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35. Combined quantum and molecular mechanics

Combined or hybrid Quantum Mechanics and Molecular Mechanics (QM/MM) is a simulation methodology that is about 15 years old but in all the literature there are cautions that calibration computations must be done to validate the model for each particular chemical system studied. This is not a black box style computation and the NWChem users are advised that without calibration QM/MM may not give the appropriate results35.1. Since both quantum-mechanical and classical molecular mechanics are involved in the calculation good working knowledge of the two methods is required to ensure meaningful results.

The QM/MM module is invoked with the following task directive.

  task qmmm <string qmtheory> <string operation> [numerical] [ignore]
where qmtheory specifies quantum method for the calculation of the quantum region. It is expected that most of QM/MM simulations will be performed with with HF or DFT theories, but any other QM theory supported by NWChem should also work. Currently the supported operations for QM/MM runs are energy, optimize, saddle, dynamics, numerical hessian, and numerical frequencies.

Unlike pure quantum mechanical calculations the information about the chemical system for QM/MM simulations is contained not in the geometry block but in the externally prepared topology and restart files. These files have to be present prior to any QM/MM simulation. The input file for QM/MM simulation can be divided into three major parts - specification of the molecular mechanics parameters for the classical region, specification of the quantum mechanical method for the quantum region, and the parameters of the interaction between quantum and classical methods. All this discussed in detail in the sections below.

35.1 Preparation of the restart and topology files

Generated by the prepare module (see section 32) restart and topology files contain information about the classical force field as well as the coordinates of quantum (QM) and molecular mechanics (MM) regions. In a typical setting this "preparation stage" would be run separately from main QM/MM simulation. This will require a properly formatted PDB file for the system. In more complex cases (e.g.non-standard residues or nucleotides) additional fragment and parameter files might have to be provided by the user. The definition of the quantum region in the input for the prepare module is specified by either modify atom directive (see Section 32):

modify atom <integer isgm>:<string atomname> quantum

or modify segment directive

modify segment <integer isgm> quantum

Here isgm and atomname refer to the residue number and atom name record as given in the PDB file. It is important to note that that the leading blanks in atom name record should be indicated with underscores. Per PDB format quidelines the atom name record starts at column 13. If, for example, the atom name record "OW" starts in the 14th column in PDB file, it will appear as "_OW" in the modify atom directive in the prepare block. In the current implementation only solute atoms can be declared as quantum. If part of the solvent has to be treated quantum mechanically then it has to redeclared to be solute. In addition to modify commands the prepare input block should also contain update lists and ignore directives. There are other options that can be used in the input block for the prepare module ( e.g. solvating the structure, etc ), those discussed in more details in Section 32. The successful run of the prepare module will result in generation of topology and restart files. Similar to classical MD, both files are required for QM/MM simulations and have to be placed in the same directory as the input file. Here is an example input file that will generate QM/MM restart and topology files for the ethanol molecule

title "Prepare QM/MM calculation of ethanol"
start etl

#--name of the pdb file
   source etl0.pdb                    
#--generate new topology and sequence file
   new_top new_seq                    
#--generate new restart file
#--define quantum region (note the use of underscore)
   modify atom 1:_C1  quantum         
   modify atom 1:2H1  quantum         
   modify atom 1:3H1  quantum         
   modify atom 1:4H1  quantum         
 update lists
task prepare

These are contents of etl0.pdb file used in the above input file.

ATOM      1  O   etl     1       1.201  -0.271  -0.000  1.00  0.00           O
ATOM      2  H   etl     1       1.995   0.329  -0.000  1.00  0.00           H
ATOM      3  C1  etl     1      -1.180  -0.393   0.000  1.00  0.00           C
ATOM      4 2H1  etl     1      -2.128   0.155  -0.000  1.00  0.00           H
ATOM      5 3H1  etl     1      -1.130  -1.030   0.887  1.00  0.00           H
ATOM      6 4H1  etl     1      -1.130  -1.030  -0.887  1.00  0.00           H
ATOM      7  C2  etl     1       0.006   0.573   0.000  1.00  0.00           C
ATOM      8 2H2  etl     1      -0.042   1.220   0.890  1.00  0.00           H
ATOM      9 3H2  etl     1      -0.042   1.220  -0.890  1.00  0.00           H

Running the input shown above will produce (among other things) the topology file ( and the restart file (etl_md.rst). The naming of the topology file follows after the rtdb name specified in the start directive in the input (i.e. "start etl"), while the "_md" suffix in the restart file name is specific to the way prepare module works in this particular case. If necessary, this particular naming scheme can be altered using system keyword in the prepare input block (for more details see Section 32).

Here is more complicated example where the entire ethanol molecule is declared quantum and solvated in a box of spce waters:

title "Prepare QM/MM calculation of solvated ethanol"
start etl
source etl0.pdb
new_top new_seq
#center and orient prior to solvation
#solvation in 1 nm by 2 nm by 3 nm box
solvate box 1.0 2.0 3.0
#the whole ethanol is declared quantum now
modify segment 1 quantum

update lists
task prepare

Fixing atoms outside a certain distance from the QM region can also be accomplished using prepare module. These constraints will then be permanently embedded in the resulting restart file, which may be advantageous for ceratain types of QM/MM simulations. The actual format for the constraint directive to fix whole residues is

fix segments beyond  <real radius>  <integer residue number>:<string atom name>
or to fix on atom basis
fix atoms beyond  <real radius>  <integer residue number>:<string atom name>

The following input file illustrated the use of fix segments directive

start etl

source etl0.pdb
new_top new_seq
#solvation in 40 A cubic box
solvate cube 4.0
modify segment 1 quantum
#fix residues more than 20 A away from ethanol oxygen atom
fix segments beyond 2.0 1:_O
update lists
task prepare

35.2 Molecular Mechanics Parameters

The molecular mechanics parameters are given in the form of standard MD input block as used by the MD module (c.f. Section 33). This input block is required for QM/MM simulations. It specifies the restart and topology file that will be used in the calculation. It also contains information relevant to the calculation of the classical region (e.g. cutoff distances, constraints, optimization and dynamics parameters, etc) in the system. In this input block one can also set fixed atom constraints on both classical and quantum atoms. Continuing with our example for ethanol molecule here is a simple input block that may be used for this system.

# this specifies that etl_md.rst will be used as a restart file
#  and will be a topology file
  system etl_md
# if we ever wanted to fix C1 atom 
  fix solute 1 _C1

35.3 Quantum Mechanical Parameters

The parameters defining calculation of the QM region (including basis sets) must be present in the traditional NWChem input format except for the geometry block. The geometrical information will be constructed automatically using information contained in the restart file

35.4 QM/MM interface parameters

The QM/MM interface parameters define the interaction between classical and quantum regions. The input follows standard NWChem format:

  [ eref <double precision default 0.0d0>]
  [ bqzone <double precision default 9.0d0>]
  [ mm_charges [exclude <(none||all||linkbond||linkbond_H) default none>]
           [ expand  <none||all||solute||solvent> default none]
           [ update  <integer default 0>] 
  [ link_atoms <(hydrogen||halogen) default hydrogen>]
  [ link_ecp  <(auto||user) default auto>]
  [ region   < [region1]  [region2]  [region3] > ]
  [ method   [method1]  [method2]  [method3]  ]
  [ maxiter  [maxiter1] [maxiter2] [maxiter3] ]
  [ ncycles  < [number] default 1 > ]
  [ density  [espfit] [static] [dynamical] default dynamical ]

Detailed explanation of the subdirectives in the QM/MM input block is given below:

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Dunyou Wang 2009-03-13