Package jpl.mipl.tlm.sirtf

SIRTF Telemetry Processor for APID's: 11, 13, 15, 20, 21, 23, 30, 31, 40, 41, 51, and 52 (Whew!).


Interface Summary
SirtfOutputProduct All SIRTF products generated by SirtfTlmProc must implement this interface.

Class Summary
AASGen AASGen is a standalone program that creates the Attitude and Attitude Supplement files as described in SIS FES-014.
AccountingBean Accounts for a set of statistics based upon the XML persistence files and SFDU's processed during a downlink.
AORStats Convenience class to allow for the tracking of Lists of products that are related by their AORkey.
APID12Packet Encapsulates telemetry for the Rate Bias and Star Tracker Assembly (STA) to PCRS alignment characteristics.
APID13Packet Parses and encapsulates telemetry data found in the pointing reconstruction APID.
APID15Packet Encapsulates telemetry for all the pre-channelized data that is used for both PHF and IPF processing.
CEOutputProduct SIRTF output product in ESS format that is designed for the MIPS/IRS CE (Combined Electronics) Memory Dump and Engineering Diagnostic data.
DatabaseOutputProduct Implements the SirtfOutputProduct interface to a database.
DownlinkSummary Compiles a set of statistics based upon the XML persistence files found under a downlink directory.
ESSOutputProduct Orders packets into destination file according to their group.
FieldWorkerHelper Replaces the necessary elements of the TPS system with fieldable elements.
IRACOutputProduct A SirtfOutputProduct dedicated to IRAC instrument data using the DCE packing convention.
IRSOutputProduct A SirtfOutputProduct dedicated to IRS instrument data using the DCE packing convention.
MIPSOutputProduct Implements the DCE packing convention for the Multiband Imaging Photomoter for SIRTF (MIPS) instrument.
PacketTimeStats Accounts for a set of statistics based upon the time (SCLK, SCET, ERT, RCT) of SFDU's processed during a downlink.
PAPRecord Bean to encapsulate salient information to tell PAP which packets not to delete from the spacecraft MMC (Mass Memory Card).
ParseCPT A parser that ingests the Channel Parameter Table, populating an internal TreeMap with the desired channel information.
PEWrapper Wrapper class that interfaces with the Pointing History Engine (PHE) supplied by David Bayard and his group.
PHFGen PHFGen is a standalone program that creates the Pointing History File as described in SIS 3030.
RateBiasBean Encapsulates characteristics for the spacecraft Rate bias estimates found in APID 15.
RateDataBean Encapsulates characteristics for the spacecraft Rate data found in APID 13.
RiceCMDecompression This is based on the Rice Compression algorithm and was implemented by Matt Klimesh.
SirtfCcsdsPkt SIRTF CHDO for SFDU data CHDO, type 10.
SirtfDB JDBC Interface class for SIRTF.
SirtfDownlinkInfo Collects downlink info that is used to generated the Nominal and Expedited Processing Reports.
SirtfEnv Encapsulates various environment resources that might be needed to process SIRTF telemetry.
SirtfFileProduct Provides a great deal of common behavior for the standard products MIPL is responsible for.
SirtfFitsHdr Implements the necessary functionality to mange the DCE FITS header.
SirtfFlip SIRTF MIPS Data Pixel Flipper Filter (say that fast three times ;-) ).
SirtfLog Contains all aspects of application logging used during SIRTF TLM processing.
SirtfMetaData Encapsulates a set of characteristics describing a SirtfFileProduct.
SirtfPacketStore Assigns an SFDU to a particular destination, usually a file or set of files, based upon information found within that SFDU.
SirtfProcessingReport This class is used for generating Sirtf processing reports.
SirtfSFDU A class that encapsulates a SIRTF SFDU (whether it be a data SFDU, a CDR or an ECDR).
SirtfTlmProc Main program for processing SIRTF telemetry data.
SoftwareConfig Encapsulates configuration parameters that are used to configure the software across multiple runs.
STA2PCRSBean Encapsulates characteristics for the spacecraft Star Tracker Assembly (STA) to PCRS alignment found in APID 15.
STADataBean Encapsulates characteristics for the spacecraft STA data found in APID 13.
TimeoutTask Implements the TimerTask Thread for use in both Expedited and Nominal timeouts for SIRTF.
VelocityBean Encapsulates characteristics for the spacecraft velocity found in APID 15.

Exception Summary
DecompressionException An exception that is thrown when a failure occurs while trying to decompress a SIRTF science packet.
FitsCreationException An exception that is thrown when a failure occurs while trying to initialize a product FITS header cache.
FitsECDRStoreException An exception that is thrown when a failure occurs while attempting to store ECDRs into the FITS header.
InvalidUPFException Exception used to denote that the UPF supplied by the user has some incorrect and/or inconsistent entries.
NoSecondaryHeaderException An exception that is thrown when a packet has been received that has no secondary header.
ProductInconsistentException An Exception that designates an inconsistency between the state of a DCE on disk vs what the database contains.

Package jpl.mipl.tlm.sirtf Description

SIRTF Telemetry Processor for APID's: 11, 13, 15, 20, 21, 23, 30, 31, 40, 41, 51, and 52 (Whew!).

The current state of this software is such that one can process SIRTF SFDU packets for the following APID's:

Decompression of science packets is also supported.

The products generated with the above data are:

This code requires a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), version 1.4 or better. The software is packaged into the common format known as a 'jar', a Java Archive. The name of this jar is 'sirtf.jar'.

The operation of this code is straightforward. The user must create a User Parameter File (UPF) that specifies at least the following parameters:

TDS_PORT = 6666
PVL_FILE = /path/to/pvl/location/file.pvl
TOP_DIR = /path/to/top/directory/
CAT_USER = jmm
CAT_PASSWORD = password
CAT_SERVER = miplDev
PHF_USER = jmm
PHF_PASSWORD = password
PHF_SERVER = miplDev
CPT = /export/sirtf/cpt/V3.0.40.wcpt
APID_LIST =  20, 21, 23, 30, 31, 40, 41, 51, 52

The keyword descriptions follow (defaults are in bold):

SFDU_SOURCE possible values: ( FILE || TDS )
If this software is run without benefit of the TPS, then only a value of FILE will work. This is known as standalone mode. In order to use a TDS for input, this code must be run under the TPS.
Path and file specification pointing to the file containing the SFDU's
VERBOSE_FLAG possible values: ( ON || OFF || 0 || 1 || 2 || 3 )
Path to the top of the directory tree where output products will be placed. Within this directory, SirtfTlmProc will collate the files into the appropriate subdirectories (which it will create as needed). Also, STP will "walk" the directories as needed, one per downlink, within TOP_DIR.
Path to the Channel Parameter Table. This file is not required for CE processing (APID's 51 and 52).
A comma separated list of APID's that are to be processed to an actual output file in OUT_DIR. This is used in cases where a file of SFDU's might contain data other than that desired for processing. APID's encountered that aren't listed in APID_LIST will be ignored.
PACKING_CONVENTION possible values: ( DCE || ESS )
DCE packing convention creates the typical FITS organization where multiple groups are placed into the same DCE. The ESS convention creates files similar to those created by the AMMOS ESS tool. This places the ancilliary packet and the packets within a single group contiguously within the file.
NAMING_CONVENTION possible values: ( SIRTF || BALL )
The naming convention used for the final products placed into OUT_DIR.
UNSIGNED_SCALING possible values: ( OFF || ON )
Enables unsigned scaling before writing data to certain instruments' FITS files to conform with FITS standard. This parameter is ignored when PACKING_CONVENTION is ESS and when processing CE data.
MODE possible values: ( PROCESS || ANALYZE || REPROCESS || GAPFILL )

default values are implied if the keyword is missing from the UPF altogether.

Once this UPF file is created the user runs the following command:

java -jar sirtf.jar <UPF file>