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Meet: John-Henry Williams

President, Hitter Communications

photo of john-henry williams

Who I am - words that describe me:
Driven, competitive, imaginative and optimistic.
I believe I possess many of the same qualities of my father. "Can't" is not a term I accept easily, but rather "how can I" exemplifies my personal and business philosophy.

My personal challenges:
I am truly a sponge when dealing with a topic that interests me. I've been known to be a bit excessive and impatient. A year ago I purchased a T-1 connection for my office to enable me to experience a fast connection to the Internet. I am now the fastest growing provider of Internet Services in Citrus County. The best part of the new company venture is the power the service offers and how it effects people's lives. It's the greatest communication means I've had the ability to be personally involved with. I've never been involved with a business that is as fulfilling, as it enables me to share all of its benefits with every person I service.

My career:
I am president and owner of Green Diamonds Sports, Inc. - which represents the marketing interest and product line of my dad, Ted Williams. I am also president and Owner of Hitter Communications - currently the fastest growing Internet and Web Service Provider in Florida.

Likes/Dislikes about career:
With regard to the sports memorabilia industry - I have taken a stand against the forgeries and forgers in the memorabilia market and feel I have made strides in public awareness with regard to memorabilia purchases. I continue the fight to clean up a very dirty industry and educate consumers by implementing authenticity procedures which protect consumers. I don't believe the autograph market was ever intended for the purpose of making money, which opened the floodgates for forgers. It was designed for the fans. I've diversified my business to the computer industry, as I feel I can make a greater, more positive impact on people's lives.

There are a few people that I think of and how they have inspired my life. Certainly my dad has influenced me - I have been given the opportunity to walk in the steps of a man who has achieved the highest level of accomplishment in his chosen career by his determination, knowledge and innate talent. I have many lessons to learn from a profound individual and a person I am really proud to call my father. I have also very fond memories of a grade school teacher, whom I appreciate more today than during the years of teaching. I realize now how great she really was; achiever, communicator, and believer. I also admire the business skills of a college associate. This successful and smart guy has helped me look at my businesses with a different set of eyes. Each of the individuals that has affected my life are education advocates, which in turn has transcended the importance of information, knowledge, learning and understanding on me.

Future goals:
I would like to achieve the ranking of a 5.5 tennis player. I am currently a 3.5 and really enjoy the game. It is not only a personal challenge, but a physical one as well. This goal has helped me to be more disciplined with a daily workout schedule. I know I have a better work mind while staying fit. It's amazing how productive and mentally alert you are when exercising is part of your daily routine.

My thoughts about space exploration:
It is man's nature and the need to know which keeps an active alert mind. Space is the ultimate stimulant to me. Freedom of movement. Limitless. No boundaries. It's the greatest intellectual high. "Space" on Earth is our oceans, and ocean exploration has been captivating to me. It is exhilarating and a sensational shock to your senses, to hear each breath you take and see life that you have only known in textbook form. If you love water, it will leave an indelible impression on you.

Mankind holds the greatest respect for outer space. We cannot control it or manipulate it, but only try to use it (hopefully with care) for the betterment of ourselves. We're all afraid of what is not in our comfort zone. I like being a little uncomfortable sometimes. We have a lot to learn.

Personal information:
I am currently living in Hernando, Florida with my fiancee, Anita, helping my dad rehabilitate from some personally physical challenges while working my businesses. Anita and I have two Red Fronted Macaws, Valentine and Theodore, who double as our alarm clock and continue to train us in animal behavior. We lost our dog in February and learned a lot about life and love.

In the little spare time I have, I enjoy a few computer games: Diablo, Warcraft, and recently Quake II. I am also a certified diver and have a passion for (toys) flying and high performance cars. Quality has always been important to me. I am attracted to quality in people and material items. I have a great appreciation and admiration for a product that stands second to none. As far as future plans go...I am trying to plan a trip to Australia where I can plummet into a shark cage and take a look at a Great White up close and personal. All I want out of life is to be happy and live every day, making it count.

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