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CGBR Facility Publications

More recent publications resulting from experiments using the CGBR facilities are currently being compiled.

20-G Centrifuge

Cohen MM, Stoper AE, Welch RB, DeRoshia CW. Effects of gravitational and optical stimulation on the perception of target elevation. Percept Psychophys. 2001 Jan;63(1):29-35.

Fitzgerald J, Hughes-Fulford. Gravitational loading of a simulated launch alters mRNA expression in osteoblasts. Exp Cell Res. 1996 Oct 10; 228(1):168-71.

Kacena MA, Todd P, Landis WJ. Osteoblasts subjected to spaceflight and simulated space shuttle launch conditions. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim. 2003 Nov-Dec;39(10):454-9.

Kawai Y, Puma SC, Hargens AR, Murthy G, Warkander D, Lundgren CE. Cerebral blood flow velocity and cranial fluid volume decrease during +Gz acceleration. J Gravit Physiol. 1997 Oct;4(3):31-4.

Watenpaugh, DE, Briet, GA, Buckley, T, Ballard, RE, Murthy, G and Hargens, AR. Human Cutaneous Vascular Responses to Whole-Body Tilting, Gz Centrifugation, and LBNP. J. App. Physiol., 2004 Feb 6 [Epub ahead of print].

Woods CC, Banks KE, Gruener R, DeLuca D. Loss of T cell precursors after spaceflight and exposure to vector-averaged gravity. FASEB J. 2003 Aug;17(11):1526-8. Epub 2003 Jun 03.

Breit, G.A., D.E. Watenpaugh, T.M. Buckley, R.E. Ballard, G. Murthy, and A.R. Hargens: Peripheral microvascular responses to whole-body tilting, Gz centrifugation, and lower body negative pressure stresses in humans. American Society for Gravitational and Space Biology Bulletin 8:66, 1994.

Cohen, M.M.: Elevator illusion and gaze direction in hypergravity. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine 67:676, 1996.

Watenpaugh, D.E., G.A. Breit, R.E. Ballard, G. Murthy, and A.R. Hargens: Fluid redistribution and heart rate in humans during whole-body tilting, Gz centrifugation, and lower body negative pressure. American Society for Gravitational and Space Biology Bulletin 8:35, 1994.

Welch, R.B., M.M. Cohen, and C.W. DeRoshia: Reduction of the elevator illusion from continued hypergravity exposure and visual error-corrective feedback. Perception & Psychophysics 58:22-30, 1996.

Welch, R.B., M.M. Cohen, and C.W. DeRoshia: Decrement in the elevator illusion from extended exposure (+2Gz) and visual error-corrective feedback. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine 65:442, 1994.

24-Foot Diameter Centrifuge

Alberts JR, Ronca AE. Effects of gravity on development: the importance of behavior. J Gravit Physiol. 1999 Jul;6(1):P5-8.

Baer LA, Wade CE, Ronca AE. Effects of hypergravity exposure on plasma oxytocin concentration in pregnant and lactating rat dams. J Gravit Physiol. 2002 Jul;9(1):P205-6.

Baer LA, Ronca AE, Wade CE. Survival and growth of developing rats during centrifugation at 2G. J Gravit Physiol. 2000 Dec;7(3):17-22.

Baer LA, Chowdhury JA, Grindeland RE, Wade CE, Ronca AE. Effects of hypergravity rearing on growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor in rat pups, J Gravit Physiol. 2003 10 (1): P67-P68.

Baer LA, Wade CE, Ronca AE. Effects of hypergravity exposure on plasma oxytocin concentrations in pregnant and lactating rat dams. J Gravit Physiol, 2002 Jul;9(1):P205-6.

Burden HW, Zary JT, Hodson CA, Gregory H, Baer LA, Ronca AE. Effects of hypergravity on ovarian-hypophyseal function in antepartum and postpartum rats. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2003 Feb; 74(2):110-4.

D'Amelio F, Wu LC, Fox RA, Daunton NG, Corcoran ML, Polyakov I. Hypergravity exposure decreases gamma-aminobutyric acid immunoreactivity in axon terminals contacting pyramidal cells in the rat somatosensory cortex: a quantitative immunocytochemical image analysis. J Neurosci Res. 1998 Jul 15;53(2):135-42.

Daunton NG, Tang F, Corcoran ML, Fox RA, Man SY. Chronic exposure to hypergravity affects thyrotropin-releasing hormone levels in rat brainstem and cerebellum. Biol Signals Recept. 1998 Nov-Dec;7(6):337-44.

Fox RA, Daunton NG, Corcoran ML. Study of adaptation to altered gravity through systems analysis of motor control. Adv Space Res. 1998;22(2):245-53.

Goolish EM, Okutake K, Johnson P. The behavioral response of zebrafish to hypergravity conditions. J Gravit Physiol. 2000 Jul;7(2):P99-100.

Gridley DS, Pecaut MJ, Green LM, Miller GM, Nelson GA. Hypergravity-induced immunomodulation in a Rodent Model: Hematological and Lymphocyte Function Analyses. J App. Physiol., 2004 Feb 20 [epub ahead of print].

Gridley DS, Pecaut MJ, Green LM, Miller GM, Nelson GA. Hypergravity-induced immunomodulation in a rodent model: lymphocytes and lymphoid organs. J Gravit Physiol. 2002 Dec;9(2):15-27.

Grindeland RE. Comparison of hypergravity and microgravity effects on rat physiology: an overview. Aviat Space Environ Med. 1998 Jun;69(6 Suppl):A1.

Holley DC, DeRoshia CW, Moran MM, Wade CE. Chronic centrifugation (hypergravity) disrupts the circadian system of the rat. J Appl Physiol. 2003 Sep;95(3):1266-78. Epub 2003 Jun 06.

Johnson K, Alberts JR, Ronca AE. Re-adaptation to 1g of late pregnant rats following exposure to spaceflight or centrifugation. J of Gravit Physiol, 2003;10:P69-P70.

Martinez DA, Orth MW, Carr KE, Vanderby R Jr, Vasques M, Grindeland RE, Vailas AC. Cortical bone responses to 2G hypergravity in growing rats. Aviat Space Environ Med. 1998 Jun;69(6 Suppl):A17-22.

Masseguin C, Corcoran M, Carcenac C, Daunton NG, Guell A, Verkman AS, Gabrion J. Altered gravity downregulates aquaporin-1 protein expression in choroid plexus. J Appl Physiol. 2000 Mar;88(3):843-50.

Mednieks MI, Hand AR, Grindeland RE. Cyclic AMP-receptor responses to hypergravity. Aviat Space Environ Med. 1998 Jun;69(6 Suppl):A28-36.

Moran MM, Stein TP, Wade CE. Hormonal modulation of food intake in response to low leptin levels induced by hypergravity. Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 2001 Sep;226(8):740-5.

Ortiz, RM, Wang, TJ, Wade, CE. Influence of centrifugation and hindlimb suspension on testosterone and coritcosterone excretion in rats. Aviat Space Environ Med. 1999 May;70(5):499-504.

Ortiz RM, Wade CE, Morey-Holton E. Urinary excretion of LH and testosterone from male rats during exposure to increased gravity: post-spaceflight and centrifugation. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med. 2000 Oct;225(1):98-102.

Ortiz RM, Wade CE. Water balance in rats exposed to chronic centrifugation. J Appl Physiol. 2000 Jul;89(1):56-60.

Ortiz, RM, Wang, TJ, Wade, CE. Urea and Osmotic Excretions of rats exposed to Chronic Centrifugation. Aviat Space Environ Med. 1999 Nov; 70(11):1089-1091.

Pecaut MJ, Miller GM, Nelson GA, Gridley DS. Hypergravity-induced immunomodulation in a rodent model: hematological and lymphocyte function analyses. J Appl Physiol. 2004 Jul;97(1):29-38.

Plaut K, Maple RL, Wade CE, Baer LA, Ronca AE. Effects of hypergravity on mammary metabolic function: gravity acts as a continuum. J Appl Physiol. Dec;95(6):2350-4, 2003. Epub Aug 15, 2003.

Ronca AE, Baer LA, Wade CE. Intrauterine pressure (IUP) telemetry in pregnant and parturient rats: Potential applications for spaceflight and centrifugation studies. J of Gravit Physiol, 2003 10;115:6.

Ronca AE, Baer LA, Wade CE. Hypergravity effects on pregnancy and parturition. J of Gravit Physiol, 2002 9;1524.

Ronca AE, Baer LA, Mills NA, Sajdel-Sulkowska EM, Wade CE. Body mass, food and water intake, and activity of pregnant and lactating rat dams during 1.5-g centrifugation. J Gravit Physiol. 2000 Jul;7(2):131-2.

Ronca AE, Baer LA, Daunton NG, Wade CE. Maternal reproductive experience enhances early postnatal outcome following gestation and birth of rats in hypergravity. Biol Reprod. 2001 Sep;65(3):805-13.

Roy RR, Ishihara A, Moran MM, Wade CE, Edgerton VR No effect of hypergravity on adult rat ventral horn neuron size or SDH activity. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2001 Dec;72(12):1107-12.

Sajdel-Sulkowska EM, Li GH, Ronca AE, Baer LA, Sulkowski GM, Koibuchi N, Wade CE. Effects of hypergravity exposure on the developing central nervous system: possible involvement of thyroid hormone. Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 2001 Sep;226(8):790-8.

Shellenberger KE, Grindeland RE, Hymer WC. Rat anterior pituitary hormone cells: responses to variable gravity. Aviat Space Environ Med. 1998 Jun;69(6 Suppl):A37-44.

Vasques M, Lang C, Grindeland RE, Roy RR, Daunton N, Bigbee AJ, Wade CE. Comparison of hyper- and microgravity on rat muscle, organ weights and selected plasma constituents. Aviat Space Environ Med. 1998 Jun;69(6 Suppl):A2-8.

Wade CE, Moran MM, Oyama J. Resting energy expenditure of rats acclimated to hypergravity. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2002 Sep;73(9):859-64.

Wade CE, Moran MM, Oyama J. Resting energy expenditure of rats acclimated to hypergravity. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2002 Sep;73(9):859-64.

Wade CE, Ortiz RM, Baer LA. Increases in body mass of rats during spaceflight: models and measurements. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2000 Nov;71(11):1126-30.

Wade CE, Keil LC. Reduction of pituitary AVP and OT contents in rats following spaceflight. Aviat Space Environ Med. 1998 Jun;69(6 Suppl):A53-7.

Wade CE, Harper JS, Daunton NG, Corcoran ML, Morey-Holton E. Body mass change during altered gravity: spaceflight, centrifugation, and return to 1 G. J Gravit Physiol. 1997 Oct;4(3):43-8.

Zakrzewska EI, Maple R, Lintault L, Ronca A, Wade C, Baer L, Coughlan K, Plaut K. Effects of 2X gravity on tissue metabolism in periparturient rat dams. American Society for Gravitational and Space Biology Bulletin, in press, 2003.

Daunton, N., M. Corcoran, R. Fox, L. Wu, F. D'Amelio, and I. Polyakov: Behavioral studies on recovery of vestibular function following chronic exposure to different levels of hypergravity. American Society for Gravitational and Space Biology Bulletin 9:66, 1995.

Oritz, R.M., T.J. Wang, and C.E. Wade: Influence of centrifugation and hindlimb suspension on testosterone and corticosterone excretion in rats. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 70:5, 1999.

Oritz, R.M., T.J. Wang, and C.E. Wade: Urea and osmotic excretion in rats exposed to chronic centrifugation. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 70:11, 1999.

Polyakov, I., F. D'Amelio, N. Daunton, R. Fox, M. Corcoran, and L. Wu: Preliminary studies on the effects of artificial gravity: Immunocytochemical findings in areas of the central nervous system involved in motor behavior. American Society for Gravitational and Space Biology Bulletin 9:40, 1995.

Vico, L., S. Ohiami-Masseron, M.H. Lafage, A. Malouvier, N. Laroche, C. Alexandre, N. Daunton, and E. Morey-Holton: Differential effects of time exposure to 2G centrifugation on rat cancellous bone. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 10(Suppl. 1): S346, 1995.

Wade, C.E., J. Harper, N. Daunton, M. Corcoran, and E. Morey-Holton: Body weight gain during altered gravity: Spaceflight, centrifugation, and transition. 14th Annual Gravitational Physiology Meeting, Reno, NV, March, 1995. (Abstract)

Human Powered Centrifuge

Evans JM, Stenger MB, Moore FB, Hinghofer-Szalkay H, Rossler A, Patwardhan AR, Brown DR, Ziegler MG, Knapp CF. Centrifuge training increases presyncopal orthostatic tolerance in ambulatory men. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2004 Oct;75(10):850-8.

Greenleaf JE, Chou JL, Stad NJ, Leftheriotis GP, Arndt NF, Jackson CG, Simonson SR, Barnes PR. Short-arm (1.9 m) +2.2 Gz acceleration: isotonic exercise load-O2 uptake relationship. Aviat Space Environ Med. 1999 Dec;70(12):1173-82.

Greenleaf, J.E., D.P. Gundo, D.E. Watenpaugh, G.M. Mulenburg, M.A. McKenzie, R. Looft-Wilson, and A.R. Hargens: Cycle-Powered Short Radius (1.9m) centrifuge: Effect of Exercise Versus Passive Acceleration on Heart Rate in Humans. NASA Technical Memorandum 110433, February 1997.

Human Research Facility

Arnaud, S.B., D.J. Sherrard, N. Maloney, R.T. Whalen, and P. Fung: Effects of 1-week head-down tilt bed rest on bone formation and the calcium endocrine system. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine 63:14-20, 1992.

Arnaud, S.B., K. Walker, and A. Hargens, eds.: Life and Microgravity Sciences Spacelab Mission: Human Research Pilot Study/Six Month Report. NASA Technical Memorandum 110395, April 1996.

Bernauer, E.M., W.F. Walby, A.C. Ertl, P.T. Dempster, M. Bond, and J.E. Greenleaf: Knee-joint proprioception during 30-day 60 head-down bed rest with isotonic and isokinetic exercise training. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine 65:1110-1115, 1994.

Convertino, V.A.: Exercise and adaptation to microgravity environments. In: Handbook of Physiology: Section 4: Environmental Physiology. III: The Gravitational Environment, edited by M.J. Fregly, and C.M. Blatteis. New York: Oxford University Press. Vol. II, Chapt. 36, 1996. p. 815-843.

Convertino, V.A., D.F. Doerr, D.A. Ludwig, and J. Vernikos: Effect of simulated microgravity on cardiopulmonary baroreflex control of forearm vascular resistance. American Journal of Physiology 266:R1962-R1969, 1994.

Convertino, V.A., D.F. Doerr, and J. Vernikos: Altered baroreflex control of forearm vascular resistance during simulated microgravity. Journal of Gravitational Physiology 1:P-31-P-32, 1994.

Convertino, V.A., J.L. Polet, K.A. Engelke, G.W. Hoffler, L.D. Lane, and C.G. Blomqvist: Increased §-adrenergic responsiveness induced by 14 days exposure to simulated microgravity. Journal of Gravitational Physiology 2:P-66-P-67, 1995.

Convertino, V.A., and H. Sandler: Exercise countermeasures for spaceflight. Acta Astronautica 35:253-270, 1995.

Crandall, C.G., K.A. Engelke, V.A. Convertino, and P.B. Raven: Aortic baroreflex control of heart rate after 15 days of simulated microgravity exposure. Journal of Applied Physiology 77:2134-2139, 1994.

Crandall, C.G., K.A. Engelke, J.A. Pawelczyk, P.B. Raven, and V.A. Convertino: Power spectral and time based analysis of heart rate variability following 15 days head-down bed rest. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine 65:1105-1109, 1994.

Crandall, C.G., J.M. Johnson, V.A. Convertino, P.B. Raven, and K.A. Engelke: Altered thermoregulatory responses after 15 days of head-down tilt. Journal of Applied Physiology 77:1863-1867, 1994.

Engelke, K.A., D.F. Doerr, and V.A. Convertino: A single bout of exhaustive exercise affects integrated baroreflex function after 16 days of head-down tilt. American Journal of Physiology 269:R614-R620, 1995.

Fortney, S.M., V.S. Schneider, and J.E. Greenleaf: The physiology of bed rest. In: Handbook of Physiology: Section 4: Environment Physiology. III: The Gravitational Environment, edited by M.J. Fregly, and C.M. Blatteis. New York: Oxford University Press, Vol. II, Chapt. 39, 1996. p. 889-939.

Greenleaf, J.E.: Fizjologia bezcynnosci ruchowej. (Clinical physiology of bed rest). In: Wprowadzenie do Fizjologii Klinicznej (Introduction to Clinical iology), edited by S. Kozlowski, and K. Nazar. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Lekarskie PZWL, 1995. p. 330-350.

Greenleaf, J.E., E.M. Bernauer, A.C. Ertl, R. Bulbulian, and M. Bond: Isokinetic strength and endurance during 30-day 6o head-down bed rest with isotonic and isokinetic exercise training. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine 65:45-50, 1994.

Greenleaf, J.E., C.G.R. Jackson, and D. Lawless: Immune response and function: Exercise conditioning versus bed-rest and spaceflight deconditioning. Sports Medicine, Training and Rehabilitation 5:223-241, 1994.

Hutchinson, K.J., D.E. Watenpaugh, G. Murthy, V.A. Convertino, and A.R. Hargens: Back pain during 6o head-down tilt approximates that during actual microgravity. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine 66:256-259, 1995.

Morey-Holton, E.R., R.T. Whalen, S.B. Arnaud, and M.C. Van Der Meulen: The skeleton and its adaptation to gravity. In: Handbook of Physiology: Section 4: Environmental Physiology. III: The Gravitational Environment, edited by M. J. Fregly, and C.M. Blatteis. New York: Oxford University Press: Vol. I, Chapt. 31, 1996. p. 691-719.

Murthy, G., R.E. Ballard, G.A. Breit, D.E. Watenpaugh, and A.R. Hargens: Intramuscular pressures beneath elastic and inelastic leggings. Annals of Vascular Surgery 8:543-548, 1994.

Murthy, G., D.E. Watenpaugh, R.E. Ballard, and A.R. Hargens: Exercise against lower body negative pressure as a countermeasure for cardiovascular and musculoskeletal decondititioning. Acta Astronautica 33:89-96, 1994.

Murthy, G., D.E. Watenpaugh, R.E. Ballard, and A.R. Hargens: Supine exercise during lower body negative pressure effectively simulates upright exercise in normal gravity. Journal of Applied Physiology 76:2742-2748, 1994.

Robertson, D., V.A. Convertino, and J. Vernikos: The sympathetic nervous system and the physiologic consequences of spaceflight: A hypothesis. The American Journal of the Medical Sciences 308:126-132, 1994.

Stout, M.S., D.E. Watenpaugh, G.A. Breit, and A.R. Hargens: Simulated microgravity increases cutaneous blood flow in the head and leg of humans. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine 66:872-875, 1995.

Torikoshi, S., M.H. Wilson, R.E. Ballard, D.E. Watenpaugh, G. Murthy, W.T. Yost, J.H. Cantrell, D.S. Chang, and A.R. Hargens: Ultrasound measurement of transcranial distance during head-down tilt. Journal of Gravitational Physiology 2:P-145-P-146, 1995.

Vernikos, J., and V.A. Convertino: Advantages and disadvantages of fludrocortisone or saline load in preventing post-spaceflight orthostatic hypotension. Acta Astronautica 33: 259-266, 1994.

Watenpaugh D.E., R.E. Ballard, G.A. Breit, E.M. Bernauer, C.G. Blomqvist, and A.R. Hargens: Calf venous compliance measured with head-up tilt equals supine calf compliance. Journal of Gravitational Physiology 2:P-21-P-22, 1995.

Watenpaugh, D.E., R.E. Ballard, M.S. Stout, G. Murthy, R.T. Whalen, and A.R. Hargens: Dynamic leg exercise improves tolerance to lower body negative pressure. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine 65:412-418, 1994.

Watenpaugh, D.E., and A.R. Hargens: The cardiovascular system in microgravity. In: Handbook of Physiology: Section 4: Environmental Physiology. III: The Gravitational Environment, edited by M.J. Fregly, and C.M. Blatteis. New York: Oxford University Press. Vol. I, Chapt. 29, 1996. p. 631-674.

Low Vibration Rotational Device / HyFaCC

Walker S, Wilder M, Dimanlig A, Jagger J, Searby N. Flow field measurements in the cell culture unit. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2002 Oct;974:518-40.

Johnson-Wint, B: Mechanisms of Force Generation by Cells. 16th annual meeting of the Society for Physical Regulation in Biology and Medicine, Chicago, IL, 1996.

Vestibular Research Facility

Anand, S., and D.L. Tomko: Adaptive plasticity in the squirrel monkey linear vestibulo-ocular reflex. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (ARVO Suppl.) 35:2036, 1994. (Abstract)

Chimento, T.C., J.F. Hetke, D.J. Anderson, and M.D. Ross: Unit responses from Scarpa's ganglion in the rat recorded with thin film multichannel passive electrodes. Association for Research in Otolaryngology Midwinter Meeting, St. Petersburg Beach, FL. February 5-9, 1995. p. 13. (Abstract)

Merfeld, D.M.: Eccentric rotation responses in both humans and monkeys. Neurology of Human Spatial Orientation, Ibiza, Spain. May 15-19, 1995.

Merfeld, D.M.: Modeling the vestibulo-ocular reflex of the squirrel monkey during eccentric rotation and roll tilt. Experimental Brain Research 106:123-134, 1995.

Merfeld, D.M., and L.R. Young: The vestibulo-ocular reflex of the squirrel monkey during eccentric rotation and roll tilt. Experimental Brain Research 106:111-122, 1995.

Schor, R.H., and D.L. Tomko: The Vestibular System. In: Vestibular-Autonomic Regulation, edited by B. Yates, and A. Miller. Chapt. 1. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1995. p. 7-23.

Somps, C.J., R.H. Schor, and D.L. Tomko: Vestibular Afferent Responses to Linear Motion in Alert Squirrel Monkeys. NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA: NASA Technical Memorandum 4581, 1994. 16 p.

1-Foot Diameter Centrifuge

Hammond TG, Benes E, O'Reilly KC, Wolf DA, Linnehan RM, Taher A, Kaysen JH, Allen PL, Goodwin TJ. Mechanical culture conditions effect gene expression: gravity-induced changes on the space shuttle. Physiol Genomics 2000 Sept 8;3(3):163-73.

Lwigale PY, Thurmond JE, Norton WN, Spooner BS, Wiens DJ Simulated microgravity and hypergravity attenuate heart tissue development in explant culture. Cells Tissues Organs. 2000;167(2-3):171-83.

Sanford GL, Harris-Hooker S, Lui J, Bosah FN. Wound healing following injury to vascular smooth muscle cell cultures is modulated by culture under hypergravity. J Gravit Physiol. 1999 Jul;6(1):P29-30.

Sanford GL, Harris-Hooker S, Lui J, Melhado-Gardner C, Pink Y, Wallace T, Bosah FN. Influence of changes in gravity on the response of lung and vascular cells to ischemia/reperfusion in vitro. J Gravit Physiol. 1999 Jul;6(1):P27-8.

Ortiz W, Wignarajah K, Smith JD. Inhibitory effect of hypergravity on photosynthetic carbon dioxide fixation in Euglena gracilis. J Plant Physiol. 2000 Aug;157:231-4.

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