

Server Access Programmer's Guide:
Sample Applications

Create an approval process database (APDBSample)

Create a calendar and events (CalendarSample)

Create and search a database item (DBExample)

Create and search a directory connection (DirConExample)

Transfer ownership of items (Ownership)

Convert an email message into discussion page component (DiscussionInbox)

Publish a file from a Documentum docbase to an eRoom (DCTM Sample)

Create a Project Schedule (ProjectScheduleSample)

Create communities and members within a site (SiteSample)

These applications are written in Visual Basic 5.0. Files for each application can be found under the Toolkit\Samples\SAAPI subdirectory. Each application includes a robust user interface and has been compiled into an executable that can be run on any computer that has an eRoom server installed.


Create an approval process database (APDBSample)

This application creates an approval process database, sets some overridden properties in the steps, creates and rejects entries.

Interfaces used

This application uses the following Server Access API interfaces: IERUSvrManager, IERUFacility, IERURoom, IERUCollection, IERUItem, IERUDBColumn, IERUContainer, IERUDatabase, IERUDBProcess, IERUDBProcessStep, IERUDBQuery, IERUMemberSet, and IERUMemberManager.

Application files

The following table describes each of the files used in the APDBSample application:

File name



The Visual Basic project file.


The Visual Basic project workspace file.


The application executable.


Helper functions that implement creating and editing the approval process.


The dialog box that prompts for information about the approval process.


Create a calendar and events (CalendarSample)

This application creates calendars and events and allows the user to search for events in a calendar.

Interfaces used

This application uses the following Server Access API interfaces: IERUSvrManager, IERUFacility, IERURoom, IERUItem, IERUContainer, IERUMember, IERUCollection, IERUCalendarPage, IERUCalendar, IERUCalendarEvent, and IERUCalendarRecurringEvent.

Application files

The following table describes each of the files used in the CalendarSample application:

File name



The Visual Basic project file.


The application executable.


Helper functions that implement creating the calendar, creating events, and finding events.


A function to log the find results to a file.


The main dialog box for selecting a facility and room.


The create calendar dialog box.


Graphical elements of a form, such as icons.


The create event dialog box.


The find dialog box.


Graphical elements of a form, such as icons.


The recurring event dialog box.


The wait message dialog box.


Create and search a database item (DBExample)

This application creates and searches database items.

Interfaces used

This application uses the following Server Access API interfaces: IERUSvrManager, IERUFacility, IERURoom, IERUItem, IERUContainer, IERUMember, IERUCollection, IERUDBColumn, IERUDatabase, IERUDBRow, IERUDBCell, and IERUDBQuery.

Application files

The following table describes each of the files used in the DBExample application:

File name



The Visual Basic project file.


Helper functions that implement creating and searching database items.


The main dialog box for selecting a facility and room.


The create database dialog box.


The search dialog box.


Create and search a directory connection (DirConExample)

This application creates and searches directory connections.

Interfaces used

This application uses the following Server Access API interfaces: IERUSvrManager, IERUFacility, IERUMemberManager, IERUDirectoryMember , IERUDirectoryUser, IERUDirectoryGroup, IERUCollection, IERUDirectoryConnection, IERULDAPConnection, and IERUDirectorySearchCriteria.

Application files

The following table describes each of the files used in the DirConExample application:

File name



The Visual Basic project file.


The Visual Basic project workspace file.


The application executable.


The create connection dialog box.


The search connection dialog box.


Transfer ownership of items (Ownership)

This application displays a list of all items in all eRooms in a specified facility that are owned by a specified member. If the logged-in user is an administrator of the facility, ownership of all the items can be transferred to another member of the facility. The following list describes the process by which ownership is transferred from one user to another.

Note: The user to transfer ownership from is called the target user. The user to transfer ownership to is called the replacement user.

  • All eRooms that the target user belongs to are identified.

  • The replacement user is added to each of these eRooms, with the same role as the target user.

  • The replacement user is added to each CanEdit list that contains the target user.

  • The target user is removed from all CanEdit lists.

Interfaces used

This application uses the following Server Access API interfaces: IERURoomSearcher, IERUMember, IERUUser, IERUGroup, IERURoom, IERUFacility, and IERUAccessControl.

Application files

The following table describes each of the files used in the Ownership application:

File name



The "Who Can Edit" dialog box.


The login dialog box.


The search dialog box.


The application executable.


Graphical elements of a form, such as icons.


Graphical elements of a form, such as icons.


Constants and helper functions used by the application.


The Visual Basic project file.


The Visual Basic project workspace file.


Convert an email message into discussion page component (DiscussionInbox)

This application watches an eRoom Inbox for email messages with a special format subject, and converts them into dicussion topics and comments to be added to a discussion page. The message body is used as the topic or comment body. After processing the email messages, the messages are moved to the processed messages folder.

Note: Format email subject as follows:

Subject=comment_id:Your new response name

Subject=/discussionpath/topic:Your new comment name

Subject=discussion_id:Your new topic name

Subject=/discpath:Your new topic name

Interfaces used

This application uses the following Server Access API interfaces: IERUSvrManager, IERUFacility, IERURoom, and IERUItem

Application files

The following table describes each of the files used in the Converting Email Message application:

File name



The Visual Basic project file.


The application executable.


The "SvrMgr: eRoom Item Watcher" dialog box.


Publish a file from a Documentum docbase to an eRoom (DCTM Sample)

This application prompts the user for a login, docbase, community, and room. After the user selects a file from the DocBase, the application publishes it to the room that the user specified.

Interfaces used

This application uses the following Server Access API interfaces: IERUSite, IERUUserContext, IERUCommunity, IERUSiteRoom, IERURoom, IERUCollection, IERUExternalStorageProvider, IERUexternalStorageManager, IERUMember, IERUItem, IERUDocumentumSettings.

Application files

The following table describes each of the files used in the DCTM Sample application:

File name



The application executable


The Visual Basic project file


The dialog box that prompts for information about the login, community, room, and DocBase


Implementation for publishing the file


Create a Project Schedule (ProjectScheduleSample)

This application creates Project Schedules and Project Tasks.

Interfaces used

This application uses the following Server Access API interfaces: IERUProjectSchedule, IERUProjectTask, IERUApplication, IERUCollection, IERUItem, IERUSite, IERUCommunity, IERURoom, IERUSiteRoom, IERUContainer, IERUSiteSettings

Application files

The following table describes each of the files used in the ProjectScheduleSample application:

File name



Implementation for creating the Project Schedule


Subroutines that manage the data collected from the dialog


Subroutine that creates a new project task


The Visual Basic project file


Create Communities and members within a Site (SiteSample)

This application illustrates some of the modifications that can be made through the IERUSite interface. It displays a list of communities on the site and allows you to create new communities, create new members, and set member permissions.

Interfaces used

This application uses the following Server Access API interfaces: IERUCommunityManager, IERUCommunity, IERUMember, IERUCollection, IERUUser, IERUGroup, IERUSite, IERUMemberManager, IERUMemberSet, IERUApplication, IERUUserContext, IERUPermissionManager.

Application files

The following table describes each of the files used in the SiteSample application:

File name



Subroutine for creating a community and setting its properties.


Dialog for displaying community members and allowing you to create new members and set member permissions.


Subroutines for creating new members.


Main dialog box that displays communities in the site.


Subroutines for setting member and default permissions.


Helper functions for converting between strings and enum values.


The Visual Basic project file.



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