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Educational & Cultural Exchange

Working in the US

Internships/Voluntary Service | Sommerjobs, Work & Travel | Au Pair and EduCare | Resumes | Foreign Diploma and Credit Recognition | Visa Information


If you are looking for a summer job or an internship in the United States, there are many organizations in Germany which can help you. One of the most important tasks is helping you procure the proper and necessary visa for your time in the US. US immigration laws prohibit you from taking a summer job or studying at university if you do not have the proper visa. You may not enter the States on a tourist visa and then search for a place to work or do an internship. You must apply for the necessary visa in Germany. You can get the necessary forms (DS-2019) for the visa application through your future American employer, but few American companies are willing to get involved in getting a visa for a foreign national.

A list of designated sponsors, i.e. U.S. companies and organizations which can issue the DS-2019, is available from the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs

General advice about internships in the United States is available at the Praktikum in den USA">FH Hannover’s website "Internship in the USA."

Zentralstelle für Arbeitsvermittlung (ZAV)
The ZAV (Section Internationales) is a department of the Federal Ministry of Labor. Each year through its programs, approximately 1,000 people between the ages of 18 and 35 go to the United States. The jobs offered through the ZAV are oriented towards high school graduates, young employed people, and students. Through ZAV, one can participate in training programs for specialized professionals, work as a camp counselor in American summer camps for children and teenagers, and find jobs in national parks and vacation destinations. ZAV offers these programs mainly during the breaks between semesters and in the summer. Further information

InWEnt (Internationale Weiterbildung und Entwicklung)
InWEnt is active in the areas of international continuing education and the education of working professionals. Through the program "Praxissemester im Ausland," InWEnt sends students to technical schools in the USA, who also do internships at American companies. In addition, InWEnt offers various other work-programs for young professionals, who have completed their vocational/occupational training and have experience in their respective fields. These programs include "Career Training," "Deutsch-Amerikanisches Praktikantenprogramm," and other special programs in farming and horticulture. A "Career Training" program is also offered for students.

During the InWEnt Work-Study program, the participants (professionals who have completed job-specific training and students who have completed their Grundstudium) complete a praxis-oriented course of study at a US institution of higher learning and an internship. Last but not least, InWEnt participates in the Organisation des Parlamentarischen Patenschaftsprogrammes, through which young professionals, who have completed vocational training and are under 21 years of age, can study for a semester at an American community college and then complete an internship at a US company.

Apart from the ZAV- and InWEnt-programs, young people wishing to work for a while in the United States can find help and support from a number of other organizations offering various programs, for example: Au pair programs for young women with experience in child care (men are rarely taken on by these organizations), jobs as counselors at American summer camps, internships with American lawyers offered through the Deutsch-Amerikanische Juristenvereinigung, internships on farms offered through the Deutscher Bauernverband, clinical traineeships, internships at German chambers of commerce in the US, positions as foreign language assistants for German at American universities and colleges, positions as social workers

You can find more information about working in the United States by searching the "Internationale Begegnungen Übersee" database, maintained by the International Youth Exchange and Visitors' Services of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Internships, Voluntary work (FSJ/FSÖ, ADiA)

A good overview is provided by Wege ins Auslandspraktikum (Pdf) published by DAAD, IASTE, Eurodesk and Labor Exchange (ZAV).

For a list of commercial organizations offering internship programs, please see: University of Applied Science Hannover webpage on internships (Praktikum in den USA).

Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange Program for Young Professionals (CBYX)
DAAD - Praktika im Ausland
Education and Work: Exchangeprograms (Yahoo)
German-American Lawyers Association (Information on Studying Law and internships in the U.S.)
Hessen Networks! (Network for international student internships)
IAESTE - German Committee (International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience)
Internationaler Jugendaustauch- und Besucherdienst der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (IJAB)
InWEnt gGmbH (International qualification for young professionals)
USA-Interns (Steuben-Schurz-Society/Amerika Haus) (Interships for students)
Zentralstelle für Arbeitsvermittlung (ZAV) (Jobs and Internships in the U.S.A.)

Voluntary work (FSJ/FSÖ, ADiA)

Visainformation: Volunteering on a visitor visa (B-Visa) (Pdf)
Rausvonzuhaus Overview worldwide(Rausvonzuhaus - Eurodesk)
Alternative Service (Zivildienst) outside of Germany / (Bundesamt für Zivildienst)
Information on Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr
Information on Freiwilliges Ökologisches Jahr
Lernen und Helfen in Übersee - Oneworld Jobs Datenbank (Database listing opportunities for voluntary work in overseas countries)
Workcamps German organizations offering workcamps

Summer Jobs, Work & Travel

Information on Work & Travel from the FH Hannover
Summer Camp Programs (Peterson's) Information for kids; jobs as camp counselors
See also: Short Term Stays - Sommercamps

Au Pair, Au Pair Professional/Elite and EduCare Programs

Excerpt: What You Need to Know About the Au Pair Program (Department of State)
Should you wish to apply for an Au Pair position in the US, please contact an authorized Au Pair organization, as organizing an Au Pair exchange on your own is not possible. IMPORTANT: Au pairs may only enter the United States with an exchange/visit visa.

Young men and women (from ages 18 to 26) can participate in Au Pair programs if they meet the following criteria:
• have experience in childcare
• have a class 3 driver's license
• have basic skills in English (which will be proven during a selection interview)
• are non-smokers (for some organizations, this is a prerequisite)

Travel dates are available every two months (provided one applies early). These dates are subject to exceptions and can be adjusted to suit individual needs. Au pairs will be prepared for their stay in the US by their respective exchange organizations. They will also have health and accident insurance, can take language courses, and have the opportunity to consult the exchange organization sponsoring them should any difficulties arise.

The Au Pair program is financed through payments by the host family to the exchange organization. The details of the program are as follows:
• program lasts 12 months
• participants' flights to and from the U.S. are paid for by the organization (questions about details should be directed to the organization)
• Au Pair participate in a preparation seminar which covers topics such as child safety and child development
• participants' journey to their respective host families are paid for by the organization (for the first three days, a member of the host family or a contact person must be present in the house)
• Au Pair work 5 1/2 days per week (no more than 45 hrs./wk.) and have a long weekend once a month
• Children supervised by an Au Pair must be at least 3 month old
• participants must take continuing education courses
• participants have two weeks of paid vacation
• participants receive 139 USD per week; food and lodging are free
• participants have medical insurance (contact the exchange organization for further details)
• participants receive up to 500 USD per year for language courses
• participants are advised by representatives of the organization
• if necessary, participants can be lodged with another host family

Information for Au Pairs
Au Pair USA (Information and links from Au Pairs for Au Pairs. In German.
Au Pair Box (Verlag interconnections, Freiburg)
Au Pair Society (Bundesverband der Au-Pair Vermittler, Gastfamilien und Au Pair)
Guetegemeinschaft Au Pair Information on Au Pair Agencies and RAL certificate

Au Pair Professional/Elite A number of organizations offer special programs for professionals, e.g. kindergarden or grade school teachers, children's nurses, social workers etc. The responsibilities are the same as for an Au Pair, but the salary is higher.

EduCare In 2001, EduCare was created as a component of the Au Pair Programs. This component is specifically designed for families with school-aged children. Participants in EduCare may not be placed with families having preschool aged children unless alternative arrangements are in place for these children.
• EduCare participants work a maximum of 10 hours a day/30 hours a week.
• Must complete a minimum of 12 semester hours of academic credit, or its equivalent, during their program.
• Host families provide the first $1000 to the Au Pair (EduCare) toward the cost of the educational component.
• All Au Pair (EduCare) participants are paid in accordance with the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act.
Further information: What You Need to Know About the Au Pair Program (Department of State)


College Grad (Resumés, cover letters and more)
Guide to Resumé Writing (JobWeb Career Center)
Resumé Resources on the Web (Quintessential Careers)
Resumé Workshop (PurdueUniversity)

Foreign Diploma and Credit Recognition

The United States is a federal republic with a decentralized system of education. Degree, diploma, and credit recognition are not performed or regulated by the federal government. Recognition is not usually done by state or local governments, either, except in the case of professional licensure. Instead, the federal government and other levels of government rely on, and recognize, the evaluations of foreign academic, professional, and vocational credentials performed by the delegated competent authorities at the institutional level and in the private sector.

America's Career Infonet (ACINET): Workforce Credentials Information Center ("Workforce credentials include the various methods used in the workplace to measure on-the-job competency, such as educational degrees, licenses, certifications, and experience." Find information on certification, licences etc. Search by occupation and/or state)
American Dental Association (ADA): U.S. Licensure for International Dentists
American Medical Association - International Medical Graduates Section (Information on immigration, certification and licensing. Applying for residency positions)
Career Guide to Industries (2004-05) The guide provides information on available careers by industry, including the nature of the industry, working conditions, employment, occupations in the industry, training and advancement, earnings and benefits, employment outlook, and lists of organizations that can provide additional information.
Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools
Euridice Database (Information database on education systems in Europe - Germany. Includes glossary of German education system in English)
Higher Education Database (From International Association of Universities. English-language information on edcuational systems)
National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (Association of private foreign educational credential evaluation services, serving persons who have completed part or all of their education outside of the United States. They provide evaluation reports on applicant's educational qualifications.)
Occupational Outlook Handbook 2006/07 (Addresses and information on more than 200 ocdupations)
Teaching in the United States (U.S. Department of Education)
U.S. Network for Education Information (Overview and competent authorities)
USMLE Web Site (United States Medical Licensing Examination)

Visa Information

Please make sure you are aware of all visa regulations concerning your stay.
Visa Information for Interns and Au Pairs (U.S. Embassy)
Information on Sevis Fee
E-Journal: See you in the U.S.A. (International Information Programs)

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Last updated: August 2007

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