:
Able to show our children about how this country was founded and the meaning of Liberty and the greatness of America.

We are so thankful these areas are safe, preserved and protected.

New York:
What more wonderful way to celebrate Memorial Day than celebrating this Nation's fabulous history.

New York:
I have had an even stronger desire to see our National Monuments, Parks and Historic Sites with a renewed sense of patriotism. America is a melting pot and more people who come here must assimilate into this culture to keep the idea of American great. God Bless the U.S.A!

This Monument shows that America will survive!

This is a portal of new beginnings through which we pass to freedom from old ideas of shame, guild, persecution, and imprisonment. Here our forefathers started anew, having left behind all that they had known before for the promise of a new vision and a better life. Today is no different. We too have the chance to envision a new and better world for all of human kind. Only principles of love, tolerance, compassion, and forgiveness will work as tools to enable this new dawn of life. We have the same choice as those who came before us; to leave behind everything that we know does not or never have worked. We stand at the portal with the opportunity to raise the human heart to a higher level of unity and enhance the incredible freedoms that have been hard won and freely given. Just as our forefathers could not go back, neither must we. We must persevere for the betterment of this and every Nation on the planet. The principles (all spiritual in nature) have enabled humanity to evolve and to continue our ultimate emergence as one world, one people, one God.

The whole world has changed by these absurd and horrifying actions. These inhumane occurrences need to be reversed by our humane and compassionate treatment of each other - reversed as much as possible. I hope the World Trade Center sites become a memorial place of remembrance, and a site to encourage peace and compassion.

It means New York will Go On and these sites are why we weren't stopped, we just began. This is my 2nd time in New York but first after the 11th. It feels the same and that means so much. Nothings changed but the Future!!

At a time like this, when our country is in such turmoil, it's good to have a Memorial like this that documents all of the things that make our country what it is: A great place to live! God Bless America!

My family immigrated here when my sister and I were very young. Coming here has a special meaning to me. I feel that New York is a city of inspiration and its spirit only grew stronger after the "tragedy". Our visit here in New York has been amazing. We've been here before, but after Sept. 11th it is our first time. It is amazing to see this City stronger then ever!

I am currently visiting from the U.K. but many of my Irish relatives and ancestors came here for a better life. This tragedy of Sept. 11 will stay with us all - even those who live beyond the U.S. God Bless America!

Our parents entered this country in the early 1900's. We're all part of the fabric that makes America Great and New York Fantastic. Let's not forget we achieved this together, even though we were of different races, nationalities and religions - Lets Pray for Peace. God Bless America!

My grandparents came thru Ellis Island in 1920 from Ireland. I had been here as a child but came today with my daughter to show her how important our family heritage is and how wonderful and grateful we are to be American, (after Sept. 11). God Bless America!

Ellis Island was a place people gave up everything for so that they could be American! Now, it seems that the land of the free is hated by many. Seeing Lady Liberty for the first time gives us a true meaning of what it means to be an American. Somehow, or in some way, we are all a part of the "tired, poor, huddled masses yearning to breathe free." We will continue to fight and defend what so many cherish. God Bless the U.S.A.!