[NIFL-AALPD:318] Adieu

From: Barbara Raines (braines@eldoradolibrary.org)
Date: Thu May 01 2003 - 13:56:24 EDT

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Well Ladies and Gentlemen it has been interesting if nothing else.
However, we are a small literacy group with limited staff and just do not 
have the time to wade through all the Emails.
Particularly hoping to find some relevancy to our program.  So yes I read 
them all then sigh and delete.  There have been some
kernals of information which I value and use so it hasn't been a complete 
waste.  Brief statements are so much easier to digest too.  Lengthy emails 
get scanned and many times the information you are looking for is in the 
last paragraph.  Perhaps we could follow some rudimentary rules of 
journalism:  Who, What, When, How, Where, etc. and then go into the more 
indepth discourse.  So easy to ramble.  I have no idea how many are on this 
list serve, obviously it covers the United States and Canada, but it 
appears only the same few are responding.  It seems to me that this is more 
a chat room format than a professional learning tool.
I wish you all well.

Barbara Raines, Director
Literacy Services Program
El Dorado County Library
(530) 621-5723

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