Table of contents for Economic development : a regional, institutional, and historical approach / Richard Grabowski, Sharmistha Self, Michael P. Shields.

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i ntduction ton Economic Development                     3
G o th Versus Development                              5
I story of Development Theory                         12
( hsmges in Rece  Deve opment Thinking                27
h4t Lessons [ave We Learned and Where Do We Go
Hon Herer                                           31
Kcy 'Terms                                            32
R     %.rences                                        33
Appendix: An Alternativ.- Explanation o the Neoclassical
C rowth Model                                       35
2. uropean E mergence                                   39
(f th Diuring the Industrial Reolution               40
Agr icultural Growth                                  42
Proindus,triSalization and Trade                      46
Exploitm l n and S lvery                              49
The EvoIltion and Role of Political institutions      54
"Cul-ne and Nationali sm                              60
C.loire and ichn ology                                64
Wat. r Ie Have Learned                                67
KRcv Tenms                                            69
Re erenc es                                          69
3. East Asian Experience                                 73
Early Experiences of Japan and China                   75
Catching Up: A Neoclassical View                       83
Catching Up: A Role for the State                      88
Calching Up: Japanese Success                          94
Catching Up: Early Chinese Failure                   9q
Taiwan and Korea                                      103
What We Have Learned                                  110
Key Terms i                                            1
ReferenceS                                            11
Appendi                                               113
4. Sub-Saharan Africa                                   117
Precolonial Period                                    118
The Colonial Era                                      120
PatTon-Client Political Structure                    124
Urban-biased Policy                                  129
Urban Bias and Migration                              130
Risk Management and Lineage Groups                    134
Lineage Groups. Fertility and the Demographic Tansiion  139
The Failed State                                     143
Botswana: A Success Sory                            145
What We Hae Learned                                   149
Key Terms                                             150
References                                            t50
5. South Asia                                           153
Preindepen dence India                               155
India After Independence                              159
A Theoretical Framework                               167
Population Growth and Unemployment                    174
Poverty                                               178
"Dependence on Agriculture                           179
Religion and Caste                                   18I
Gender Bias                                           183
Education                                             187
What We Have Learned                                  1 9
Key Terms                                            19 "
References                                            ý '9
* L rneric a                                      97
Ah EeCenc of Spain                                  197
bh Colon o I, Period                               200
eieende:cet and Trade  .                             202
ExpolL Ewansiom aMnd Growth                          203
Imapnrt-  s iiuition lIndustrial ization             205
C,/NLlizafion and due International NMonetary Fund   208
igalyiLion                                           214t+
Soi,,1n  thn e ConmirHnent Prohlem                   217
c   n                 :                             "e il  220
7   TaIhdde I st a: d North Africa                     225
Ei:arI Economy in the Precolonial Era                225
hc Preclonial and Colonia Eras                       228
nhe Emwergence o Nation-States                       21
Pe trolem Exports and lhe Petroa u m Exporters      232
"Petro um and NonpctrA umr Ex porters in MENA        239
What XW  I-ave Le.arned                              246
Kev   n erm                                          247
leerenccs                                           248
c conmn tes 1n Transition- Socialist to Market        251
Ec,onnic Systems                                     253
Economic Performance of Socialismi f                 255
Some Anaiysis on Transition                          259
he Russian Experience                                264
i fiv, (h,-Ies: Exp eieincL                          26
ExwrLltion Tfor Dif ferern R oi.) n Paths            272
,u;inablie Growth                                    273
"tr LenCe      ned                                   287
Con, lons Wcat Heave    eLeare                       290
rAoaresen ce                                        291
Impact of Colonization                               291
Role of the State                                    293
Role of Democracy                                    296
Tying It Al Together                                 299
Key Terms                                             .299
References                                           300

Library of Congress subject headings for this publication: Economic development