Information on 40-km RUC/MAPS runs at FSL

Information on 40-km RUC/MAPS runs at FSL

The 40-km MAPS model runs at NOAA/FSL generally use the same software as the Rapid Update Cycle at NCEP, but are more experimental. Changes made in the 40-km MAPS will precede changes made in the RUC by 3-6 months. The 40km MAPS run is on the same horizontal domain as the RUC-2 at NCEP. See the FAQ on this.

The best source of information on the 40km MAPS analysis, model, etc. is the RUC-2 Technical Procedures Bulletin . In this document, we list some information specific to the 40km MAPS runs at FSL.

The best way to keep track of specific differences is to compare the change logs for the 40km MAPS and the RUC2 at NCEP:

Change log for Experimental 40km MAPS running in real-time on castle (SGI Challenge)
Change log for operational RUC-2 running in real-time at NCEP

Variables available

Output for the GEWEX/GCIP project is made from the 40km MAPS runs at FSL. For more information about MAPS participation in GCIP and the output formats available through GCIP, click here.

Output times

This page prepared by Stan Benjamin

Last updated: 12 Oct 98