New SecVtx Framework Description

Mission Statement: To create a common framework for making secondary vertex taggers (i.e. merge BVtx with SecVtx, after a split in the past).

Description of this document: This will describe changes to the SecVtx coding framework. It is not a recipe of how to use SecVtx. This is intended for the audience of people who already know how to use SecVtx, and are interested in the structural changes that have taken place in the merge with BVtx.

Graphical Representation of the New SecVtx Framework

Class Overview of new SecVtx framework

Tagging Class Overview of new SecVtx framework

Secondary Vertex Tagging Framework Description
Secondary Vertex Tagging Framework Class Structure
Code Development Stages: Note: items in blue are completed. Mostly this will implement changes necessary to merge with BVtx people.
  1. Phase 1: Preparation (1-2 days)
    1. Create "2" files (i.e. rename everything to SecVtx*,hh)
    2. Create "ntdiff" program to make two ntuples and take differences, entry by entry
    3. Test ntdiff program
    4. Create 2000 top MC following b-tagging prescription
  2. Phase 2: Clarification (1 week)
    1. "Boolean-izing" code
    2. Indenting
    3. Commenting
  3. Phase 3: Modify code (2-3 weeks)
    1. "Functionalize" existing code
    2. Rename some variables for clarification
  4. Phase 4: Compatibility with CDF C++ (3-4 weeks)
    1. Make classes and namespaces out of logical items (SecVtxTrack, SecVtxTrackSelectors, etc.)
    2. Clean up interface (using C++ object collections)
    3. Leave in legacy interface for other people.
People Involved:
Salvatore Rappoccio
Last modified: Thu Mar 20 13:58:41 CST 2003